I am done...

...had my oath ceremony in Durham at 09:30 am.
8 months...and I can say it went pretty smooth, and I'm happy about my time line...
Thanks to many here who helped and encouraged me in many ways...too many to name.
SafferJoe: you'd be there soon buddy: good luck with your interview on Wed.
My wife drove us to the DO and after getting through security, they collected the oath letter, and then green cards when we entered the main hall for oath. There were about 100 people to take the oath.
The director of the Durham DO (Jeffry something) conducted the ceremony...he gave a nice little speech, and apologized for not getting us in before the elections, and made a joke "how many of you voted anyway? that's a trick question".
and after that we were shown the videos "proud to be an American" ( many people cried a bit during that), and then the welcome message from Pres. Bush. Then we took the oath (guests were allowed to take photos during all times), and spoke after the DO director, and then pledged allegiance to the US. After that we were called row by row to collect out nat. certificates. they didn't need us to sign it there. They did forget to put the date on it, but everyone could go to the counter and get a date stamped on it.
After that we took some pics in the hall by the American flag in the hall, and helped others to take some pics, and then...I walked out the door, with my wife into the coldish but sunny NC weather, as a brand new American

It was a mixture of relief, and a strengthened feeling of belonging and pride that I felt...my wifey was so happy... hard to believe we never have to spend whole nights copying papers and putting together huge applications again.
As I had an exam at 2.00 pm we only had a simple brunch at Briggs in Cary, and then drove home...I had my exam and it went well, i might end up with a B i think...
Have to celebrate later this week for real, when my exam (yes, another one) on Thu is over...

I'm gonna try to get my SS status updated and apply for a USPP as soon as I get a chance..
Again, thanks so much for all the support, guys and gals...those who're still waiting: your day will come soon, just have patience, and best of luck. I will remain active on this forum, and do whatever I can to offer details or help.