S. 1932 Status

Senate Conf Committee member votes on Byrd Amend

Sen Judd Gregg: R-NH: (202) 224-3324- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Pete Domenici: R-NM: (202) 224-6621- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Charles Grassley: R-IA: 202.224.3744- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Mike Enzi: R-WY: (202) 224-3424- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Wayne Allard: R-CO: (202) 224-5941- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Jeff Sessions: R-AL: (202) 224-4124- Voted FOR Byrd Amendment - Anti Immigration
Sen Ted Stevens: R-AK: (202) 224-3004- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Richard Shelby: R-AL: (202) 224-5744- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Arlen Specter: R-PA: 202-224-4254- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Saxby Chambliss: R-GA: 202-224-3521- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Mitch McConnell: R-KY: 202-224-2541- Voted Against Byrd Amendment

Sen Kent Conrad: D-ND: (202) 224-2043- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Patty Murray: D-WA: (202) 224-2621- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Tom Harkin: D-IA: (202) 224-3254- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Paul Sarbanes: D-MD: (202) 224-4524- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Daniel Inouye: D-HI: 202-224-3934- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Jeff Bingaman: D-NM: (202) 224-5521- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Max Baucus: D-MT: (202) 224-2651- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Ted Kennedy: D-MA: 202/224-4543- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
Sen Pat Leahy: D-VT: 202-224-4242- Voted Against Byrd Amendment
c-span news and update

I have faxed to the members in the reconciliation committee.
One more thing i want to bring to your notice is :
Can somebody update what is happening in c-span. i am ( and i assume some of these forum interested members) are not able to view or listen c-span.
so if somebody can post the updates that would be useful for others.
i am behind corpoprate firewall and i cannot see or listen any video or radio.
one more doubt

Can anybody call the senators listed above or only the persons who are residing in teir area can call?
just wanted clarification.

Keep up the positive spirit...
God will surely listen to us.........
i'm watching live

Senate is debating on some motions, but not related to S1932
i'm on it & will update real time

manishi said:
I have faxed to the members in the reconciliation committee.
One more thing i want to bring to your notice is :
Can somebody update what is happening in c-span. i am ( and i assume some of these forum interested members) are not able to view or listen c-span.
so if somebody can post the updates that would be useful for others.
i am behind corpoprate firewall and i cannot see or listen any video or radio.
Committee contact info with phone, zip, place which we can use

Placename ZipCode
Sen Judd Gregg: R-NH: (202) 224-3324 Manchester 03101
Sen Pete Domenici: R-NM: (202) 224-6621 Albuquerque 87101 to 87123
Sen Charles Grassley: R-IA: 202.224.3744 Cedar Falls 50613 to 50614
Sen Mike Enzi: R-WY: (202) 224-3424 Jackson 83001 to 83002
Sen Wayne Allard: R-CO: (202) 224-5941 Denver 80201 to 80229
Sen Jeff Sessions: R-AL: (202) 224-4124 Huntville 35802
Sen Ted Stevens: R-AK: (202) 224-3004 Petersburg 99833
Sen Richard Shelby: R-AL: (202) 224-5744 Huntville 35802
Sen Arlen Specter: R-PA: 202-224-4254 Philadelphia 19101 to 19119
Sen Saxby Chambliss: R-GA: 202-224-3521 Atlanta 30301
Sen Mitch McConnell: R-KY: 202-224-2541 Bowling Green 42101 to 42104
Sen Kent Conrad: D-ND: (202) 224-2043 Jamestown 58401, 58402, 58405
Sen Patty Murray: D-WA: (202) 224-2621 seattle 98101 to 98119
Sen Tom Harkin: D-IA: (202) 224-3254 Cedar Falls 50613 to 50614
Sen Paul Sarbanes: D-MD: (202) 224-4524 Baltimore 21201, 21202, 21203, 21205, 21206
Sen Daniel Inouye: D-HI: 202-224-3934 Honolulu 96801 to 96828
Sen Jeff Bingaman: D-NM: (202) 224-5521 Albuquerque 87101 to 87123
Sen Max Baucus: D-MT: (202) 224-2651 Hamilton 59840
Sen Ted Kennedy: D-MA: 202/224-4543 Boston 2101 to 2124
Sen Pat Leahy: D-VT: 202-224-4242 Burlington 5401, 5402, 5405, 5406

Flood their offices now we dont even need to do the search all we need to do is just look up the list and call.
hi guys!!
I spoke with Ted Kennedy this morning before he left to the senate. He said that he is very much for the bill favouring relief of EB retrogression and would surely bring up the matter for discussion. He also mentioned that lot of senators are against increasing H1B's but he is quite hopeful about this.
pl. call congressmen as well!

Hey All,

The calls have been going on since yesterday, and I bet we have several senators by now. I am not even posting details of the calls I am making!

But, shouldn't we also be focussing on the Congressmen?

Even if each of us here calls all the congressmen in his/her state, I imagin that would be a BIG thing.


satyasaich said:
Senate is debating on some motions, but not related to S1932
i'm on it & will update real time
the house-senate conference committee will probably meet separately on the issue of S1932.
have the house members of the conference been declared yet?
satyasaich said:
Senate is debating on some motions, but not related to S1932
i'm on it & will update real time
manishi call up and voice your support

manishi call up and voice your support and if they ask them you a local zip code, you can get the local zip code with location name from the previous posts in this forum.

manishi said:
Can anybody call the senators listed above or only the persons who are residing in teir area can call?
just wanted clarification.

Keep up the positive spirit...
God will surely listen to us.........
manishi call up and voice your support

manishi call up and voice your support and if they ask them you a local zip code, you can get the local zip code with location name from the previous posts in this forum.

manishi said:
Can anybody call the senators listed above or only the persons who are residing in teir area can call?
just wanted clarification.

Keep up the positive spirit...
God will surely listen to us.........
Sen Mel Martinez is talking about Iraq now

11 AM - senate will be voting on Patriot act

nothing about S1932 so far
I dont think the senate is going to talk about S1932 today coz they debated and voted on it and disagreed with the house amendment. I am trying to see if the amendment to HR 4437 is being discussed in the house because that will give us an idea of how the house is going to respond to increasing EB visas by taking from Family 4th pref visas.

Called all the Senators on the list this morning, both me n my wife and I also got my two friends to call. COmeon guys let us give a last min push.
faithingod said:
hi guys!!
I spoke with Ted Kennedy this morning before he left to the senate. He said that he is very much for the bill favouring relief of EB retrogression and would surely bring up the matter for discussion. He also mentioned that lot of senators are against increasing H1B's but he is quite hopeful about this.


Neat work ! Keep up the momentum guys. I have a felling that we may scrape through... :)

Please pass on the list of House conference members if someone gets to know that.
List of Member in

indio0617 said:

Neat work ! Keep up the momentum guys. I have a felling that we may scrape through... :)

Please pass on the list of House conference members if someone gets to know that.

Senator Name : Sate : PhoneNumber : Placename : ZipCode
Sen Judd Gregg: R-NH: (202) 224-3324 : Manchester : 03101
Sen Pete Domenici: R-NM: (202) 224-6621 :Albuquerque : 87101 to 87123
Sen Charles Grassley: R-IA: 202.224.3744 :Cedar Falls :50613 to 50614
Sen Mike Enzi: R-WY: (202) 224-3424 : Jackson :83001 to 83002
Sen Wayne Allard: R-CO: (202) 224-5941 : Denver : 80201 to 80229
Sen Jeff Sessions: R-AL: (202) 224-4124 : Huntville :35802
Sen Ted Stevens: R-AK: (202) 224-3004 : Petersburg : 99833
Sen Richard Shelby: R-AL: (202) 224-5744 Huntville 35802
Sen Arlen Specter: R-PA: 202-224-4254 Philadelphia 19101 to 19119
Sen Saxby Chambliss: R-GA: 202-224-3521 Atlanta 30301
Sen Mitch McConnell: R-KY: 202-224-2541 Bowling Green 42101 to 42104
Sen Kent Conrad: D-ND: (202) 224-2043 Jamestown 58401, 58402, 58405
Sen Patty Murray: D-WA: (202) 224-2621 seattle 98101 to 98119
Sen Tom Harkin: D-IA: (202) 224-3254 Cedar Falls 50613 to 50614
Sen Paul Sarbanes: D-MD: (202) 224-4524 Baltimore 21201, 21202, 21203, 21205, 21206
Sen Daniel Inouye: D-HI: 202-224-3934 Honolulu 96801 to 96828
Sen Jeff Bingaman: D-NM: (202) 224-5521 Albuquerque 87101 to 87123
Sen Max Baucus: D-MT: (202) 224-2651 Hamilton 59840
Sen Ted Kennedy: D-MA: 202/224-4543 Boston 2101 to 2124
Sen Pat Leahy: D-VT: 202-224-4242 Burlington 5401, 5402, 5405, 5406
SaiWelcome said:
Senator Name : Sate : PhoneNumber : Placename : ZipCode
Sen Judd Gregg: R-NH: (202) 224-3324 : Manchester : 03101
Sen Pete Domenici: R-NM: (202) 224-6621 :Albuquerque : 87101 to 87123
Sen Charles Grassley: R-IA: 202.224.3744 :Cedar Falls :50613 to 50614
Sen Mike Enzi: R-WY: (202) 224-3424 : Jackson :83001 to 83002
Sen Wayne Allard: R-CO: (202) 224-5941 : Denver : 80201 to 80229
Sen Jeff Sessions: R-AL: (202) 224-4124 : Huntville :35802
Sen Ted Stevens: R-AK: (202) 224-3004 : Petersburg : 99833
Sen Richard Shelby: R-AL: (202) 224-5744 Huntville 35802
Sen Arlen Specter: R-PA: 202-224-4254 Philadelphia 19101 to 19119
Sen Saxby Chambliss: R-GA: 202-224-3521 Atlanta 30301
Sen Mitch McConnell: R-KY: 202-224-2541 Bowling Green 42101 to 42104
Sen Kent Conrad: D-ND: (202) 224-2043 Jamestown 58401, 58402, 58405
Sen Patty Murray: D-WA: (202) 224-2621 seattle 98101 to 98119
Sen Tom Harkin: D-IA: (202) 224-3254 Cedar Falls 50613 to 50614
Sen Paul Sarbanes: D-MD: (202) 224-4524 Baltimore 21201, 21202, 21203, 21205, 21206
Sen Daniel Inouye: D-HI: 202-224-3934 Honolulu 96801 to 96828
Sen Jeff Bingaman: D-NM: (202) 224-5521 Albuquerque 87101 to 87123
Sen Max Baucus: D-MT: (202) 224-2651 Hamilton 59840
Sen Ted Kennedy: D-MA: 202/224-4543 Boston 2101 to 2124
Sen Pat Leahy: D-VT: 202-224-4242 Burlington 5401, 5402, 5405, 5406
SAIWELCOME these are senate conferers and not house conferers
I think we are making some strong points here. I was also thinking about the amendment from a budget perspective. What will the US government gain by recapturing the employment visas? $500 per recaptured visa. Now, I talked with lot of guys affected by retrogression. They all agree that they are willing to pay $2500 if they can get green card by the end of the year.

So my idea(plan) is to push for a "thought" to our Senators that its posssible to raise significant money by recapturing the visa numbers. It will help us to get this issue in the mainstream of any bill What do you think?

I know this is a little "off-subject" but do I have something here?
Is the List of House conference members available?

I tried looking on Google.

Let us focus on House Reps. It might soften their resistance when our hero Sen. Spector brings in our agenda