senator: do NOT carry foreign flags

Nice Post.

MGTgrl said:
Only in America can you come in illegally and expect your "Rights" to be respected! Only in America...

America is a great country where people (from any origin) are given rights almost equal as to the residents. If we are protesting the unfairness of the immigration laws and we are trying to change that saying that we "deserve" to be here and that we "deserve" to become citizens, the least we can do is respect the feelings of the american people (and the senators) even if we feel it's our "Right" to wave our flags. The image we need to show is the one that says "yes, we are foreigners by birth, but we're americans by choice! Therefore you should consider your laws and adopt us as one of yours" And I think waving another country's flag contradicts this image!!!

Anyway, it's only in America that this is possible. I am sure if it was in any third world country (or maybe even in Europe), they would have said "Go to hell in route to your country and wave your flags there"!
MGTgrl said:
Only in America can you come in illegally and expect your "Rights" to be respected! Only in America...

America is a great country where people (from any origin) are given rights almost equal as to the residents. If we are protesting the unfairness of the immigration laws and we are trying to change that saying that we "deserve" to be here and that we "deserve" to become citizens, the least we can do is respect the feelings of the american people (and the senators) even if we feel it's our "Right" to wave our flags. The image we need to show is the one that says "yes, we are foreigners by birth, but we're americans by choice! Therefore you should consider your laws and adopt us as one of yours" And I think waving another country's flag contradicts this image!!!

Anyway, it's only in America that this is possible. I am sure if it was in any third world country (or maybe even in Europe), they would have said "Go to hell in route to your country and wave your flags there"!

Well said. I meant the same thing...but MTGIRL put it in right words.
wantmygcnow said:
Well said. I meant the same thing...but MTGIRL put it in right words.
Thanks wantmygcnow!

When this thread was started, I really didn't think there would be people who wouldn't not oppose to waving other countries' flags. I thought it would be a no-brainer, but I guess there is always a debate on everything and anything! :rolleyes:
guacho said:
Absurd to wave a foreign flag in front of the senate???? what world do you live ...?? that's everything but absurd.

Forntunately this is a free country, ....i think nobody has been arrest for that.....right??

"understand and respect the US " so you consider unrespecful waving a foreign flag in front of the senate?? need to wake up........


Yes, "Forntunately this is a free country" and we, especally people who are illegaly here should not take advantage of that. If they were illegeal in some other country waving foreign flags in fron of a government and demanding something they would have been arrested...

Nobody has right to take advantage of the freedom that US gives them.

Yes, it is unrespectfull (and unlogical) to wave a Mexican or any other flag in front of the US government and demand a right to be an american...

If they want to become an American or at least to leave in this country legally and if they think they have a right to DEMAND something frm American Senate the only flag they can wave is American flag - the flag of the coutry that feeds them and their families.
MGTgrl said:
Only in America can you come in illegally and expect your "Rights" to be respected! Only in America...

America is a great country where people (from any origin) are given rights almost equal as to the residents. If we are protesting the unfairness of the immigration laws and we are trying to change that saying that we "deserve" to be here and that we "deserve" to become citizens, the least we can do is respect the feelings of the american people (and the senators) even if we feel it's our "Right" to wave our flags. The image we need to show is the one that says "yes, we are foreigners by birth, but we're americans by choice! Therefore you should consider your laws and adopt us as one of yours" And I think waving another country's flag contradicts this image!!!

Anyway, it's only in America that this is possible. I am sure if it was in any third world country (or maybe even in Europe), they would have said "Go to hell in route to your country and wave your flags there"!

Very good point...and you are right and we happen to be here, thanks God.
if I saw a bunch of naturalized american citizens waving foreign flags in the senate, then I would agree with all you guys, not everybody here feels they are american by choice, they are still citizens of other countries and I think I have to respect that until they CHOSE to be americans....if they feel like.....Guacho.
wantmygcnow said:
Well said. I meant the same thing...but MTGIRL put it in right words.

let me tell you something..she put it in a very DIFFERENT way.and in the right words....just pointing how things work here eventhough we disagree....not stating that some people should be or should not be here.

wanttobefree said:
Yes, "Forntunately this is a free country" and we, especally people who are illegaly here should not take advantage of that. If they were illegeal in some other country waving foreign flags in fron of a government and demanding something they would have been arrested...

Nobody has right to take advantage of the freedom that US gives them.

Yes, it is unrespectfull (and unlogical) to wave a Mexican or any other flag in front of the US government and demand a right to be an american...

If they want to become an American or at least to leave in this country legally and if they think they have a right to DEMAND something frm American Senate the only flag they can wave is American flag - the flag of the coutry that feeds them and their families.

let me get the facts straight, the original reason of all this people waving hispanic flags was the fact that they did not want the HR4437 law passed...they feel it was outraged (including myself )that the illegal immigrants would be considered criminals, they were NOT "DEMANDING" any ammnisty....I personally did not see any sign asking for legalization or green cards ...they seem not to be bother with the fact of being illegals......
it was this HR4437 that triggered all this people to react like this...

I agree with that, those illegal immigrants should not wave Maxican flags when they were protesting, the reasons are very simple, the purpose of demonstration is to get their American status and finally be citizen of this country, but the way they were doing tells many many people that they don't want to be part of this country, why need to bother to get citizenship of this country, Yes, they have a right to do this, nothing wrong with their right, but definately there are something wrong with their approach, what "Citizenship" really means? it doesn't sound right, especially for those many many American citizens and some of their supporters, what they are doing is really confusing them, if you really love this country, why you doing this? I think any nation around the world dosen't want to see anything like this foreigners protest another country's govement for acceptance of being part of that country by waving their own foreign flags, why don't those illegal immagrants want to use this chance to express their sincere feeling and desire of pursuing to be part of this country and say Sorry for vilation of law to broke border, and then base on the fact that we work hard and got our life settled here, we love USA, Please accept us!!! if they showed this during demonstration, that would sound right! Not contradictary at all.
Yes, absolutely right! Does any of them feel wrong with their voilation of US law to break US border? Nothing is wrong about pursuit of any of human rights, but if claim of your own human right is built on the violation of other country's law, that doesn't make sense to me at all. If our asylee brothers and sisters are waving flags of COP protesting USCIS unfair policy for our status and fighting for GreenCard and Citizonship, how American people think about this? think about the consequence, thats very wrong message. Now people talking about human right for illegal immigrants that make those feel USA own them something, but none of them feel anything wrong with breaking law of this country. that doesn't sound right.
guacho said:
if I saw a bunch of naturalized american citizens waving foreign flags in the senate, then I would agree with all you guys, not everybody here feels they are american by choice, they are still citizens of other countries and I think I have to respect that until they CHOSE to be americans....if they feel like.....Guacho.
I see where you are coming from, but Guacho, are you saying that most of the protestors (if not all) don't want to be residents and ultimately citizens? Are you saying they just want to work here for temproray period of time (let's say 2-3 years) and then go back? If that the case then do you think a guest worker program was passed and it said you can work here legally for 2-3 years and then you all have to go back with no option to get GC or citizenship, do you think they will be happy? I think (and I think most americans feels the same way) that the ultimate goal of every immigrant (legal or illegal) is to stay here indefinitely with a GC and most probably become a citizen. And I think by immigrating to the US (sometimes with great risk) we have directly or indirectly CHOSE to be at least an AMERICAN resident if not a citizen.
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MGTgrl said:
I see where you are coming from, but Guacho, are you saying that most of the protestors (if not all) don't want to be residents and ultimately citizens? Are you saying they just want to work here for temproray period of time (let's say 2-3 years) and then go back? If that the case then do you think a guest worker program was passed and it said you can work here legally for 2-3 years and then you all have to go back with no option to get GC or citizenship, do you think they will be happy? I think (and I think most americans feels the same way) that the ultimate goal of every immigrant (legal or illegal) is to stay here indefinitely with a GC and most probably become a citizen. And I think by immigrating to the US (sometimes with great risk) we have directly or indirectly CHOSE to be at least an AMERICAN resident if not a citizen.

with or without guesr worker program they are gonna stay, no matter how much the goverment spend in trying to deport them, they are not gonna leave.
so yes, they ultimately want to be legal, but the thing that trigger all this protests were the hr4437 thing. they did not care too much about being illegal, but being consider a criminal that was a diferent story.


nasrmobin said:
Here in San Diego, I just saw whole punch of people in DownTown San diego.
They all have different flags, SOme Mexico and Some the United States's Flag.
They have to do something for this pour people, temporary work authorization for 2,3 years and after that they apply for it? Well I just feel bad, and You guys please stop fighting. I can say i without the help of these poeple California would be dead with the bussiness ( Because when they dont work it will cause a lot of problems in other bussinesses), We are all Immigrants or will to immigrate, so probably instead and fighting and argue on nothing we should help some how. Just to let you guys know (THEY HAD AMERICAN FLAG AND MEXICO FLAG TOGETHER).

I agree, eventhough we are not really fighting, just debating our opinions...but you made a good point.

nasrmobin said:
Here in San Diego, I just saw whole punch of people in DownTown San diego.
They all have different flags, SOme Mexico and Some the United States's Flag.
They have to do something for this pour people, temporary work authorization for 2,3 years and after that they apply for it? Well I just feel bad, and You guys please stop fighting. I can say i without the help of these poeple California would be dead with the bussiness ( Because when they dont work it will cause a lot of problems in other bussinesses), We are all Immigrants or will to immigrate, so probably instead and fighting and argue on nothing we should help some how. Just to let you guys know (THEY HAD AMERICAN FLAG AND MEXICO FLAG TOGETHER).

lol, no one is fighting. Anyways tomorrow on campus we are going to join these folks. Even though I think these people broke the law, something must be done to resolve this very important issue. And no other flag but the flag of The United States of America will be flown. :)
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guacho said:
with or without guesr worker program they are gonna stay, no matter how much the goverment spend in trying to deport them, they are not gonna leave.
so yes, they ultimately want to be legal, but the thing that trigger all this protests were the hr4437 thing. they did not care too much about being illegal, but being consider a criminal that was a diferent story.



I think the best thing for U.S government would be to do what Europe has done..opened their borders. Europe had so much problems with immigraiton problems. Its very hard for republicans to do that but imagine if someone with mexican passport/or canadian passport could travel to U.S and work/travel freely. All of these folks want to work and send money to their home anyways..

But the issue was respecting this country. And they should fly only U.S flags.
wantmygcnow said:
I think the best thing for U.S government would be to do what Europe has done..opened their borders. Europe had so much problems with immigraiton problems. Its very hard for republicans to do that but imagine if someone with mexican passport/or canadian passport could travel to U.S and work/travel freely. All of these folks want to work and send money to their home anyways..

But the issue was respecting this country. And they should fly only U.S flags.

and that's what they are doing now..I just saw the news and there were some protests today and I hardly saw any foreign flag.....everybody happy now ???

guacho said:
and that's what they are doing now..I just saw the news and there were some protests today and I hardly saw any foreign flag.....everybody happy now ???


Of course not. ;)
thankful said:
for those of you who plan to protest on Monday:

Martinez cautions protesters over use of Mexican flags


WASHINGTON - Florida's Sen. Mel Martinez, who was a key negotiator in crafting a Senate compromise on immigration, had a word of advice Friday for immigrant groups protesting a House proposal to make felons out of illegal immigrants: Keep the Mexican flags at home.

''I think it's terrible,'' the Republican senator said of the Mexican flags that have drawn criticism as protesters wield them at immigration rallies nationwide. ``I think it's a very mixed message.''

''It's fine for people to express themselves,'' the Cuban-born Martinez said. ``But if what this is about is the opportunity to be an American, to be a resident of America, to work in America and, ultimately, to be a citizen of America, they need to be carrying American flags. They need to be expressing themselves as to what it is they want.''

Martinez said he was not discounting heritage -- ``on the 17th of March everybody's Irish, on Cinco de Mayo we all wear big Mexican hats and drink margaritas. This is about a very profound discussion of what it is to be an American and I think, in that sense, those that are responsible leaders would do well to make sure these are pro-American demonstrations, of wanting opportunity.''

Organizers of some of the Florida demonstrations planned for Sunday and Monday said they have urged participants to carry only American flags.

''This is not about what my flag means to me,'' said the Rev. Caleb Deliard, pastor at Grace Alliance of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Fort Lauderdale and a Haitian American. ``We are here under the American flag and we ought to be grateful for what this flag means to us.''

Deliard, who left Haiti for the United States more than two decades ago and is organizing a Monday protest in Fort Lauderdale, said he agrees ''100 percent'' with Martinez.

''I told the people, don't bring any Haitian flags,'' he said. ``There is a reason you love your country. But the reason we come to America is for a better life. If they give us shelter and opportunity, we ought to appreciate that.''

Martinez, speaking hours after an immigration deal collapsed amid partisan bickering, expressed optimism that a compromise can still be reached.

Sitting in his Senate office, a painting of Cuban rafters on the wall behind him, Martinez said the coalition of Republicans and Democrats who declared victory on Thursday are eager to keep the issue alive when the Senate returns in two weeks from a spring recess.

''We still have a pretty solid deal going forward,'' Martinez said. 'All I heard from people on the floor was `Let's come back to it.' ''
I think mexicans should have more priority on legalisation in USA. i think california ,texas used to belong to Mexico before.coming out with mexican flag has a politically motivated meaning.Thatswhy senators are not happy :)
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