I suggest we join hands and lobby the senate sub committee for immigration. The immigration bill is on the floor and amendments are being proposed. If we do not make our case now and tell the senators about the changes we want we will not make any progress. Remember there are much bigger lobbies that have pushed through bigger amendments and we need to send a huge number of requests quickly to make our voice heard.
It took me 10 minutes to put together my text and click submit on the link below. Please let me know when you have sent your request.
I am hoping there are at least 99 more individuals who join me in this quest.
Here's what I suggest you write about:
Link for sending request/plea:
Info to be included in your letter:
a) the length of time you have been stuck in the name check queue
b) professional and personal hardships that have been caused by the delay
c) your analysis that the delay is being caused because FBI does not have enough personnel to decide on the potential matches on name checks that are pending
d) the fact that legal immgirants have paid taxes from the day they took up jobs in this country, an average of 5-6 years and that they are key contributors to the America's competitivenes in the global economy. Therefore, legal immigrants should not be subject to undue delays in name check processing. Once we are past the green card line we can devote our energies to starting up the next Google or Yahoo and create billions of dollars of wealth for USA.
What to request:
1) Please request them to put controls in place ao that name checks are processed first in first out (i.e. those that are stillwaiting get precedence over new submissions) and that those that generate 'hits' are resolved in a max of 60 days.