STOP Sonia becoming PM - Petition

forum123 said:
Plus you raise an interesting point, according to you BJP is not communal

my_immig_acct has already given a fitting reply to you on the matter of communalism. He has covered most of the points that i wanted to say when i read your posting in the morning. Normally i do not post lengthy replies from work. Now i got all the time in the world to reply :D. Let me explain the same facts in my language.
If Modi and there by BJP is communal for trying to protect the culprits, then the same thing applies to Rajiv Gandhi and congress party for their role in anti sikh riots in 1984. One of the key accused person responsible for those killings is Sajjan Kumar, who was an MP at that time and who is still the congress MP from that place. Another congress top politician Jagadish Tytler who served as a minister before, was also accused of having played a role in those riots. And most importantly the media has blamed Rajiv Gandhi for the delay in controlling the riots and subsequent lenience in punishing the culprits. It is precisely the same accusations that Modi faced. The media quickly forgave and buried Rajiv's role where as they are still writing about Modi's role. This congress party was again involved in archestrating riots in Hyderabad in 1993 to bring down the chief minister of that time (Janardhana Reddy) and succeeded in their misssion. It was reported by the media only.
The number of sikhs killed in 1984 congress riots is almost same as the number of muslims killed in gujarat riots for which BJP is blamed. In 1984, it was just 1 person's killing by 1 or 2 people that led to the killings of thousands of innocent people. In 2003 atleast the motive for revenge is much larger and understandable (i mean , if such a thing happened any where in india, the same reaction would have happened irrespective of ruling party). BTW, media has reported that Godhra train massacre was led by a Goghra town congress corporator. All these things never come into the radar of ignorants like you. You guys read news paper once in a while and digest the same words that some of the leftist media uses for BJP , RSS, VHP etc.
What do you and your clown media mean by the word "communal" ? You clowns are using this word for any one who fights for the causes of Hindus. Stop following the wind and let your brain analyze things properly before passing judgements based on media language. I do not say that media news is wrong (i myself base lot of my arguments on media news), but i strongly oppose those media which has given too much coverage for Mulayam, Laloo, communists , congress alliance. These jokers never miss a chance to call BJP, RSS and VHP as communal and by printing the statements of these people each and every day, the media has knowingly or unknowingly sowed wrong seeds in the minds of indians that BJP, RSS and VHP are communal and spreading a hate campaign. Ignorants like you are ready takers of these seeds sown by these jokers. They(Mulayam, Laloo, congress) are the people who are really dividing the nation on caste lines and communal lines. The communist party calls BJP a communal element and asks every party to keep a distnace from BJP but they (communists) themselves form an alliance with Indian Union Muslim League in Kerala. How come a party with clear religion name and catering only to one community be not a communal party if BJP is called a communal party for taking up the issues for Hindus ? This is opportunistic politics. Rogues like Mulayam Singh callthemselves champions of Secularism and what they really do is acting like messiah of Muslims. Look at any of the news articles and you will know what Mulayam does every day. He called himeself Maulana singh yadav. His party gave full page ads in Urdu papers comparing this SOB with some islamic prophet (Hazrt Ali or some one).
The other hard core secular (as per media) is Laoo prasad Yadav. Nobody needs any introduction to his character. He is the most corrupt politician india has ever seen, as per the same media. He is one of the few chief ministers who went to jail on corruption charges while serving as the CM. what a shame ? He rules Bihar by dividing the people into yadavs+ Muslims+few other castes Versus Remaining castes. And such a horrible moron is still in power for the past 15 years. Now do you understand why i said that you can't judge a party or a person based on electoral wins ?
Don't you guys have any shame in following into the trap of these corrupt, communal elements and call the real patriots as communal ?
I do not belong to any political party and i have never visited even RSS web site. I just appreciate RSS and BJP for trying to unite Hindus, in the name of Ayaodhya or what ever issue and saving hindus from fighting one another in the name of caste (a result of VP singh's madal commission). I personally believe that BJP brought Ayaodhya issue to neutralize the mandal effect. Look at the timing of the two things and you will understand what i am saying.
So the indian political field is polarised into two groups: One the one side you have congress, SP, RJD, communists alliance which is trying to divide people on caste lines and apeease Muslims all the time resulting in Muslims thinking that they are not indians but Muslims . On the other hand you have BJP which is trying to unite hindus fight the appeasement politics. You can accuse BJP of dividing indians into Hindus versus muslims, but tell me from the bottom of your heart, when did hindus and muslims lived as one community, without dislike for each other ? If that is the case why Muslims asked for separate state and divided india (they are still trying to divide india in kashmir) :mad: . Seeing from all the happenings in kashmir, kosovo, palestine etc, is it not clear to you that muslims will never live with others if they are in majority in an area ? Are they not responsible for starting the Gujarat riots ? Are they not responsible for killing about 10 hindus in a mass attack (by hundreds of muslims) in Kerala ? Are they not responsible for supporting the kashmiri militants which resulted in entire hindu community leaving their homes and living in dingy tents in Delhi ?
I have not seen any comments on them in your 10 postings in this thread :mad: . If you don't want to blame an entire community for the actions of a few people, then don't blame BJP for the actions of Modi. I don't support him either. He should heve been kicked out long back. It was a mistake by BJP and they might have realized it by now.
Useless fellows

Congress has shown their manhood. Serving congress for life, and having more experience than stupid sony - how can you imagine and accept a foreigner as a coutry leader.
Either you are non-patriotic, shameless or idiots.
Anyhow sho is finally
"kicked out on her butt" :D:D
Now the Madame is considered to have done a supreme sacrifice. Again full credit to the media. I would give full marks to Sonia for being so clever and exploiting the circumstances.

Who knows, when the pinkos start rewriting the text books (read "history text books" their favourite ) suggesting that Kilji, Babar, Akbar and Aurangazeb have done great things to India and Sonia's name may also figure along with them :)

When I was in school, I remember reading about Sankara, Madhva and Ramanuja in history text books. Recently I was surprised to see that Sankara and Madhva have been removed and you know-why. (Ramanuja was retained - for a reason). But they still have Md Nabi and jesus. What do you call this Secularism ?

There is not much difference between the ethnic cleansing being done by the terrorists in Kashmir and the pinkos who do the same systematically. I would call this as state sponsored terrorism. All they're interested is self destruction, India bashing (read "hindu bashing") and subscribing to the western theories ignoring our own. (eg. Aryan theory, which was established by the westerners for their own purposes - to demean Indian history, everything good comes from the west, and divide and rule )

It has been argued time and again that Hinduism withstood the centuries of foreign invaders (read "religions" ) and their atrocities and it will still continue forever. This may not be true in a long run considering all these state sponsored terrrorists, ethnic cleansing and mass conversion. Do a google search "10/40". You will be shocked to see how things are being planned for mass conversion so systematically. They've unlimited funds and resources. Do you know the reason for the mightly Roman's fall ? They didn't keep a check on Pope in the initial stages of christianity ? I sincerely hope that this must not happen to our country. Hindutva is nothing to do with the religion and Hinduism is a way of life. I hope that people understand the difference between communalism and Hindutva.
1. Now don't talk this bull shit that Rajiv was responsible for the 1984 riots. He was not even elected by that time as PM or Congress party head :mad: , the riots started as soon as the news broke out that Indira Gandhi was assaisnated, and as far as symathy waves go Rajiv derserved it.

Don't ignore that the fact that Rajiv was in the power center even when Indira was alive. He had participated in the intelligence meetings and was objected by the officials because he was not even a sitting member. Will this work when congress is in power ? Officials are just pawns. Congress is also notorious for running the kitchen cabinets.

Don't forget his famous words "when a giant tree falls ....".Nobody condemned him for his words

4. Hindus are smart now, except Sanghis and they know that BJP, VHP, RSS are playing them for their votes as even after completing a FULL term in the office, BJP did not do anything about Ayodhya, the main purpose for which they was never for Ayodhya it was always for power...and they got more angry when strategically BJP again added Ayodhya on the manifesto for this time...and Yes Rath yatra again but this time peope just didn't buy all this nautanki.

Hindus are lineant, easily be manipulated and exploited and they trust everyone. Otherwise nobody would be appreciating mugals and also tolerating the symbols of humiliation they had put in place after destroying our shrines. For that matter even keeping the symbols of humiliation put in place by the colonialists.

Remember how Ghori was let go by Pritvi, Robert Clive was let go alive only to be massacred by him later.

5. Dude I am with the wind which is flowing in the right direction, if you want to make a comparison, people thought about this factor, "who is worse between BJP + Allies or Congress + Allies", and they said you know BOTH are worse, so let us pick one which is less u go...BJP kicked out...entire world laughed at BJP because of theatrics from Uma Bharati and Susham Swaraj....if BJP is not good sport then please you and other people like you should try to be...otherwise the future elections will have worse results for BJP...Democracy is Is/For/By the people and people made their choice, BJP should ACCEPT this, STOP being a cry-baby.[/QUOTE]

This Congress+left combination is more dangerous to the national security, pride and the identity.

I can quote numerous examples on their secular credentials and the ability to defend the nation.

Vande Mataram was not made the national anthem, the one that is responsible for the mobilisation of masses to the freedom movement. Why ? it is not perceived to be secular.

Even Mahatma would be called communalist today if he talks about RamaRajya and for his opposition to missionaries.

And the huge cry by these "secularists" on the recital of a prayer to Saraswathi. But these secularists will happily participate in Ramadhan feast. Remember the DMK leader who once said, "Ramadhan fasting is good for health", the same person ridiculed the Hindu festivals and Hindus' fasting once a week.

Remember the himalayan blunder when the great PM Nehru washed off his hands on Assam "my heart goes to the people of assam" Bull. It was because of brave soldiers, we still have assam with us. And everybody knows how much the security was compromised by the prime minister and his right hand Menon.

Remember all the wars we fought from 1948 to 1971. In spite of decisive victory, we lost in paper. POK is still POK.

Remember the donation of Kutch island to Srilanka as a goodwill gesture at the expense of Indian farmers loosing their profits

Also, don't ignore the fact of Rajiv and family fleeing the country during the war, not enlisting himself as a pilot, Sonia seeking asylum into the Italian embassy during emergency etc... ( I wonder if someone flees the country to another country, how much assets would have already been established in the other country )

Also don't forget that China now displays Sikkim as part of India.

BJP is not crying on the defeat, they accepted the defeat, they clearly told that they wouldn't attempt to form the govt. They're only saying that a foreigner should not become a PM, period.
forum123 said:
1. Now don't talk this bull shit that Rajiv was responsible for the 1984 riots. He was not even elected by that time as PM or Congress party head :mad: , the riots started as soon as the news broke out that Indira Gandhi was assaisnated, and as far as symathy waves go Rajiv derserved it.
YOU ARE WRONG. First of all the riots did not start as soon as the news broke out. They started after 1 day. Secondly, Rajiv became PM within 1 or 2 days of Indira's death. He was the PM when the riots took place and he was blamed by sikhs and opposition for making irresponsible comment to news media (when a news person asked him to comment on the riots, he said that it is natural when a giant tree falls, there will bound to be some effect). I did not say Rajiv is responsible for the riots. I said that Rajiv has done the same thing that Modi has done, but he got escaped with minor criticism where as Modi paid a much bigger price and he is still paying for it. Just like Modi, Rajiv's government did not act fast to control the riots and also it tried to save the culprits. The congress leaders who lead those riots were not arrested. But who is going to blame congress or mulayam for their communalism ? Our minds are so much poisoned by the media coverage to the propaganda of congress+communist alliance, that we only blame BJP as communal party and every body else gets scot free :mad: .

2. what about the fact that Advani, Tagodia frequently do Rath Yatras, Trident, Yags distribution (if BJP would not have been in power this clown would have been booked under POTA for distributing weapons in name of religion), what are they symbolising and who are they targeting with all this Nautanki.
What is your problem with their rath yatras ? Didn't your italian spy Sonia not do Rath yatra ? She called it Road shows, but what's in a name ? :rolleyes: . The Andhra CM 'Rajasekhar Reddy' also did Rath yatra during the campaign. You seem to be having problem only when BJP does it. Don't set different rules to different parties :mad: . Don't blame Modi if you don't want to blame Rajiv. Also Mr Tagodia has not done any illegal thing. The size of the tridents is very small and it is legal to carry them, as per news items. They are not for attacking any one. They are more of symbolic nature, like the Sikh kripans. The purpose is to infuse bravery in hindus who are exremely passive and peace loving by nature. We have unfortunately taken a strong liking to that stupid message from gandhi : 'if some one slaps you, give him the other cheek'. Nothing can be more stupidier statement than that but we worshipped this fakir so much, we have taken his message too strongly :(
It is this impotent nature of hindus that is the cause for the onslaught of missionaries, muslim attacks and the arrival of italian spies as PM candidates in india :eek:

3. So you do agree that Modi should have been thrown out, glad to hear that, but you know why he was not kicked out because of his support from Advani, VHP and RSS buddies, infront of whom Mr. Vajpayee also is useless
You are once again wrong. The reason he is not kicked out is electoral and psychological reasons. Advani support or RSS pressure has nothing to do with it. Had Modi been removed from CM post, he would have revolted against BJP and BJP would have lost the Gujarat elections. Another affect(of Modi's removal) will be that the Jihadi Muslims and the other anti hindu groups and congress+communist parties (they are all same) will declare a victory in Modi's removal. Many Hindus have seen him (Modi) as a hero at that time ( because it is one of the rarest moments in indian history when hindus have paid their dues fully back to the attackers). Any action on Modi would have angered Hindus. In spite of all these reasons, they (BJP) should have taken the risk of losing an election rather than taking a "communal" tag. It was definitely their mistake.

4. Hindus are smart now, except Sanghis and they know that BJP, VHP, RSS are playing them for their votes as even after completing a FULL term in the office, BJP did not do anything about Ayodhya, the main purpose for which they Won...
This shows your immature political knowledge (actually your very first post made it clear to me that you are a light weight in history, politics and GK :cool: ). This is the reason i said in the very beginning that 'never ever think that you are more knowledgeable than me'. It was not a boasting. It was my clear conviction, based on your immature comments (Sonia won the mandate to become PM, BJP is communal etc).
Coming to the point, BJP has not touched the Ayodhya issue because BJP did not win the election on their own. The allies have made it very clear that if BJP talks about Ayodhya, then they will withdraw the support. Some of the BJP allies like TDP, Trinamol congress and Samata party has a lot of Muslim supporters and they did not want to lose them. The govt that has ruled india in the last 6 yrs is not BJP govt, it is NDA. The NDA agenda is different from BJP agenda. The day BJP wins the election, you will see the Ram temple in Ayodhya :cool:

5. entire world laughed at BJP because of theatrics from Uma Bharati and Susham Swaraj....
Sonia played the biggest theatrics than any one else. Your totally biased eyes could read only those postings by readers like you who laughed at BJP leaders. Actually as many people have made comments on Sonia. Have you not see the comments and mass signature drive by more than 24,000 people in the following petition ?

otherwise the future elections will have worse results for BJP...Democracy is Is/For/By the people and people made their choice, BJP should ACCEPT this, STOP being a cry-baby.
BJP will come back to power in the next elections. Nobody can stop them. The reason i am so sure of their win is : THE RULING PARTY LOSES :D
Ek Jhalak

See, while i am typing my analysis and attacks on the communal congress alliance, they have started their usual game of using the word 'communal' towards BJP. They use it in almost every statement on every day and that is the main reason why some people have this strong imprint on their mind that BJP is communal party. Time for people to realise their games :mad:
I don’t belong to ANY political party and any particular religion you can call me agnostic, atheist, or rationalist and it does not matter what you call me because I am what I am. In simple Hindi I can say:

Insaan Bannay main jab ayi mujburian nazar!!!
Koi Hindu, Koi Muslman, koi Sikh ban gaya!!!

Here is the reason why Sonia could not become PM:

By refusing to be the Prime Minister, was Sonia Gandhi listening to her conscience or was it because she was on legally shaky ground on the citizenship issue?

Media reports are claiming that the latter is the case. Some newspapers reported that the President of India talked to Gandhi at length on Tuesday and explained to her that her candidature for PM is on a legally shaky ground.

But the President’s Office on Wednesday denied that President A P J Abdul Kalam had discussed the citizenship issue with Gandhi at all when she met him on Tuesday.

But even if the Prez did not raise the issue, others might have had Gandhi wanted to go on to become Prime Minister.

According to Section 5 of the Citizenship Act of 1955, Gandhi may not have the right to assume the office of the Prime Minister of India

Under Section 5, the rights and privileges allowed to foreigners who become citizens by application (not by birth) are conditional upon the rights and privileges granted to Indians in the country of the concerned person (Italy in this case). So, a lot would depend on whether India-born people who become Italian citizens are permitted to become Prime Minister of that country.

Other legal obstacles to gandhi's becoming PM apparently come from Articles 102 and 103 of the Constitution. Article 102 says: "A person shall be disqualified for being chosen as, and for being, a member of either House of Parliament" on any or more of five possible grounds. Clause(d) of the same Article says "... or is under any acknowledgement of allegiance or adherence to a foreign state".

The Pioneer report says: The term "adherence" had to be clarified specifically as Ms Gandhi in her affidavit before the Returning Officer of the Rai Bareli Parliamentary constituency had stated that she owned ancestral property, namely portion of a house, in Orbassano, Italy, the country of her origin. This fact of ownership, legal experts say, makes her subject to Italian law in this matter and could be interpreted as "adherence" to a foreign country. Since this portion of the ancestral property was apparently bequeathed to her by her father in his will, she inherited it only after his death. Consequently, the property was not hers when she filed her 1999 nomination affidavit.

Article 103 states that "if any question arises as to whether a member of either House of Parliament has become subject to disqualification mentioned in Article 102, the question shall be referred for the decision to the President and his decision shall be final".

Clause 2 of the Article says: "Before giving any decision on such question, the President shall obtain the opinion of the Election Commission and shall act according to such opinion."

Of course, the issue is academic now, unless Gandhi plans to become Prime Minister in the future, but this time around, it may have put obstacles in her path which would have harmed both her and the Congress-lead alliance.
Now, Dr. Manmohan Sign is Prime Minister of India, so it's time to wrap up this discussion since India is in safe hands of a technocrat.
shailshah said:
All of you guys who were worried about Sonia becoming PM - screw yourselves.

Frogs in a well.

People like you are not worried about Sonya :cool: becoming PM because either you belong to the congress communal alliance or you don't care about the country. You have every right to be selfish and don't bother about the country, but don't ask every one else to follow your path (and your wierd acts :D )
What is your answer to the allegations against Sonya for her liaisonship with italian spies in the following article (the link originally posted by 'my_immig_acct') :

Don't think that this guy (gurumurthy) is trash. He is surely an RSS associate , but that's not the issue. The issue is whether he is right or not. This is the guy who has announced to indian media that he is going to start a nationwide movement against Sonya if she becomes the PM. Almost all the news papers in india have published his statement. Along with Sushma and Uma he played one of the big roles in kicking Sonya out of the PM chair. If he is not so sure about his information, he would not have dared to announce his national fight. This person's articles are published in many major news papers in india. Sonya is obviously hiding a lot. She did not sacrifice her post, she was cornered by circumstances. I believe that the news reports about president asking her about her eligibility under article 5, is true and that is the main reason behind her about turn.
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Edison said:
Now, Dr. Manmohan Sign is Prime Minister of India, so it's time to wrap up this discussion since India is in safe hands of a technocrat.

I too like Manmohan, though i am not sure if he will be allowed to work with free hand or made to work as a puppet of Sonya. India is indeed fortunate to have people like Narasimha Rao, Vajpayee and Manmohan Singh as prime ministers in recent years. That is why we are making rapid progress on all fronts.
My hatred for congress is mainly due to their lack of individuality, lack of courage, corruption, selfishness, support for criminals etc. Let me explain each of these allegations :
1) Lack of individuality : congress men are known for their loyalty to their leader. Loyalty is fine, but they go to extreme extent and makes us ashamed for electing them. They never choose their CM, it is always dictated from Delhi. Their party is always headed (except for a very brief spell in 90's) by Nehru family. There is not much internal democracy in that party. It is like a Monarchy. This is the main reason why i am so scarred of Sonya becoming the PM. Nobody will question her and she will have access to everything. She has not yet cut off all her italian connections. Her parents, sisters etc are all still 100% italinas, living in Italy. How can you treat such a person as 100% indian ? I have absolutely no objection if a Muslim or Christian becomes a PM, if they are 100% indian( he/she, her parents, grand parents should all be indians).

2) Lack of Courage : As "my_immig_acct" has pointed out, there were many blunders done by congress leaders like Nehru and indira on the issue of wars. Nehru's blunders are all too well known to many people. First of all , in 1948 when pakis attacked kashmir, this fellow went to United nations instead of breaking their (pakis) neck. Pak is such as small country and having a much smaller army at that time(even now :D). This is a result of Gandhian philosophy of non violence and offering the other cheek to the slapper :mad: . Had he fought with pak without going to UN, we would not have kashmir issue now and we would not have lost POK area to a smaller opponent. Then he (Nehru) made many more blunders during China war :mad: . Coming to Indira gandhi, Indian army had won a big war in 1972 and they were about to capture Karachi. But indira gandhi backed down on knowing about American seventh fleet movement. She simply withdrew the army without getting anything in return. In my opinion, she should not have withdrawn the forces unless Pak gives up the Kashmir issue for ever. She simply got 'Simla agreement' which is a useless one as none of the subsequent pak governments took note of it. Similarly, we have seen news reports that PV Narasimha Rao was about to carry out nuclear tests and cancelled it because of american threat. But when BJP came to power, they simply went ahead and carried out the tests within 5 months of coming to power. What happened then ? America could not do anything. Attacking a country like India is not a small thing for any one. You just need courage and congress leadership lacked it. They always succumbed to american pressure :mad:
I would like to add a note that i admire Nehru greatly. He is my ideal. He is the person i like the most after Vivekananda. I understand that nobody is perfect and Nehru had his limitations, but his positive contributions far outweight the negative ones. He is the person who gave all the Dams, National highways, IIT's, REC's, Nuclear power (yes, it's started in Nehru's' time), all the research and technological institutes, major public sector giants (those great steel plants etc) to the country. He is a great visionary and he is the father of modern india.

3) Corruption : The congress party of the freedom movement has died with the death of Nehru (see my definition of INC below). The party became symbol for corruption. Very rarely there was a congress chief minister who has not faced serious corruption charges. In late seventies and eighties the news papers were full of news about the corruption. Politicinas have become symbols of corruption due to congress governments. Though corruprion is not limited to congress, the level of corruption is much less in non congress governments (except laloo yadav).
1954 : INC = Indian National Congress
1974 : INC = Indira National Congress
2004 : INC = Italian National Congress

4) Selfishness : Most of the congress leaders will do anything for the sake of power. Most of them are not patriotic and their only objective is power. They
always try to appease certain sections of people by going to unreasonable extent (changing constitution for Sha Bano case, giving air tickets to Haj pilgrims etc).

5) Support for criminals : During Indira gandhi's time, the rowdies had a field day in india. All the rowdies in india used to work for the congress netas and the police could not control them. So these rowdies controlled the society for a long time. congress politicians used these goons to see that they will not get any new opponents in their constituency. They used to rule without any opposition. Things improved a bit in 1990's.

On a positive note, congress is not as bad as it was under indira gandhi. Atleast the support for criminals has reduced and corruption has also reduced.
Other things remain the same. My hatred for congress started in early 1980's. I hated the way indira gandhi handled the punjab situation (initially propping up Bhindranwale against the Akali Dal and then not acting soon to control his activities when he started terrorist activities). People hated indira so much during 1982 - 1984 time that she would have lost elections with a much bigger margin than in 1977. So when i heard about her death in October'1984, there was an instant glee on my face. She was a monster.
For the past 25 years, i have rarely missed any political or other news. Reading news is my number one hobby for the past 20 years.
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Bold_Trueth said:
See, while i am typing my analysis and attacks on the communal congress alliance, they have started their usual game of using the word 'communal' towards BJP. They use it in almost every statement on every day and that is the main reason why some people have this strong imprint on their mind that BJP is communal party. Time for people to realise their games :mad:

The way I imagined. This is how they were screwing India by hiding Indian History. All the destruction carried out by Mughals will be hidden if they're in already (which I guess is not, most of the state textbooks are controlled by the state govts, the very reason why I see so many ignorant posts in this thread) Babar, Akbar, zeb and Kilji will become heroes now. Never forget that the Trio temples...Kasi, Mathura and Ayodhya were marked for destruction in the month of Ramadhan. Babarnama and Zeb's records have irrefutable evidence for these atrocities. (When asked Pinkos initially said Babarnama is wrong and has no proof, but they're quite about Zeb's records. ) Destroying temples, slaughtering hindus are achievements for these savages and hence they meticulously recorded everything.

Hindus are tolerant, fundamentalism doesn't go with Hinduism. They're magnanimous in still living in harmony with the religions which in the past and now have been sabotaging Hindutva and India. They've shown their tolerance in a number of ways. This must not be exploited or there will be more Gujarat like incidents which is also equally dangerous for the country. The pseudo secularists should learn from their past mistakes and try to correct themselves which is very very remote.

Another example of western historians style: Chamuthra Gupta is called Nepolean of India. But Chamuthra never lost a battle whereas Nepolean was royally screwed. See where I'm coming ? Anything good comes from the west, if India has something good, then it is compared with some western theories. Has any western guy was called Chamuthra Gupta of England or spain ??
Some very important questions on national security and pseudo secularism.....

Combination with left only forces our friends in the international arena distance themselves away from us. Several of my US friends expressed disappointment and displeasure about the left supported govt in place in India.

To Edison about Manmohan's choice for PM:

Manmohan has been the family's loyalist for more than 2 decades. Had he been a pro-liberalisation and pro-globalization, the reforms must have taken place a long time ago. It was only during the non-family's PM, these happened. There was no alternative but to open the markets, he took credit for being at the right place at the right time.

Remember his famous words on the stock market's abnormal growth during his times "I wouldn't loose my sleep on that" and everybody knows what happened.

with regards
Some more credentials of the current ruling party and especially its supporters :) towards National Integrity and pride. Sorry for posting the long one, last paragraph gives a good summary

Title: Saffron, khaki and Reds
Author: Varsha Bhosle
Publication: The Sunday Observer
Date: January 4-10, 1998

In December, Chief Election Commissioner M S Gill wrote to Prime
Minister I K Gujral, urging the promulgation of an ordinance to
permit defence personnel to cast their votes by proxy, instead of
through the usual postal ballots. Apparently, postal ballots
invariably reach too late, often after the counting of votes is
over, virtually disfranchising the security forces.

The EC, then, convened all nationally recognised political
parties - the Congress, BJP, JD, CPI, CPI-M, BSP, and Samata
Party - to get a favourable consensus on its proposal to
introduce proxy voting for the forthcoming general elections.
Naturally, no such consensus was reached.

Representatives of all the parties - that is, all except the BJP
- wanted the decision to be left to Parliament for "a wider
debate since it involved an amendment to the Representation of
the People Act". Meaning, let's sit on it at least till this
vital election goes by....

If they have their way, an estimated five million security
personnel will be kept from exercising their suffrage in this
election - people who are good enough to protect the posteriors
of the liberals, but not significant enough for politicos to
recommend a special ordinance to hasten their enfranchisement.

The Representation of the People Act.... Very serious. Amendments
to it must be left to the sages in Parliament. Which institution,
under the aegis of these scrupulous parties, has more or less
become a representation of criminals. Parties declining the EC's
proposal include the Congress, which feeble old dame will always
be remembered for passing an overnight, debate-less amendment in
order to nullify the Supreme Court judgment on the Shah Bano

Why the BJP supported the proxy-voting proposal was never a
mystery to me: Votes of the right will go to the right.... Only
later did I read that 95 retired officers from the army and the
BSF, including generals, major-generals, brigadiers, colonels,
captains, squadron leaders, etc, had formally joined the party.
Sure thing, it put paid to any apprehension this jingoist may
have had about the BJP. I mean, even if Sitaram Kesri were to be
welcomed into the party now, I can't envision the khaki battalion
doing the nodding-Gadgil bit. All in all, it's lookin good!

But just as I was beginning to smack my chops, entered the CPI-M:
On 27 December, while inaugurating the 16th state conference of
the party in TN, politburo member R Umanath warned the nation
that the entry of defence cadres into the BJP would pave the way
for the establishment of "military rule" in the country. Also,
if the BJP came to power at the Centre, the RSS would intrude in
defence affairs. Shudder, shiver, shiver, shudder....

As proof, Comrade Umanath quoted the "reported remarks" (said by
whom, reported where, are to remain secret bytes) of one of the
retired army officers while joining the BJP. To wit, "the armed
forces can do anything better than others, whether it is
administration work in the government or running the politics of
the country". The comrade said the statement sends a "dangerous
signal" to the country and would ultimately "jeopardize its unity
and integrity".

Which makes me ponder over the Left's concept of this unity and
integrity of India.

While decoding the pinko rationale, one must remember that all
leftists hold Marxism, though a mid-19th-century European
contrivance, to be a valid ideology for India. However, Hindutva
- stemming from Chhatrapati Shivaji's "Hindvi Swarajya", endorsed
by Samartha Ramdas, and advanced by Veer Savarkar - is a
philosophy alien to us. That's basic Red.

Now, what was the role of the Left during the Quit India
Movement? In the '30s, the Soviets had condemned World War II as
an "imperialist war" ie, Imperialistic Britain and France pitted
against to-be-imperialistic Germany. logically, the commies
should have fought against Britain. In truth, what they did was

However, when Germany attacked the USSR, overnight, the
"imperialist war" became the "peoples' war" and the comrades
resolved to support the Allies. Britain's enemies - including
Indian nationalists like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, - became
the CPI's enemies, and the Stalinists merrily betrayed Indian
freedom fighters to the British Raj.

About their political overview, Bhabani Sen Gupta writes: "The
CPI envisaged India as the home of many nationalities whose
political aspirations had to be met in a scheme for independence.
The resolution gave each of 'these distinct nationalities' the
right to a sovereign or autonomous state within an Indian
federation or union, with the right to secede if it so
desired.... The CPI recognized the 'justness' of the League's
Pakistan demand.... The CPI offered the Muslim 'wherever they are
in an overwhelming majority in a contiguous territory', the right
to 'form their own autonomous states, and even to separate if
they so desire".

Funny thing is, Mr Sen Gupta (JNU alumnus I K Gujral's buddy),
writes all this while declaring the CPI's "patriotism".

Ah, the JNU.... Who doesn't know of the grip pmkos have on
Delhi's Jawaharlal Nehru University - which campus echoed with
cries of "China's chairman is our chairman" in the '60s? Its
Professor Romilla Thapar has written that the John Stuart Mills
classification of Indian periods into Hindu, Muslim, and British
is incorrect, since there was nothing like a Hindu period! You
see, Hindus were always just a motley crowd with no common
civilization, culture or literature. It's well in line with the
Stalinist dictate that India should be divided into 19

More pinko patriotism: In February, Sitaram Yechuri (the radical
>from JNU and CPI-M politburo member), when asked to name the
aggressor in the 1962 Sino-Indian war, skirted the issue, arguing
that it was "not in the national interest" to address the
question since the answer could have "international

And what of Bengal's commissar - projected as a future PM? During
the same Sino-Indian War, Jyoti Basu addressed a meeting with:
"It's being Propagated that the country has been attacked by the
Chinese.... If the country has been attacked how is it that this
by-election is being held?" It was Lal Bahadur Shastri, then home
minister, who angrily retorted: "How an Indian could make such a
statement, I can't even imagine."

Even after Mr Basu's recent admission that Communists had made a
"wrong assessment" of Netaji Subhash Bose by branding him a
traitor, what's happening to the 150-odd survivors of the INA and
Rani Jhansi Regiment...? In the 50th year of Independence, this
aged, dying brigade is locked in a war against the Marxist
government, fighting for financial assistance and having to prove
their. credentials - months after the scheme was to have taken
off. Sunil Gupta, general secretary of the INA association, says,
"It certainly hurts to be pushed from one door to the other when
we try to pursue the matter at Writers' Buildings. The tragic
part is that we had never begged for it."

Comrade Umanath is worried about the RSS, eh? A circular dated
21 January 1930, written by RSS founder Dr Keshav Hedgewar,
states: "The Congress Working Committee has appealed to the
nation that 26th January, 1930, should be observed as the
Independence Day We are naturally overjoyed to find that the
Indian National Congress has finally declared that full swarajya
would be its goal. It is our duty to see that all those who
believe in this goal co-operate in observing this day as the
Independence Day."

An organisation about whom Dr Zakir Hussain said, "The
allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against the
Muslims are wholly false." Whose founder went to prison for
participating In the Civil Disobedience Movement in 1932. A group
which was lauded by Gandhiji as being rooted in high ideals and
public service.... Good lord, if such was the RSS, in Hitler's
stead, I'd have gassed the swayamsevaks for discrediting Fascism!
Question is, with an eye on history, whom would you rather have
"intrude in the defence affairs" of India - Jyoti Basu's CPI-M or
Hedgewar's brainchild?
Bold_Trueth said:
People like you are not worried about Sonya :cool: becoming PM because either you belong to the congress communal alliance or you don't care about the country. You have every right to be selfish and don't bother about the country, but don't ask every one else to follow your path (and your wierd acts :D )
What is your answer to the allegations against Sonya for her liaisonship with italian spies in the following article (the link originally posted by 'my_immig_acct') :

Don't think that this guy (gurumurthy) is trash. He is surely an RSS associate , but that's not the issue. The issue is whether he is right or not. This is the guy who has announced to indian media that he is going to start a nationwide movement against Sonya if she becomes the PM. Almost all the news papers in india have published his statement. Along with Sushma and Uma he played one of the big roles in kicking Sonya out of the PM chair. If he is not so sure about his information, he would not have dared to announce his national fight. This person's articles are published in many major news papers in india. Sonya is obviously hiding a lot. She did not sacrifice her post, she was cornered by circumstances. I believe that the news reports about president asking her about her eligibility under article 5, is true and that is the main reason behind her about turn.
Hey-hey! If the most powerful democracy in the world can have a dummy president, why can't the largest?? :D

P.S. I've always Abu on the Simpsons Idian or Pakistani?