Seattle DO - N-400 timeline

(FlyingTurk: I hope it never gets this far for you and that you sail through).
Thanks Jelly213.. The ironic thing is i don't fit the 'Muslim' profile, except i come from a muslim country. The more ironic thing is the fact that government checked my credentials 3 times within last 2 years (because i am an airline pilot) and gave me their blessing. Of course that was TSA not FBI.
Just got a reply from Pat Murry's office. Letter dated 2/29 states that they checked with FBI and I am still stuck in name check. This thing is like a nightmare that never goes away :(

Quick update: I had my interview yesterday and it went of well. There were an awful lot of people there, partly because it was oath day as well (not sure if they have oath ceremonies everyday).

My appointment was at 3:00pm, so I got there at 2:20 and there was a line right out of the main door (!) and at least 40 people waiting of interviews – this is how it was all day. A woman who interviewed in the morning had the option to participate in the oath the same day (yesterday afternoon) so she spent all day there.

The officers definitely appear overworked, there were about six of them, I think. Anyway, my initial nervousness gave way to boredom after 1:30 hour of waiting, which then gave way to impatience (read annoyance) after 1:40, finally got called in after 1hr 45min. The officer (lady) was frazzled, but then I was her last. She spent most of the time updating and verifying my N400, then almost suddenly started shooting off the civics questions. I had six, nothing noteworthy, and then she asked me to print my name on the photographs, and that was it, she congratulated me then ushered me out. I actually did not sign anywhere besides printing my name on the photos.

I am afraid it was bit of an anticlimax; hopefully the oath next week (03/12) will be fun. Another observation: the sample size and diversity of the folks on this forum is very small compared to the number and diversity of the folks I saw there yesterday.

Good luck to the rest of ya!
Priority dates

Hey Anakut,
Did you by any chance hear from some of the folks there when they sent in their applications?

Quick update: I had my interview yesterday and it went of well. There were an awful lot of people there, partly because it was oath day as well (not sure if they have oath ceremonies everyday).

My appointment was at 3:00pm, so I got there at 2:20 and there was a line right out of the main door (!) and at least 40 people waiting of interviews – this is how it was all day. A woman who interviewed in the morning had the option to participate in the oath the same day (yesterday afternoon) so she spent all day there.

The officers definitely appear overworked, there were about six of them, I think. Anyway, my initial nervousness gave way to boredom after 1:30 hour of waiting, which then gave way to impatience (read annoyance) after 1:40, finally got called in after 1hr 45min. The officer (lady) was frazzled, but then I was her last. She spent most of the time updating and verifying my N400, then almost suddenly started shooting off the civics questions. I had six, nothing noteworthy, and then she asked me to print my name on the photographs, and that was it, she congratulated me then ushered me out. I actually did not sign anywhere besides printing my name on the photos.

I am afraid it was bit of an anticlimax; hopefully the oath next week (03/12) will be fun. Another observation: the sample size and diversity of the folks on this forum is very small compared to the number and diversity of the folks I saw there yesterday.

Good luck to the rest of ya!

congrats anakut, hate to burst your bubble, but for me atleast the oath ceremony was nothing great either, just more waiting around and sitting and pretty boring. cept for when you get your certificate.
Congrats Anakut. You are absolutely correct that this forum represents a very small sample of the applicant pool. For example, when I went to the post office to mail the N-400 application, the clerk behind the counter said "Ahh, sending a package to NSC? I just mailed my wife's application last week to beat the price increase". And I know of 4 others who are in the middle of the process. But that is only within my circle of friends :)
Congratulations anakut! I suspect the interview and the oath ceremony will be anti-climactic for many. Almost 15 years ago I found myself at Monticello, Jefferson's home in Virginia, on the 4th of July, and stumbled on an oath ceremony being held there. At the time I thought that would be the perfect way to undertake this particular rite of passage - but I have to admit now I just want to get through it.

Based on what I saw when I went to the Seattle DO for my FP, I absolutely second both anakut and sea_rp re the diversity of the real applicant pool vs what exists on this board. For that reason, let me reiterate that all the data in the attached and updated spreadsheet has to be taken with a grain of salt.

I have not found a good solution to the problem of finding an open-access, web-based way to share the spreadsheet for posterity and - to be honest - don't really have the time to searching further. Hence I will go on occasionally updating it with info from this board and wherever else I can find it and posting it in attachment form. If any of you guys find a better solution, then please feel free to use my spreadsheet in whatever way you see fit. If nothing else, I guess anyone can always download it from the board and play with it long after we are all through the naturalization process.
Any updates from anyone?

I see a lot of people receiving ILs from other DOs, but no movement at Seattle :(
Last IL reported is by wamuk(PD July 2nd, received IL on Feb 19th) as per Jelly's spreadsheet. Anyone from July got ILs?
I went through all the July '07 filers on (using "receipt date" as filing date - although it is not absolutely clear how the site has defined it) and it looks like about half of them have received their ILs. The numbers by Service Center break down as follows:

NSC: 11 filers, 6 report ILs
TSC: 5 filers, 2 report ILs
VSC: 9 filers, 4 report ILs
CSC: 5 filers, 2 report ILs

Of course does not track by DO but occasionally people volunteer theirs. Using those reports, we have the following data:

For NSC:
Seattle DO: one filer reports receiving and IL, another does not
Portland DO: one reports receiving IL
Chicago DO: one reports receiving IL, another does not
Detroit DO: two report receiving ILs

For TSC: none report a DO

For VSC:
New Jersey DO: one reports receiving IL

For CSC:
Los Angeles DO: one filer reports no IL yet
San Francisco DO: one reports receiving IL

So what can we make of all this? With the usual health warnings about the quality and completeness of the data, I'd say that it is not yet time to panic for July '07 filers, even through the Seattle DO. It looks like July filers are in the middle of receiving their ILs and only superfast places like Detroit DO and the Ohio DOs appear to be ahead of the game.

As a sanity check I also looked at reported June '07 filers on, and it looks like progress is being made there, too, across all Service Centers. Data as follows:

NSC: 9 filers, 6 ILs
TSC: 3 filers, 2 ILs
VSC: 5 filers, 2 ILs
CSC: 6 filers, 4 ILs.
Now that the approx. 250 day response deadline is fast approaching for July filers, anyone out there considering an Infopass?

On second thoughts it is not really a deadline but more of a response time line :)
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Now that the approx. 250 day response deadline is fast approaching for July filers, anyone out there considering an Infopass?

On second thoughts it is not really a deadline but more of a response time line :) says there are no infopass appointments available for seattle DO at this time.
I scheduled an Infopass at Seattle a week ago

I scheduled an InfoPass a week ago to check on the progress of my application. The appointment date is next week.
I scheduled an InfoPass a week ago to check on the progress of my application. The appointment date is next week.

Thanks popeyesailor, I tried today and noticed that the appointments are available now. I also called the 800 number a couple of times and at last all was able to get the customer service person transfer me to an officer. he said my file is in queue for interview, and that seattle is still processing june 12, 2007 and i that i should expect something from them only after another 6 weeks :(
Everyone in USCIS give the same boilerplate reply. I have heard of people from September and October 2007 already completing interviews both on this board and outside.

I think the June 12th date is "worst-case" date for all filers who are not stuck in Name Check etc. They want you to contact then if you filed before that day and you haven't recieved an interview.
Oath Experience

I am finally done with the oath. This was better than the interview experience. Again, there was a line well outside the main door, so the whole getting in process was long, but once we were in, it was a pleasant enough. There were 57 of us representing 29 countries, with 4 or 5 each from Mexico, India, China, East European countries and the rest from all over including 2 from Canada and 2 from Ireland.

Each of us had to walk to the stage to get our certificate, which was nice. Other than that, it was video watching and finally taking the oath. Please know that the large majority of people were based on the relative initiative, perhaps their background checks are faster than the employee-based category?

After the oath I went upstairs to the interview area, there were about 30- 40 people waiting, so while we may not be seeing a lot of activity on this forum, I am sure interview letters are being sent out.

So, hang in there, you guys’ turn will come soon. Good luck!!