Re-Entry with Travel Document

windywd said:
He should have put "indef", at least that is what I got from every port of entry. Just file for new I-94, requesting the fee waiver because it is their error.

I dont think you should waste money in getting a new I-94..You can get one if you travel the next time. Yes it matters what they write on I-94 but some dumb officers dont put INDEF...In the comptuer an asylee is Indefinite...So no matter what happens a new I-94 doesn't change whats in the computer.....
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wantmygcnow said:
I dont think you should waist money in getting a new I-94..You can get one if you travel the next time. Yes it matters what they write on I-94 but some dumb officers dont put INDEF...In the comptuer an asylee is Indefinite...So no matter what happens a new I-94 doesn't change whats in the computer.....


Why are you wasting your waist man! It seems that you concentrate a lot on the part of the human trunk between the bottom of the rib cage and the pelvis. :D

a bit off the topic

recently I entered the US via LAX. I presented my RTD to an officer in the booth ahead of the non-citizen line. He took it, looked at it and said I had to go for a secondary check. Then he stopped, looked at me and said:"Na' you look like a nice guy, you are all set." he signed whatever forms I had filled out and pointed me towards the exit. I never give my I94 to anyone when I leave the US. The original one I keep with me, attached to the original asylum granted letter, the way I got it. I would never give it away:)
ianyu said:
recently I entered the US via LAX. I presented my RTD to an officer in the booth ahead of the non-citizen line. He took it, looked at it and said I had to go for a secondary check. Then he stopped, looked at me and said:"Na' you look like a nice guy, you are all set." he signed whatever forms I had filled out and pointed me towards the exit. I never give my I94 to anyone when I leave the US. The original one I keep with me, attached to the original asylum granted letter, the way I got it. I would never give it away:)


I am pleased to read your experience, it is evident that if you don't appear to be cocky and express your dismay, you'd be treated well. This country has always treated people with respect, unfortunately people took advatange of their kindness and now they have strike a balance.

Minsk said:
I don't get it. People on this forum say that they never show their I-94 and nobody ask them to show. Why can't u leave the country without I-94 then? As far as I understand all u need is to fill I-94 when entring U.S.

u can, there is no rule of having i94 with you, because u have rtd and thats enough. I never carried my i 94 with me.
I doubt the statement that "This country has always treated people with respect", flipping throught some newspapers...

mkhursh said:

I am pleased to read your experience, it is evident that if you don't appear to be cocky and express your dismay, you'd be treated well. This country has always treated people with respect, unfortunately people took advatange of their kindness and now they have strike a balance.

amtbooks said:
I doubt the statement that "This country has always treated people with respect", flipping throught some newspapers...


I'm sure you doubt many other things, do you doubt your presence in this country as well? If you are so fed up go back to where you came from.

The best thing Tony Blair did in the United Kingdom is the enactment of recent law which would deport those who incite hatered and violence. Some thing has to be done in the U.S.A, as well.

Your response also reminded me of a girl's story (on this forum) who was deported to Bangladesh. She use to follow the Blind Mullah from Egypt, your few words are alarming.

If you are a parent and raise children with so much discontent while living in the (U.S.A) obviously they will take lead from you, follow extremist like the blind cleric from Egypt who often issued edict, preached hatered while living in the (U.S.A) which accomodated him.

FYI, his Son was caught in Afghanistan, fighting along with the Talibans against U.S, troops.

I noticed there are several forum members who are not happy with the way their cases are handled, particularly "wantmygcnow". He whines, gripes and spreads anxity. To all of those, who have doubts should consider legal action against USCIS, rather than poisioning hundred of readers.

Ngwanyia case is the best example for all of the whiners, have some courage and determination. If you are done wrong, you can take the Government to the court and win. You won't be able to SUE your former Governments.

My message for you: Don't read news paper and bring it on the forum, I don't care if you are the MODERATOR of this forum or KING KONG.

No wonder you guys would never blend in the society, adapt and be constructive. Do something good, be thankful to this country(U.S.A), for every thing you have acheived particularly your life which you saved by becoming an asylee.

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Calm down, MK. He is just expressing a different point of view. Diversity is also a feature of this country - we should allow it on this forum too. U helped me before, and I know u r a nice person. :)
wy007 said:
Calm down, MK. He is just expressing a different point of view. Diversity is also a feature of this country - we should allow it on this forum too. U helped me before, and I know u r a nice person. :)


His suggestion was totally incorrect, if it was not for the legal provisions of the U.S.A, if would be a closed society like North Korea.

I'd encourage a constructive remark not hate and confusion. The least, I can do is share my experience to help my self and others. What makes us nice is our comments, suggestions and remarks. ;)

you need to submit your i94 when you travel

each time i travel i always submit my i 94 to the airline counter,

and they will give it to ins office in the airport,this is the law,

the INS need to have record of your depaature and your arrival,

if you failed to get i 94 when you arrive to USA the INS will have no record of you coming to america,they will think you left and never came back

only when asylees get GC we dont need to fill or obtain i 94 any more

we will be treated like citizen,

sometimes at the airport some officers makes huge mistakes by thinking all al asylees with RTD have GC, this why they fail to give i 94

calm down man,
who are you to lecture us on your belive? your point might be valuble and correct, but you only lecture to someone interested to listen or who asked you to comment. this is not that type of a forum. don't try to look knowledgable, patriotic and elite as there may be many more who can teach you on the very issues you pick (even in this forum). when you open your mouth in places that you should not (because no one asked you to comment on those issues) you only show your ignorance.
qsheba said:
calm down man,
who are you to lecture us on your belive? your point might be valuble and correct, but you only lecture to someone interested to listen or who asked you to comment. this is not that type of a forum. don't try to look knowledgable, patriotic and elite as there may be many more who can teach you on the very issues you pick (even in this forum). when you open your mouth in places that you should not (because no one asked you to comment on those issues) you only show your ignorance.

Well Said.

MK, I think its time to call it a cease-fire. I have no clue why you always bring me in every one of your post...and in every part of your conversation. Why are you after me? I haven't done anything to you... This forum is not where its it?

As you mentioned in this great country, everyone has the right to have an opinion unlike where we all came from..Then why do you seem to jump on others who seem to disagree with you?...

We are all here to help each other out...Lets quit this picking on others and offer them advice if they need....
qsheba said:
calm down man,
who are you to lecture us on your belive? your point might be valuble and correct, but you only lecture to someone interested to listen or who asked you to comment. this is not that type of a forum. don't try to look knowledgable, patriotic and elite as there may be many more who can teach you on the very issues you pick (even in this forum). when you open your mouth in places that you should not (because no one asked you to comment on those issues) you only show your ignorance.


Calm down man, huh! Lecture you on my belive, I don't think you are metally mature enough to audiance my lecture, my few sentences inflamed your deeply rooted sentiments.

The major problem with few of you is your lack of understanding, I don't expect you to be intellectually sound. What do you mean by this is not that type of forum? Be courageous, say it the way you should be rather than going in circles, lacking vocabulary and legitimate reasoning.

Knowledge and patriotism are the attributes of those who are sensible, not arrogant, illiterate, uncivilized and stubborn bunch who are stuck behind the wall of madnees and inferiority complex.

When you open your mouth in places that you should not (because no one asked you to comment on those issues) you only show your ignorance.[/

I dare you and as many of you who will respond. I read well, far better than you, if you have any substance bring it on. You are talking about my ignorance, what about your conservative rhetoric and many of the other knowledgeable(s) who can teach me on the issue, I breifly touched? I guess I stepped too hard on your tail and your buddies reference to unspecified news of mistreatment.

wantmygcnow said:
Well Said.

MK, I think its time to call it a cease-fire. I have no clue why you always bring me in every one of your post...and in every part of your conversation. Why are you after me? I haven't done anything to you... This forum is not where its it?

As you mentioned in this great country, everyone has the right to have an opinion unlike where we all came from..Then why do you seem to jump on others who seem to disagree with you?...

We are all here to help each other out...Lets quit this picking on others and offer them advice if they need....


Please don't exaggerate, I am not after anyone including you. On several occasion you were extremely negative, some of your post lamented USCIS as the force of darkness and it's employee(s) nothing less than Evil.

You have to trust the system, if not, be practical rather than emanating negative energy. Anyone can disagree with me, not intimidate me. I won't condone radicalism or even slight impression of it.

qsheba said:
calm down man,
who are you to lecture us on your belive? your point might be valuble and correct, but you only lecture to someone interested to listen or who asked you to comment. this is not that type of a forum. don't try to look knowledgable, patriotic and elite as there may be many more who can teach you on the very issues you pick (even in this forum). when you open your mouth in places that you should not (because no one asked you to comment on those issues) you only show your ignorance.


I'm wondering if you wanted to type "BELIEF" rather than "BELIVE". If you meant "Belive" the rest of your post sounds like gibberish. Despite your blunder, I responded to your twisted post.

John Smith 1 said:
each time i travel i always submit my i 94 to the airline counter,

and they will give it to ins office in the airport,this is the law,

the INS need to have record of your depaature and your arrival,

if you failed to get i 94 when you arrive to USA the INS will have no record of you coming to america,they will think you left and never came back

only when asylees get GC we dont need to fill or obtain i 94 any more

we will be treated like citizen,

sometimes at the airport some officers makes huge mistakes by thinking all al asylees with RTD have GC, this why they fail to give i 94


Thats not correct. There is no such requirement to submit you ri 94 to airline personnel. First of all nobody have authority to collect immmigration documents but USCIS. Second of all there is no immigration control system exist when departuring the country, nor for asylees, citizens, neither for GC holders (also includes any illegals, tourists...). US Government don't care who leaves the country and when. That's why they warn asylees that it is their (asylees) responsobility to obtain RTD in advance. Other wise they wouldn't be admissible. Arriving to the country is completely different story. That makes sense. They put all the force to check arrivals instead of distributing it between arrivals and departures. It is original too. It's the only country I know which don't have passport control at the exit.
mkhursh said:

I'm wondering if you wanted to type "BELIEF" rather than "BELIVE". If you meant "Belive" the rest of your post sounds like gibberish. Despite your blunder, I responded to your twisted post.


Don't tell me you "forgut" again to put the dog back in his cage?
Which dog?
I'm talking "aboat" mkhursh. Don't you see he's barking all day long?
Excuse him, jefe, that's because he's been prosecuted for "soch" a long time. Did't I tell you that he was the prison's girl? That bark sound is not really a barking sound. Happens when he squeezes his anus. I mean his mouth. Doesn't "mattor" anyway, his ass? his mouth? Just try not to be around....smells bad.
Hey mkhursh? brain has a gibberish structure, and you mother who avorted you.
mkhursh_freak? said:
Don't tell me you "forgut" again to put the dog back in his cage?
Which dog?
I'm talking "aboat" mkhursh. Don't you see he's barking all day long?
Excuse him, jefe, that's because he's been prosecuted for "soch" a long time. Did't I tell you that he was the prison's girl? That bark sound is not really a barking sound. Happens when he squeezes his anus. I mean his mouth. Doesn't "mattor" anyway, his ass? his mouth? Just try not to be around....smells bad.
Hey mkhursh? brain has a gibberish structure, and you mother who avorted you.


I am not surprise at all by your vauge reamarks. Did you ever consider getting some education boy? I think you have spent most of your time in Madarsa.

You speak with a heavy South Eastern Asian accent, no wonder you are afraid of saying ASS, scared of Testicales. In America, the term is "Squeezing the balls"

Too bad, I did not squeez your "Peants" hard enough, are you one of those knowledgeable scholar "Qsheba" refered to? You and "like of yours" need some time to spend in Federal Penitentiary. Buffalo, NY would be an ideal place for you.

How do you make it to the U.S.A, I can never tell but one thing is for sure, you will never prosper. You were born with constipated brains and your are bound to be treated like endangered species.

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Didn't I tell you to put mkhursh back in his leash away from humans?
Sorry, jefe, but he spread the shit all over the place while he was taking his lunch. Can you "smmell" it? I'm sure everyone on this forum can feel it thru their monitors.

p.s when the doctor told you to take twice a day 100mg XANAX, you souldn't listen. Take 3 times. Though in your condition I "doughh" will make any "inpruvment".
Get a life and stop bashing everybody. Stop "chewinng" your fingers. You don't know who I am.No Asia. Europe.
Adios amigos
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