S. 1932 Status

iam emailing all of them (comma separated all above emails) from 5 of my different email accounts .......

please let me know if there is any other better way ....

then i will see how i can e-fax
Emailed this text after grammatical corrections

Painful story of LEGAL immigration and big revenue loss to the government.
There are debates on legalizing illegal immigrants but no attention is being paid to the plight of LEGAL immigrants who have been waiting several years while their application for permanent residency languishes due to an issue called "Retrogression".

This is frustrating at the least, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who have brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

And keep in mind that these are LEGAL immigrants who have invested several years in the country. Moreover these are researchers, scientists, doctors, & engineers; people that contribute comprehensively to the USA.

The impact of retrogression is devastating. In spite of investing several years in the country, one is unable to settle down and become a permanent resident.
- There is no flexibility to change jobs or even titles, leaving enough room for employer exploitation and keeping the wages low
- Spouses are not allowed to work.
- The visa status has to keep being extended
- The person has to leave the country with NO grace period of he or she loses their job.
- In this state of flux, it is impossible to make decisions like purchasing a house, having children, etc

One such applicant is suffering from cancer and fighting for his life, meanwhile his wife is not allowed to work and share the burden of their household. He has to work in order to fight against his illness. His dependent's cannot apply for the Social Security benefits either.

This is only one such painful story and there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories.

The Senate and the House are discussing to resolve this dire situation via section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 by providing several measures including, allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even when the visa number is retrogressed. This will not only help resolve the issue partially but will also indirectly generate huge amount of revenues through fees from increased number of I-485 applications. BUT THE SECTION 8001 UNDER TITLE 8 OF S.1932 IS IN THE DANGER OF BEING DROPPED. Failing to pass this bill WITH SECTION 8001, will not only be a potential loss in revenues to the tune of billons of dollars that could be used for investment in growing employment opportunites for Americans but also frustrate hundreds of talented and highly-qualified professional from coming to America thus undermining America's competitiveness in the 21st century. The govt is blind not to take immediate action and to let other continents such as Asia, Europe and Australia benefit from the migrating brain-pool that would now reach their shores.
just a quick question :

do we need to say something in this letter about when is the House taking decision on this 8001 issue? i.e today ?

otherwise it may take few days for the media folks to publish ?

am i correct or it does not matter now ?
Have the same subject that way they will know it is the same cause

Guys, if we are emailing atleast 50-100 today they wont hvae the patience to go thru it before 2 AM so have the same that way they will know it is for a common cause and going through one/two would give them the necessary info. something like

Legal Immigrants Plight, Action Needed
Legal Immigrants Plight, Action Needed Immediately

So, we all should have the following subject .........correct ?

Legal Immigrants Plight, Action Needed Immediately
Pls Do Not Mention Me..

Pls do not mention my case as anything special..You seemed to ignore my earlier messages...I am working because I love to work and it helps my healing...Pls see my earlier posts.
FOR ABHATHAKUR: Pls do not mention me

Pls do not mention my case as anything special..You seemed to ignore my earlier messages...I am working because I love to work and it helps my healing...Pls see my earlier posts.
Free Fax Service

I appreciate everyones contribution to this form. Let us keep our finger crossed and we will succeed.

Folks dont have fax facility can use this free online fax service.


Let us bombord all media with fax.

Last edited by a moderator:
duttdip didnt use your name in my posts

Guys I have sent emails from my 5 email ids. with the subject line as

Legal Immigrants Plight, Action Needed Immediately to the following email addressess

intdesk@ap.org, ctc-TribLetter@Tribune.com, letters@latimes.com, heralded@herald.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, nytnews@nyt.com, editor@reuters.com, letters@time.com, editor@usatoday.com, letters@usnews.com, letter.editor@edit.wsj.com, letters@washpost.com, newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk, info@bbc.co.uk, eason.jordan@turner.com, tom.johnson@turner.com, rick.davis@turner.com, gerald.levin@twi.com, community@cnn.com, Speakout@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, foxnewsnow@foxnews.com, specialreport@foxnews.com, world@msnbc.com, ombudsman@npr.org, viewer@pbs.org, cnn.onair@cnn.com, letters@usnews.com, readersrep@latimes.com, niteline@abc.com,niteline@abc.com, jsawyer@post-dispatch.com, nationalnews@herald.com, Tohara@plaind.com, dkannber@plaind.com, WashingtonBureau@plaind.com, mharden@denverpost.com, RWimer@newsadvance.com, jstinnett@newsadvance.com, andya@coxnews.com, crauscher@coxnews.com,thayt@azstarnet.com, advocate@azstarnet.com, cschwartz@journalsentinel.com , cgilbert@journalsentinel.com , jhall@mediageneral.com , laughlin@freepress.com, readrep@freepress.com, offer@centralmaine.com, econrad@pressherald.com, rrhoades@sunjournal.com, sangel@lsj.com , mgroppe@gns.gannett.com , mgroppe@gns.gannett.com, pam.fine@indystar.com , sthomas@journalstar.com, dabrahms@gns.gannett.com , tcunning@rgj.com , gmartin@express-news.net , rkaiser@express-news.net , dnauss@detnews.com, jwehrman@coxnews.com , steve_sidlo@coxohio.com , mcoleman@abqjournal.com,intdesk@ap.org, ctc-TribLetter@Tribune.com, letters@latimes.com, heralded@herald.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, nytnews@nyt.com, editor@reuters.com, letters@time.com, editor@usatoday.com, letters@usnews.com, letter.editor@edit.wsj.com, letters@washpost.com, newsonline.complaints@bbc.co.uk, info@bbc.co.uk, eason.jordan@turner.com, tom.johnson@turner.com, rick.davis@turner.com, gerald.levin@twi.com, community@cnn.com, Speakout@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, foxnewsnow@foxnews.com, specialreport@foxnews.com, world@msnbc.com, ombudsman@npr.org, viewer@pbs.org, evening@cbsnews.com,info@ap.org, journal@c-span.org, PeterJennings@abcnews.com, newshour@pbs.org, publiceditor@baltsun.com, nightline@abcnews.com, nightly@nbc.com, wsjcontact@dowjones.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, letters@newsweek.com, Dwycliff@tribune.com, ombudsman@washpost.com, editor@usatoday.com, omblade@aol.com, ombudsman@npr.org, clavin@phillynews.com, nwarwick@phillynews.com, PeterJennings@abcnews.com, jwalcott@krwashington.com, ombudsman@globe.com, readerrep@chron.com

If someone can fax it too then it would be of help and also just couple of emails is not going to do the trick. Send as many as possible. I will also try creating some email addresses and send them.
I have been a silent observer so far. i have been sending faxes so far. i have had atleast 4 id's created in isnamerica.org and all of them have crossed the limit of 50 faxes.

you guys are doing a great job and i believe your effort has really brought the immigrant community together.

i am still sending faxes to all the fax numbers specified for media.

great effort guys.keep it up.
Quantify the $$$

My calculation is very simple and very reasonable.

Investment $$$

400000 People effected by retro. Each of these applicant is currently capable of investing atleast $30000 (on an average). resulting in $ 12 Billions. I know this is not some thing that gets us releif. But we need to quantify the $$$ amount in our emails to media or senators/Congressmans.

We get rid of retro only by being united..Every body should try to keep this group alive and stronger every day till we can file 485s
Modified the draft. Please review.

I think its very important to explain what Retrogression is to the news agencies too. I have added a line to the draft. Please review & let me know so that I may email it out.

Thanks !

Painful story of legal immigration and big investment loss to the government.
There are debates on legalizing illegal immigrants but no attention is being paid to the plight of LEGAL immigrants who have been waiting several years while their application for permanent residency languishes due to an issue called "Retrogression".

Retrogression is a condition that is expected to further cause lengthy delays (in years) in providing greencards to people who are legally working here in the USA.

This is frustrating at best, because professionals of the highest quality, tax payers who have contributed to the US and households who brought family values to this country are going through pain and agony.

And keep in mind that these are LEGAL immigrants who have invested several years in the country. Moreover they are researchers, scientists, doctors, & engineers people that contribute powerfully to the USA.

The impact of retrogression is devastating. In spite of investing several years in the country, one is unable to settle down and become a permanent resident.
- There is no flexibility to change jobs or even titles, leaving enough room for employer exploitation and keeping the wages low
- Spouses are not allowed to work.
- The visa status has to keep being extended
- The person has to leave the country with NO grace period of he or she loses their job.
- In this state of flux, it is impossible to make decisions like purchasing a house, having children, etc

This is the story of thousands of hard working to-be legal immigrants. Non-immigrants undergoing treatment for serious illnesses have to worry about the continuity of the treatment. The inability of their spouses to work add to the misery since they are handcuffed to add any value to the household income. There dependant's can not apply for the Social Security Number either.

Thare are many painful stories as there are nearly 400,000 people affected by the retrogression and are facing serious trauma due to retrogression. Many people are feeling doom and gloom over the delays in the I-485 processing for most employment-based categories. The Senate and the House are discussing this to resolve it via section 8001 of the S.R. 1932 allowing applicants to file for adjustment of status even if the visa number is retrogressed. This will not only help resolve this issue but will also encourage generating huge amount of US revenues and taxes by raising the fees on these Visas. Failing to pass this bill will not only make potential loss of billons of dollars in investment and growth opportunites for americans but also frustrate hundered and thousands of brains to look for alternatives. The govt is blind not taking any immediate actions and letting other nations such as Asia to take advantage. In lack of an immediate action, will be a big innovation loss for US and an eventual brain drain to Asia.

Greencard_soon go ahead and send it

we are out of time so ahead and sent it from as many ids as you can.
You Guys are really doing a great work. I had been doing a read-only role so far, but seeing the energy and momentum which got generated due to this issue, i am switching to read-write role.
Keep up the good work and dont get let down even if this does not work out today.
This is just the beginning.