San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

Hi Omorpheus,

Double Congratulations, on your son and your interview!! I hope you get your oath for the 22nd.

I thought jaundice could be treated just by exposing the babies to sunlight, of which we have plenty now in the bay area. Anyway, I did a quick search on the American Academy of Pediatrics and they seem not to recommend the sunlight method (although it is effective).

Q: How is harmful jaundice prevented?>

A: Most jaundice requires no treatment. When treatment is necessary, placing your baby under special lights while he or she is undressed will lower the bilirubin level. Depending on your baby’s bilirubin level, this can be done in the hospital or at home. Jaundice is treated at levels that are much lower than those at which brain damage is a concern. Treatment can prevent the harmful effects of jaundice.

Putting your baby in sunlight is not recommended as a safe way of treating jaundice. Exposing your baby to sunlight might help lower the bilirubin level, but this will only work if the baby is completely undressed. This cannot be done safely inside your home because your baby will get cold, and newborns should never be put in direct sunlight outside because they might get sunburned.

I didn't get the confusion around independence day, anyway, I'm glad at the end the interviewer was happy with the answer.

Thanks to everyone who has congratulated me today on receiving the oath letter.

Thanks a ton Huracan. Really appreciate your help in finding the answers to treat my son.

The confusion was the word "date" which confused me :p

Wait for Oath letter starts now :)
Exposing your baby to sunlight might help lower the bilirubin level, but this will only work if the baby is completely undressed. This cannot be done safely inside your home because your baby will get cold, and newborns should never be put in direct sunlight outside because they might get sunburned.

You can undress the baby in the front seat, driver or passenger, and expose him/her to the sunlight coming thru the windshield. As you might have noticed, the windshield glass is considerable thicker than the side windows, and can block Ultraviolet rays A and B both, so it's not harmful at all. Try to avoid the side windows though, as they are thinner and can only block UV A rays.

And as about catching cold, leave the car in sun for a while before taking baby into it, and once in, keep the windows/doors closed. Sun makes cars pretty warm, especially in summers.
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I did a walk-in, but on hindsight It didn't do any difference. San Jose interview processing time is driven mostly by the ability for them to perform the interview. Finger print results arrive well before San Jose is ready to schedule your interview. I would think that Priority Date ends up driving the order for interviews (unless name check causes delay). Anyway, the day I went the place was completely empty, so I guess they were actually happy to have a customer ;)

I tried a walk-in but they refused. So, I ended up doing FP on the scheduled date.

Since late Jan PD's are receiving interviews for early Aug, do you think Feb/March PD's should receive interviews in Sep/early Oct (assuming name check etc is done)?

That is such a horrible advice to give…sorry for the harsh wordings.
Surgeon General & the police have warned multiple times that leaving any infant/child in a closed car in the sun risks suffocation.

Take it from a parent who had 2 kids with jaundice – the doctors treat it by placing the baby under a light. Their eyes have suitable covers. This helps the baby get over it.
Please DO NOT take any advice from non-medical professionals…everyone are well wishers but after all it is your child & your responsibility. Ask the best resource – your kids doctors ONLY.

You can undress the baby in the front seat, driver or passenger, and expose him/her to the sunlight coming thru the windshield. As you might have noticed, the windshield glass is considerable thicker than the side windows, and can block Ultraviolet rays A and B both, so it's not harmful at all. Try to avoid the side windows though, as they are thinner and can only block UV A rays.

And as about catching cold, leave the car in sun for a while before taking baby into it, and once in, keep the windows/doors closed. Sun makes cars pretty warm, especially in summers.
Thanks a lot guys for all the information about treating my son. Sun therapy helped a lot and Billy Rubin level is starting to decrease. So, hope he will be back to normal in a few days :)
I agree with SammySam that pediatrician's advice is the best !!! Sun therapy was also recommended by the pediatrician and in California there is abundant sun :-D
Hi omorpheus,

I'm glad to hear that. I guess fabolous was well intentioned in his advice. To be honest I don't remember now whether the sunlight therapy works because of the visible spectrum or because of ultraviolet light. I believe fabolous point that the windshield blocks UV is probably right. At least that's what I've heard over the years. I am sure he meant to do this in a safe way, as we know that a car in San Jose in this time of year can get dangerously/lethally hot in little time. Anyway, as you say, the pediatrician advice is probably better and situation is getting under control as I was sure it would do.

Good luck.
Congratulations on your interview passed :) , sorry for the ticket :( . I guess the excitement of passing the interview made you put the pedal to the metal, as they say, or perhaps you wanted to put distance between you and the USCIS office as quick as you could.

Thanks. GC was definetly important to stay hassel free here. US Citizenship is luxury.

On the traffic ticket it was bad luck, my son wanted to go to the rest room and as I was just wanted to overtake a person as I was kinda locked between two cars for sometime and the other car is not moving from my blindspot. I was caught right at the top speed of my whole trip. I almost thought to mention my son and about my citizenship to the officer but thought no more complications :) it could work in both ways just take the ticket and go.
Hi omorpheus,

I'm glad to hear that. I guess fabolous was well intentioned in his advice. To be honest I don't remember now whether the sunlight therapy works because of the visible spectrum or because of ultraviolet light. I believe fabolous point that the windshield blocks UV is probably right. At least that's what I've heard over the years. I am sure he meant to do this in a safe way, as we know that a car in San Jose in this time of year can get dangerously/lethally hot in little time. Anyway, as you say, the pediatrician advice is probably better and situation is getting under control as I was sure it would do.

Good luck.

I didn't mean any disrespect for fabolous. I think the advise was excellent if followed very carefully. Thanks a lot for the same.

Thanks for the wishes loveduser. Let me know when you get your oath letter? Did you talk to your IO about the oath letter during your interview?

I just checked the Cambell center's schedule and next oath after Aug 22 is Sep 19. I really wish we could make it to Aug 22 (if we get the letter the coming week) but if not, then Sep 19 ....
Last couple of weeks this forum was really useful getting through with the interview and oath and then the passport application this morning. Hopefully my experience will help somebody else.

My time-line:
12/21/2006 : Notice Date/Priority date
01/29/2007 : FP Appointment
01/17/2006 : FP Done. Walk-In
07/26/2007 : Interview ... Passed
07/27/2007 : Oath!

Based on what I read here, I knew that there was a special oath ceremony on the 27th at the USCIS office. I told the IO about my travel plans and who promptly put me on the list for that one. So on 8:30AM on Friday morning I swore to bear arms for Uncle Sam.

I found out that there is a similar special oath ceremony at the USCIS office on August 30th. That one is already full and so they are having another special ceremony on that very day at 10:30AM.

Went to the SF passport office this morning. Tried to claim that I had an appointment and showed a 8-digit number written on a piece of paper, but the guards are armed with a list of SSN, Confirmation number, phone number, etc. and wouldnt let me in without an appointment. Tried to talk my way in and after a couple of minutes, they must have gotten tired of hearing me, they let me go up. Unfortunately, you still need to be on the list to get a passport - the guys upstairs also carry the same list:mad:

But then this guy told me another not-so-fast but fast option! Go to SF Treasure's office in the City Hall and submit your PP application there with a "will-call option". That is, if you have some travel needs you apply at City Hall and then pick-up your passport in three biz days at the SF passport agency. Not bad, considering it takes lot more than that to get an appointment for the passport agency. You can directly go to the SF city hall and do this provided you have some documentation to back your travel claims. No standing in lines and calling for appointments. Two weeks before travel, this seems like a very reasonable option.
Congrats zen0 for becoming US Citizen so quick after the interview ... I think you broke all the records for SJ DO.

How can we request to be put for Aug 30th ceremony? Is there a way to do? Also, is there a way to check (by calling or any other means) if our application is scheduled for Oath or not? Thanks ...
Applying for passport at SF Agency


I have an appointment for August 3rd and travel plans starting August 14th have a confirmed itenerary already.

I am a US citizen, naturalised July 18th 07, would be submitting the certificate as the proof of citizenship and id.

Questions :
1/ How certain is it that they give you the passport same day or the next.
2/ If not what can be the reason for the delay and how much.

Someone mentioned 'will-call' option, can you please keep the forum updated on it.

Any interview letters with Feb PD?

Got my interview letter last week.

Dist Office: San Jose
Priority Date: 01/23/2007
FP Notice Date: 02/05/2007
FP Done: 03/02/2007
IL recd: 07/18/2007
Interview scheduled: 09/06/2007
Oath: ????

The above post is the last PD to receive interview letter. Anyone with Feb PD starting to receive IL?


I came to know a friend of mine that in SFO oath ceremony, one can also apply for passport. Is it the same in Campbell?

Please share your knowledge.

Unfortunately I think Campbell ceremonies don't have this benefit of applying for passport. It would be pretty good. I asked this question a little while ago and got the answer that Campbell doesn't do passport applications, it does voter registration though.
Does anyone know how can I find out the oath schedule? Do I have to call them or there is a website I can check?
Hi omorpheus,

To check I guess an Infopass could be good. I seem to remember a few people who were told about their ceremony on Infopasses, the same Infopass could be used to plead your case. However, it could backfire and they might tell you to take the oath when you come back. I hope you get your letter this week, however I am not sure if they send letters after they send the main batch.

Good luck.
Thanks a lot for the advice Huracan. I will wait for Oath letter this week (I am optimist of getting one as the IO told me at interview time that they are still processing Aug oath dates) else I will schedule an Infopass appointment.

I tried 800 no. but the rep did not allow me to talk to an IO and the information she gave me about my application was 8 months old...