STOP Sonia becoming PM - Petition

Agree with Milko_Djurovski. There is a thread(unrelated forums or something), where people are posting and getting replies too. Could you please put it there?
forum123 said:
Dude sorry to say this but by saying Uma Bharati is a warrior itself depicts your mentality, that is very similar to clowns from VHP and their likes, let me know the name of one sane person who will say Uma Bharati, Tagodia are NOT Clowns and Phonies, probably you must be one of the worshippers of Modi too. It is just due to some clowns like you who support all these clowns BJP lost elections...remember 'bad apples CAN rot all the other ones but CANNOT win elections purely on HATE agenda'...Don't come up with anti-indian slur against me as I am also Indian, just better informed...and yes one who praises Vajpayee who rightly deserves it and hate clowns (should I repeat the list )...grow up buddy.

Wake up my friend. The whole world does not think your way. Just because you think that some one is a clown or hate mongerer, every body does not think so. You are such an ignorant friend of mine, that you don't understand that Uma Bharti was elected by the people of MP as their chief minister. BJP made it clear during those elections that Uma is their chief ministerial candidate and BJP won a landslide win. It is only people like you who do not have independent views, who are easily brainwashed by leftist media. And don't ever think (not even in dreams) that you are well informed than me. Our debate will tell people who is better informed.
forum123 said:
Hey, get some life...if you are so much disturbed why don't u go back to India and start campaigning for BJP...

I will do that if all the leftists in this forum go and campaign for congress and communists. To make my stand clear, i am not some one who champions the cause of any one (BJP or VHP), but one can always count me in to jump in to debates if i see some ignorant friends like you make sense less comments on nationalist forces.
I signed the petition but I guess we got what we wanted.
I am surprised how even educated people think Sonia should be PM. I wonder if it is blind devotion to Gandhi family or just lack of national pride or maybe ignorance.

For those who think Sonia should become PM, here is interesting reading.

Some excerpts:
She filled an application in 1968 for permission to stay as a foreigner in India for five years. She said, "I am married, I am married into theIndian Prime Minister but I would still like to remain a foreigner." So she was given a certificate in 1968 to reside in India as a foreigner for five years. In 1973, after the first five-year period expired, she again applied for the permit to stay on in India for another five years as a foreigner. And this is the person who is going to live and die for us. My friend Cho Ramaswamy told me not to believe what she says, There is not only a complete divorce between what she says and what she does; there is also a clue that she will do precisely the opposite of what she says. I will come to it later; there are instances and instances.
So, she again applied for a foreigner's permit. You know why? Between 1968 and 1973, there were indications of war with Pakistan over East Pakistan. And sure enough there was the Bangladesh war. During that conflict, when all commercial pilots were asked to forego their leave and enter service, she asked Rajiv to go on long leave. He was given special permission and they left the country. Throughout the period of the war, they were in Rome. Why? Because the American Seventh Fleet was moving towards India, and Sonia Gandhi probably had serious doubts about India's survival!

So she deserted the country with her husband. She returned only after peace was restored, and after India had won the war because of Indira Gandhi. This is where the stark contrast between Sonia Gandhi and Atal Bihari Vajpayee is most glaring. Look at their conduct after the two wars.
and so it goes on..

People say that Congress ushered in reforms. While it is true but it was not done when any of Nehru-Gandhi dynasty was at the helm.
It was started by PV Narsimarao who brought in Manmohan Singh as Finance minister. And now Gandhi family takes all the credit but conveniently forgeting the name of PV Narsimha Rao.
forum123 said:
I see, rather than all this pompous dialogs why don't you just accept people have spoken against BJP. As according to you people of MP elected Uma Bharati, which if I am informed is one state, so why don't people like you and others stop being a cry-baby and accept that Sonia was also peoples choice as it was very clear from the beginning that if Congress wins she will be the PM candidate, just as if BJP would have then Vajpayee would have. I am not brain washed, even one of the RSS outfit yesterday asked for Modi's ouster so what is happening...are they also brain washed by Left...then good luck to everyone in RSS etc

You are right about congress making it very clear that Sonia is their undisptable leader but who gave the mandate to congress to rule india ? They got just 145 seats out of 543. BJP and the press has repeatedly asked Sonia during the election campaign about who will be the PM if the congress alliance wins and she always said that the issue will be decided by allaince partners after the polls. NDA has cearly announced that Vajpayee is their PM candidate and congress alliance has not declared any one. So the vote for congress alliance is not a vote for Sonia. congress came to power not due to people's vote for Sonia or congress, but because the people who voted against congress in Kerala, West Bengal and UP are cheated by their elected representatives (communists and SP) .
i don't know why you are not reading my posts properly. you seem to be more eager to type some reply than to read my post completely. Have i not said that BJP has announced during the campaign in MP that Uma will be their CM candidate ? Where is the question of cheating here ?
Secondly, this thread is about Sonia Gandhi and not about who won more seats or why BJP lost the elections. I have clearly mentioned my reasons on why BJP lost the election. you seem to have not read that post also :mad:
Yes, what ever be the reasons, BJP lost the elections and they have no complaints about it. Some BJP leaders have made an issue about Sonia becoming the PM and i agree with them. I dispute you and the people like you only to the issue of if people gave theur mandate for Sonia to become the PM of india and i firmly say "NO" and i have already gave my analysis for my belief.
If in future, the congress alliance(including communists and SP) goes to an election with a pre declaration that Sonia is their united candidate for PM post, and they win the election, then i will not complain about Sonia becoming the PM. Ofcourse i know that it will never happen. These communists and SP will continue their double game of fighting against the congress in the elections and then joining congress after the elections :p

OK, it's time to work. I will give any replies to your further posts in the evening. Hey, i am only debating with you. No personal animosity. That's why i am addressing you as "my friend" some times. Our views just happen to be on the opposite sides of the fence.
See you in the evening.
forum123 said:
I am also debating, I am sorry if I offended you or anyone...I am also not a big fan of Sonia but I despise poor loosers, this was my point..BJP should have accepted the defeat like good sport and should have not acted like a cry-baby by raising the origin issue.

OK, let's resume our fight :D . BJP has accepted the electoral defeat. They have not staked claim and they have not complained about any bad electioneering. Some BJP members have expressed their outrage at Sonia becoming the PM and that's perfectly valid. Their point (and mine) is that Sonia did not win any direct or implied mandate to become the PM. While every one knows that she will be the PM if congress comes to power on its own, people are not sure if she will be the PM if the congress alliance comes to power. This is because :
1) congress alliance includes NCP which has always opposed Sonia . Only after the elections they buried their differences.
2) Not a single opinion poll predicted that congress alliance will win the elections. So the possibility of Sonia becoming the PM is in nobody's mind.
3) Lot of people believed that even if congress alliance wins more seats than NDA, they will still fall short of majority and they can't form a govt without the support of Mulayam Singh. Many predicted that he will become the king maker if BJP does not win the elections. And every body thought that Mulayam will never support Sonia.
4) The press and BJP has asked the congress party and their alliance partners about who will be the PM if their alliance wins. They never answered that Sonia will be the PM.

In light of all the above factors, i will say that any fractured vote should not be seen as an endorsement of Sonia's candidature for PM post. Congress has every right to elect its leader and that's why BJP leaders did not go to the extreme steps that they have announced now (cutting hair, resigning from CM post etc). How ever, a Prime Minister is not a private affair of a a party. The whole country pays for it :mad: . As i have said clearly, people have not given a mandate to congress party to come to power and as such BJP leaders are NOT DISRESPECTING THE PEOPLE'S MANDATE. Sonia and congress played a smart game by not announcing Sonia's name as the PM candidate during elections. They smartly avoided the backlash and after the elections, when nothing else is there in people's hands, they have tried to make her the PM.
I do not know the motives of Uma or Sushma but their fight is fully justified. I am sure (it is evident to every one) that Sonia backed off after seeing the intensity of BJP's opposition to a foreigner becoming the PM. If she is so confident about people's mandate, she would not have backed off. Also if she is really not interested in becoming the PM (as she bluffs now), why did she not announce the same when congress party has elected her as the congress parliamentary leader, which means PM.
Here goes..

Ok..This is enough. This should be the end of this.
We have the constitution that dictates the norms of parliament. No matter how one interprets the election results, it is the law of the land that takes precedence over people's personal opinions. One can cry hoarse over the rooftops, have every valid justification, every valid criticism- but my friend this is a democracy and it is but natural everyone cannot be satisfied.
So even though it is a hung parliament with no clear mandate, the party that leads the coalition has got the say over who should be the PM in consultation with the alliance parties. The other parties and their supporters need to shut the F up..its is a simple but hard fact ( i know some people would find this hard to digest- my advise to them is to consult your netas or representatives and work on amending the constitution). Then there won't be any need for such stupid discussions in the future.

PS I am not endorsing any person nor am I against any party here. I am just standing by the great Indian Constitution which is secular and non-biased.
Nobody here or in india (uma/sushma) is questioning the right of congress party or its alliance to elect the leader of their choice. Some BJP leaders are protesting Sonia's accession to the throne in their personal capacity. Don't they have a right to protest ? Don't i or pungiwala have a right to denounce an Italian to become our prime minister ? Nobody is crying like a baby here. It is those typically shameless congress id**ts who are crying foul about the protests by some BJP people. Don't join them in crying. Some people are brainwashed by indian media into calling the nationalist BJP men as communal forces. BJP is not running any hate campaign. They just completed a 6 yr rule in india and their performance is there for every one to see. The electoral results do not mean anything in a country where the vast majority of the people have never gone to school and struggle every moment of their life. I have already said that in my earlier posting. The local issues and anti incumbancy factor plays the biggest role in almost 80% of the elections in india in recent times. Look at the results of last few general elections. you will get the point.
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I for one fully agree with Bold_Trueth's views. This is totally a fractured mandate. I can't agree that this is a mandate for Sonia to become the PM. Think about it BJP's 138 seats Vs Congress 145 seats.

Everything was going well in the center and hence the regional issues played a bigger role in the election.

>> Go and see the reports about this and you will see the massive cover-up Modi orchrestarted to hide his crimes, and central BJP watched everything...if you look at the polls BJP game plan of getting solid votes in Gujrat also failed...this shoul serve as a warning sign to Modi, Tagodia and other similar clowns...

I can't agree with this. Even for argument sake there was a coverup, it has been happening all the time at a greater level with non-BJP governments. The media also has a role in this cynistic approach towards the BJP govt. 9 Hindus were slaughtered outside a temple in Kerala by you-know-who and it was never widely reported by any of the media, and the Cong Govt calls for truce. Have you read the Neogi's report on the missionaries' activities right from the independence ? Was anything done by the congress govts which ruled for such a long time ? they've only fueled them to grow. I call this also a cover-up.

In the riots in the wake of Indira's assasination, how many congress leaders have been convicted so far ? zero. What do you call this ? Fair judgement. Has any supreme court judge dared to call Rajiv's statements were not in good sense ?

Supreme court fired Modis, don't expect this would happen for a state congress govt, if the congress is also in the center.

It's the media and so called pinkos and pseudo secularists who always bleed in their hearts for the minorities and care a damn towards the majority.

Anything to-do with Hindus doesn't mean communalism.
Whenever things like the godhra happens, there is bound to be some form of retaliation. I'm not saying that it is correct to retaliate. It is not possible to apply Gandhian principle here with the emotions of the people. (show your other side if you're slapped) people do not like to be beaten upon forever. Just compare the same with Coimbatore incident, where the police took it in their own hands after seeing their co-workers butchered and the Govt was not bothered to take action against those who committed the atrocities (you-know-why to appease them and vote bank politics )

Even after all this, nobody talks about the root cause of the Gujarat riots, and try to punish the original culprits. Why ? it will affect communal harmony. If you punish others, you're restoring the democracy, this is just crazy.

There is always a breaking point after which no force could control anything, it is bound to go out of hand.

Modi still won the assembly elections. If you think there was a massive coverup, he must have been thrown out of power.

You can't give a free hand to all religions except the majority one and stamping it with whatever terms you all use.

Sardar, the visionary once said that the well being of the minority is at the goodwill of the majority.

Now with the congress in the center, it is only going to be worse.

Having deviated too much away from the topic, have a look on the credentials of the great congress leader who has made a supreme sacrifice yesterday by refusing to be PM.

Also don't forget what happened in Peru with their Japanese president. These are certain precedents from which we need to learn.
forum123 said:
Dude, now u are back to square one, now you are saying people of India who elected are wrong and BJP was always right :mad: .

What i said (or implied) is that "you can't judge a political party's performance based on electoral outcome in a country like india". I have already explained my reasons for this belief and if you have not understood them before, let me try one more time. Now a days, in majority of cases, the ruling party generally loses the election. Look at the national elections : congress lost elections in 1977. In 1980 Janata party lost elections. In 1984 congress won the elections ONLY BECAUSE OF SYMPATHY WAVE. There was deep resentment against congress rule at that time. How ever 2 factors have helped congress coming back to power.
1) TV was just introduced across most parts of india in 1984 and for the first time people were seeing the horrific story unfolding in TV, about how the body guards killed their Prime Minister. This had a very big effect on people.
2) Rajiv Gandhi looked very innocent and every body instantly liked this handsome young man. People were sympathetic that this fellow lost his father, mother and brother at such an young age.

And this was the only time a ruling party has won the elections back to back in india(general elections) in the past 30 years. Ofcurse there is a minor exception in 1999 when BJP went to polls within 1 yr of the previous election and won because of kargil war and nuclear tests and also because they didn't rule for enough time for people to really throw them out :cool: .
Even most of the state government elections are having the same fate : Ruling party loses. The exceptions are very few. I personally will not give any credit or debit to any party based on electoral points. I see them from an educated patriotic person's perspective and i feel that BJP is better than all other parties.
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