S. 1932 Status

12/18/2005: S. 1932 Voting Schedules

Report indicates that the GOP leaders in the House and the Senate have reached an agreement and are scheduled to push passage of the compromised bill in the House tonight and the Senate will pass it when they return to the session at noon, Monday. House Republican leaders said they would call for a vote within hours, and a post-midnight session seemed likely. Passage would clear the way for a Senate vote on Monday. There will be no votes in the Senate tonight. The Senate will return to the session at noon tomorrow, Monday, December 19, 2005.
Currently this preliminary draft of the GOP agreement is not available. Neither is available the information on Section 8001 and Section 8002 in this agreement. It is hoped that the AILA will obtain and release this informatioln the first thing in the morning tomorrow.
from phone call same

phone number same. guy verified. no eb relief but under promising negotiation but extra h1b numbers sure. likely eb relief will make it by deadline but the sections are in.
Nothing wrong in being optimistic. I don't trust the news unless I see the text. No offense to Citzapplicant.

Guys do loose hope
citzapplicant said:
phone number same. guy verified. no eb relief but under promising negotiation but extra h1b numbers sure. likely eb relief will make it by deadline but the sections are in.
kindly elaborate your statement below? Thanks!!
citzapplicant said:
phone number same. guy verified. no eb relief but under promising negotiation but extra h1b numbers sure. likely eb relief will make it by deadline but the sections are in.

It is possible that there is more than one person at that number and some of them want to keep things under wraps and some are loose-mouthed but we have had too much contradictory info so far.

Unlikely, IMO, that a staffer at a budget office would know the details of EB relief being under 'promising negotiation'. No offense, Citzapplicant. Just today we have been told that 8001/8002 are in, that H1 and L1 are not there, that H1 is there but EB not there etc.

It would be cruel if H1B made it from Sec8001 and L1 fees made it from Sec 8002. Such is life.
stucklabor said:
It is possible that there is more than one person at that number and some of them want to keep things under wraps and some are loose-mouthed but we have had too much contradictory info so far.

Unlikely, IMO, that a staffer at a budget office would know the details of EB relief being under 'promising negotiation'. No offense, Citzapplicant. Just today we have been told that 8001/8002 are in, that H1 and L1 are not there, that H1 is there but EB not there etc.

It would be cruel if H1B made it from Sec8001 and L1 fees made it from Sec 8002. Such is life.
It will be very SAD if Only H1B's are increased and L-1 fees are increased...

In that case only beneficiaries would be EMPLOYERS, who would get some more white collored slaves for cheap rates..

Anyway , lets keep the HOPE alive..

All the Best
phone number same. guy verified. no eb relief but under promising negotiation but extra h1b numbers sure. likely eb relief will make it by deadline but the sections are in.

We have been waiting for good news like this the whole day... can you please explain in detail what you mean? We are very confused. :confused:

the current discussion will last at least 40 minutes on the defense bill.
Question--will the house discuss the conference report on the budget bill after this?????
It smells...Goood

We're in Guys :) We go ahead...
Other ways, Immigration.com would give the bad news. They let them Aila to give good news, besuiness ethics and security so on....

"Welcome baby!
It's your turn to live now"

(From Poet Nazim Hikmet, Turkish Poet)

Thanks you all.
good night for me

pdakwala said:
What is going on with the section 8001 and 8002 of S1932. Any updates or news.


several conflicting reports.

1. GC_wait called and someone told him that the L1 and H1 fees did not make it but they did not know about the other provisions.

2. Hopeful called and she was told that some immigration provisions made it and some didn't.

3. Devin called the COngressional Budget Office and he was told that 8001/8002 made it and he confirmed that they were related to immigration.

4. Someone else called the same number and they were told that the person answering didn't have the required info.

5. Citzapplicant called the same number and he was told that the extra H1 fees made it and 8001 and 8002 both made it and the EB relief isn't there yet but negotiations are promising and it may make it before the deadline. Our luck being what it is, my conjecture is that the H1b made it from 8001 and L1b made it from 8002 but we can hope for the best. I am also skeptical about a budget office staffer knowing the details but the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune have made me pessimistic.

There you have it. I am no wiser than I was when you left.
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pls check the posts from citzapplifcant claims both the sections are In the final report still waiting for confirmation