San Jose Tracker - Through USC marriage

Anybody out there with recent approvals from San Jose office?

Please post your timelines.
Hi Guys,
We got our interview letter today (I though it wouldn't come :rolleyes: ). The interview is on 11/23 at San Jose.

As a recap:
We applied on 4/19
Cheks cashed on 5/11
Recepit date 5/10
EAD 6/7/2004
Interview 11/23/2004

I will let you know how it goes. Hang in there!
GeorgeF said:
Hi Guys,
We got our interview letter today (I though it wouldn't come :rolleyes: ). The interview is on 11/23 at San Jose.

As a recap:
We applied on 4/19
Cheks cashed on 5/11
Recepit date 5/10
EAD 6/7/2004
Interview 11/23/2004

I will let you know how it goes. Hang in there!

Great news. finally we got one data point to track ours at least.

Thank you George.
I have a question regarding medical exam...What is the appropriate time to do it? I may also need to get some shots....did you guys wait until you receive the interview letter, i'm assuming it has also medical exam information, or shall I get it done ASAP myself??
Thanks a lot.
Good Luck .... George

Great news George. I'm waiting impatiently to read your experiences of the interview process. Don't forget to share.
AOS approved in San Jose (Oct 22nd)

My AOS was approved on Oct 22 2004 (I have waited for a year!)!
This is my first posting, but I have been reading the posts in this
newsgroup for quite some time. I am posting the time line of my
experience to share with others.

Oct 15 2003: Filed I485, I765 (EAD), I130 at San Jose Sub-district
Oct 31 2003: Received notice to pick up EAD on Nov 28 2003.
Nov 25 2003: Fingerprint notice
Nov 27 2003: Picked up EAD at San Jose.
Dec 3 2003: Fingerprinted at ASC in San Jose
Dec 9 2003: Got emergency advance parole.
Feb ? 2004: AOS interview letter for Mar 18 2004.
Mar 18 2004: Went for interview. Not approved yet since missing
background check. Was told background check would
take 3-4 months, and that I would be notified.
Jun 9 2004: Went to San Jose Office to inquire about case. Was
told background/name check was not complete
(fingerprint check was ok though).
July 7 2004: Contacted Congresswoman (got the same answer from
them about background check not being completed). The
congresswoman's office was able to call FBI to check
on the status (apparently it was completed, but San Jose
office claimed otherwise). Congresswoman's office said
it would investigate, but I never heard from them
Aug 12 2004: Making my almost bi-monthly pilgrimmage to San Jose
office to check on my case. Got the same reply, and was
told I shouldn't request a second check for the
background check (since it would put me back
behind the queue). Was also told that I might
need 2nd fingerprintsoon.
Sep 9 2004: Filed renewal for EAD and for advance parole.
Oct 12 2004: Went to San Jose Office to inquire about EAD/advance
parole (check was not cashed yet). Was told that there
was a month's delay. Also no news on my AOS.
Oct 26 2004: Received letter telling me that AOS was approved on
Oct 22 2004!
Oct 27 2004: Received 2 letters telling me that EAD and advance
parole were approved on Oct 22 2004. Same day as AOS
approval. HUH? Checks for applications were cashed. Oh

I think the renewal of the EAD and advance parole triggered San Jose
office to look at my file again, and realised that the background
checks were all completed. It has been a long and stressful wait, and
I am glad it is over. Good luck to everyone else!
no response for 485/130 filed oct 18th

Hi all, we put I-485/I-130 package in drop box on oct 18 and checks haven't yet been cashed, no any messages from ins. It's three weeks already, is this normal?
Also we'd like to call SJ office and check whether they received our package but cannot find any phones on SJ office web site. Do they have phone number or we need to schedule infopass interview?
Unfortunately, it is "normal". San Jose has a "front log problem" and it takes them a while to open up the envelopes. Give them 2 more weeks or so.

I don't think they have a phone number. The only way to find out is to make an INSPass appointment.

I'd wait up to 6 weeks and then inquire about it.
Hi guys,

I have remained on H1 since I filed the AOS application. Kind of been lazy to inquire if I really need to be on one until the interview. I don't expect to have any problems during the interview. Is/was there anyone else in the same situation as me ?

Thank you for quick reply, we'll wait for couple of weeks more. The issue is that my H1B status expires in november and i was hoping to get EAD end of november beginning of december to avoid problems with work.
Does anyone know how long does it take to schedule infopass appointment and what kind of appointment to apply for(i suspect 'to talk with immigration officer' is the one i need)?
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rera said:
Thenk you for quick reply, we'll wait for couple of weeks more. The issue is that my H1B status expires in november and i was hoping to get EAD end of november beginning of december to avoid problems with work.
Does anyone know how long does it take to schedule infopass appointment and what kind of appointment to apply for(i suspect 'to talk with immigration officer' is the one i need)?

Hi rera, I have also applied for AOS package in San Jose office, infact I dropped the package on Oct 1st at around 2:30 p.m. I haven't heard anything till now. I was very desperate to know what happened to all my forms and checks, so I took an Infopass appointment on around 29th Oct and I got an appointment for 9th Nov 9:45 a.m. I'm just coming from San Jose Office now. I went through the gate but before meeting any immigration officer we have to meet this guy who gives tokens and give him the reason for visit and I told them about my package, the guy said I don't need to meet any immigration officer, it seems they have a 2 months backlog even for opening the packages and seems there's only one person working on new packages. He said I should wait till New Year maybe to hear anything from them. So, the response was pretty quick, but hardluck for all the guys who are applying now for AOS.

These are very bad news. Have you seen immigration officer? If yes what officer told you?
rera said:

These are very bad news. Have you seen immigration officer? If yes what officer told you?

No, They don't allow you to meet an officer unless you have some reason. As I said earlier, you have to take a token number to meet an officer and the guy who gives token will not give you a token unless you have a reason. My application is not processed is not the reason to meet an officer, hence he didn't allow me.
It's still better. Mine has moved 12 days since last month.
Guys, are these dates correct. As of 10 th November for ex there's shown Now processing 485 - 20th Jan, 2004. And there are interviews in the same office scheduled for 485, sent in April or May, 2004.
How come this? It's just not right especially for straight cases without any complications. So it is really no use of going koo koo over the dates posted on the web??? WHY DO THEY DO THAT? :mad:
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are you guys talking about DO dates? How come its not updated for my DO? My DO is Memphis (the great!).