Seattle DO - N-400 timeline

Thanks for the update. Appreciate it.

Some questions linger. However quite a few July filers have received ILs...not everyone though, since some of us late July 2007 filers are still waiting. So, not sure if this June 12, 2007 date stated is accurate?

Maybe June 2007 is what they are predominantly processing, and some July filers got "accelerated processing" randomly.
Do some applications really get accelerated processing? What would the reason be?

I did not mean a formal accelerated processing. I just meant randomly some people may have gotten luckier. Thats all.
Because some late July 2007 filers seem to have finished their process.
New to board

Hi guys,

just found this board and want to thank you all for the very helpful level of information being provided.

My timeline (Seattle DO):

N-400 sent: 12/29/2007 (1st day I could do so under the 5yrs less 90 days rule)
PD: 12/31/2007
Check cashed: 1/30/2008
NOA1: Dated 2/1/2008; received 2/9/2008 (said to expect IL within 248 days)
FP Notice: Dated 2/5/2008; received 2/13/2008
FP: 2/20/2008

and now the long wait. . . .

Day counts

In keeping with my excessively analytical nature, I spent last night building a spreadsheet of everyone in this thread's timelines with the aim of seeing what to expect. It occurs to me that others might find it useful or interesting and am happy to share it. Just let me know.

For example, 14 people have reported receiving ILs on this thread (and I'm assuming they are all going through Seattle DO). Here is the number of days from PD to IL received for them, with their PD listed for context. (Square brackets indicate the day count is from date N-400 sent as no PD is reported).

150 07/29/2007
128 07/29/2007
[230] 06/10/2007
238 06/04/2007
[190] 05/02/2007
[208] 05/02/2007
215 04/20/2007
222 04/18/2007
191 02/16/2007
37 02/14/2007
174 11/30/2006
59 10/30/2006
65 06/26/2006
[29] 04/20/2006

What is immediately apparent is how relatively fast the process was before last summer, assuming you were not caught up in name checks etc. But what might give some hope is that after bulging out to 200+ days, the most recent reports have been of 128 and 150 days. Is the USCIS in fact slowly getting on top of its backlog? Who knows?

I have similar stats for every phase of the process based on your reports. For what it is worth, they show a similar pattern, with FPs and IDs lately coming in a bit sooner than was the case for filers from last summer. Not earth shattering stuff but at least better than the alternative.

Keep posting and updating your timelines and and I'll track trends.
Great job in pulling together this data. Can you upload the spreadsheet...or provide a URL link...either option is fine.

PS: you can click the "Go Advanced" button, or if you are in full mode, you will see the "Manage Attachments" using this you can attach the spreadsheet.
Here is the latest list.... BTW I added my PD to this list:

FlyingTurk - March 15, 2007
Seattlebear - March 23
Anakut - June 4 - IL(Jan 28) - ID(Mar 3)
Truemetal3 - June 19 - IL(Jan 28) - ID(Mar 17)
Sea_rp - July 20
Seattleliter - July 23
CrossHairs - July 25
Senga - Sept 17
HomerSimp - Sep 29
Jelly213 - Dec 31
Day counts spreadsheet

Thanks for the encouragement, CrossHairs, and for the helpful hint on how to make an attachment. I had thought of appending the spreadsheet to my post but couldn't immediately see a way to do it. Anyway, here it is.

Please note the very real limitations of this data:
- It is dependent on what people report on this board (and mistakes are occasionally made); I might make transcription errors, too
- There may be non-Seattle DO filers in the dataset although it is taken from this thread (I have excluded one or two on that basis)
- The sample size is extremely limited
- People's circumstances vary considerably (e.g. common names vs. unique names for name check, etc.)
- Some people may drop off the board before reporting the end of their N-400 path (i.e. the day counts only work up to the latest reported action - beyond that, people may just not have reported further progress).

A couple of related questions:
1. CrossHairs: we don't seem to have a PD (as opposed to a mailing date) for you which would add value to the spreadsheet

2. HomerSimp (in case you see this): In one post you reported an 8/27/07 PD and in another a 9/29/07 PD. Care to give the correct one?

I will update the spreadsheet as more reports come in, so all boarders please keep reporting your progress and relevant dates.

Hope all this makes sense and is useful.
jelly, i will have to check my is very very close to my mailing date (maybe one or two days or so difference only). So, for practical purposes, my MD equivalent to PD.
this is a lot of hard work. Thank you..We should keep this thing as a live document and update it as people keep applying to citizenship.

thanks for creating this sheet. here is my timeline for the N-400 process.

Applied - Oct 19 2006
Receipt Date - Oct 26 2006
Finger Prints - Nov 14 2006
Received IL - Oct 20 2007
Interview Date - Nov 26 2007
Oath - December 3 2007
Hi All,

Thanks for updated info (CrossHairs & Viva) and for the link to the site.

I absolutely agree that it would be nice to have the spreadsheet in an online and lightweight format - but on consideration, I am not sure that is the right venue. Reasons for that:

- While it tracks timelines by Service Center, it does not do so by DO. My understanding is that DO will make a difference. I am trying to track Seattle DO experiences only since they are what is relevant to me (and presumably everyone else on this board).
- The data points tracked on immihelp are not always clear and the glossary is not much help. In particular, there appears to be a degree of confusion between dates where something was sent and when it was received. No real clarity on the crucial PD date from which I start my day counts. There are a couple of members of this board who also appear on and cross-referencing their dates as reported in this forum and on suggests a degree of confusion on the latter site.
- does not provide ready day counts, just the dates. My interest in the day counts is partly because I do a fair amount of travel. I would obviously hate to miss my ID because the IL arrived when I was away. By looking at the patterns of others' experience I can for example see that the gap between IL receipt and ID is typically about a month, although in one case it was as little 19 days. Hence I don't want to be away for more than two weeks at a time.
- As a practical matter, I am not sure whether one could upload info on a bunch of third parties into the immihelp database. Even if one could, would it be "right" to upload unverified data from third party sources?

A possible alternative is that Google now has free spreadsheet software for shared use online. I have not yet looked into this but have recently been the recipient of such a spreadsheet in a work context. Let me investigate. This would ideally allow us to have the spreadsheet accessible and amendable by anyone. (That carries risks, too, though).

I am open to persuasion and other suggestions, and of course the spreadsheet is there for anyone to play with as much as they like, including adding to

I have updated the spreadsheet to reflect the new data provided, and I have also added two applicants from that could clearly be identified as falling under the Seattle DO. They are marked in red to make them identifiable as non-boarders. Their day counts look about right compared to comparable filers from this board.

Finally, the spreadsheet has been renamed to incorporate the last date on which I have amended it. That way we can hopefully prevent confusion in the ranks once different versions begin to float around.

I'm new to the list. Thanks for all the great culling of info that folks have been doing.

Here are my dates:
Received Date: 7/17/07
Priority Date: 7/17/07
FP Date: 8/30/07
IL Date: ?
Thats great work jelly!!
From jelly's excel sheet, looks like someone with July 2nd got their IL. But SeattleResident with July 17th PD is still waiting...

please update us as soon as you get your IL
In all haste before I proceed with a more entertaining use of my Friday night: Thanks for the additional data points SeattleResident - and thanks to all for their kind words. (I'm not worthy. . . ).

I'll revert on the topic of the spreadsheet and ways in which it might be shared and kept alive for future users but just wanted to point any interested parties to the following story from last night's (Thursday 2/28) All Things Considered on NPR:

It reports on a group of Muslim citizenship applicants who sued the Federal government because their applications were unreasonably held up, essentially because of delays in their name checks. (FlyingTurk: I hope it never gets this far for you and that you sail through).