September 2008 filers, Post here

It is going to be the 9th my bad....

I thought it was going to be the 3rd,

It is coming mine is the 31th it is around the coner just like yours.

Co . Ador,

Where is your interview Fedral plaza or Garden State....

I have been following this forum for good enough time and last week I recvd my GC and my interview was at Federal Plaza on Feb 9th.

As I have got help from people around here, felt probably you might also need any help....

Location - San Jose for my mom

09/12/08 130+485 sent to Chicago.
09/15/08 NOA.
10/03/08 485 status show online
10/07/08 FF done.
10/10/08 LUD for 485: "Current Status: This case is now pending at the office to which it was transferred"
02/27/09 I130 approved, I485 is still pending
definetly KSB

Is going to be at the Federal plaza

Tell me how was your experience and what did they asked you for?

I will apriciate you post your experience as well
I received another letter asking for more evidence - they want another sponsor because the one i sent did not qualify .. i have a joint sponsor now .. im gonna send the new I-864 tomorrow ... do u guys think they gonna take long to update my case???,..
I received another letter asking for more evidence - they want another sponsor because the one i sent did not qualify .. i have a joint sponsor now .. im gonna send the new I-864 tomorrow ... do u guys think they gonna take long to update my case???,..

nobody knows, Lia. Why do they need another Sponsor? Isn't your husband make above poverty line?
My Interview Experience

Petitioner: Wife (USC - Indonesian), Beneficiary: Me (B2 Visa Overstayed - Indonesian)

Today we came around 10.00am after security checkpoint for our 10.05am appointment. There were quite many people before us, we have to wait for about 45 - 50 min until our names were called. The interviewer was a middle-eastern kind of guy. Before we proceed, the interviewer sworn us first then we sat down.

He asked for both our IDs and also my passport, I-94, Advanced Parole, and EAD. Then he made a copy for our IDs and my EAD card. He also took my advanced parole document.

Here are the questions that he asked us:

1. How were you two met each other?
2. Did you met each other in the US or in Indonesia?
3. When were you planning to get married?
4. Are you working now? What do you do?
5. When did you start your small business?
6. Are you still living in your current address?
7. He asked for both of our cell phones number
8. He asked for the I-485 Yes/No questions

Lastly, he asked for our documents that establish our relationship and we gave them our credit card statements, car insurance declaration, and our joint tax return. He then took our credit card statements and car insurance declaration and put it on our file.

Then we also showed him our wedding photos and also our photos that we took years ago to show him that our relationship has last for quite some times. He made a comment when he saw our dogs.

After that, he canceled my tourist visa which should expire not until 2010 and then he printed out a page .....

It basically said that my GC application is APPROVED!!! YEEEEAAAAHHHHH ....

He said congratulations to both of us and asked where are you going after this, and we said a lunch celebration of course :)

Good luck for those of you who will be interviewed soon .. Don't forget to practice especially for the "How were you two met" question .. Be natural, don't be nervous .. May God bless you all ... I would like to say thank you for all of you who have shared your experiences, comments, and suggestions .. I will post one more time when I receive my welcome notice and the actual GC ... Thank you!
My experience at Federal Plaza NYC


No problem.....just to give a quick update about my processing dates...

RD - Oct 1st Bio Appt - Oct 27th Int Letter - Nov 23rd EAD - Dec 17th ID - Feb 9th 2009....Welcome Notice - Feb 20th GC - Feb 24th 2009

Interview Feb 9th 2009: We reached at 1:00 PM as our appt was at 1:45 PM. Our lawyer advised not to submit until she shows up and she did at 1:35 PM and that's when she submitted the IL at the counter (You need to go for security checking 5 - 10 minutes at federal plaza more like airport security (taking out your shoes / jackets everything else)....Go to the 8th floor...waiting room.

Dress: We wore suits (formal) as if we were going for a business trip. That's first impression.

We were called around 2:25 PM (exactly when I went to the rest room) it was funny that my wife (USC) was running towards the main door and I was coming in relaxed and notice that AO was waiting at his door with our lawyer. In fact that was when the actual first impression: Our AO could not understand who was the beneficiary? Here I was more relaxed and my wife(USC) was more concerned about the interview..... Anyways as I approached I apologized to him at once and he said it's ok. He took to his room (I guess our AO was one of the big shots there)...He entered first and then I entered and again apologized for the delay on my part. He said that's fine.... asked us to relax and that's I sat on a chair close to him and then next to me my wife and then the other side our lawyer....

Actual interview: He made us to sworn in.... then we prepared two binders "original" / "copies" exactly same to same..... I gave my wife the original one and put the copies one on his desk.... then he asked me to give him my Passport and BC originals. My wife actual looked into the folder and handed me then I gave it to him (that's another impression where USC was more involved in this process than the beneficiary). Then he asked for my wife's naturalization cert... she gave it to me and then I passed it on to him. Then asked my wife the following questions.. (I guess you need to prepare)...

Where did we meet? When did we meet? When was our first date? Who proposed? He did not even look at me... (the clue here is your USC should be natural and genuine in answering)..

Then he looked at me and then asked me.... Do you have any pictures... Then I gladly showed him two albums (again the impression is very much plays the big role)... Obviously it's your life album and they wanted to see how important were the albums? I like to have my memories beautiful and attractive. I took two big albums unlike most of them here on the forum who take smaller or some pictures. Instead I have taken them as our treasure..... and AO was very much impressed.... I took over completely and showed him every picture and explained to him... but also ensure that you have HIS/HER parents pictures in those albums. He questioned me about her mother/sister and vice-versa... I was right on dot.... Then he said it's fine.

Then he looked at me and then asked me about my wife's parents name from the applications.... we made a mistake with the spelling of her fathers. I raised the mistake and asked the AO to correct it.

He asked me my wife's DOB.

Then he asked my wife my parents name and my DOB then he said...

I have to ask some questions which we do normally and then YES / NO questions.... at one questions with prostitute.... I laughed and he laughed too and then said... I won't ask you other YES / NO and assume them to be NO only... I said yes.... BTW our lawyer also supported us where ever she could... adding her little supporting statements... at that point.... (I forgot to mention when he took my passport earlier he took out the I-94) and

then he asked for supporting documents. I added asking him does he wants to see the originals or copies. He gladly said copies... the copies binder was already on his desk. I took closer to him and showed him all and asked him what he needs... he took...

1. We had no lease (Be sure why you could not provide and be honest) so we could not give him lease.
2. We gave him joint bank stmt
3. Life Insurance
4. Medical Insurance
5. Joint credit cards (3 of those)
6. Some greetings from my parents back from my country
7. My wife's employement letter
8. My employment letter

Then he said it should be fine. When I was putting back the albums the he said can I take couple of pictures... I said oh I forgot...then put the albums back on his table.... I told him he can pick any from them... he picked couple of them. Said it should be fine.

Then as I was putting back the albums... he looked at us and said Ok I am going to approve and you should get the card in a month. Then he re-confirmed our address asking us you are not moving. We said that point he said let me write this in his passport. He wrote something like this
A# i-485 pending cr6 Sec 245 AO NYC Date and his initials.... and then I thanked him and we shook our hands. He escorted us back to the hallway.

I guess it took almost 8-10 minutes I guess... but it was worth a interview.... therefore.... I would like to shed few of my thoughts....2 cents...

1. Dress formally
2. Be prepared completely about your application (know about your better half's family structure) and vice-versa
3. Let your USC be more involved on that day. You can have a mock interview amongst each other or have anyone who can ask you the questions.... (I used the interview questions from this forum).
4. Be clear about your dates... like birthdates / proposed date / when you met / where you met / how you met / when did you leave the country last time / when was the last time either of you entered the country / how did your USC get her citizenship (know her backgroun) and likewise for the beneficiary... (for instance in our wife (USC) was asked more questions than myself)......
5. Do not rely on the LUD"s at all. I never had any LUD's even today when I have GC for I-130/485. Only LUD was for 765 only.....
6. Be relaxed and just answer what he asks for and do not volunteer even a word in addition.
7. Don't worry in my case he did not even wanted to see our DL or EAD etc... he did not take any of them.
8. I am not sure but this is my take...they might notice you from the point you start waiting for your interview.... the way you interact and behave also plays a role....if I am not wrong.......We were as jovial while we were waiting. When our lawyer joined we had a rocking time....
9. Above all..... I strongly feel if you believe in someone like GOD then please do so... when you are not being questioned....just think of him and pray...that everything should be fine. In fact I had so much time that I was just thinking of GOD and not to distract my focus......

Please feel free to ask me if you need any further questions.... Don't worry you should be fine and my feeling is Federal Plaza should be a lucky DO... as I know most of the cases on this forum have been approved..... Cheer....

ksp9 and hlesmana

Thank you for posting your experience it really helps to all of us.

Next is Trawal for monday all the best for you Trawal again.

thank you ksp9 for all the explanation you have posted in the forum, I will really study it together with my wife. it seems like here in new york they ask more questions to couples and look a closer distance to cases in other words they investigate more. I have read other experiences such as Hlesmana and others which hasn't been as intensive as you KSP, so I better get ready and well prepare.

I will be preparing more and more and I will really apriaciate that you keep posting more advices and I know the rest of us that hasn't have their interview will apriaciate it as well. My wish is that all of september filers in this forum comes out vitorious as well as all the other months.

Guys onto now most of september filers has gone through happines.

Somebody told me that they can even ask you for the keys of your house just Like they asked you for you spouse telephone number

Now it's time for trawal then me and Jas_79 after.

All the best for you guys again.
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Everything is going to be well trawal remember to post your sucess here...

Trawal everything is well.

Wish you the best bro.
so I had an interview today. It lasted for around 45 minutes. We are approved.

She asked me for :

1) my ID card (license), EAD, Wife's passport and her ID (License)...
2) How did we meet? What happened after? Did you guys travel?
3) Question on I-864 (my wife is a student so she asked many questions on this), pay stub, last year's tax return.
4) Do we have joint insurance? We said no so she asked why?
5) Joint lease, bank statements
6) my wife's dob and my cell phone number.

She took my EAD and I-94.

overall it was not very easy interview but she approved our case. She also mentioned that your case is the first case I am handling in last 2 years which is quite easy and genuine. You came on F-1 (student) and you have H-1B visa. Most of the people who come here are illegal, border crossers etc.

Done for 2 years now...sigh
Trawal you were approved that was important, It is true it seemed no so easy by the questions she asked you, but we are glad you were approved.

I am happy and I am next 31th....

Congrats Trawal.
congrats trawal ! you will have your GC within 2 weeks..

just got my GC in mail today ! what a relief ! the tension starts again in a year and nine months, anyway that will pass as well, good luck to all of you who are waiting for your interviews and GC's !