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Result of the court hearing 12th July 2010

it feel so strange to wait for dream to came true ! i had a nightmare few month ago before first resuld show up in the web site , in my dream i saw i am postponed at the embassy ! after i woke up i didnt realized the true color of my nightmare is secound chance for my dream !
6 ahour from now i will face my dream again .
i wish happiness for you all . if you selected or not .
whats gona be if you selected ? what you willbe there ? black head or niger ? are americans ready to welcome any of us who hope for better life ? or we are another bad waight on their shulders ? many peopel said to me bad things about being imigrant to other country specially now i am having close relation to few of them in my country . am i them in usa ? or i am me over there ? i hope these endless existansialistic questions ends in few ahours .
I wish everyone of us here wins tomorrow. Good luck guys and i will here to congratulate anybody that wins tomorrow,hope i will be among the chosen once. 2nd time lucky maybe.
On or about July 15th. It could be la8r in d day. Well, remaining 2hrs 20mins to clock 00:00hrs Kentucky time. Gudluck et al
Reputation? What reputation. The guy is known as an ambulance chaser.
Is that some kind of expression? Or that is for a real ambulance?

No other law firm wanted to touch this case. Lots of other lawyers were consulted and no one wanted to know.
Come on. What about Piston?

Anyway, now he will write on his resume that he got DOS on technical inconsistencies.

As of today we have much more information about the process than we had on June 16.

The basics are the same.

Plaintiffs’ attempts to characterize the results of the flawed process as random make a hash of the statute and defy common sense.
The only difference is that before that was said by myself, now - by the judge. No other real differences. Of course, the court raised cetain questions in writing that I only mentioned intuitively - I have common sense but I am not a lawyer.