S. 1932 Status

Any update on HR 4241?

QUOTE=kewl]If I understand this correctly, it may be good that budget cut from 50 to 45, or even further...and bill passes finally. Because as conference committee meets to reconcile both bills, there may be little better chance that immigration portion (S.1932) stay as there will be less possibility of any congressman / senator's constituents affects directly by incorporating this into final bill and they may be under little pressure to make-up numbers as they will get big FREE $$ from aliens. Just my thonght...may be I'm wrong.

But anyway, lets pray to GOD for its positive outcome and out plight to get GC end soon! :)[/QUOTE]
So far there is no update.

Current Situation:
Currently there are 231 Republican members and 204 are Democrats. Total house members are 435. All democrats are going to vote NO on the Budget bill # 4241. In order to have safe passage of this bill # 4241 Republicans needs 218 votes.

Problem is that there are 25 republicans who have said that they will vote 'No' to this bill if there is no provision for Arctic oil drilling. This means that Republicans will have only 206 votes which are not enough to pass this bill. There are back door negotiation going to to come up with the solution so that out of this 25 republicans who are saying that they will vote 'NO' on this bill some of them at least 12-13 republicans agree that they will vote YES.

Things seems to be tough at this time. Let's pray to God that they succeed in their negotiations.
House is in Recess since 2:34 P.M. - till now 5:00 PM EST ( Continuing..)

That means some very serious discussions are going on....
It will be on C-SPAN only right now they are in recess so they are showing something else. C-SAPN2 is the senate. Our buddy has allready passed that stage and is now with Big brothers to decide

angeles_gc said:
I think it is happening on cspan2 not cspan1
God Forbid

God Forbid say the HR 4241 fails what then?

I mean it is a bill for deficit reduction and they have to reduce the deficit SOMETIME dont they? Does it mean that the ENTIRE bill is just trashed? Dont ppl vote on it again if another version is introduced later in Dec?

Just to clarify, I KNOW we need HR4241 to pass for S1932 to get reconciled, so that is NOT my question :)
has anyone verified whether H.R. 4241 contains s.1932.........or any other retrogression issues......

somewhere i read that hr 4241 does not deal with retrogression at all?
H.R. 4241 contains s.1932

11/10/2005: How S. 1932 Will Help Deficit Reduction, the Goal of H.R. 4241?
Members of the House of Representatives, the Senate bill, S. 1932, not only helps the America to recruit the brightests, to retain the brightest and protect our technologies against international competitors, and to keep the jobs in the U.S. and not to outsource our jobs, but also will help to reduce the nation's deficit upto $150,000,000.00.
Senate bill proposes to impose $500.00 additional I-140 filing fee for EB-1, EB-2, and EB-3. Considering the fact that the numbers for EB-4 and EB-5 are negligible, the total numbers may run upto close to 140,000 a year.
Senate bill proposes to impose $500.00 additional I-140 filing fees for 90,000 recaptured EB immigrant visa numbers.
Senate bill proposed to impose $500.00 addtional H-1B filing fees for 90,000 recaptured H-1B visa numbers.
The Senate immigration recapture part of the S.1932 is a winner for America and for the Congress from the four corners of the common sense! Please amend the H.R. 4241 to add this part (Section 8001 and 8002) of the Senate bill to Section 5100 to the House bill, H.R. 4241.

src : http://www.immigration-law.com/
Don't know what's going on right now. There's no update from anywhere, where did you guys get the information 218 votes vs 206 votes etc etc. By the way this bill should have the immigration piece on it , why would otherwise http://www.immigration-law.com/ watch it so close ?
H.r. 4241

House Rejects GOP Leaders' Budget Cuts

By ANDREW TAYLOR Associated Press Writer


A companion deficit-reduction bill that would slice $50 billion from the deficit through the end of the decade, also faces unanimous opposition from Democrats, as well as from many moderate Republicans who are unhappy with cuts to Medicaid, food stamps and college loan subsidies.

It would cut from so-called mandatory programs whose budgets increase automatically every year. The proposed savings are modest considering the $14 trillion the government is set to spend during the five-year period.

GOP leaders sent the House into recess after the embarrassing defeat of the spending bill. The 22 GOP defections on that vote cast doubt on whether House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., would bring the broader deficit-reduction bill to the floor later in the day.

There is no update on the current status on the bill 4241. Currently House Republicans are working to make sure that they have the commitment from all the members who are going to vote YES on this bill.

There are several reasons why republicans wants commitment from all the members.
1. Budget cut bill is very important for Republicans and president agenda to control deficit so that they can tell American people that they are doing something in Washington.

2. Today after Republicans suffered a setback in the House by losing a vote on cutting spending for education and health care programs they do not want to take any risk.

3. Right now they are playing with the narrow win game. Meaning even if the bill pass or don't pass, the result will be in very narrow margin. Republicans can not rely on any Democrats because they all are in process of gaining popularity so that they can get in power in next election. They will do everything possible to make sure that the bill gets dead. Once that is done they will start criticising President for the Deficit. For that reasons Republicans do not want to take any risk.

I don't think that bill will be on debate today but hopefully it is brought on floor tomorrow. No matter what happens passing of this bill is very important for the Immigration community. So please please pray to god that the bill passes. By the way if you look carefully bill is very GOOD if we want to control deficit.
H.R. 4241 Update

11/17/2005: H.R. 4241 Update
Source: www.immigration-law.com

The House has yet to debate this bill even though it was laid on table this afternoon. The House may or may not return to the session this evening. If they don't, they will pick it up early tomorrow. If they do, they are expected to have two hours of debate before they get into roll calls for this bill. It appears that the House resolution on this bill indicates that amendments may not be allowed on the floor for this bill, and it is almost certain that the House will pass H.R. 4241 without the S. 1932 immigration package.
Since the budget reconciliation bills are expected to move to the Senate-House conference committee which is yet to be formed by the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate, people are encouraged to keep sending support letters to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate plus members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Budget Committee, especially the bill sponsors, to adopt the S.1932 Section 8001 and Section 8002. Traditionally, the Speaker and the President have been nominating the conference members mostly from the members of the Committees in each House that passed the conflicting bills. Please do not give up yet. The fight is not over. Remember Yogi Berra? It ain't over till it is over. Please do not loosen your "bite!" Business and academic communities are extremely important for the last minute push, and we urge each of you to contact your employers to keep contacting these Senators and Congress people starting early tomorrow morning.
my employer will not cotact since they really do not want me to ge GC. Because once I get I will demand much higher wages.