San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

Hi Sanjoseaug20:
- Was it easy to get parking there ?
- Where's the parking entrance from ?
- How long before the actual ceremony would you recommend reaching there ?

There is lot of parking. You enter the parking from Winchester side ... but there might be other entrances. The community center is huge. The oath location is on Campbell, so park as close to Campbell as you can.

Half an hour before is good, although 5 minutes before will also work. A line usually forms 30-40 minutes before. Actually, multiple lines. Someone will check the oath letter answers in each line and let you in. If you go early, you stand in big line and sit up front. If you go close to the oath time, you stand in short line and sit in the back (may not be the same all the time). I do not recall many people coming late, maybe a very small number.
Oath letter received

My wife and I had an appointment today at San Jose , we went
1 hour early.We took our toddler with us.

For me---
The office was almost empty, and within 10 mins of putting the letters in the Bin they called me.
The IO was extremely nice and thanked me for going early.

The IO went through the form very quickly.
Only Passport/DL and GC asked.. nothing else.
(Not even disposition for speeding ticket)

Then 6 questions
1.One promise you make when you become citizen.
2.Gov of california
3.Two national holidays
4.Who was the first president
5.Where is statue of liberty
6.What movement tried to end racial dicrimination.
Read: Who lives in the white house, Write:The president lives in the white house

The officer said I was few days short of 5yr mark so she would approve
next week. Interview passed.

My wife--
Called after 30 mins, IO was nice
Quick form verification and PP,DL and GC seen no other document was asked.
1.Speaker of the house
2.Who lived in US before europeans
3.Name one right from first ammendment.
4.Longest river
5.Independence day
6.What does constitution do
Read/Write: Same as mine

Interview passed, decision pending till 5yr mark next week.

I received Oath letter for self today... Oath on Jan 28th At campbell.
Waiting for wife's Oath letter.
Got oath letter for wife yesterday for Oath @ Campbell on 1/28, waiting for self.
Both of us interviewed on same date 01/04/10.

Hope I make it to 1/28 as well, or else will have to wait until 2/25.
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iquest2000, desibartender,

If you don't mind sharing, how are you signing the OL:
- Print your name in all CAPs.
- Print name in cursive
- Use your normal signature (as in ccard, cheques, etc).

iquest2000, desibartender,

If you don't mind sharing, how are you signing the OL:
- Print your name in all CAPs.
- Print name in cursive
- Use your normal signature (as in ccard, cheques, etc).


No idea what u r talking about. I will go home in the evening and check.
iquest2000, desibartender,

If you don't mind sharing, how are you signing the OL:
- Print your name in all CAPs.
- Print name in cursive
- Use your normal signature (as in ccard, cheques, etc).


Could it be none of the above? ;) I don't think it really matters. If it is signature you should either do your regular signature or Cursive signature. It most likely doesn't matter which one of these you choose.

Printing your name in all CAPS is not a signature, it is printing your name in all CAPS ;)
Hello Guys, I am thinking about going to info pass this Friday to check on my oath status, any suggestions? Also is their way to call them and ask the status, I called customer service they said that only way is to go make appointment and check with local office?
waiting for the oath letter

I too waiting for the oath letter. Myself and my wife had our interview on 12/07/09 and both of us passed. My wife recived the oath letter and her oath ceremony is on 01/28. However, I am still waiting. Are they following any pattern in distributing the oath letter or is it random?
Me and my wife both interviewed on 12/23/09. I got a Oath letter day before yesterday for Oath ceremony on 1/28/10. But my wife has not got the letter.

If it does not arrive this week I wonder if it okay for us to try the info pass to ask her IO about her oath letter? Would that be an okay thing to do?
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Rescheduling oath ceremony..

I have my oath ceremony scheduled for the 22nd, and my wife scheduled for an induction on the 21st, which means I'll likely not be able to make it. Anyone has experience rescheduling the oath ceremony? I was planning to wait until the 22nd and if I can't attend mail the letter back, or shall I get an Info pass instead?

Thanks in adavance!
ssr1, desibartender:
I am in the same boat as you. Spouse got the OL for 1/28 and I am still waiting (same day/time interview for both, 1/4).

Do post a message when the other OL arrives for you guys, and/or if you take any actions such as calling USCIS/infopass, etc.

I just came from infopass, officer told me that my case was approved on jan 7, and yesterday it went upstear for final review (not sure if case got approved then why this?) ans also he said my name check is clear so any thoughts guys?
I had my interview on 12/14 and passed. I was asked to send some documents and I did but no any oath letter yet.
I just came from infopass, officer told me that my case was approved on jan 7, and yesterday it went upstear for final review (not sure if case got approved then why this?) ans also he said my name check is clear so any thoughts guys?

Do you have any arrests, traffic tickets? In cases that have something extraordinary it is usually sent for supervisor review.
I had my interview on 12/14 and passed. I was asked to send some documents and I did but no any oath letter yet.

Yes, that seems to be the case with a lot of folks when documents need to be sent after the interview it can cause an indeterminate amount of delay. I would say, wait for a few weeks, if you don't hear anything you can start scheduling an Infopass. Hopefully you'll get your oath letter before you need to do anything.
Yes, that seems to be the case with a lot of folks when documents need to be sent after the interview it can cause an indeterminate amount of delay. I would say, wait for a few weeks, if you don't hear anything you can start scheduling an Infopass. Hopefully you'll get your oath letter before you need to do anything.

I had my interview on 12/07 and was not asked to submit any document. Also I had completed 5 years. After the interview, IO gave me N652 form and put tick against "passed the test and Congratulations boxes". Further, IO told me that I should get OL in 3 to 4 weeks time. I am still waiting for my Oath letter. I shall post once receive OL.