Separation.N 652.decision cannot be made


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:confused:HEY is my storry

I have married a us citizen on august 2003.We lived together since march 2003.She filed a petition for me and i got my 2 years gc on october 2004.Everything going well till she started cheating on me.On may 2005 we are separated for about a year.When she broke up with her boy friend ,we worked it out and get back together on june 2006.We lived again together and we filed together the petition I 751 to remove the conditional pr I got my 10 years.We had an argument on december 2006 and we separated again till we divorced on april 2008
However on september 2009 I filed my citizenship and got my interview on november 30,2009.But it did not go well.
In fact the IO test me first about the civic and gov test.No problem ,i passed.She changed my name and let me sign the pic after my request.
Now she focused on my previous marriage.She printed out a form for me to answer questions about my ex- wife: often you have been married?
2.what is your wife name? of divorce? of separation? how often
5.Have you been together on july 2006
6.Have you been together on july 2007
7.Were you in marital union.
I told her that I cannot remember the exact dates and month we have been separated.But she forced me to chose one
She let me sign that form under penalty and ...........
After that part she asked me about my criminal record and I disclose a ticket I got right after I filed my application.She told me that a cite and she made a copy of that ticket and the final decision (case dismissed 2 weeks before the interview)
She asked me also about my back taxes.I gave her the payment agreement with the IRS ($200 /month) and the current payment i am making
After the interview she told me a decision cannot be made at this time but you have not to come back.we have until 120 days to send you a written notice.
What you guys think about that?Do you think they will deny my application because i have been separated with my wife?
what the law say about separation when you file for 5 years citizenship?
can they tried to revoke my gc because my wife and i been separated?
Does she have the right to question me about my previous marriage since i filed for 5 years?
Can she deny my application due to the fact that i disclose that ticket (citation(

please help.........................
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i think you have too many things going on: marriage case and plus backed taxes. If you can afford it, perhaps you should consult with the attorney.

at glance, it does not sound this will be a big problem...however, i think USCIS may launch further inquiry/investigation..

If i understood correctly, you applied using 3 year GC rule right or is it 5 year rule. If it is based on 3 year rule, then you have serious issue to worry about. I am not sure if the conditional PR date is considered the effective date for US Permanent Residency In the worst scenario, USCIS may launch investigation into your PR case ....
It should not be a problem. At times the IO says that they have not made the decision as they are not authorized to and have to do it through their supervisor. So ... hopefully you will get your approval within 30 days. Good luck.
Looks like the IO is questioning the validity of the marriage and revisiting the approvals of the original GC and I-751, because of the separation happening when your I-751 was pending and the divorce shortly thereafter. However, once the supervisors review this you will be approved. While the IO may have her own doubts about it, she will find that the law will instruct her to approve your case. To deny a case based on the 5-year rule because of issues in your marriage, they need much stronger evidence against you.
I agree with Jackolantern. This N-400 will eventually be approved. I am guessing the officer is either inexperienced, or just flexing her muscles a little.
:confused:HEY is my storry

I have married a us citizen on august 2003.We lived together since march 2003.She filed a petition for me and i got my 2 years gc on october 2004.Everything going well till she started cheating on me.On may 2005 we are separated for about a year.When she broke up with her boy friend ,we worked it out and get back together on june 2006.We lived again together and we filed together the petition I 751 to remove the conditional pr I got my 10 years.We had an argument on december 2006 and we separated again till we divorced on april 2008
However on september 2009 I filed my citizenship and got my interview on november 30,2009.But it did not go well.
In fact the IO test me first about the civic and gov test.No problem ,i passed.She changed my name and let me sign the pic after my request.
Now she focused on my previous marriage.She printed out a form for me to answer questions about my ex- wife: often you have been married?
2.what is your wife name? of divorce? of separation? how often
5.Have you been together on july 2006
6.Have you been together on july 2007
7.Were you in marital union.
I told her that I cannot remember the exact dates and month we have been separated.But she forced me to chose one
She let me sign that form under penalty and ...........
After that part she asked me about my criminal record and I disclose a ticket I got right after I filed my application.She told me that a cite and she made a copy of that ticket and the final decision (case dismissed 2 weeks before the interview)
She asked me also about my back taxes.I gave her the payment agreement with the IRS ($200 /month) and the current payment i am making
After the interview she told me a decision cannot be made at this time but you have not to come back.we have until 120 days to send you a written notice.
What you guys think about that?Do you think they will deny my application because i have been separated with my wife?
what the law say about separation when you file for 5 years citizenship?
can they tried to revoke my gc because my wife and i been separated?
Does she have the right to question me about my previous marriage since i filed for 5 years?
Can she deny my application due to the fact that i disclose that ticket (citation(

please help.........................

No problem. You will get your oath letter.

Did you get any updates, please let me know cause Im worry about my case also, i dont know if i have the same problem, and Im worried.

Thank you

Did you get any updates, please let me know cause Im worry about my case also, i dont know if i have the same problem, and Im worried.
Who are you addressing this question to as the OP already took the oath a few months ago per gungadin's response.
Hi need some info plzz i have the same case like u

I got divroces with my wife after 2 years of marriage i got my greencard 2 year with condition.But i apply on the basisi of good faith marriage n got my condition removed...So i have my 5 years greeeb card time completed i applied for citizenship and i was not expecting Interview officer is gona ask me about my ex-wife.. so i got confused little a bit..she was askin me where u met first time,why u got separated,when u were divorced ..I passed my civic test 100% but i received the N652- saysDecision cannot be made yet ......My only question from u is that after ur interview did u wait for 120 days n applly in district court agains uscis to take judgement or u got the Oath date before 120 days ...I m really worried n confused i hope u can answer my question becoz ur case is just like mine n another thing do we have to show minor tickets like speed viloation details in interview Thanks in advance will be wiating for ur reply...
USCIS may send you RFE Letter to demonstrate the BONA FIDE of your marriage; therefore, you better start digging for all joint documentations.

USCIS may send you RFE Letter to demonstrate the BONA FIDE of your marriage; therefore, you better start digging for all joint documentations.

Hi but my question is that since i applied on the basis of 5 year Green card..can they ask about previous marriage details in an interview n thats the reason i didnot bring my documents for previous marriage n second thing my all joint documentations was submitted together when my condition was removed n i got the 10 yr greencard so what more evidence they can ask for other than which i already submit??
Whatever is the basis of your naturalization application, they still have the right to question the granting of your green card and sometimes they actually do. They may have various reasons for doing so ... random selection, a discrepancy in your file somewhere, or the officer who granted your GC was fired for making too many wrongful approvals, so everybody whose GC was approved by him/her gets flagged for extra scrutiny. Or maybe the interviewer is just having a bad day.
i dont know the rules how it works but can they denied by citizenship application or can they take my Greencard back just becoz interviewer is having a bad day or he has approve lot of cases on wrong judgement n if he is fired now?? i m worried now becoz after reading lot of Posts interviewer officer has been very unkind to the people...thanks in advance
i dont know the rules how it works but can they denied by citizenship application or can they take my Greencard back just becoz interviewer is having a bad day or he has approve lot of cases on wrong judgement n if he is fired now?? i m worried now becoz after reading lot of Posts interviewer officer has been very unkind to the people...thanks in advance
An IO can't deny your case or revoke your GC because he/she is having a bad day, unlike the flight attendant who bailed out from the plane after he had enough from an unruly passenger.
I got the letter from INS today asking for more evidence
I got married with my wife usa citizen in 2004 i got conditional GC in june 2005 but after 6 months of our interview v had a big argument in jan 2006 n she applied 4 divorce witout lettin me know .by mistake she put in voluntary separation that we have been living separate for 2004 so we can get divorce quickly but then she realized her mistake n she withdrew her divorce in jan 2006.after that v live separate for a year n file for a divorce on basisof 12 -month separation in jan 2007in md..I successfully applied for my condition to be removed using waiver rule in june 2007 becoz i have all the joint documents ,now i apply for my N400 i got the interview it didnot went well i received n652 decison cannot be made.Today i just receive letter for more evidence .They r asking for Certification of filing of Federal n state tax returns for last 5 years ??? i call IRS they r saying it has to be aCCOUNT TRANSCRIPTS I CALL ins customer service lady cudnot tell me about it ,secondly they r asking for Complaint for divorce which she filed in 2006 which she withdraw after realizing her mistake n the original divorce which she filed in 2007. But my only concern is that the divorce she filed in 2006 in that she stated we living separate from mid of 2004 so she can get divorce asap but then she withdraw it n filed it again in 2007 in proper way but my only concern is will that affect my application ??? if they deny my N400 application so will they take my 10 year greencard back also??? i m totaly confused plzz help with ur reply thanks