S. 1932 Status

atl_fp said:
Would it be possible to get all foreign IT people to strike? Let them realize the importance...

If we all strike, they would realize it extremely quickly!! That would be the best option. But is it practical, will everyone participate, I do not think so.
isnamerica.org individual fax

can somebody confirm if we can send individual faxes via isnamerica.org it has to be the same format as desscribed in isnamerica.org.

i was actually thinking if one modify to include for ex where we are working and/or from which comoany we are working then that would have some impact.
i am saying it for those who can disclose their company names.
just an idea... i thought it would have been better if teh format was modifiable.
thx to www.immigration-law.com

apologies for my previous commnets on http://www.immigration-law.com.
they have create a direct link to this forum on their page to know the status and they r supporting our efforts.
pls keep it up.
i have sent 99 different faxes last night.

we r united
Iam back on this. I will send more faxes, calls now. Sorry for taking few hours of rest. I was dead tired this morning.

We Shall Win !

Keep up the fight -- few hours of our hard work will save many years of our grief !
People Viewing - Visit this sub-thread to sign up.


I'm creating a new thread to just collate the number of people who are actively following the S. 1932 thread and willing to do something about it. I'm keeping this as an offshoot for the main thread because I don't want this information to get lost.

I'd like every member who is willing to do something to please sign up for this thread http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=198900

with the following pieces of information:

1) Display Name: E.g. mine is Hopeful_123

2) Email address (optional): Vidya_2000@hotmail.com

(Feel free to create a separate email just for this initiative if you are uncomfortable sharing this information. It will be very helpful if we have it. That way, say we needed someone to visit Lamar Smith's office in Texas - we could just email that person to ask for help. )

3) Area staying in : E.g. mine is Dallas TX
(I feel this is very important because if we know which areas we're all from, we can divide & conquer in terms of contacting senators and reps)

There are over 100 people viewing this thread at any given point of time. I'm sure that over the past few days, over a 1000 distinct people have come here. And if we each take up one congressman or senator & make it our priority to reach them with say Sunjoshi's presentation - it will not be a lot of work for us but we would have divided and conquered.

I've signed up first. Please sign up!! PLEASE LIMIT YOUR POSTING TO ONLY THE INFORMATION MENTIONED IN THIS EMAIL. (WE don't want to clutter it with opinions, etc. That's what this thread is for).

My thread is a sub-thread to get us an idea of the number of people viewing this who are willing to do something about it. (doesn't have to be a lot - even if they are willing to call 1 senator & H.R. that is still something)


Came to know yesterday that Laura Reiff, a partner in the law firm my company uses, wrote much of the text of Title VIII of S1932.

I wish I had known this earlier so we could have been a little more organized in fighting for this in terms of 'who to call, when to call, what to say' etc.

Knowing what we know now, we should have called more of the House guys earlier and tried to find what their objections were to Title VIII and tried to work around.

Oh well, live to fight another day.

Immigration-law.com suggests that we keep calling Lamar Smith and get him to bend.
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I have left a voice message and sent a fax to congress men Lamar Smith.
This free fax is really helping me a lot. It's too easy to do from home.

It's been long time we heard anything from Supermann...

StuckLabor We should have known this bit earlier so that we would have prioritized our preferences
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More on lawyers

GCLight said:
I have left a voice message and sent a fax to congress men Lamar Smith.
This free fax is really helping me a lot. It's too easy to do from home.

It's been long time we heard anything form Supermann...

StuckLabor We should have known this bit earlier so that we would have prioritized our prefrerences

Tell me about it, I feel like a fool for all the calls that I made to the Senators when I should have been bombarding the Reps with calls. At least Pdak and Superman got to talk to Sensenbrenner so Sensenbrenner heard a real voice instead of a staffer telling him about a call.

Also found that my own lawyer is on the lobbying committee with DOL re: the Labor cert backlog elimination centers. With some unaccustomed luck, my labor cleared a short time back so my username is no longer valid, but I want to keep working on her to have DOL get some action on Philly backlog center which is way behind Dallas.
Please don't change the thread



I think it is best to stick to this thread if you want maximum participation, as people are already accustomed to come here and check out whats going on.

Importantly, this message of yours will get lost as more messages are posted, so new members who read the messages will not necessarily read your message, and assume this thread died out.

Also, they WILL NOT understand the link between this thread and the new thread! (I have seen this happen a lot (for other topics)!)

To keep the momemtum and the energy I would strongly advice everyone to just stick here.


ps: this thread might just prove lucky at some time!:)

Hopeful_123 said:

I'm creating a new thread to just collate the number of people who are actively following the S. 1932 thread and willing to do something about it. I'm keeping this as an offshoot for the main thread because I don't want this information to get lost.

I'd like every member who is willing to do something to please sign up for this thread http://boards.immigrationportal.com/showthread.php?t=198900

with the following pieces of information:

1) Display Name: E.g. mine is Hopeful_123

2) Email address (optional): Vidya_2000@hotmail.com

(Feel free to create a separate email just for this initiative if you are uncomfortable sharing this information. It will be very helpful if we have it. That way, say we needed someone to visit Lamar Smith's office in Texas - we could just email that person to ask for help. )

3) Area staying in : E.g. mine is Dallas TX
(I feel this is very important because if we know which areas we're all from, we can divide & conquer in terms of contacting senators and reps)

There are over 100 people viewing this thread at any given point of time. I'm sure that over the past few days, over a 1000 distinct people have come here. And if we each take up one congressman or senator & make it our priority to reach them with say Sunjoshi's presentation - it will not be a lot of work for us but we would have divided and conquered.

I've signed up first. Please sign up!! PLEASE LIMIT YOUR POSTING TO ONLY THE INFORMATION MENTIONED IN THIS EMAIL. (WE don't want to clutter it with opinions, etc. That's what this thread is for).

My thread is a sub-thread to get us an idea of the number of people viewing this who are willing to do something about it. (doesn't have to be a lot - even if they are willing to call 1 senator & H.R. that is still something)

Sunday, December 18, 2005 --- ANTICIPATED FLOOR SCHEDULE

On Sunday, the House will meet at 1:00 p.m. for legislative business. Last votes expected: Late.

One Minutes (10 per side)

H.Res. 631 - Rule providing for consideration of motions to suspend the rules (Sponsored by Rep. Sessions / Rules Committee)

H.Res. 632 - Rule providing for same day consideration of any resolution reported on the legislative day of December 18, 2005 (Sponsored by Rep. Putnam / Rules Committee)

Suspensions (10 bills):

1) H.Res. 545 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives on the arrest of Sanjar Umarov in Uzbekistan (Sponsored by Rep. Ros-Lehtinen / International Relations Committee)

2) H.Con.Res. 284 - Expressing the sense of Congress with respect to the 2005 presidential and parliamentary elections in Egypt (Sponsored by Rep. Ros-Lehtinen / International Relations Committee)

3) H.R. 4501 - Passport Services Enhancement Act of 2005 (Sponsored by Rep. Hyde / International Relations Committee)

4) S. 1988 - A bill to authorize the transfer of items in the War Reserves Stockpile for Allies, Korea (Sponsored by Sen. Lugar / International Relations Committee)

5) H.R. 2329 - Terrorist Rewards Enhancement Act (Sponsored by Rep. Kirk / International Relations Committee)

6) H.Res. 456 - Expressing support for the memorandum of understanding signed by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement on August 15, 2005, to end the conflict in Aceh, a province in Sumatra, Indonesia (Sponsored by Rep. Crowley / International Relations Committee)

7) H.Con.Res. 275 - Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the education curriculum in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Sponsored by Rep. Davis (FL) / International Relations Committee)

8) H.Res. 633 - Honoring Helen Sewell on the occasion of her retirement from the House of Representatives and expressing the gratitude of the House for her many years of service (Sponsored by Rep. Weldon (PA) / House Administration Committee)

9) H.R. 797 - Native American Housing Enhancement Act of 2005 (Sponsored by Rep. Renzi / Financial Services Committee)

10) H.R. 358 - Little Rock Central High School Desegregation 50th Anniversary Commemorative Coin Act (Sponsored by Rep. Snyder / Financial Services Committee)

Possible Consideration of Conference Report on H.R. 2863 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Young (FL) / Appropriations Committee)

Possible Consideration of Conference Report on H.R. 4241 - Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (Subject to a Rule) (Sponsored by Rep. Nussle / Budget Committee)
Guys, Would like to request that please do not stop calling and sending faxes. It is not over yet. The provision is not in the final version at this time but the final version is still being negotiated. Please continue to send faxes and make calls to Congressman's office. Most important once are three Congressman from House of Representative i.e. Congressman Sensenbrenner, Smith and Conyers. It is not over yet .... and still being negotiated .... please send faxes ..... more importantly make calls and attempt to talk to Congressman itself ....

In case we cannot get EB Visa relief in S1932, would it be possible to find from Laura Reiff what our plan of action should be, to get it through any of the next year's bills?

Any luck with contacting reporters?? Does anyone have contacts at some top newspapers already?

Also, if we are writing letters etc. we should also attach all already-published articles on immigration to that.

Depending on what happens to the S.1932 bill, NEWS will pick up the most important issues for this country (ANWR, food stamps, education cuts etc.).
IF we want our news to be noticed, we should wait until this "important news" tide cools down, so more people will pay attention and read our issues!

my 2 cents.

Lets start faxing/calling Senators and Congressman again

Lets start calling/faxing the members of Committee again and ask them to support EB relief
I agree with spgtopper. Let's keep the momentum going in this thread , now that everyone are usefull to this thread. Let's stay united in this thread.
Hopefull 123 nothing against you, it's good thought but let's do it in this thread only so that the peoples efforts are not divided.

Faxed to Lamar smith once again.
Great efforts guys.......We will keep this pace

Great efforts guys, This will pay of some day. Our ancestors fought for Independence for year together peacefully and with determination. We will follow there foot steps.WE ARE SECOND TO NONE. We are intellectual and intelligent people who can do any thing in this world.

Nothing is lost for us we came together now to fight for our issues, Here are my suggestions to improve our efforts for coming months. Hope we will get what we want by next session.

1.we will form a team and educate our co-brothers L1,H1,green card, citizen ship holders and send thousands of emails/fax to NEWS agencies, House members, Senators, Local representatives every week.

2.we will spread message to coworkers, known people through emails. We will make sure every person in US will have our emails in there Inbox.

3.We will form a teams/chapters for every state and meet US senators/House Members regularly.I feel best place to form local teams is at temples :)

4.We will form our own lobby to fight for our cause.

5.Create a web site for our cause provides regular articles to News agencies.

gc_bronco said:

In case we cannot get EB Visa relief in S1932, would it be possible to find from Laura Reiff what our plan of action should be, to get it through any of the next year's bills?

I will call Laura Reiff as soon as we get done with this 1932 issue and find out what we need to do and what our plan should be. We have to gird up for a similar huge fight in Spring 2006, with the Comprehensive Immigration Bills, and we know we have friends in the Senate. We should really focus on the House.

I am incredibly annoyed that all my letters to House reps re: EB relief came back saying they support H1Bs.
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Did every thing I could. Now I am off to temple to pray. I still believe some thing positive is going to happen. I will be back in 2 hours.

Good luck to all of us.