SFO DOL - To track Auto remand Cases!!

Confused...........PLease Help!!

How does auto remanded cases will be approached? I found this info from Murthy.com

For traditional (non-RIR) cases, the BPCs are currently working only on cases in which the initial recruitment has occurred. This may mean that the non-RIR cases that did not undergo supervised recruitment prior to being transmitted to the BPCs will not be adjudicated in any semblance of FIFO order.

Does our cases have to go thru Supervised Recuritment? If thats true, it might very well take another 6-12 mons. :mad:

Any thoughts???? Please......
This is an old thread. Just saw it. Still mad at those DOL staff.

From my own experience and some of my colleages, the SF DOL office is really bad. No efficiency, no consistance. It is somewhat random process in the mid of 2003. They created many problems, if not all. We are seeing for EB 5 years retrogression partly or mostly due to them as well. This immigration system is almost broken thanks to their efforts. Those idiots(sorry for the word but they do not deserve better) should be kicked out from office long time back and let contractors take their roles.
CA - Auto remand cases -----any news/approvals??

Did we get any responses/approvals on auto remanded cases?

Is it too soon expect one, how long will it take it from here?

Since it was auto remanded, will it be treated as RIR or NON-RIR? Will they ask for additional recuritement or will they go with the original application????

Please share your insight!

Labor Approved

PD of 7/2001 filed in EB2 RIR
Auto Remanded to SWA
45 DL received on 10/2005
Labor Approved on 11/2005
sure2get said:
PD of 7/2001 filed in EB2 RIR
Auto Remanded to SWA
45 DL received on 10/2005
Labor Approved on 11/2005

Congratulations! Finally one approval of ammended case!
Hope more to come soon :) !
Congrats Sure2get!!!

sure2get said:
PD of 7/2001 filed in EB2 RIR
Auto Remanded to SWA
45 DL received on 10/2005
Labor Approved on 11/2005

Congrats! Finally....................your case has given all of us in this forum a ray of hope!

For a while this forum was dead....but now back alive :)

Also, can you please elabroate more....how did the whole process go?

Did they ask for any additional recuiretment or just straight approval after 45-day was responded?

Along that line, do you know how many years of exp they had in your LC application?

Please share your experience, it will really help all of us in this forum.

Congratulations sure2get,

I have the same questions as goodphysq. This is really good news. Hope I can convince my HR to follow up with the attorney based on your reply. They had given up on the case. Your response will very highly be appreciated.

My P.D was 9/2001 under EB3 RIR with BS + 0 years experience. The DOT code was 999.151-032 (guess!) and filed from CA . Remanded 07/2003. Was not an employer remanded case but was auto-remanded. Would really appreciate all the details that you can give.


goodphysq said:
Congrats! Finally....................your case has given all of us in this forum a ray of hope!

For a while this forum was dead....but now back alive :)

Also, can you please elabroate more....how did the whole process go?

Did they ask for any additional recuiretment or just straight approval after 45-day was responded?

Along that line, do you know how many years of exp they had in your LC application?

Please share your experience, it will really help all of us in this forum.

looks like straight approval after 45 day letter
EB2/RIR -BS+5 or MS (PD 7/2001)
May be due to the fact that my employer (large size) did a serious recruitment effort for 3-option letter and submitted the results to DOL. Your original EB2 /EB3 status will be maintained

I know that our prayers will yield results. Having waited for nearly 4 and half years, only this forum can understand the pain of waiting that long. They might have opened our box recently and results have started coming

Hope this info helps
sure2get said:
looks like straight approval after 45 day letter
EB2/RIR -BS+5 or MS (PD 7/2001)
May be due to the fact that my employer (large size) did a serious recruitment effort for 3-option letter and submitted the results to DOL. Your original EB2 /EB3 status will be maintained

I know that our prayers will yield results. Having waited for nearly 4 and half years, only this forum can understand the pain of waiting that long. They might have opened our box recently and results have started coming

Hope this info helps

Thanks for your response.

From you response, did they get 3-option letter after your case got remanded?

Because, as far as i know, we never got any 3 option letter for our cases.

If you got 3-option letter and your company responded back, then may be BRC had all the information they want and it was easy to approve your case.

With our cases, they just have the original recuritment we did while we filed our application. I am not sure whether we could expect straight approval!! :confused:

Also, is it correct that they filed your application with BS +5 years exp?
Recruitment needed for remaded cases ?

Hi Guys,

All of you who have received 45-day letters for cases remanded in 2003 with P.D in 2001 would really appreciate if you let me know whether the BEC's are asking to run the recruitment effort again ?

This may be a pain and the management may shy away from doing it as most of the cases remaded were with B.S + 0 years experience.

Would appreciate any response.

cal97 said:
Hi Guys,

All of you who have received 45-day letters for cases remanded in 2003 with P.D in 2001 would really appreciate if you let me know whether the BEC's are asking to run the recruitment effort again ?

This may be a pain and the management may shy away from doing it as most of the cases remaded were with B.S + 0 years experience.

Would appreciate any response.


Thats what even I am trying to find out. For now, only person who can answer our question is "Sure2get". But to me, looks like his case got 3-option letter and thats why he got approved in very short time span after his 45-day letter response.

Also, I am not sure how our cases will be handed :confused:

You got your 45-day letter right ? Was there no request then to show any recruitment effort? What is unique about our cases is that they were originally filed as RIR's, and the company had put in some effort trying to recruit people. So partly it has been done. The only problem was this bright person called "Carlson" who came up with a memo to remand all cases with B.S + 0 yrs experience and wanted them to be treated as Non-RIR.

Even if sure2get got a three option letter, I am guessing his would have been an employer remanded case as the company did not want to go through the recruitment troubles.

Hoping that these cases are cleared without any more issues.

Please keep us posted if you can find anything out from your company/attorney. I have not even recd. my 45-day letter as yet!!!

goodphysq said:
Thats what even I am trying to find out. For now, only person who can answer our question is "Sure2get". But to me, looks like his case got 3-option letter and thats why he got approved in very short time span after his 45-day letter response.

Also, I am not sure how our cases will be handed :confused:
cal97 said:

You got your 45-day letter right ? Was there no request then to show any recruitment effort? What is unique about our cases is that they were originally filed as RIR's, and the company had put in some effort trying to recruit people. So partly it has been done. The only problem was this bright person called "Carlson" who came up with a memo to remand all cases with B.S + 0 yrs experience and wanted them to be treated as Non-RIR.

Even if sure2get got a three option letter, I am guessing his would have been an employer remanded case as the company did not want to go through the recruitment troubles.

Hoping that these cases are cleared without any more issues.

Please keep us posted if you can find anything out from your company/attorney. I have not even recd. my 45-day letter as yet!!!

Boss, what i understood from sure2get post is, they got a 3 option letter, long back, that was when their company did serious recruitment efforts and send the results back to dol, after which dol shipped his case to bpc. now bpc opened his case and sent 45 day letter and then after 1 month it got approved. our cases are very different, in the sense that some are auto remanded and some employer remanded... sure2get case is not i guess, as they did recrruitment effort and sent the results back, whereas our employers have not done that and asked dol to process the case as non-rir.
csrini1 said:
Boss, what i understood from sure2get post is, they got a 3 option letter, long back, that was when their company did serious recruitment efforts and send the results back to dol, after which dol shipped his case to bpc. now bpc opened his case and sent 45 day letter and then after 1 month it got approved. our cases are very different, in the sense that some are auto remanded and some employer remanded... sure2get case is not i guess, as they did recrruitment effort and sent the results back, whereas our employers have not done that and asked dol to process the case as non-rir.

Hi Cal97,
I did get my 45-day letter. With 45-day letter, all BRC want to know is whether employer want to continue the application or not. Nothing more..nothing less.

Most of the remanded cases got thier 45-day letter in the month of Oct. I would suggest you check with your employer/lawer. fyi..mine was delayed by a month due to address change of my lawer.

I tend to agree with "CSRINI1". For whatever reason our cases were sent back to SWA. Unfortunately, I got a feel that they will ask to do more recuritment to approve our cases.

Lets see how the wind blows....we have to wait and see!! I hope at least this time around we have some luck(after waiting for more than four years :mad: ).....I cant believe...umm what to do :confused:
A friend got LC approval.

Original LC PD Aug 2001 : Eb2, Rir : Remanded to state (CA) as Non-rir

Got 45 days letter in October 1st week
Got LC approval in Nov 2nd week

Dont know if it was processed as RIR or NON-RIR.

Let's hope to see some more LC approvals for those who got their 45days letter in October.
Thats good news DeCgC_007, can u help, whether ur friends company had to undergo any recruitment efforts for him, or just after his company replied to a 45 Day letter, after few weeks his application got cleared. Your answer on this will bring peace to lot of minds :).


DeCgC_007 said:
Original LC PD Aug 2001 : Eb2, Rir : Remanded to state (CA) as Non-rir

Got 45 days letter in October 1st week
Got LC approval in Nov 2nd week

Dont know if it was processed as RIR or NON-RIR.

Let's hope to see some more LC approvals for those who got their 45days letter in October.
pooldeewana said:
Thats good news DeCgC_007, can u help, whether ur friends company had to undergo any recruitment efforts for him, or just after his company replied to a 45 Day letter, after few weeks his application got cleared. Your answer on this will bring peace to lot of minds :).


I agree with deewana, DeCgC_007 can you please find out more info about your friends case?

It will be help all of us in this forum!

As of now it's all RANDOM :-(

The LC was approved with few weeks after the lawyer responded to the 45days letter. No additional recruitment info asked by BEC.
Looks like the case was treated as RIR (as it was original filed as RIR, but remanded to state as NON-RIR). But we need to see some more such cases getting approved in order to establish a pattern.
As of now it's all RANDOM :-(
DeCgC_007 said:
The LC was approved with few weeks after the lawyer responded to the 45days letter. No additional recruitment info asked by BEC.
Looks like the case was treated as RIR (as it was original filed as RIR, but remanded to state as NON-RIR). But we need to see some more such cases getting approved in order to establish a pattern.
As of now it's all RANDOM :-(

No, thats really a greate news!! If BRC acknowledges and approves one case as RIR without any furhter requiretment. I am far sure they will adopt the same with other cases as well. Thats my observation :)

In that case we could except ours any time from now. How long can "lady luck" can hide/igoner us?? Lets be positve this time and get over it this time :)
No 45-day letter

Anyone with a P.D of 9/2001 and whose case got remanded in 7/2003 please can you please let me know if you have received the 45-day letter. My attorney has not received mine as yet. Just checking if there is anyone else like me. btw my DBEC case # id T-05136-16XXX. Mine was an auto-remand case.
