Rfe Cases Track Here.

what did your labor Certification say...??

I am interested in knowing wether your labor certification was for MS (advance degree)... and after the first I140 denial did you file for a new labor???

RD - sep 28 2001
ND - Oct 12 2001
RFE Sent Date (By INS) - Nov 12 2001
RFE Recieved Date - Nov 16 2001
RFE Reason - Company financials
RFE Sent Back Date - Nov 19 2001
Approved/Rejected Date - Waiting for approval
I 140 ( RFE approved on 11/29/2001 ) approved after waiting for 350 days

Category - Eb2 (BS + 5)
RD - 12/12/2000
ND - 12/14/2000
RFE Sent Date (By INS) - 8/6/2001
RFE Recieved Date - 8/27/2001
RFE Reason - Education Evaluation ( Ed Eval submitted previously and INS wants re-eval )
RFE reply Sent Back Date - 9/20/2001
AVM updated with RFE reply receipt 10/16/2001
Approved/Rejected Date - 11/29/2001
Approved after RFE

I-140,EB2, RFE:10/28/01 INS received info:11/08/01 Case approved:11/28/01
Your\'s & mine mailing date for RFE is same

Your\'s & mine mailing date for RFE is the same

Please post when you get ur approved

the AVM says it received my RFE on 11/24/01

what\'s urs?
Reddy ,samaina & myself

We are in same boat, my RFE\'s AVM updated on Nov20th still not approved, please keep in posted,
AVM updated on NOV 2Oth
 my email id
mrchampion@yahoo.com, good luck.
Any Recent NSC I-140 RFE Approvals??

I received a RFE for my I-140 and it was replied in the middle of Novemeber. THe AVM says it was received on Nov. 25 and will take another 75 days to process it. Does it actually take that long?
I 140 approved after RFE

RD 9/20
ND 9/25
RFE sent by INS 11/15/01
RFE received 11/17/01
RFE requested, co financial st yr 2000, qrtly tax yr 01, W2
RFE sent back 11/27
RFE received 12/05
Approved on 12/11

Thanks a lot !
Another RFE??

Category -VSC EB2(BS+6)
RD - 5/08/01
ND - 7/17/01
Center - Vermont
RFE Sent Date (By INS) - 9/25
RFE Reason - Laber Cert Doesn\'t have Stamp/Education Eval/Company Tax returns
RFE Sent Back Date - 10/22/01.
RFE received AVM:11/01/01.
Another RFE Sent Date (By INS) - 12/14

Waiting for Details...
My I-140 RFE Info

I-140 details:
RD: 10/01/01
ND: 10/09/01
RFE: 11/19/01 (Education Evaluation)
RFE response ND: 12/18/01
AD: ????

I noticed one approval on the boards for someone with similar dates to what I have. Has anyone else been approved after RFE recently. Any information you can provide would be very useful. Thank you.

I-140 Approved

Just heard the magical message on the VSC today. Here\'s my complete info:

RD: 10/01/01
ND: 10/09/01
RFE: 11/19/01 (Needed Education Evaluation)
Response to RFE received by VSC: 12/18/01
AD: 01/08/02

Hang in there. Good luck to all of you and thank you for posting your info, hope to see you all soon on the CP board.

cheers, gabroo
140 RFE approved

ND: July 2001 EB2(BS + 5)
RFE: Nov 15 2001 (Education evaluation)
RFE: mailed Dec 24 2001
AD: 01/08/2002
I-140 RFE for progressive experience.

Did you RFE go through. Can you post the document prepared by your attorney.