San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

My timelines

Hi all,
Great forum. Thanks to all for good information. My case is little different, but I'm glad all worked out for me, but my wife's case is still pending after 2 FP.

Here is my timeline.

12/29/06: Appl. Rc'd-Priority Date
02/06/07: FP Date- San Jose CA,
06/2007: IL Rc'd
July: Change of address to another County, ie to San Francisco Center.
08/09/07: Interview Result (N652)
- Due to Background Check verification,
- My address was not updated, had a print out my Change of Address, the officer took it and made the address. She said I'll receive notification from SanFrancisco center from 1-3 months.
09/20?/07: Received Oath letter
10/23/07: Oath Ceremony at SanFrancisco
10/24/07: PP Appl
Greeting, just completed my oath this week, thanks for all the knowledge and helpful information. Following is my timeline:

01/06/07 PD
02/16/07 FP
09/05/07 Interview
10/24/07 Oath
10/26/07 Applied PP (Feel weired that Post Office officer didn't give any receipt)
Ok, just had my interview. Basically one year after filing N-400. Entire interview lasted 15mins. Very pleasant officer. Mostly generic questions. One thing that got me worried a bit was when the officer asked me about police issues and I replied that I had a speeding ticket about 8 years ago. He wrote down something on the app but said it shouldn't matter. Hopefully this indeed is not going to be an issue. Now waiting for the oath letter....

Here's the timeline
10/03/06 - N-400 filed
11/01/06 - FP done
........... - bunch of InfoPass apts, letters to Congress, INS, FBI
09/30/07 - Notice of interview
10/29/07 - Interview
Something wrong with the Spreadsheet

Congratulations, mehersam and mahba.
Just updated the spreadsheet.
It seems like the late March and early April folks are getting their IL.
punk, have you got yours?
My case still says pending online, so I guess I need to wait for mid Nov then.

Hello ahsieh,

Looks like there is something wrong with the SpreadSheet, it looks corrupted.
Do you have a back up?


04/17/07: FedExed
04/19/07: Received
04/19/07: Priority Date
04/20/07: Notice Date
05/10/07: FP Notice
06/14/07: FP Appt and Done
??/??/??: Interview
??/??/??: Oath
Online Case Status

Congratulations, mehersam and mahba.
Just updated the spreadsheet.
It seems like the late March and early April folks are getting their IL.
punk, have you got yours?
My case still says pending online, so I guess I need to wait for mid Nov then.

Hello ahsieh,

you use the USCIS online case status check program to see your case status right? If it disappears means we might get a IL?;jsessionid=abc-GN0Tma7rR-VaDaTxr

Let me know.

The online status does not work properly, I have got my interview letter, still the online status shows as case recieved and pending.
Is your spread sheet for San Jose only or for other cities in California?
Los Angeles California
04/16/07: Appl. Rc'd-Priority Date
05/30/07: FP Date-Oxnard CA,
00/00/00: IL Rc'd
00/00/00: IL Date
00/00/00: Interview Result (N652)
00/00/00: N. Oath (N445)
00/00/00: Oath Ceremony Date
00/00/00: PP Appl.
00/00/00: VR
00/00/00: PP Rc'd

Hi ninim,

Yes, the spreadsheet is for San Jose only.
Because different offices have different processing speed, we should have separate tracking sheet per office.
My friend in Hayward, who has a PD of June, has already got his IL.
Poor us whose files are at the slow San Jose field office.
If no spreadsheet exists for your field office, why don't you create one on Edit Grid?
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Hello ahsieh,

Looks like there is something wrong with the SpreadSheet, it looks corrupted.
Do you have a back up?


04/17/07: FedExed
04/19/07: Received
04/19/07: Priority Date
04/20/07: Notice Date
05/10/07: FP Notice
06/14/07: FP Appt and Done
??/??/??: Interview
??/??/??: Oath

Wow, it was messed up big time.
I just cleaned it up and added bunch of new data from people that showed up in this page (page 87).
Has anyone received Nov'07 Naturalization Oath Ceremony notice

Has anyone received N-445, Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony for November 2007, for San Jose, CA?

02/14/07 : PD
04/03/07: FP
10/10/07: Interview
??/??/?? : Oath
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Has anyone received N-445, Notice of Naturalization Oath Ceremony for November 2007, for San Jose, CA?


02/14/07 : PD
04/03/07: FP
10/10/07: Interview
??/??/?? : Oath
I am waiting too and haven't seen any so far. Might be this thursday or the next for nov 07 oath.
Sorry for the unrelated question, but does someone know how can we contact senators for US passport. I received a passport with wrong name (inspite of correcting it 3 weeks in advance) and now those folks have received my application (according to USPS website) but they are not acknowledging it. Is there something I can do?

I am sure Huracan has some answer :)
Hi omorpheus,

I wish I had a good answer. I don't mean to rub it, but except for some delay in getting my certificate back, my passport processing was uneventful and didn't have to resort to contact a senator. I would assume you sent back the passport alongside your naturalization certificate and the DS5504 form, and perhaps a cover letter. I would assume also that your problem is that the status doesn't show online and that calling the passport customer support they have been unable to locate the passport application. Could it be possible that the passport replacement doesn't go through the online status, and that it isn't visible to customer support. You could definitely try to involve a senator, but you just sent your application around 11 days ago, plus mailing time perhaps they have had the application for a week or so. I would wait some more before involving a senator. It's easy for me to say that. For example, I don't know if dandan123 got his son's passport after the missing Green Card snafu. However, I got a feeling that you sent the proper documentation and the passport will come back to you alright.

If my comforting words fail to convince you ;) here is a page with contact information for San Jose senators:

Good luck :)

Sorry for the unrelated question, but does someone know how can we contact senators for US passport. I received a passport with wrong name (inspite of correcting it 3 weeks in advance) and now those folks have received my application (according to USPS website) but they are not acknowledging it. Is there something I can do?

I am sure Huracan has some answer :)
Hi omorpheus,

I wish I had a good answer. I don't mean to rub it, but except for some delay in getting my certificate back, my passport processing was uneventful and didn't have to resort to contact a senator. I would assume you sent back the passport alongside your naturalization certificate and the DS5504 form, and perhaps a cover letter. I would assume also that your problem is that the status doesn't show online and that calling the passport customer support they have been unable to locate the passport application. Could it be possible that the passport replacement doesn't go through the online status, and that it isn't visible to customer support. You could definitely try to involve a senator, but you just sent your application around 11 days ago, plus mailing time perhaps they have had the application for a week or so. I would wait some more before involving a senator. It's easy for me to say that. For example, I don't know if dandan123 got his son's passport after the missing Green Card snafu. However, I got a feeling that you sent the proper documentation and the passport will come back to you alright.

If my comforting words fail to convince you ;) here is a page with contact information for San Jose senators:

Good luck :)

Thanks a lot for your wonderful advice again. I mailed the application overnight and it reached there last Monday. I mailed for expedited processing as its free for printing errors. The customer service said that typically they check a box that application has been received for rewrite which was not done. She said typically it takes 3-5 business days to be up and 2-3 weeks for you to receive it. She said that wait for 2 weeks and she escalated the case -- which they did each time I told that my name appears wrong on online status but no response. So, I was thinking if they even look at the escalation?

I will wait till Friday and if nothing happens, contact my senator. Thanks once again buddy...
Anyone received oath letter for November?

Hello all,
Thanks for all very informative q&a s posted previously.

My husband and I had interview on October 2nd and passed. The officer said I may be going for November end oath. But haven't received oath appointment letter yet. Anyone of you in this group has received oath letter who had gone for interview around October first week.

I really appreciate your reply.


N-400 timeline
DO : San Jose
01/23/2007 : Mailed N-400 to CSC (regular USPS)
01/27/2007 : N-400 Received date
02/08/2007 : Priority Date
03/23/2007 : FP Notice Date/Appt
10/02/2007 : Interview Date - Passed
Waiting for Oath letter
I would think that the letters should arrive anytime, tomorrow or the day after. Perhaps they are trying to cram as many people as possible, as I think there is not going to be ceremonies in December because of the Christmas holidays.
anyone waiting for FBI namecheck for more than 7months?

Hi all,

Is anyone else here waiting for their FBI namecheck to clear? Was anyone here able to come out of it after months and months? Does anyone know what the chances are of clearing the namecheck within a "reasonable" amount of time, say 10 months total? Does the fact that one is stuck in the name check for seven months indicate that most likely one will continue to be stuck for a very significant time?
Any ideas would be highly appreciated.

I had my infopass last week and learned that I was still in the FBI namecheck. What a disappointment after years and years of dealing with the INS and already going through so much pain! Finally things were looking brighter, getting closer to citizenship and all... but no longer :(:mad:

DO: San Jose
PD: March 20, 2007
FP: June 4, 2007
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Looks like oath ceremony takes place more than once a month

I would think that the letters should arrive anytime, tomorrow or the day after. Perhaps they are trying to cram as many people as possible, as I think there is not going to be ceremonies in December because of the Christmas holidays.

Looks like oath ceremony takes place more than once a month why not in dec first 3 weeks. avg_joe1234 below said that in sep it happened 3 times.
Looks like oath ceremony takes place more than once a month why not in dec first 3 weeks. avg_joe1234 below said that in sep it happened 3 times.

The belief that there are no oath ceremonies in December seems to be based on an earlier posting. Personally, I wouldn't be surprised if there are no oath ceremonies in December.

... Asked officer about probable Oath date, she said she could not say, but said that there will not be oath ceremonies in December, so either it will be November or January. ...
Interview done

I had my interview today at the SJ office on Monterey Hwy. It was an easy experience. I was scheduled for 8:15am. I arrived in the parking lot at about 8am and was in the waiting room at about 8:05am. I put my appointment letter in the appropriate bin under window 1 and waited to be called. There were about 15 people in the waiting room. Right at around 8:15am people started coming out and officers started calling out people. I was called shortly after 8:15am.

The officer was friendly and made small chit chat. He asked for my green card and had me raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth. He checked my name and date of birth and then printed out a form with my basic information and had me initial it.

I gave him the page with my travel dates with updated information handwritten into it, since I have had two trips out of the country since I applied. He looked at it, and transferred the information into his copy of my application and gave the sheet back to me.

He pulled out the photos that I had sent in with the application and had me sign them in the front as I had signed on the application. He asked me to write a sentence in English for the written test.

He then verbally asked some of the questions on Part 10 of the application. Next he asked if I was ready for the history and civics test, he verbally asked those as well, all questions were from the list of questions provided in the uscis website. He said congratulations and gave me a form where he had checked that my application would be recommended for approval.

I then mentioned that I would be out of the country over the holidays and asked if I could have the oath scheduled for after I return in January. He wrote down a sticky note and put with my file requesting that the oath be scheduled for after my return date. He said that the oath in Jan would be Jan/23. I asked when the oath would be in November and he said "if we were having it, it would be Nov/21". Then explained that the way they currently schedule it, oath ceremonies are the second to last Wednesday of every month and that it would happen in Campbell.

I didn't think to ask at that moment but after I left I remembered his words about November "If we were/are having it" and realized that perhaps there will also not be an oath ceremony in November. Don't know though. I did ask if there would be no ceremony in December and he confirmed there wouldn't.

Also from our conversation I would assume that they are back to only having ceremonies in Campbell once a month. Maybe the Monterey office thing was a one time deal to clear backlogs. This is just an assumption from my part.

Thanks all for the great info in this forum and good luck to everyone.
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Congratulations Annie, best of luck for oath dates. I think it is time we see some more inteview letters for next batch including Ahsieh and others.