With our efforts failing to materialize on the S.1932 issue, some of the very active members on this forum decided to join hands and become even more active for the next effort. And like most people on this forum, all of these members are effected by retrogression.
The result -, an organization formed specifically to address the retrogression issues facing legal immigrants, as a combined and coordinated effort.
The purpose of this organization is to make an all-out effort at the right time, using the right strategy, in a combined way, as against certain individuals doing on their own. S.1932 was a learning experience. is the tool for our next effort.
Members on this forum such as sunjoshi, pdhakwal, indio0617, vingivi, Black_Logs, Hopeful_123, gc_bronco, Sandeep_N, bklog_sufferer, Vallabhu, rajatism, Lab_cld, nozdam, WaldenPond etc. are among the leading members of And anybody on this would like to be active and be a leading member or a volunteer are welcome.
The current efforts are:
1. Co-ordinated efforts to address the severe retrogression issue affecting most of the members on this forum.
2. Creating awareness among the lawmakers by working with several other groups to obtain the correct channel for communication.
3. Raising funds to incorporate a media-driven/lobby-driven strategy
4. Involve more affected people and make our voice even louder.
We need your support. We need your input. We need you to step up to the plate and be a part of the solution.
Please go to and register yourself. Please sign up as an volunteer or as a core-member and contribute towards the effort to get our permanent legal residence faster.
We need volunteers to help out in:
1. Membership drive/Fund Raising
2. Media relations/PR
3. Lobbying efforts
Questions can be directed to and we will respond to you at the earliest convenience.
Remember, we are one among you. The more ownership you take of the problem, the faster the resolution will be.
As a group, we attempted to use as our tool, but since it is a privately-owned website with goals that are different than ours, that did not materialize.
We would urge you to help us to do our share for the community. Please go to
Thank You