Scraping of TN visa


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Is it true that if clinton or obama comes to power will scrap (or amend( NAFTA agreement in order to save american blue collar workers on states like ohio, texas.
Any thoughts on that would be appreciated.
Remember when Chretien promised to scrap the GST?

No president will be able to single-handedly "scrap" NAFTA. Changing a treaty requires approval by Congress. Politicians promise a lot of things...
also, to be issued a TN you usually need to be educated in some way in your field, it just isnt to get ANY job. at the risk of sounding kind of arrogant, the US will not stop letting in educated people, only possibly the manual labor jobs
How does one scrape NAFTA. Is an exfoliant involved?:D
Perhaps a consular could tell us?:p:p
Is it true that if clinton or obama comes to power will scrap (or amend( NAFTA agreement in order to save american blue collar workers on states like ohio, texas.
Any thoughts on that would be appreciated.

I see the "chicken little" syndrome has started.
Just because they said they would doesn't mean they will plus they'd need to modify NAFTA, with the approval of Canada & Mexico
Chances of this happening? Slim to none.
IMHO, it is too early to tell one way or the other. Obama may or maynot get elected, and if he is elected, how strong is his determination to go through it?