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STATE.gov sending email with your confirmatiopn number, check your junk mail

No e-mail as yet. I highly doubt that everyone will receive it. Nobody reported getting it yesterday. Still kinda strange to me.
Now I just want to know what the heck are these '.' supposed to mean???? They are really annoying, just growing the thread with empty posts...
We haven't had any reports of e-mails received after the weekend. I should think the KCC is done dispatching them. So, if anyone has received the e-mail after May 20, please report here.

Someone I know called the KCC to ask to be sent the e-mail to retrieve his confirmation number after they destroyed it. The KCC rep advised him to send an e-mail to KCCDV@state.gov (along with personal details submitted at time of entry) to request the confirmation number retrieval link via e-mail. The e-mail request was sent on May 20. KCC have not responded so far.
I think that what is also important is that all people that received the email please tell if you also checked or not the lottery on May 1st, thanks.

In my case, both my wife and I checked it, and we both received the email.
I checked the result on May 1st for myself, wife and brother inlaw and none of us won it. We all got the E-mail from KCC allmost very early than expected. I guess they av done the screening before the next selections will take place. Let us still wait till the end of this month. If nothing comes again, then we can draw a conclusion that the E-mails from KCC has stopped.
alright guys i got some news. i emailed KCC on KCCDV@state.gov i told her how i lost my confirmation number but never received an email like other applicants indicated on many different forums. i got the following reply.

Thank you for your inquiry.

If you checked the website and destroyed your confirmation number then you will automatically receive communication.
KCCDV/Public Inquiry
Kentucky Consular Center
Support Contractor - Serco - NA
Phone: (606) 526-7500
Email: KCCDV@state.gov

clearly she didn't read my email but automatically replied with this. It leaves me to assume that the email isn't about u being qualified it is just being sent to everyone who submitted an application. Furthermore, here are my 2 cents. We've learned that they only double check their entries to disqualify those who have submitted more than application after the drawing of the computer that way they won't have to check all 14.9 million applicants.

Please think about it and be rational why would they wait to do that for the results but decide to check the qualifying applicants for all 14.9 i think that they just sent the email to everyone. if u haven't received one it could be a number of reasons. a mistake in the your email address or u forgetting which one u used...etc. or it is quite possible your filters have prevented it or you could have deleted it by mistake.

I for one haven't received it yet, but i only started checking my junk on the 18th. i could've gotten it and deleted it. I also checked on May 1st. so guys i wouldn't worry about that email if u still have your confirmation number. Good luck to all. that is my opinion. u can interpret her message any way u like.
alright guys i got some news. i emailed KCC on KCCDV@state.gov i told her how i lost my confirmation number but never received an email like other applicants indicated on many different forums. i got the following reply.

Thank you for your inquiry.

If you checked the website and destroyed your confirmation number then you will automatically receive communication.
KCCDV/Public Inquiry
Kentucky Consular Center
Support Contractor - Serco - NA
Phone: (606) 526-7500
Email: KCCDV@state.gov

clearly she didn't read my email but automatically replied with this. It leaves me to assume that the email isn't about u being qualified it is just being sent to everyone who submitted an application. Furthermore, here are my 2 cents. We've learned that they only double check their entries to disqualify those who have submitted more than application after the drawing of the computer that way they won't have to check all 14.9 million applicants.

Please think about it and be rational why would they wait to do that for the results but decide to check the qualifying applicants for all 14.9 i think that they just sent the email to everyone. if u haven't received one it could be a number of reasons. a mistake in the your email address or u forgetting which one u used...etc. or it is quite possible your filters have prevented it or you could have deleted it by mistake.

I for one haven't received it yet, but i only started checking my junk on the 18th. i could've gotten it and deleted it. I also checked on May 1st. so guys i wouldn't worry about that email if u still have your confirmation number. Good luck to all. that is my opinion. u can interpret her message any way u like.
Thanks for the information. However, their reply seem to be directed to those who CHECKED the website. So what about those who hadn't gotten a chance to check? Their communication/reply is so unclear. I for one, did check the website, hotmail is working fine, email provided on the online application was correct as my confirmation page was received, I checked my junk mail...etc. But I wash my hands off this e-mail situation and doubt that we will ever recieve it.

In my opinion, to avoid so many queries to KCC, they should make it clear on the website as to who will they dispatch the e-mail to and when..simple, simple...Why not? They want us to read between the lines, I guess...:confused:
Thanks for the information. However, their reply seem to be directed to those who CHECKED the website. So what about those who hadn't gotten a chance to check? Their communication/reply is so unclear. I for one, did check the website, hotmail is working fine, email provided on the online application was correct as my confirmation page was received, I checked my junk mail...etc. But I wash my hands off this e-mail situation and doubt that we will ever recieve it.

In my opinion, to avoid so many queries to KCC, they should make it clear on the website as to who will they dispatch the e-mail to and when..simple, simple...Why not? They want us to read between the lines, I guess...:confused:

u r right it's vague, which is why i think that if ppl still have their confirmation number to not worry and to just wait till july 15th and check then.
I do believe that they have a record of all who checked ESC on the days it was available and would in time forward the email to these people. People who did not get a chance to check the ESC would not have known whether they were selected or not and would have no reason to throw away their confirmation number.

In any case if you still have your confirmation number then it matters not if you get the email. For sanity sake do not read more than there is into this....
I feel so sorry for those who won and then got told they haven't won. It must tough to go through all that. But I think it's fair that they have another draw. Maybe they should just give them to be honest. I understand how people might say if you won a lot of money by mistake you have to return it, but this is a little different, people had sent off documents etc.
Show some mercy. I hope I win on the 15th of July.
I've filled out 9 forms forms for my family members. Checked all of them on May 1-st. Nobody won. 4 out of 9 received KCC emails. 5 of them havent's receive it. All five applications has my e-mail address, which is hotmail. I've checked spam, blocked senders and added no-reply@state.gov to safe senders. However, I'm still thinking it's e-mail problem. As I said, those, who were linked to a different email addresses received KCC notice.