Question For Refugee Travel Document

Daniela Coronad

Registered Users (C)
Hello everybody,

I get granted asylum status in the United States last month. Now I will apply for Refugee Travel Document. My question is: Can I renew my passport of my citizen country for travel outside of US? I don't know very well how works the Refugee Travel Document for travel to others countries, because my passport expire in December and I plannig to travel to Germany for Cristmas. But in the application for travel document ask me if I applied for obtained a national passport, passport renewal or entry permit in my country during my asylee status??? What can I do? I am afraid if I renew my passport, Immigration think that I am planning to visit my country, is obvious I cannot return to that country. And also, how many countries can I include in my application form for Refugee Travel document? only one? or can I go to other countries? Thanks!!!!

Do not renew your passport at least until you get your residence (Green card-GC). Some people said in this forum than is not smart to renew your national passport even after you get your GC.

Refugee travel document (RTD) is enough to visit Germany, as far as I know you do not need visa to Germany if you use your RTD.
Thanks for your advise, but even if my passport is expired can I travel outside of USA? I though that I need my valid passport and my RTD for travel, but just last week I sent my documents to the embassy of my country for my passport renew, but of course I need to be in person for get my new passport in the embassy, If I don't go I don't have any passport, so I won't have problems in the future for try to get a new passport? Because I think I can cancel the transaction for renew and I don't go. Thanks a lot!!!!
You don't need your passport to travel outside the US, the RTD is more than enough. Also you don't need a visa for Germany you can go to the German Embassy show your RTD and they will give you a letter stating you don't need a visa.

Don't renew your passport it might land you into trouble with the INS.

When you travel with your RTD, you do not need a passport. That is the main purpose of RTD. If you can, cancel your passport renewal and get the RTD so that you won't have to worry about what-if's later on.

ETA: oops, just saw Eddie posted the same thing. :)
It's probably also prudent to point out that not all countries accept RTD as a document allowing you entry into the country. As clotty alluded to as well, some countries require applying for visa before arriving, and some will allow you to enter without applying for a visa in advance. The key to travelling on RTD is to know ahead of time what the country you are travelling to requires.
Thanks. I didn't know how works the RTD but anyway I don't go for the emmbasy, now I feel more relieve, thanks everybody for the advices, I hope I can help you in the future.... I have another question...?? How many countries can I visit with my RTD? Because in the application form says I need to explain the purpuse of my trip with my date of departure and the expected length of trip, but also I need to put a list of the countries that I am thinking to visit, can I only to travel to the countries in the list? please tell me more about because in the internet I didn't find anything about the details.... Thanks again. ;)
Another question???

thankful said:
The whole point of the RTD is that it is used as a passport.
Thanks. I didn't know how works the RTD but anyway I don't go for the emmbasy, now I feel more relieve, thanks everybody for the advices, I hope I can help you in the future.... I have another question...?? How many countries can I visit with my RTD? Because in the application form says I need to explain the purpuse of my trip with my date of departure and the expected length of trip, but also I need to put a list of the countries that I am thinking to visit, can I only to travel to the countries in the list? please tell me more about because in the internet I didn't find anything about the details.... Thanks again.
Another question

eddie_240 said:
You don't need your passport to travel outside the US, the RTD is more than enough. Also you don't need a visa for Germany you can go to the German Embassy show your RTD and they will give you a letter stating you don't need a visa.

Don't renew your passport it might land you into trouble with the INS.

Thanks. I didn't know how works the RTD but anyway I don't go for the emmbasy, now I feel more relieve, thanks everybody for the advices, I hope I can help you in the future.... I have another question...?? How many countries can I visit with my RTD? Because in the application form says I need to explain the purpuse of my trip with my date of departure and the expected length of trip, but also I need to put a list of the countries that I am thinking to visit, can I only to travel to the countries in the list? please tell me more about because in the internet I didn't find anything about the details.... Thanks again.
Daniela Coronad said:
Thanks. I didn't know how works the RTD but anyway I don't go for the emmbasy, now I feel more relieve, thanks everybody for the advices, I hope I can help you in the future.... I have another question...?? How many countries can I visit with my RTD? Because in the application form says I need to explain the purpuse of my trip with my date of departure and the expected length of trip, but also I need to put a list of the countries that I am thinking to visit, can I only to travel to the countries in the list? please tell me more about because in the internet I didn't find anything about the details.... Thanks again. ;)

No you are not limited to the countries you list on the application form.
GC holder ... must use RTD or may use old NP (still valid)

I received my GC (AS6 for me and AS7 for my wife).
My old NP is still valid (issued before assylum granted). Do I still have to use a RTD to travel and return to the US or may I just use my NP.
Will there be a problem at port of entering back to the US with this?

Note: I am not traveling to my COP.
oliver1 said:
I received my GC (AS6 for me and AS7 for my wife).
My old NP is still valid (issued before assylum granted). Do I still have to use a RTD to travel and return to the US or may I just use my NP.
Will there be a problem at port of entering back to the US with this?

Note: I am not traveling to my COP.

Stop spamming this board (you are posting the same question in at least three different threads)!!!!!!!

Ask the question once and only once please!!!!!!

Now in terms of answering your question, this has been discussed many times and there is no defnitive conclusion one way or the other. So to be on the safe side, I suggest using a U.S. issued travel document (in most cases having an American logo will make life MUCH easier for you when you are abroad than having a passport from your COP. So why bother with your passport??).

Forget your National Passport forever. You don't need to use anymore in your life. Your new passport is the RTD (Refugee Travel Document) and for traveling only you need your GC and your RTD. If you passport is still valid ignore it. If you continue use your NP for travel you will be in a BIG TROUBLE with immigration when you apply for your citizenship. Good Luck

oliver1 said:
I received my GC (AS6 for me and AS7 for my wife).
My old NP is still valid (issued before assylum granted). Do I still have to use a RTD to travel and return to the US or may I just use my NP.
Will there be a problem at port of entering back to the US with this?

Note: I am not traveling to my COP.
Daniela Coronad said:

Forget your National Passport forever. You don't need to use anymore in your life. Your new passport is the RTD (Refugee Travel Document) and for traveling only you need your GC and your RTD. If you passport is still valid ignore it. If you continue use your NP for travel you will be in a BIG TROUBLE with immigration when you apply for your citizenship. Good Luck
Daniela, I don't think "big trouble" would be what happens if he used his NP with his GC; lots of immigration lawyers experienced in asylum-related cases say it is OK to do so and there is NO law saying one can not use their NP along with their GC if one is an asylee-based LPR. RTD though is very useful when one can not renew their NP or have lost their NP. Big trouble usually occurs when one actually visited their COP (more than once and for no emergency reason). If using a valid NP with GC would cause big trouble, numerous lawyers would not tell us that it was fine to do so. There has been absolutely no firsthand report (from what I have read on this forum) or no law indicating that using your valid NP with your GC causes big problems at the citizenship interview, but of course he can choose to use his RTD instead to be on the safe side if he already has an RTD.
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clotty said:
Daniela, I don't think "big trouble" would be what happens if he used his NP with his GC; lots of immigration lawyers experienced in asylum-related cases say it is OK to do so and there is NO law saying one can not use their NP along with their GC if one is an asylee-based LPR. RTD though is very useful when one can not renew their NP or have lost their NP. Big trouble usually occurs when one actually visited their COP (more than once and for no emergency reason). If using a valid NP with GC would cause big trouble, numerous lawyers would not tell us that it was fine to do so. There has been absolutely no firsthand report (from what I have read on this forum) or no law indicating that using your valid NP with your GC causes big problems at the citizenship interview, but of course he can choose to use his RTD instead to be on the safe side if he already has an RTD.

If you renew your NP, you can't obtain a RTD. RTD is for Green card holders or asylees who can't obtain a NP. So don't expect to get a RTD if you renew your NP. RTD application specifically asks if you have renewd your NP since being granted asylum?
wantmygcnow said:
If you renew your NP, you can't obtain a RTD. RTD is for Green card holders or asylees who can't obtain a NP. So don't expect to get a RTD if you renew your NP. RTD application specifically asks if you have renewd your NP since being granted asylum?
I don't think I said I or anyone should expect to get an RTD after renewing their NP, so I am not sure why you quoted my post and talked about renewals. I am aware that one can not get an RTD after renewing their NP. I actually did not mention about renewal of NP in that post at all. I was talking about somneone travelling with a NP(obviously a valid one) and GC which the person I quoted said was big trouble. PS: Oliver whom Daniela made her post towards already has a valid NP (as he stated) so the issue is not renewing NP's. I think you got confused and thought we were still talking about the initial post of the thread but we were not. We were talking about Oliver's post and his question which he posted on more than five threads today.
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I am sorry if somebody is confused, but I read many threats in this forum and I think it is better that the people with GC still need to use the RTD for travel. But anyways I am not a lawyer, this is only my opinion because, why I need the travel document after getting the GC? sounds unlogic if the GC holders continue traveling with NP, is a contradiction. (in my personal opinion)

clotty said:
I don't think I said I or anyone should expect to get an RTD after renewing their NP, so I am not sure why you quoted my post and talked about renewals. I am aware that one can not get an RTD after renewing their NP. I actually did not mention about renewal of NP in that post at all. I was talking about somneone travelling with a NP(obviously a valid one) and GC which the person I quoted said was big trouble. PS: Oliver whom Daniela made her post towards already has a valid NP (as he stated) so the issue is not renewing NP's. I think you got confused and thought we were still talking about the initial post of the thread but we were not. We were talking about Oliver's post and his question which he posted on more than five threads today.
Daniela Coronad said:
I am sorry if somebody is confused, but I read many threats in this forum and I think it is better that the people with GC still need to use the RTD for travel. But anyways I am not a lawyer, this is only my opinion because, why I need the travel document after getting the GC? sounds unlogic if the GC holders continue traveling with NP, is a contradiction. (in my personal opinion)
Of course you can choose whatever option that fits best for your situation . You asked why one needs RTD after they get GC. It is because some people can not renew their NP or lost their NP. And some who already have a valid, unexpired NP (like Oliver) can use their GC with their NP to travel because why bother paying for RTD when they can use their NP+GC, you know. But ultimately it is always a personal choice.