RTD - Validity

Did you get your graduation certificate from your day care center yet? I am sure the staff there will take pity on you and give your credit for merely trying.

Be a person of your words. You said "Good luck people. I can not be part of that forum anymore". Do not backtrack since you are not a politician. Go to enjoy some quiet days--perhaps on a remote German island, where you can join in the Bush bashing and other things that are not printable here. Who knows. You might like it so much that you will stay there for good and are not homeless anymore. Schroder will take good care of you. In case you have not figured it out, you do not even need a visa to enter as long as you get a Refugee Document from a country that you dislike with such venom.
Originally posted by dangdang
Did you get your graduation certificate from your day care center yet? I am sure the staff there will take pity on you and give your credit for merely trying.

Be a person of your words. You said "Good luck people. I can not be part of that forum anymore". Do not backtrack since you are not a politician. Go to enjoy some quiet days--perhaps on a remote German island, where you can join in the Bush bashing and other things that are not printable here. Who knows. You might like it so much that you will stay there for good and are not homeless anymore. Schroder will take good care of you. In case you have not figured it out, you do not even need a visa to enter as long as you get a Refugee Document from a country that you dislike with such venom.

Disliking Bush does not mean disliking America. Why do you have such a tunnel vision? I think you are right that I should keep away from this unhealthy forum. I am sure that will make you happy since you do not have to hear another opinion than your own. Keep the self-centered spirit and remember I never hated America. I hate haters like you.
Hi, I used to enjoy reading the messages on this forum and learnt quite a few things! But lately it seems that everyone is getting ready to point daggers towards each other. What happened to that Spirit that was binding us together? Please guys, let this forum be for what it's meant to be. It's much better when we are able to share each others anxieties and troubles...
Canterbury, let the bygones be bygones. We're all in the same boat on these pages. Some are seniors and some juniors..but we are going on the same path. the seniors should lead and be guides of those who need guidance. Please lets make the most of what we have.
Originally posted by canterbury

Thanks for the message. Someone in this forum (a kid, to borrow a phrase) start attacking other people when cannot convince others the merits of his raving.

I am writing a fictional short story about that kid and will post it later this week.

You know, once a great author wrote: a kid is someone who calls other kids. You sound like these immature teenagers in TV who call each other kids. Grow up. As for your fictional story, I do not have to make a story about you since you seem to have your own story: Pinocchio. Your nose is growing every time you lie about me. Check this out http://www.thebigpicturedvd.com/cgi-bin/master/viewer.cgi/Pinocchio