S. 1932 Status

IsnAmerica.Org Individual WebFax is now having feature to send
faxes to **ALL CONFIRMED** Conference Committee Members for S.1932 bill.

Please use this message for campaign and send more faxes to
the conference committee members, who can really determine the fate of S1932 immigration packet of HR 4241 bill.

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Please use IE.
I get the below error. and its in the junk mail

This is the Postfix program at host hewes.dazza.org.

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The Postfix program

<remote-printer.NPR@>: Host or domain name not
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if you need email addresses on the fly

rucshaca said:
iam re-sending the last few with diff email ids ............ :)

Hello All,
If you guys need email addresses on the fly try mailinator.com. For eg. you can send at

axre3d@mailinator.com or anyname@mailinator.com. You can even go to mailinator.com and see the confirmation if they send any. Its quite simple and you won't need to signup new emails. Goto mailinator.com if you don't understand what I am talking about.

This will help you to get away with sending only 4 faxes for one email addy.
Sent the article to Washingtonpost. This is one of the most debated news paper (other than New York Times) in both the houses.

Also I would like to second the proposal by some of them that we shouldnt loose this energy and should find a way to better organize ourselves and fight for our cause in the future too. Last but not the least, here is my dream ;-)..

Hopefully someday this internet will eliminate all these middlemen (senators and representatives) and will have a true democracy - government of the people, by the people, for the people. People themselves will get to vote on every issue via internet.

I hope that we will succeed eventually. Hats off to you guys who are so motivated and providing some excellent leadership on this issue. You guys are bound to be leaders. Kudos...
aat0995 said:
Hello All,
If you guys need email addresses on the fly try mailinator.com. For eg. you can send at

axre3d@mailinator.com or anyname@mailinator.com. You can even go to mailinator.com and see the confirmation if they send any. Its quite simple and you won't need to signup new emails. Goto mailinator.com if you don't understand what I am talking about.

This will help you to get away with sending only 4 faxes for one email addy.
Thanks for your suggestion. I faxed using mailinator. I did not get any confirmations or rejection so far. I sent 4 faxes per id.
Senator Specter is last man standing!

baskin said:
friends- the website of shusterman.com also mentions that the immigration releif packet is gone from S1932
check shusterman.com. look for the ticker
Sometimes weird efforts are successful! So I have sent this to Senator Specter through webform and fax!
Here is the text -
Dear Senator Specter,
Please make them see reason in allowing the Senate's version of Section 8001 in the Budget Defict Reduction Bill (S. 1932). It does not hurt anybody, but helps thousands of legal hard-working immigrants, and also makes more than a half billion dollars for the Federal economy. Your colleagues in the Senate knew this was the right thing to do, that is why they defeated Senator Byrd's amendment, as you will recall, fairly handsomely.
All of the lobbyists and vested interests have quit on this issue in the face of the hardline views taken by Congressman Tancredo, and some others. These are the same kind of narrow-minded people who wanted to prevent you from the Senate Judiciary Chair.
We, the legal immigrants, need you to bat for us, for we are the voiceless people as we cannot vote! ! You are our very last hope! You can make Congressmen Sensenbrenner, Smith and Conyers see reason, and allow hundreds of hard-working, skilled human beings some relief from Retrogression of EB numbers!
I appeal you to stand by us as you did by proposing the original provisions of Section 8001! Merry Christmas!
duttdip said:
Pls do not mention my case as anything special..You seemed to ignore my earlier messages...I am working because I love to work and it helps my healing...Pls see my earlier posts.

I apologize for the hurt I may have caused you. I will edit the contents to remove reference to your case..btw I did not take names in there as I did not even know who was involved. I borrowed the text from what was being published and simply edited it for language and clarity. I am not sure who had knowledge of your personal situation, certainly I did not.

Once again sorry for the impropriety, it was not deliberate. You can be assured that I will make no further reference to your case in discussing this issue. I request other members in this forum to drop the set of lines dedicated to this subject.
I sent emails to media from two accounts and I also submitted this as a story to NPR from their site at npr.com. I think NPR is most respected public radio.

I also sent an email to NPR's AllThingsConsidered. Good luck to all of us

Does INSAmerica really works? Has it been sending all these messages or it is just a gimmick? I am skeptical.

BTW, i started sending messages by getting consent from some of my Chinese and Korean friends. I guess we call can do this on thier behalf.
This is what I wrote for Senator Arlen Specter. I'm from PA..thanks BoxofChocs, I got inspired by your letter.

Dear Senator Specter,

First, thank you very much for your policies in the home and abroad that enables us to enjoy the American way of living.

I would appreciate your effort to include Section 8001 of S. 1932 in the final version of the deficit reduction bill and address the major problem of unavailability of green card faced by legal skilled immigrants.

Let me try to explain my case,

For the record, Employment based Green card applicants are one of the successful communities in the US, which includes doctors,engineers, scientists, IT professionals etc. They not only contribute to America as a group than any other would be immigrant community.

The problem is currently the USCIS s heavily back logged that they are processing applications that were filed on 1999. That means there are people in America who has been waiting 6 years with out an answer from USCIS.

Also there are peculiar cases like mine,*******

I would ike you to support Section 8001 of S.1932, so that people like me do not need to wait for 3-4 years to be with my loved ones. There are thousands of people like me, who has to wait to join his/her sppuse because the priority dates have retrogressed.

We want to live in America, we are legal, law abiding residents, but these issues are driving us away from the dreams we chased for all our lives.

There are provisions in Senate bill S.1932 which can give extra money to the administration so that USCIS can be overhauled.

Senator Sir, you proposed this bill so that people like us, who are legal to stay and work in the US for the betterment of the country. Literally its hard on us guys who did nothing wrong but came to America to have a decent living. Please support our cause, ofcourse we dont have votes, but what you did was the right thing, to fight for voiceless people. I guess thats what America stands for...hope. I still have hope in America, so please include the EB relief section in the final bill.

Thank you very much

Yours Sincerely,
FYI:Of these twenty senators who are on confirmed confrees list, all but one (Sessions) voted to defeat the Byrd Amendment which would have stripped the immigration provisions from the Senate bill.
Guys use the text from ISNAmerica to modify and send it to the other agencies ...

Guys use the text from ISNAmerica to modify and send it to the other agencies ...

From: Irshad

Honorable Congressman/Senator,
Subject: Please support Section 8001, Recapture of unused visa numbers, of the Senate Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2006.

I am a concerned constituent and I urge you to vote in support of the Senate modifications incorporated in the Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2006 (S. 1932) passed by the Senate. Besides incorporating the House recommendations of increasing the L-1 visa fees, Section.8001 - Recapture of unused visa numbers, has provisions that serve to alleviate the problems of the American industry and numerous applicants. The action taken by the Senate Judiciary Committee proposes an increase in revenue by recapturing authorized, but never used, visa numbers for foreign workers with key skills in jobs for which U.S. workers are not available.

1. It may be noted that professionals who will be considered for these recaptured visa numbers, in most cases, are already employed in U.S. companies for the last 4-6 years and are law-abiding, tax-paying legal residents. They have been certified by the U.S. Department of Labor as high-skilled workers who will not be displacing existing American workers in the market. These applicants also have been certified to be highly qualified and suitable for the positions that the immigration opportunity is for.

2. The version proposed by the Senate Judiciary Committee has fee increases for L-1 as recommended by the House Judiciary Committee. It also proposes to raise the revenue from the recaptured visas.

3. The Senate Judiciary package would recapture unused employment based visas. This enables the U.S. industry to attract and retain the best talent from around the world, which is a major factor for American competitiveness. Arbitrary quotas on employment-based green cards for highly educated and skilled workers would jeopardize America's ability to attract and retain best talent-and ultimately jobs-in the United States.

4. The Senate Judiciary proposal permits the filing of I-485 application without having to wait for the priority date to become current. If this important proposal is not passed it hurts many highly skilled and qualified professionals currently holding key positions in the U.S. Without the ability to file for I-485 many qualified professionals will be forced to leave the U.S. and return back to their own countries taking highly specialized knowledge and experience with them. This is a major long term disadvantage for the US.

I, hereby urge you to vote in support of Section 8001, Recapture of unused visa numbers, of the Senate Deficit Reduction Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2006 when it comes up for consideration. Your vote will not only address the issue of deficit reduction but will also ensure that the United States of America will be in the forefront of science and technology and will retain the best talent from around the world.


Contact new & media ..........

intdesk@ap.org, ctc-TribLetter@Tribune.com, letters@latimes.com, heralded@herald.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, nytnews@nyt.com, editor@reuters.com, letters@time.com, editor@usatoday.com, letters@usnews.com, letter.editor@edit.wsj.com, letters@washpost.com, newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk, info@bbc.co.uk, eason.jordan@turner.com, tom.johnson@turner.com, rick.davis@turner.com, gerald.levin@twi.com, community@cnn.com, Speakout@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, foxnewsnow@foxnews.com, specialreport@foxnews.com, world@msnbc.com, ombudsman@npr.org, viewer@pbs.org, cnn.onair@cnn.com, letters@usnews.com, readersrep@latimes.com, niteline@abc.com,niteline@abc.com, jsawyer@post-dispatch.com, nationalnews@herald.com, Tohara@plaind.com, dkannber@plaind.com, WashingtonBureau@plaind.com, mharden@denverpost.com, RWimer@newsadvance.com, jstinnett@newsadvance.com, andya@coxnews.com, crauscher@coxnews.com,thayt@azstarnet.com, advocate@azstarnet.com, cschwartz@journalsentinel.com , cgilbert@journalsentinel.com , jhall@mediageneral.com , laughlin@freepress.com, readrep@freepress.com, offer@centralmaine.com, econrad@pressherald.com, rrhoades@sunjournal.com, sangel@lsj.com , mgroppe@gns.gannett.com , mgroppe@gns.gannett.com, pam.fine@indystar.com , sthomas@journalstar.com, dabrahms@gns.gannett.com , tcunning@rgj.com , gmartin@express-news.net , rkaiser@express-news.net , dnauss@detnews.com, jwehrman@coxnews.com , steve_sidlo@coxohio.com , mcoleman@abqjournal.com,intdesk@ap.org, ctc-TribLetter@Tribune.com, letters@latimes.com, heralded@herald.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, nytnews@nyt.com, editor@reuters.com, letters@time.com, editor@usatoday.com, letters@usnews.com, letter.editor@edit.wsj.com, letters@washpost.com, newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk, info@bbc.co.uk, eason.jordan@turner.com, tom.johnson@turner.com, rick.davis@turner.com, gerald.levin@twi.com, community@cnn.com, Speakout@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, foxnewsnow@foxnews.com, specialreport@foxnews.com, world@msnbc.com, ombudsman@npr.org, viewer@pbs.org, evening@cbsnews.com,info@ap.org, journal@c-span.org, PeterJennings@abcnews.com, newshour@pbs.org, publiceditor@baltsun.com, nightline@abcnews.com, nightly@nbc.com, wsjcontact@dowjones.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, letters@newsweek.com, Dwycliff@tribune.com, ombudsman@washpost.com, editor@usatoday.com, omblade@aol.com, ombudsman@npr.org, clavin@phillynews.com, nwarwick@phillynews.com, PeterJennings@abcnews.com, jwalcott@krwashington.com, ombudsman@globe.com, readerrep@chron.com
Since night I have emailed and faxed all the news agencies.
Let's keep up the good works guys. My sincere thanks to all the people in this thread , who are working together. I want to request every one stay united to achieve our goal. " United we win divided we fall".
I still remember reading some article where Prime Minister Indira Gandhi literally scared American president saying if I call all the Indian doctors who are woking in USA to come back to India then your whole medical system will be crippled for few years to come. These guys are not knowing our value instead playing with our emotions. Let's show them what we can do by being united and working for our cause. :)
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Just a thought

Would it be possible to get all foreign IT people to strike? Let them realize the importance...