sandeepM said:
Also another thing.....the restrictive SS cards were issued only after 1994....before that all cards were
even though I have a GC ( no citizenship yet) SS card is like a citizens card....
So my point is employer cannot know only from a SS card if you are eligible to work or not..
It does not matter. Laws says a no-restriction SSN card plus
a DL are valid documents to establish work eligibility for I-9
purpose and the employer has to acctept that. You of course
need to put down your A-number on the form I-9 but you do
have a A# as PR.
But the necessity of getting a new SSN card is not is very weak
indeed. The chance of having to use a new SSN card to get
work eligiubility established is indeed very very slim.
A lot of people do that because they see many others
do that and a lot of people do not do that because they
see many other do not do that.
Many also say that SSA benefits may be different
between citizens, PR, and nonimmigrants therefore
it is better off letting SSA know your new status
by applying for a new SSN card. But others
say the only factor that determine difference
is work credits you accumulated.
The following poll give you an idea of how many
people get a new SSN card or not dependiing
if their pre-GC card has resrection or not