San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

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I have read new memo regarding perviously remanded cases on different lawyers website but I don't find this on DOL or EDD website. Does anybody know about this? Please post link here if you know.
DOL new guideline

Hi, guys,

For the DOL guideline regarding MS+0 year experience, I am trying to understand if DOL is giving more talerance in addition to allowing to modify the job requirements.

Did anybody has original statement of the 3 options before the new guideline was issued? Particular the retest market part. For the new guideline, the retest market requires ONLY 1 day advertisement. Does that mean more talerance was given for the those un-directly immediately qualified cases( below BS+3 year or MS+half yearS)? I might be too eager to translate some positive info from the new guideline.


I wrote a letter to Senator Feinstein to bring her attention to California Regional DOL's failure to ahere to the memorandum published by DOL for all regional certifying officers. The memorandum clearly stated that all cases (as long as the files are complete) should be EITHER certified (if job requiremes BS + 3 or more years of experience or MS degree) OR be given the option to re-test the labor market. California Regional DOL is excluding all cases that require BS+0 years of experience in its recall of the remanded cases from California EDD even though these cases may benefit from the re-test option. The memorandum also allows the employer to modify the job requirement when conducting the re-test. This particular provision was provided especially for those cases filed as BS+0 years of experience since employers were encouraged to file the case as such even though the employeers may have years of experience prior to joining the company.

Finally, I encourage all of you to write to Senator Feinstein or Senator Boxer to express your frustration with California Regional DOL which does not care to do what is right. Without pressure, CA DOL is always trying to do the least work possible by tossing out as many cases as possible.

Below are the web sites of the senators:

I think the case with MS+0, there should be sufficient recruitment information, there should be no layoffs etc

Need inputs for my RIR

Dear Friends,

This is my very first time on this excellent forum and I'll appreciate much in advance if any of you could give me some inputs on my case--EB3, RIR with DOT code: 999.151--041.
I submitted my LC application to California SWA in November, 2001 and forwarded to S.F. regional office in March, 2003 after two assessment notices (one is for incorrect data entered in the form, the other is for internal posting).
1. How does the new RIR guidance affect my case? (My position requires Bachelor with 2 years of experience and I have Master degree with 2 years)
2. In light of the new guidance, Bachelor+3 and Master+6 months, I'll be kick out; but I have a very detailed recruitment report to address how other 3 applicants did not qualify for this.
3. I serve as assistive technology(technology for people with disabilities) staff in higher education in eastern California (countryside of CA).

Thanks a lot.
3 options

Can anyone tell if the employer choose to send the case (MS+0 experience) back to SWA for regular process without retest market, will the case be returned to DOL by SWA agent automatically or not?

If yes, seems the (MS+0) cases (without retest market) seems will be remanded again or denied completely since no more new inforamtion is added? Is that right?

My buddy's case was remanded back in July, and it just got approved on Nov. 25. Here is some detailed information.

Receiced by DOL in August 2002
DOT code is 999.151-071

Cheers! Patience eventually pays off...

P.S. I am expecting to get mine in a couple months (received by DOL in Jan. 2003)
To Hello The_Dude

Hello The_Dude,

Did ur friend get papers in hand. ? If its AVM message then I am skeptical about the status.

The AVM said for one week (from Nov 17 - 23 )"Certified" to me. But the next week onwards it says the status again as "Returned by state after a remand".

So until he gets papers you cant assume anything.

But on the otherhand, my friends case was also update to Certified on Nov 17th (Same as mine). But he received papers the next week and even now it says the status as "Certified".

Not sure why my case became like that .... The only difference between our cases is DOT code... Mine is and his dot code is

Whats ur friends DOT code ?


My buddy's case was remanded back in July, and it just got approved on Nov. 25. Here is some detailed information.

Receiced by DOL in August 2002
DOT code is 999.151-071

Cheers! Patience eventually pays off...

P.S. I am expecting to get mine in a couple months (received by DOL in Jan. 2003)
Re: To Hello The_Dude

Originally posted by worldmonitor_1
Hello The_Dude,

Did ur friend get papers in hand. ? If its AVM message then I am skeptical about the status.

The AVM said for one week (from Nov 17 - 23 )"Certified" to me. But the next week onwards it says the status again as "Returned by state after a remand".

So until he gets papers you cant assume anything.

But on the otherhand, my friends case was also update to Certified on Nov 17th (Same as mine). But he received papers the next week and even now it says the status as "Certified".

Not sure why my case became like that .... The only difference between our cases is DOT code... Mine is and his dot code is

Whats ur friends DOT code ?


My buddy's case was remanded back in July, and it just got approved on Nov. 25. Here is some detailed information.

Receiced by DOL in August 2002
DOT code is 999.151-071

Cheers! Patience eventually pays off...

P.S. I am expecting to get mine in a couple months (received by DOL in Jan. 2003)

Please can you tell, where can I see the DOT codes.

thank you.
Hi Folks,

I have a question regarding H1 extension for 7th year.This is not a subject here.But here lot of experienced peolple are here.In my case,my 6th year will be ending on june 2004.

My questions are

1.How long before i have to file for the extension ( 7th year)??
2.After filing for extension,if i get a receipt number can i stay after june 2004??

Fun Track....


You know that this not the forum to discuss that subject here... Still you post the message...... Are u mad ?

If you didnt know and post... its fine.... But U say U know that...

Hi Folks,

I have a question regarding H1 extension for 7th year.This is not a subject here.But here lot of experienced peolple are here.In my case,my 6th year will be ending on june 2004.

My questions are

1.How long before i have to file the extension for 7th year??
2.After filing for extension,if i get a receipt number can i stay after june 2004??


You can apply for extension before 90 days but check with your HR/Attorney if you need LCA also (if LCA is also expired), then it will be a good idea to start the procedure now.

Yes, you are legal once you get the receipt of your Extension application.
Originally posted by The-Dude

P.S. I am expecting to get mine in a couple months (received by DOL in Jan. 2003)

Alright that says, I'll have mine in a month. mine received by DOL on 4th dec, 2002. Thanks for giving me hope.

Originally posted by gp111

You can apply for extension before 90 days but check with your HR/Attorney if you need LCA also (if LCA is also expired), then it will be a good idea to start the procedure now.

Yes, you are legal once you get the receipt of your Extension application.

I thought you cannot file for extension until you reach your last 6 months. That means Raj!234 at the earliest can file only in Feb. Am I wrong?
H1B 7th year extension

My is H1B (I797) expires on Dec 15, 2003. I have already filed
for 6th and 7th year extension. My 6th year finishes on Oct 1, 2004. So my attorney filed H1B petition asking to grant till Oct 1, 2005. Its upto them now till when should my H1B (I797) be valid.

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