San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

Huracan, you are right .. you are around a week or two ahead of my prio date . In case you get the IL, let me know.

How can they say that name check and background check was cleared even before your FP? To me they told that they received FP clearance and put my case in Interview queue but was rejected due to my name check not getting cleared. It got cleared in mid Feb but it went into system on Mar 16. The IO gave me all those dates. She did not say that Interview will be in June but that since they have sent out letters for April and some parts of May, she said that tentatively mine will be in last weeks of May or June. I am tending more towards June as we heard from a lot of folks scheduled in may already got their ILs.

In case the DHS sends letters every 15 days (as I understand last sendout was around Mar 15-16 -- people getting it on Mar 19), we will see a letter soon (maybe next week) else then maybe in 2-3 weeks.

I will keep you posted.

Did they tell you when your case was cleared and moved into the queue. In my infopass appointment last week I was told that in Feb all security clearances were done and I am in queue for IL (since Mar 16) and will get IL within 30 days and it will be sometime in June.


They told me in early march that namecheck has been cleared in early december. My FP was late december.Officer said everything is all set for IL. But did not give me any date for interview or IL.
Did they actually say June for you? I am surprised...

Huracan: my FP dates are similar to yours...we should watch each others case to get an idea of when we get IL.
Let us know when you or your wife gets the IL.

I had an infopass in early Mar to check on the status. I was told that my application had cleared FBI name check(?) and the fingerprint check. The officer told me that I would receive the IL soon.

I haven't received it yet.

My wife who shares the exact same dates on the N400 timeline took an infopass y'day.

Her application has cleared all checks as well. She was told that the interview was just scheduled the previous day. Her interview will be on May 24th at 8.40 AM. The officer wrote the date on her ori. notice and informed my wife to call the 800# if she did not receive the IL w/ in 2 weeks time and request for a copy of IL to be re-mailed.

Now, I'm hoping to receive my IL in the week or two as well.
These are pretty encouraging news. Only thing I can say is that I didn't receive the interview letter today :( Anyway, I would estimate from two to four weeks for this event to happen. Don't worry, nowadays I think I am averaging about 6 or 8 posts per day, so rest assured that if I get the interview letter I will let everyone know right away :)
Did they tell you when your case was cleared and moved into the queue.

They did not. In my wife's case the officer mentioned that they had scheduled her interview just recently and that the IL should reach her w/ in 15 days.

I will post soon as there is an update.
Any one has any idea when USCIS update there processing times?

For SJ it shows now as July,12 (Which is updated on March,15th)Priroty Date and what does it mean?

Is that means July,12 Prority dates applicants are getting done with Oaths?
Any one has any idea when USCIS update there processing times?

For SJ it shows now as July,12 (Which is updated on March,15th)Priroty Date and what does it mean?

Is that means July,12 Prority dates applicants are getting done with Oaths?

USCIS typically updates between 15th and 20th of every month and it means that upto July 12, most of the candidates are either done with the oath or will be done that month. That's just my guess.

I know that some of folks with Aug prio dates were also done last month, so it can be +- 2 months depending on your background checks.
I believe the main significance of the processing date is to give you an indication of backlog, and also to give you an indication of when USCIS thinks you can start complaining if your case is late. The point is that at the time they published the last processing date of July 12, if your case is still processing and it has a priority date earlier than July 12, let's say June 14, then you can complain that your case hasn't been completed and they should investigate. On the other hand if your case was later than July12, let's say August 1st, then they can easily tell you that your case is still within the processing targets and not investigate or do anything further. To be honest at the end of the day it probably doesn't matter one way or the other because if your case is stuck in name check then USCIS can say that it is out of their hands anyway.

My 2 cents.
I have been following this forum in the last two weeks about the progress in Interview dates. I want to share my date for others. I got my IL on March 30 for interview on May 22 (anyone on the same day?). Good luck for the rest of the folks :)

10/02/2006: Priority Date
10/20/2006: Notice Date
11/07/2006: FP Date
03/30/2007: IL received
05/22/2007: Interview date
??/??/????: Oath
I believe the main significance of the processing date is to give you an indication of backlog, and also to give you an indication of when USCIS thinks you can start complaining if your case is late. The point is that at the time they published the last processing date of July 12, if your case is still processing and it has a priority date earlier than July 12, let's say June 14, then you can complain that your case hasn't been completed and they should investigate. On the other hand if your case was later than July12, let's say August 1st, then they can easily tell you that your case is still within the processing targets and not investigate or do anything further.

That is exactly right. I always got a run around from them just because the published processing date was prior to my priority date and they would give me the standard reply that my case was within their processing time.

To be honest at the end of the day it probably doesn't matter one way or the other because if your case is stuck in name check then USCIS can say that it is out of their hands anyway.

But the fact of the matter is that a case can take longer than average even after time clearance of name check. For example, my name was cleared immediately following my FP. And since then (June of 2006) I was always told that my case was in "system queue". But did not get an interview notice notice until end of January 2007 - and that happened only because when I called in mid January, I was able to escalate because my case was then outside of the processing time (priority date of 5/24 while the processing time date was 6/14). Oh well ...

And btw, the interview officer commented during my 7 min interview that my case was extremely clean and very straight forward and never had any issues.

And yes, if one is stuck in the dreaded *name check* then there is really nothing that can be done.
Couldn't you escalate it earlier as you had not received even Interview letter and the people with PDs close to you were getting ILs -- I mean couldn't you call say 2-3 months after your case was set in queue? Did you take Infopass appointment or just called and enquired about it? Maybe u were not in a big hurry ....
Was the case escalated from local DHS office or USCIS?

That is exactly right. I always got a run around from them just because the published processing date was prior to my priority date and they would give me the standard reply that my case was within their processing time.

But the fact of the matter is that a case can take longer than average even after time clearance of name check. For example, my name was cleared immediately following my FP. And since then (June of 2006) I was always told that my case was in "system queue". But did not get an interview notice notice until end of January 2007 - and that happened only because when I called in mid January, I was able to escalate because my case was then outside of the processing time (priority date of 5/24 while the processing time date was 6/14). Oh well ...

And btw, the interview officer commented during my 7 min interview that my case was extremely clean and very straight forward and never had any issues.

And yes, if one is stuck in the dreaded *name check* then there is really nothing that can be done.
Couldn't you escalate it earlier as you had not received even Interview letter and the people with PDs close to you were getting ILs -- I mean couldn't you call say 2-3 months after your case was set in queue? Did you take Infopass appointment or just called and enquired about it? Maybe u were not in a big hurry ....
Was the case escalated from local DHS office or USCIS?

No, you can call or take Infopass but you can't do anything to effectively escalate. Yes, I took Infopass (multiple times) and called the National Helpdesk (multiple times). But all they would say was that my case was on normal track and Infopass revealed that name check was successfully completed. That's it.
Thanks a ton kkboy for the wonderful information. I went to San Jose DHS office and they told me that everything is ok (name check and background check has been cleared) and now my app is waiting to be scheduled for the interview (hopefully in June). A big load off my shoulder.

I hope your interview letter comes in by June. BTW, I was given the exact same information back in September 2006 and I finally got my interview letter in January with interview date in March.
I hope your interview letter comes in by June. BTW, I was given the exact same information back in September 2006 and I finally got my interview letter in January with interview date in March.

Thanks a lot. I also hope so. I will try to make another Infopass appointment next month if I do not get letter till that time.

I am seeing people with PD in Oct getting May Interviews, my PD is Dec, so I am hoping in July if these guys don't regress the dates again.

Hope your case did not miss due to the change in policy about Interviews getting scheduled only after name check has been cleared.

Good luck with the Oath.
Got interview letter!

Just got it in the mail, with a notice date of March 28. The online case status hasn't changed at all. It's on May 24th at INS, 1887 Monterey Hwy, San Jose.

Yay. I was getting tired of waiting :)
Congratulations, and good luck on the interview.

It seems that they are still dealing with October PD. If this was behaving in a linear way, and I could extrapolate, it would seem I'll still have to wait a couple of months more to get my letter :( Let's hope that either, they speed up things, or there are fewer cases in November so they move quicker ;) I'm glad to see that people are getting their interview letters.
I received my IL by mail on Mar 31st. My interview is scheduled on May 24th afternoon.

My wife shares my timeline (pretty much, PD is Oct 5th) and she recieved her IL today. She too is schedule (as she had already found out at the infopass) on May 24th in the morning.

BTW, looks like the oaths are being scheduled 1 to 1-1/2 months after the interview.
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Congratulations :)

Thanks for posting. It is information like this which makes it easier for everyone to gain visibility into real processing time in San Jose.
Interview letter received, time line

Priority Date : Oct 16, 2006
Finger Printing: Nov 15th, 2006
Interview Letter Received: March 31, 2007
Interview Date: May 17, 2007
Hope your case did not miss due to the change in policy about Interviews getting scheduled only after name check has been cleared.

May be, I am not making it very clear (even though I think I said it multiple times before) that my case was never stuck in name check - something that was confirmed both at Infopass appointments earlier as well as at the interview.
no point in speculation...

...san jose is just taking 6-8 months on an average (too many immigrants applying) . Don't worry you guys, you are going to zoom thru interview+ oath soon. :) good luck. AS for oaths, they happen on the 2nd last wednesday of every, if your interview happens before the ongoing month's oath assured, u will get a seat in the next month's ceremony. else...the month after that.