San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

I got my Oath letter today!

I got my oath letter today for January 22nd at san jose at Monterey road.Thanks god the end of the road.Thank you everybody.

Interview 12/14/2009
additional doc requested 12/14/2009
Doc sent 12/16/2009
OL recieved 1/15/2010
OD 1/22/2010
i have my Oath on 2/19 @ SJC (Monterey Road).
I have only read experiences about Campbell cerimonies.
Do post your experience (how long does it take etc).
At least that's the end of Monterey Road ;) Congratulations! :)

I got my oath letter today for January 22nd at san jose at Monterey road.Thanks god the end of the road.Thank you everybody.

Interview 12/14/2009
additional doc requested 12/14/2009
Doc sent 12/16/2009
OL recieved 1/15/2010
OD 1/22/2010
Or you can do same thing as complex_dude is talking about. I use to call customer service and their answer was only way to get any more information is to go to local office, but when I called today I just said as complex_dude said I need to talk to IO, first she was like maybe I can help you I said I am told only IO can give me the infromation I need she was like still let me help you I told her she was like its too early but since you want to talk to IO she will transfer but it wont be any more information then what she is which is to wait. But IO was able to tell me that I am approved and have been scheduled for oath at 02/19 but he said they did not mail you letter yet.

Hi Desikhan and complex dude. I called 1-800-375-5283 and option chose option 1 for English. Then the menu that played does not have 2 for forms. It has 1 for forms. After choosing forms the message played over and over again. So far I have not been able to get hold of a customer service representative. I am sure there is a trick to this that stupid me can't latch on to. Could you folks let me know what you exactly did? Thanks in advance.
I just called again, you can try 1-1-2

Press 1 for english
Press 1 for forms
Press 2: You are 'not' sure which form you want. --> "Thank you, we are now routing your call to customer representative"
Ah! You lucky folks. I got the most difficult customer rep on the line. He would not budge from his standard line and no transfer to IO. He told us not to call us before 90 days and stuck to that point.

We will call again today to see if we find a more friendly person. Hope we don't get back to him again. Keeping our fingers crossed.

We have scheduled a infopass on friday to give it time to see if we get the letter till then.

However, I know a few people who interviewed on the same day as us and they haven't got their letter yet. So maybe these are just posted maybe on some specific days? Anyone got letters here a week before the ceremony?
Ah! You lucky folks. I got the most difficult customer rep on the line. He would not budge from his standard line and no transfer to IO. He told us not to call us before 90 days and stuck to that point.

We will call again today to see if we find a more friendly person. Hope we don't get back to him again. Keeping our fingers crossed.

We have scheduled a infopass on friday to give it time to see if we get the letter till then.

However, I know a few people who interviewed on the same day as us and they haven't got their letter yet. So maybe these are just posted maybe on some specific days? Anyone got letters here a week before the ceremony?

I had called USCIS yesterday via the same route --Rep--Transfer to IO. The IO looked into my wifes case and said
she is in the "Oath to be sceduled" state so I should just wait for the oath letter.
At least now i know that the case is approved and just that oath letter is delayed (I hope).

TYhe IO told me to call back after 30 days if I dont get oath letter.
I think it would pay to be patient. It seems neither you or your wife have gotten the oath letter, which would seem to indicate that everything is going its normal route and you are just queued for the oath ceremony. I wouldn't waste time trying to call them. Think about it. A couple of years ago it took 9 months or more for the whole process, you've been on it for barely 3 months ;) I'm sure you can afford to be a bit patient. Good luck. I hope you get your letters soon.
I think it would pay to be patient. It seems neither you or your wife have gotten the oath letter, which would seem to indicate that everything is going its normal route and you are just queued for the oath ceremony. I wouldn't waste time trying to call them. Think about it. A couple of years ago it took 9 months or more for the whole process, you've been on it for barely 3 months ;) I'm sure you can afford to be a bit patient. Good luck. I hope you get your letters soon.

Actually I got my letter 2 weeks back and hence I checked with USCIS to make sure nothing was wrong or I didnt lose any mail from USCIS for my wife.
think it would pay to be patient. It seems neither you or your wife have gotten the oath letter, which would seem to indicate that everything is going its normal route and you are just queued for the oath ceremony. I wouldn't waste time trying to call them. Think about it. A couple of years ago it took 9 months or more for the whole process, you've been on it for barely 3 months I'm sure you can afford to be a bit patient. Good luck. I hope you get your letters soon.

Best thing to do is to take infopass and inquire. I did the same thing and got my OL right away at the infopass appointment. It looks like earlier sent OL got mispalced during mailing process. I took the infopass because my spouse got the oath letter long back and we were interviewed on the same day though. If you are in doubt, it is always good take infopass before oath ceremony and inquire. Infopass taking is very easy and IOs are very kind and helpful.
Actually I got my letter 2 weeks back and hence I checked with USCIS to make sure nothing was wrong or I didnt lose any mail from USCIS for my wife.

Sorry, my reply was meant to desibartender. If you got the letter and your wife didn't I understand that the anxiety level increases because you might think it got lost in the mail. Oath letter getting lost in the mail is more the exception than the norm. It is possible that her case was slightly delayed because it was flagged for supervisor approval or some other menial issue. Good luck.
I am worried because I got my letter and have not got my wife's letter. We have issues with our mail delivery. We frequently lose mail and get mail meant for others. Even frequent complaining to USPS has not helped. We have multiple buildings with same apartment numbers and that add to the confusion. I have scheduled a infopass for tomorrow and will go there and find out what the deal is with the case.
I am worried because I got my letter and have not got my wife's letter. We have issues with our mail delivery. We frequently lose mail and get mail meant for others. Even frequent complaining to USPS has not helped. We have multiple buildings with same apartment numbers and that add to the confusion. I have scheduled a infopass for tomorrow and will go there and find out what the deal is with the case.

Ok, makes sense. I assumed you hadn't received any letters yet because your signature doesn't show your oath date. Good luck with your Infopass. If they have already sent the letter but you haven't received it you might insist and they can give you another copy. On the other hand if she had something out of the ordinary with her application she might have been sent to supervisor approval which delays things a bit.
Where did you apply for expedited passport?Is that USPS?How much did cost you?


That was a couple of years ago when they had a backlog of passport applications. Nowadays a regular passport application should take around 2 weeks. Unless you are in a hurry to travel somewhere I don't think it makes sense to spend the extra money. Yes, I applied on a USPS location. I forgot how much it cost, but I think expedited is at least $60 dollars more (to department of State), and then I think one needs to pay some extra for faster mail to USPS. I would recommend you to use regular service and use the saved money to apply for a passport card at the same time to have additional proof of citizenship.

You can find all the fees here:

Good luck tomorrow.
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i got interviewed Dec 16, IO asked for a document i dont have, sent through registered mail the same day.. and still waiting for OL/OD
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Many thanks to complex dude and ssr1. I scheduled a infopass for my wife today since she never got her oath letter. She went to San Jose office and was told that her letter was sent on 5th Jan. She never got the letter in mail so they printed out a copy for her. Her oath day and time is same as mine. We are now set for 28th Jan to take our oath together and become US citizen together. Really glad that I was on this forum with other pro-active people. it's important for me to share this important event in my life with my wife. Thanks folks.