S. 1932 Status

I want to know whether the immigration provision is included in the report or not. Can some one please tell give me ray of hope please.
At This Time I Dont Think Anyone Knows Whether The Immigration Packet Is There Or Not.we Need To Listen To The Debate And See If They Mention It.if They Dont Then We Will Have To Wait For The Copy Of The Report Which Is Not Yet Available On The Net
God willing you are right!

crammm said:
My thought is that if ever they "sneaked" in an immigration provision, they would not be discussing it in the open. Americans do not want to hear anything with regards to immigration benefit. So let's just wait and see tomorrow.
Hopefully the Immigration provisions are sneaked in!!!
They have to earn their salaries with these speeches, while actual policy is made in the backrooms! Besides, they want to show it is not a 'McHouse' but there are "deliberations" for creating new laws!
It is a sham - they will talk, and then vote along pre-decided lines!
I hope the immigration points sneaked in ...but there is no way that all the points can be sneaked in!, they sure would have modified them...and we will only know that tomorrow.

Now Jim McDermott talking, he said "nobody knows what is there in the budget expect 6 people who write" -- Hope that may be good news for us.
yes...its in final stage...will be voted now..after one more person speaks...

but no mention about immigration...dont know what's in that bill about immigration...
I see they are voting on defense spending ...right? HR 1815 something...?

No body mentioned about immigration thing yet...what will be the number of that...HR??
I think s1932 is set for tomorrow.


I think they said the conference report HR 630 will be discussed tomorrow. Anyone woith TiVO or DVR pl. rewind and let us know.
They are voting on defense spending now.. after 15 minutes they will go for voting S1932 conferance report .. but we do not know what immigration provisions are included in it!!!
popoye said:

I think they said the conference report HR 630 will be discussed tomorrow. Anyone woith TiVO or DVR pl. rewind and let us know.
You can rewind on the cspan also. Just drag the icon that is able to word live called Clip position.
I called the Budget office again but said the text would be on the website around midday tomorrow. Then transferred me to the Press Office. The lady there wanted to know if I was Press. Would not give me any info..
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