sunjoshi said:sundar99,
Thank You
I have added the extract of the article as a seperate slide.
sunjoshi said:Friends,
As promised, here are the details about the meeting.
I got in at 9:10 AM, so was the first to arrive (what do u expect from a desi worker anyway?). I quickly put together a powerpoint ppt the next 15 mins (is rather clumsy, and my apologies). The lady at front desk told me that congressman will be 30 mins late, but a staff member has to look at the presentation before I got my chance. This staff member is the director of projects for the congressman, and shared almost 30 mins with me. I walked him thru the ppt and he was very impressed. He then introduced me to the director of washington office and asked me to show it to him. He was very impressed too, and was actually surprised the community is keeping track of bills so closely.
Finally both the directors told Tom price that he should look a the ppt. There was a 5 min limit per person with the congressman, but I actually got close to 12-14 mins. I again walked thru the presentation, and the congressman had SEVERAL questions. Luckily I was able to answer all of them. He was VERY impressed, and asked for a copy of the ppt immediately. We talked about S.1932 and HR4241 quite a bit, and he said he'll use my ppt and do his best to retain sec 8000/8001 of S.1932 to the final Bill. He also said that he'll contact me the next couple days if he needs more info on the ppt. So guys, if he does, I'll need volunteers to help out gather more data/statistics.
I've already emailed him the ppt and it is attached to this post. Please send your updates quoting slide numbers and the points you like to update/delete/add. I'll update the ppt accordingly and resend a good one. Like I said, this one is clumsy.
Thank You.
vpHope said:Good JOB!!
sunjoshi said:Friends,
As promised, here are the details about the meeting.
I got in at 9:10 AM, so was the first to arrive (what do u expect from a desi worker anyway?). I quickly put together a powerpoint ppt the next 15 mins (is rather clumsy, and my apologies). The lady at front desk told me that congressman will be 30 mins late, but a staff member has to look at the presentation before I got my chance. This staff member is the director of projects for the congressman, and shared almost 30 mins with me. I walked him thru the ppt and he was very impressed. He then introduced me to the director of washington office and asked me to show it to him. He was very impressed too, and was actually surprised the community is keeping track of bills so closely.
Finally both the directors told Tom price that he should look a the ppt. There was a 5 min limit per person with the congressman, but I actually got close to 12-14 mins. I again walked thru the presentation, and the congressman had SEVERAL questions. Luckily I was able to answer all of them. He was VERY impressed, and asked for a copy of the ppt immediately. We talked about S.1932 and HR4241 quite a bit, and he said he'll use my ppt and do his best to retain sec 8000/8001 of S.1932 to the final Bill. He also said that he'll contact me the next couple days if he needs more info on the ppt. So guys, if he does, I'll need volunteers to help out gather more data/statistics.
I've already emailed him the ppt and it is attached to this post. Please send your updates quoting slide numbers and the points you like to update/delete/add. I'll update the ppt accordingly and resend a good one. Like I said, this one is clumsy.
Thank You.
shankara21cen said:I was wondering if this link can be used in ppt slides
JP Morgan to hire 4,500 in India
December 05, 2005 10:05 IST
Last Updated: December 05, 2005 17:44 IST
In yet another instance of international businesses moving operations to India, American banking giant JP Morgan Chase plans to hire 4,500 staff in India over the next two years with an aim to move 30 per cent of its back office and support staff at its investment bank offshore by the end of 2007.
The plans are being seen as the most ambitious move till date by an international investment bank to take advantage of the low cost of highly educated staff in India.
The bulk of the bank's processing of foreign exchange trades will be carried out at its centres in Mumbai and Bangalore. It is also moving over much of the processing of credit derivatives contracts, an area where the United States and the United Kingdom regulators have expressed concern about backlogs across the industry.
Other investment banks are also planning to move operations to India and Stefan Spohr, of consultants AT Kearney, estimates that the US and the UK-based investment banks now have about 6,000 staff in India, of which half are directly employed, representing less than 5 per cent of their total headcount.
However, he predicts this could rise to as much as 20 per cent in the next few years.
"This is not a trend that will go away. Global resourcing is becoming part of the way of doing business," he said. Industry analysts have been quoted saying that salaries in India are 70-80 per cent lower and total costs about 40 per cent below US levels.
"The quality of the people we hire is extraordinary and their level of loyalty to the company unbeatable," Veronique Weill, head of operations at JP Morgan's investment bank was quoted as saying by the Financial Times.
JP Morgan is also seeking to tap talent that it can use elsewhere in the group and some of those hired for the new operations have already been transferred to the US.
The expansion in India is backed by Jamie Dimon, JP Morgan's famously cost-conscious chief executive-designate who recently visited the Mumbai facility, the paper reported.
JP Morgan, which had only 200 offshoring staff in India two years ago, is currently hiring between 300 and 400 graduates a month and plans a total of 9,000 by the end of 2007.
Some 3,000 will be working for the investment bank with the rest supporting the group's retail and commercial banking operations, including 2,000 call centre workers.
stucklabor said:Sunjoshi, I request the following mods:
1. Recommendations slide: Add a request to the Congress to support some kind of automatic adjustment of status for qualified people who have worked in this country for 3 years. Cite Sen. Chuck Hagel's legislation.
2. Immigration restrictions could slow job growth slide is too wordy. Break it up into bullet points.
- By 2015, US economy will need 16 million additional workers due to aging population.
- The US, a country of immigrants, has been a magnet destination for entrepreneurial foreigners and has gained from them, as they have gained from the US.
- Immigration not a zero-sum game. Some immigrants take away jobs, but most create jobs for native-born Americans and increase American productivity.
- US now competing with rest of the world for talent, and post 9/11 immigration restrictions are making it difficult.
- Just as free trade lets each country specialize in what it does best, a flexible immigration policy helps support innovation in the US.
superman007 said:Hey Guys,
I must admit that i am not fully versed with the finer points and intricacies of the bills 1932 and 8001.I am a victim of retrogression and still awaiting the filing of I-485 after I-140 approval in Jan-05.However , the silver lining is that i have an opprotunity to meet congressman Mr. James Sensenbrenner(Rep.Wisconsin).I intend to use this opportunity to fullest advantage and hence doing a lil research and understanding the dynamics of this bill and Mr.Sensenbrenner's stand on this and other related issues!!!
If u guys have any pointers, pl let me know!!!!