S. 1932 Status

I think it comes down to this...

Are we willing to do our best for this & be proactive? Or are we going to

1) Hope the government will suddenly wake up and realize about the problem

2) Hope that other people (like Sunjoshi or pdakwala) will fight the fight for us all alone and without support.

I do not doubt that educating law makers, especially the congressmen is the first step because most of them don't understand the issue.

We are fortunate that this was brought up in the first place in the Senate. Remember also that the Byrd amendment was defeated by a huge majority in the Senate - whcih means that there is immense support in the senate.

I have firmly believed that a small group of people, fighting for the correct thing, can make a difference. I look upon this as a real life scenario in which to test that belief!!

Please sign up at http://boards.immigrationportal.com...ad.php?t=198900
My understanding that neither 8001 nor 8002 survived, since the conference was debating 1932 which was adopted by the House. Remember that with its last vote the House replaced S.1932 with House's own content which didn't include retrogression relief provisions. On the bright side it doesn't seem like businesses lost their focus and lobbied against including L-1 fee increase provisions to be included in the final bill.
All these so called politicians will have a pleasant sleep saying they have finished their work and can enjoy X-mas & new year, leaving us in this mood.
I think its written in our lives that we have to struggle like this for coming to this country. But I have decided that I am not going to quit like this, I will fight untill we achieve what we want.

Don't lose hope yet


All, don't lose hope yet.

The visa fees have not been included but we don't know about the other provisions.

As I wrote on this board yesterday, realized very recently that one of the partners at my company's law firm drafted much of S1932. I wrote her last night about it, specifically to see if portions of 8001 could be salvaged if not the whole. Here is her reply at 6am.


We are fighting as hard as we can to get whatever relief possible. I'm sorry this is such an awful process.

We just lost a major immigration bill to bad legislation on Friday. I'm meeting with Senators today. I hope we can get things turned around.


Can we send her any supporting documentation? I would be really happy to do that. There is Sunjoshi's presentation & we can draft her an email on all our behalfs.

I would say that you should ask her to argue that there is

1) Temporary Relief (Filing I 485)
2) Permanant Relief (Increasing EB visas)

Ask her to push for even temporary relief. I am sure the immigrant community wouldn't mind an increased fee for the peace of mind that having an EAD will provide.

Let me know if you need any help. I can put together or send documetnation
Hopeful, thanks but not needed now

Hopeful, thanks but that is not needed now. This lady is an immigration lawyer who rose to be partner and helped drafting 8001. Last night I asked specifically about I485 filing even with visa number unavailability - she knows the diff between having an EAD and the security of AC 21 portability - and she replied that they would try to get whatever relief they could.

But looks like it is all over since the House already passed its bill. So her meetings with Senators today may not be productive for this one fight.
GUys GUys!

Look at the URL "http://www.house.gov/budget/summarys1932.pdf"

Maybe the HOUSE version of L1 increases were thrown out of the package, is there a SIMILAR Url on the Senate side, i tries looking but did not find one.

Can someone call and enquire, like yesterday?
The total savings in this PDF file (approx $39.732 billion) does not match the $41.6 billion they kept talking about in the House. Does that mean that there were some other things that made this bill that is not reflected in the PDF file? Just being hopeful...

Nozdam, I don't think there is a House and Senate version any more - this is the report of the conference committee, so it is a single version for both houses...

stucklabor said:
Hopeful, thanks but that is not needed now. This lady is an immigration lawyer who rose to be partner and helped drafting 8001. Last night I asked specifically about I485 filing even with visa number unavailability and she replied that they would try to get whatever relief they could.

But looks like it is all over since the House already passed its bill.
I believe this is not over yet. Don't count me as too optimistic, because still senate have to come up with their conference report.
Let's hold our nerves. by the way this is not the end of the world. I strongly believe that we are all tough guys fighting for a genuine reason.
"Tough gets going when going gets tough"

nozdam said:
GUys GUys!

Look at the URL "http://www.house.gov/budget/summarys1932.pdf"

Maybe the HOUSE version of L1 increases were thrown out of the package, is there a SIMILAR Url on the Senate side, i tries looking but did not find one.

Can someone call and enquire, like yesterday?
This is very bad news. Majority of lawmakers are in favor of immigration packet but all pro-immigrant law makers have bent their knees towards few anti-immigrant republican congress man/woman.

This is rediculous !!!

One Thought:

House has just passed illegal immigrant enforcement bill las tFriday. Successful enforcement of this law will creat vaccum of labor. Why don't we request Senate to have amenmend in this bill as follow, when it come to the floor of Senate (Which is expected in January 2006):

1. Insert the section 8001 and 8002 of S 1932 to this new bill (illegal immigrant enforcement). This will promot legal immigrant and businesses will not have immidiate shortage of labor.

gcdedo said:
I think we could safely accept now as our EB provisions are NOT there..

We LOST it....

So SAD News at the Begining of the DAY/WEEK and for REST of the LIFE....
Great idea, KhodalMD

khodalmd said:
House has just passed illegal immigrant enforcement bill las tFriday. Successful enforcement of this law will creat vaccum of labor. Why don't we request Senate to have amenmend in this bill as follow, when it come to the floor of Senate (Which is expected in January 2006):

1. Insert the section 8001 and 8002 of S 1932 to this new bill (illegal immigrant enforcement). This will promot legal immigrant and businesses will not have immidiate shortage of labor.

KhodalMD, this is a great idea! On first thought I thought it would work.

But the Senate is going to reject this bill outright. It will never get through the Senate.

But if parts of this bill pass, then we can try putting in 8001/8002 in this bill, which is at least about immigration. 8001/8002 belong more naturally here.
stucklabor said:
KhodalMD, this is a great idea! On first thought I thought it would work.

But the Senate is going to reject this bill outright. It will never get through the Senate.

But if parts of this bill pass, then we can try putting in 8001/8002 in this bill, which is at least about immigration. 8001/8002 belong more naturally here.

And I definitely would be very disturbed if the bill passed EVEN if it had 8001/ 8002. Some of the provisions of that bill are monstrous (Deportation for a DUI - it's atrocious!!)
Don't worry

Those stricter provisions for DUI are for exclusively meant for illegal and undocumented imigrants. Specifically on this i was listening to a lady speaking for this in the house

Hopeful_123 said:
And I definitely would be very disturbed if the bill passed EVEN if it had 8001/ 8002. Some of the provisions of that bill are monstrous (Deportation for a DUI - it's atrocious!!)
Hopeful_123 said:
And I definitely would be very disturbed if the bill passed EVEN if it had 8001/ 8002. Some of the provisions of that bill are monstrous (Deportation for a DUI - it's atrocious!!)

if you think about it... DUI IS attrocious.
I agree..

DUI is atrocious.

But what is atrocioius is that I feel everyone should be equal in the eyes of the law. You should penalize an illegal/ or legal immigrant the same way you should penalize a citizen for the same offence

Anyway - we're probably getting off topic and I need to read up moreon the bill.
Guys i ABSOLUTELY HAVE to see the SAME exact thing on the Senate end to believe that BOTH EB reforms and L1 fees are out. So far whatever i have seen in the house part, is only the house portions that are in or out.

Can someone take a look at the House bill, the Senate bill and the conference report from House and corroborate what nozdam has stated below ? I am not sure how the reconciling of senate, house and conference report really works ....

nozdam said:
Guys i ABSOLUTELY HAVE to see the SAME exact thing on the Senate end to believe that BOTH EB reforms and L1 fees are out. So far whatever i have seen in the house part, is only the house portions that are in or out.
Guys ,

I am not able to digest that all of our efforts have gone sour. Can somebody conatct Senators and get the updates from them .
conference report does include L-1


I read the report and it does contain clause of charging $1,500 for L-1 visa. Nothing said about EB or H-1. Could someone explain what this means to us? Thanks.