S. 1932 Status

I am helping


Not to deflect anybody from the main 4241 issues.I have sent 2 mails to Tom davis (R-VA) my constituency congmen already and will continue to do more based on inputs here!! Believe me I am closely monitoring this forum as well C-SPAN 2 and know the anxiety! It is just that my current issues are to apply for I140. I have no help whatsoever.Hope you guys understand. :eek:

Besides after observing for a week or so am thoroughly convinced this forum has the best brains batting it out. May God help us all. Sorry if interrupted the flow.

PD Jan02
Labor Sep05
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Wrong thread but here is what i got from my lawyer.

Whether case is Eb1/2/3 has to be declared BEFORE labour cert. So if you have ur labour approved then ur already in Eb3. Then again my lawyer cud be wrong.

I think if they will exclude the cut for medicaid and foodstamps then they have to think about another way to generate income because they are going to get less saving when the are going to spend more money for medicaid and other benefits .In that case we can strongly make our case which is going to generate revenue for govt. we may have to include this in our letters to congressmen .please advice

Nokin , I am sorry to say that but some time if you divert the subject then it may break tampo .
To compensate for revenue I am willing to pay $1000 instead of $500. I am sure many will be willing to pay extra.

Can we ask this amendment?
Money, money , money, speaks loud than any thing else especially true for politicians

We should give a good bait for the politiccians, any number should be fine for me, let us discuss about this and proceed further
I agree with John travolta. I am willing to pay that amount to get this over with. Should we start drafting new letters to congress men and senators?
They get the money either way (House version which increases the fee for L-1 with out any visa relief or Senate version which increase the fees for H-1, 140 with visa relief).

If they want more money they should merge both with visa relief. they get more than they ask for and we get a temporary relief.
not a good idea...

john_travolta said:
To compensate for revenue I am willing to pay $1000 instead of $500. I am sure many will be willing to pay extra.

Can we ask this amendment?

I do not think thats a good idea. We do not want to send a message that we are buying visa. That is exactly opponent of the bill are campaigning.
HR4241 Up for debate next week

Here is an excerpt from Bloomberg news article:

House Republican Conference Chairman Deborah Pryce said that Republican leaders faced pressure to delay the bill until next week, because lawmakers in both parties are eager to return to home districts this evening so they can appear at local Veterans Day events tomorrow.

1. Any idea when will it be voted again next week?
2. Esp when the following week is Thanks-giving, do you think this budget bill will be taken up by Conference committee during the week of Thanks-giving?
3. If not, when is the congress up for recess
4. When will they re-convene for the next session?

Questions, Questions and more questions. Does anyone know an answer for any of these questions?

I agree - NOT a good idea at all

atyagi73 said:
I do not think thats a good idea. We do not want to send a message that we are buying visa. That is exactly opponent of the bill are campaigning.

We do NOT want to convey any messages that could be misconstrued as "There are Visas for sale." We would be feeding into the propoganda of organizations like FAIR & NumbersUSA....

IMHO we should just keep hitting on the fact that any reclaiming of EB Visas would not create any strain on the infrastructure & the system as these were a part of the EB Visa quotas which have NOT been claimed because of the circumstances & USCIS/DOL inefficiencies... AND that all beneficiaries of this reclamation are ALREADY in the USA & are holding jobs & paying taxes (Federal, State, Social Security & Medicare) Granting us permanent residency will NOT in any circumstances result in any additional burden, rather would maintain the inflow of taxes into the US economy
top reason for $$ - Please review my suggestion

I faxed it to a few congressman and senators for eb retro appeal.. I talked to some good immi lawyers... they also said.. $ angle will surely work if proposed for fee increase for 485..since govt is really strapped for CA$H. We are not buying visas as suggested above, but we are contributing for the economy and also to ensure the govt takes this up seriously in considering EB Relief ASAP. We got to show the $ angle now... Folks do it fast.. while some of you may try to save 140 fees ( as Nor...) or the above gentlemen who is worried abt the visa fee payment.. all of us will end up as penny wise and pound foolish. Let us wake up to the $ power.. we got to hint that the $ earned will come in easily for all the natural calamities and also it does not add to the tax payers burden (for American Citizens). Also suggest if the Govt did not consider EB Retro, they loose the $$$s...per EB Visa catego, and also the talenets for all legally admitted aliens. This will be very attractive to them. Remeber they are all politicians. They understand MONEY more than visas. For the congress and senators.. all H1 B - GC Applicants mean nothing..do they care if u lost the job (they did not even care of those who lost lives in Katrina, the govt woke up after a few days of the calamities as TV reported) - so do u think honestly your welfare is the top most in their minds !!!
So - Suggesting $ earnings is the one and only route for EB Retro considerations, otherwise, folks got to be prepared to leave us in the next few months...

I am not trying to offend anyone, I am trying to reason out what is the best possible route. Sending N.. N+1 letters help, as long as Sentaors/Congress sees some benefit for them in doing this for us. Agreeing that out of several thousand applicants there could be just 1 einstein, rest of us are avg guys, let us accept hard facts, for them we are disposable commodity. So.. wake up guys !.. do not leave any corners unturned. When I left IIT Madras.

Please tell me honestly if I am wrong for taking this approach ?? may be I am.

atyagi73 said:
I do not think thats a good idea. We do not want to send a message that we are buying visa. That is exactly opponent of the bill are campaigning.
top reason for $$ - Please review my suggestion

I faxed it to a few congressman and senators for eb retro appeal.. I talked to some good immi lawyers... they also said.. $ angle will surely work if proposed for fee increase for 485..since govt is really strapped for CA$H. We are not buying visas as suggested above, but we are contributing for the economy and also to ensure the govt takes this up seriously in considering EB Relief ASAP. We got to show the $ angle now... Folks do it fast.. while some of you may try to save 140 fees ( as Nor...) or the above gentlemen who is worried abt the visa fee payment.. all of us will end up as penny wise and pound foolish. Let us wake up to the $ power.. we got to hint that the $ earned will come in easily for all the natural calamities and also it does not add to the tax payers burden (for American Citizens). Also suggest if the Govt did not consider EB Retro, they loose the $$$s...per EB Visa catego, and also the talenets for all legally admitted aliens. This will be very attractive to them. Remeber they are all politicians. They understand MONEY more than visas. For the congress and senators.. all H1 B - GC Applicants mean nothing..do they care if u lost the job (they did not even care of those who lost lives in Katrina, the govt woke up after a few days of the calamities as TV reported) - so do u think honestly your welfare is the top most in their minds !!!
So - Suggesting $ earnings is the one and only route for EB Retro considerations, otherwise, folks got to be prepared to leave us in the next few months...

I am not trying to offend anyone, I am trying to reason out what is the best possible route. Sending N.. N+1 letters help, as long as Sentaors/Congress sees some benefit for them in doing this for us. Agreeing that out of several thousand applicants there could be just 1 einstein, rest of us are avg guys, let us accept hard facts, for them we are disposable commodity. So.. wake up guys !.. do not leave any corners unturned. When I left IIT Madras.

Please tell me honestly if I am wrong for taking this approach ?? may be I am.
Reply from Utah congressman Chris Cannon

I've faxed, called, e-mailed, web-faxed to all 3 congressmean and 2 seantors of Utah state. This is the e-mail reply i received from Utah congressman Chris Cannon today. In all forms of my communication, eventhough i stressed the EB visa retrogression issue (like waiting for green cards for more than 5 years), somehow his reply has more info about his support for H1-B visa cap increase. I will call and e-mail him again to stress the importance of EB visa retrogression issue.

Please, please fax, call, e-mail to your state congressmen and senators. This is working. Work hard to achieve our goals. This IS the time to act.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thank you for contacting me about proposed increases in the number of persons who can be admitted to the United States under temporary H-1B work visas. I appreciate your opinion on this issue.

Many of the top 100 companies using workers with H-1B visas are located in Utah. A number of them have told me of significant shortages of workers in the specialized employee categories open to such workers. The hi-tech industry is vital to our continued economic recovery and prosperity, both locally and nationwide. An estimated four jobs are created in sales, manufacturing and other sectors of the economy from each engineering job filled through the H-1B visa program. For these reasons, I will support an increase in the H-1B cap.

A proposal providing for an increase in the number of these visas has been included in the Senate Judiciary Committee deficit reduction package. The Senate bill would increase the number of visas by as many as 30,000 a year by making available previously unused visas. I am pleased with the step that the Senate has taken and am hopeful that as the House of Representatives addresses the issue, it can include similar support for an increase in the number of H-1B visas. Rest assured, I will work to ensure that the visa problem is adequately addressed and the needs of Utahns are met.

Once again, thank you for telling me of your concerns. I look forward to hearing from you again.

Warmest regards,

Chris Cannon

Member of Congress

I cannot guarantee the integrity of the text of this letter if it was not sent to you directly from my Congressional Email Account. If you have any questions about the validity of this message, please email me at: cannon.ut03@mail.house.gov or call my Washington, DC office at: (202) 225-7751.


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Hr4241 ?????

Hello All

What section in HR 4241 do I need to look into?? All I see there is the increase in fees with regards to L1 Visa, I dont see anywhere it says to remove the provisions of VISA Numbers with regards to GC. Am I missing anything in between the lines?

Section 214(c) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(15)(A) The Secretary of State shall impose a fee on an employer when an alien files an application abroad for a visa authorizing initial admission to the United States as a nonimmigrant described in section 101(a)(15)(L) in order to be employed by the employer, if the alien is covered under a blanket petition described in paragraph (2)(A).

`(B) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall impose a fee on an employer filing a petition under paragraph (1) initially to grant an alien nonimmigrant status described in section 101(a)(15)(L) or to extend for the first time the stay of an alien having such status.

`(C) The amount of the fee imposed under subparagraph (A) or (B) shall be $1,500.

`(D) The fees imposed under subparagraphs (A) and (B) shall only apply to principal aliens and not to spouses or children who are accompanying or following to join such principal aliens.

`(E) Fees collected under this paragraph shall be deposited as offsetting receipts in the Treasury, and shall not be available for expenditure until appropriated.

`(F)(i) An employer may not require an alien who is the beneficiary of the visa or petition for which a fee is imposed under this paragraph to reimburse, or otherwise compensate, the employer for part or all of the cost of such fee.
Do not leave corners unturned/ $$$$$$$

I absolutley agree with Sunder, they are not going to do it unless they have benefits. Any how the decision is not on the the part of us, the only thing left is money, if we do not throw a big bait we are going to regret latter. I would propose fees for labor certificate, I-140 fees and 485 filing fees separatley with up to $1500 to $2000 for each.( Please excuse me if I proposed higher or lower number, personally I am not worried about the number). i.e higher fees for service.
This will definitley generates the huge money and the other anti immigrants can not question this because, they are not trying to increase the number of visas. We also can say that, this fee increase is for employment based green cards only.
Guys let us wake up, either you decide to wait worrying about the status for six more years or chill out $ 5000 to $10,000 and forget the matter for once.
let us contact the congress men with this high nunmbers and if possible some of us can meet personally, before it comes up infront of the house next week.
sundar99 and vattam...i agree with you guys....but all this is a long term proposals.....i dont think that as soon as we fax this proposal some senator will take it to the house and start discussion....(sorry for the pessimism).
but we definitely need to start working on this....that they can increase the fee upto 10k for the whole process....and they can call it premium processing..
Not Late at all ! - Elections in 2006 prep starts they need $$$

It is now or never...if you want to test the $ angle , then you already missed the bus !. Instead of feeling later..hey we should have tried the $ angle.. it would have worked. Unless Senators/Politicians see benefit..no one..would take up EB Visa cause. Also, stressing on how valuable the EB applicants etc are a piece of B...S..
they can always keep replacing h1s and talents, that way companies do not have to pay more for GC..and keep the H1 folks on tender hooks.

SO..the conclusion... take the message to senators /congressman as additional relief that you heard of from some folks in DC as ( Huge $ increase for EB visa catego for each stage) , just congratulate them on their idea and how it can benefit the economy and this action is very timely for all the natural disasters, and also help US economy. The moment u bring this up to a large number of senators . this will set them thinking and implementing ASAP.. Make it sound like their Idea. do not try to sell the idea yourself. Just say that a few folks from DC suggested this and complement the idea. It will surely WORK... Beleive me.. if you have good IMMI lawyer Buddies...that would help. On the lines of H1, L1 visa fee increase, sounds like they forgot the EB visa category increase..

What do u all think ? -------------------

techy2468 said:
sundar99 and vattam...i agree with you guys....but all this is a long term proposals.....i dont think that as soon as we fax this proposal some senator will take it to the house and start discussion....(sorry for the pessimism).
but we definitely need to start working on this....that they can increase the fee upto 10k for the whole process....and they can call it premium processing..
Relax Guys.. Bill will eventually pass..

This is a politically critical time for Bush [with his lowest ever approval ratings ]. There will be all attempts to get this bill ,otherwise risking a bigger political setback and signs of a weaker leadership.

See the link below..

We would just need to take a deep breath, relax and enjoy our weekend.

Lawmakers are not interested in raising additional money through fees for immigration.. We are wasting our energies and lose credibility..They have bigger issues to fight medicaid, food stamps, school funds, etc.

Our message and request for lawmakers at this time should be simply to support the immigration reforms introduced in S1932 during the reconciliation committee meeting.