RTD - Validity

Granted, the gift of asylum is a wonderful gift. No question about it. However, there seem to be 2 forces in this country. These forces who are more pro-immigrant, humanistic, and humble. The other forces are very nationlistic, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant. I guess my anger is directed towards these latter forces who want to change what made America beautiful. I do not want to be construed as someone who is not grateful for the gift he received from the American people. However, this country has taught me that it is ok to cry and scream when I see injustice. Trust me Gilbert, I am happy that my ordeal is about to end however, I do not want to be a hypocrite who forgets abotu my brothers and sisters who are going thru the same process that I had. It is a scary thought to remember the last 10 years.

I too will withdraw from this discussion lest it becomes boring polemics.

To reiterate, it would be a much better world if the adjustment ceiling were higher or if the law conferred immediate permanent residence on successful asylum applicants. But Congress has made a careful policy decision and created a two-stage process for immigrants fleeing from persecution.

By and large that process is working well. The Asylum Officers Corp resolves most new applications in months, certainly winning any award for efficiency within the hopelessly mismanaged INS. In other words, an applicant who submits a well-documented case quickly receives relief in the form of asylum. What "injustice" do you see in that?????


I will have no further comments on this matter because the facts are too obvious for a real debate.

Continued best wishes,
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Its not that I am not thankful to this country for providing me refuge, but 10 years of wait time sucks. And there is a huge difference for me psychologically, being an Asylee or a Permanent Resident, if not materially.
You are really great. Thanks God someone is finally hearing my screamsssssssssssss. Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu
11 years waiting for GC, another 5 years for citizenship then we are free! is that life horrible? why INS can not make our life easier? this is annoying.
We all appreciate that we were granted asylum in the US,our main concern though is the due process by which we acquire GC.We are talking about the unfair process we get after filling I-485.what would you gain if i give you a brand new Mercedez and tell you to pick up the keys in ten years but then give the same Mercedez model to another person and tell him to pick up the keys in two months?Believe me or not the one you told to pick the keys after ten years will be mad at you no question about it,yet it was a free gift.So i understand the pain my co asylees are going through.Despite of whats going on with INS things are going to change.I believe 10 yrs will turn into a few months and believe me i am praying for changes to occur sooner than later.
I just wonder who are picking up their keyes in two months?

It seems some people here are not happy unless they receive a US passport the moment they get off the plane (and the passport is stamped: considered native-born and eligible for the Presidency).

Just remember that no one forces us to be here, we chose to come here.
Remember this discussion.

INS is being absorbed into the Department of Homeland Security.

Where do you think this department's emphasis will be?

1. Making everything quick and easy for all those wishing to enter the US


2. Security checking all potential immigrants and nonimmigrants for criminal history and terroristic ties.
Originally posted by Jim Mills
Remember this discussion.

INS is being absorbed into the Department of Homeland Security.

Where do you think this department's emphasis will be?

1. Making everything quick and easy for all those wishing to enter the US


2. Security checking all potential immigrants and nonimmigrants for criminal history and terroristic ties.

It is a no brainer. Security MUST be the emphasis. I do not mind if it create more delays to my case. I do not mind if it relies on racial profiling. All I want is to prevent another 911 event.
I agree it is a "no brainer". My question was really a rhetorical one in any event. My only point is that things are likely to get worse for aliens, at least over the short term.
Shamson, no offense, but I suspect that part of your bitterness is because you are unhappy with your current situation(non-status related). Sure our situation is major annoyance, but is it life defining? Not really. My sister and parents are citizens already. Did their life change? Not at all. Well, my sister carried my suitcase through customs, last time we travelled together - xa,xa,xa.
Originally posted by annv
Shamson, no offense, but I suspect that part of your bitterness is because you are unhappy with your current situation(non-status related). Sure our situation is major annoyance, but is it life defining? Not really. My sister and parents are citizens already. Did their life change? Not at all. Well, my sister carried my suitcase through customs, last time we travelled together - xa,xa,xa.

How can you be not bitter? do you understand the profound meaning of having no home? I have been homeless for the past 10 years. Do you understand what it means to not rely on a home? Do not tell me that America is your home as an asylee. America can only be your home when they give you permenant residency. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMENANT RESIDENCY YET.
I would like to repudiate the absurd statement below and invite others to do so.



Originally posted by shamshon
How can you be not bitter? do you understand the profound meaning of having no home? I have been homeless for the past 10 years. Do you understand what it means to not rely on a home? Do not tell me that America is your home as an asylee. America can only be your home when they give you permenant residency. YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMENANT RESIDENCY YET.
Originally posted by canterbury
I would like to repudiate the absurd statement below and invite others to do so.



I am actually surprised that you can use English words with this ability since your comments always reflect someone who is so empty and superficial. I feel pitty for people like you who can not even explain why they "repudiate" my "absurd" statement. If your style is to attack people without explaining why, then you only deserve nothing but ignoring. As for you dangdang, you accused Kelvin of being a parrot. I am only seeing one parrot here: you. Good luck people. I can not be part of that forum anymore since I do not feel safe to express my opinion without being attacked all the time.
I merely take issue with people's opinions. You are the one who started personal attacks. So I can now say what I really think about you.

I think you are in psychological delusion, post traumatic stree syndrom caused by your persecution or perhaps inborn. I suggest you consider counselling--which the government to which you have shown so much animus will pay for. Now, in order to maintain your mental balance, you have to attack the President, his political party, call the whole American people racist one day, antiasylee the next and keep making thinly-veiled anti-semistic comments and deceive yourself that you are homeless. I shown your comments to a number of American-born colleagues and they are all outraged by your ingratitude. Should the country become anti-asylee in the future, we will have people like you to thank for. You will be on the top of this country's deportation list so that you would be really really homeless. But then a more deserving and grateful person can take over your place and the country would be much better off as a result.

Originally posted by shamshon
I am actually surprised that you can use English words with this ability since your comments always reflect someone who is so empty and superficial. I feel pitty for people like you who can not even explain why they "repudiate" my "absurd" statement. If your style is to attack people without explaining why, then you only deserve nothing but ignoring. As for you dangdang, you accused Kelvin of being a parrot. I am only seeing one parrot here: you. Good luck people. I can not be part of that forum anymore since I do not feel safe to express my opinion without being attacked all the time.
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Originally posted by canterbury
I merely take issue with people's opinions. You are the one who started personal attacks. So I can now say what I really think about you.

I think you are in psychological delusion, post traumatic stree syndrom caused by your persecution or perhaps inborn. I suggest you consider counselling--which the government to which you have shown so much animus will pay for. Now, in order to maintain your mental balance, you have to attack the President, his political party, call the whole American people racist one day, antiasylee the next and keep making thinly-veiled anti-semistic comments and deceive yourself that you are homeless. I shown your comments to a number of American-born colleagues and they are all outraged by your ingratitude. Should the country become anti-asylee in the future, we will have people like you to thank for. You will be on the top of this country's deportation list so that you would be really really homeless. But then a more deserving and grateful person can take over your place and the country would be much better off as a result.

First of all it is called Post Traumatic Distress Disorder PTSD- Gosh it shows how ignorant you are. Second, I never called American people racist- this is just one of your lwicked ies about me. Third, if an asylee does not have some symptoms of PTSD, it means that he has no basis for his claim. Yes, anyone who is uprooted from his home and had t leave without saying good bye should have some of the symptoms of PTSD- it shows that you are fake because you do not have any psychological problem as a result of being an asylee. Fourth, i reiterate my gratitude to the American people and a week ago i mentioned this gratitude in one of my posts. My issue is with conservative brutal people like you who discount people's experiences and never pay attention to those who are weak and underepresented. Fifth, how dare you call me anti-semetic? I am married to a Jewish woman you ignorant. Finally, I think you are being a hypocrite and never had a chance to observe how cruel you are. Remember your comments about the slained police officer in England? Do not you ever forget that you are a refugee and will always be a refugee. Stop acting like someone who forgets hsi roots. I can refer you to one of the most respectful refugees in this country, particulary Jewish Intellectual refugees, who have lamented about their sense of loss and complained about their status in America. Canterbury, this country has been founded on agreements and disagreements. I hope you understand that. We are free to express our problems and concerns in this country. Your hero George Bush does not understand that and neither do you. By the way, you are extremely paranoid to say that I made thinly veiled anti-semetic comments. Paranoid people always sense danger when there is no danger happening. Did not your counselor tell you that. If he did not , he must have not understood you
Originally posted by dangdang
It looks like we have another kid in this forum, one who throws up tantrums.

Did you get your high school Diploma yet? We all pray for you to pass the test.