Q2 (APR-JUN) 2009 N400 Filers Tracker

congrats to all of you guys who cpompleted their immigration journey. I didnt receive my IL yet crossing my fingers that it will come. As i looked of the timelines here it seems it is pretty fast. So hopefully mine will too.
Oath ceremony scheduled!

Hi all,

I just received my appointment letter for the oath ceremony. I am scheduled for August 20th which is roughly about three months from the priority date.

In retrospect, I am glad to have applied at the New Orleans DO rather than NYC DO.

Good luck to all those still waiting.....


Hi all,

I just received my appointment letter for the oath ceremony. I am scheduled for August 20th which is roughly about three months from the priority date.

In retrospect, I am glad to have applied at the New Orleans DO rather than NYC DO.

Good luck to all those still waiting.....



Congrats formerf1.. Almost there..
N400 Filing in august

We are applying for our citizenship this month. I was wondering if we can submit (me and my wife) application in one envelope or we have to send it seperately.
Please let me know.
Oath ceremony - August 28th :)

Updating my timeline : 124 days between receipt of application and oath ceremony!

Not bad :)
We are applying for our citizenship this month. I was wondering if we can submit (me and my wife) application in one envelope or we have to send it seperately.
Please let me know.

I submitted me and my wife's in one envelope.
My interview experience on 08/07/09 at Dallas office

Went to the location at 9:15 AM(interview scheduled at 10) and the officer asked me to wait till 9:30 and I went in sharp at 9:30 and submitted my IL at the counter and i was given buzzer for my turn. My turn came at 11:05 AM and i was out by 11:20 AM.

Officer walked me into his office and took Oath and then asked me to sit in the char and went through the N400 form verifying the name, address and other details that are in the form and then he printed out the test papers and asked me to read "Who elects Congress" and then the next question he asked me is to write "The people elects congress" on the paper that he printed.

Then he started asking me the following questions:
1) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
▪ (Thomas) Jefferson
2) Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
▪ the President
3) Name one state that borders Mexico.
I answered TEXAS
4) There were 13 original states. Name three.
I answered NY, NJ, PA
5) What are the two major political parties in the United States?*
▪ Democratic and Republican
6) What is the political party of the President now?

He told me that i passed the exam and he printed a letter and asked me to sign on that and also took my signature on the back of the photos and gave me a printed sheet and asked me to wait for the Oath ceremony. I asked him about the same day ceremony and said that they have stopped doing same day Oath.

Now waiting for the Oath letter.
My interview experience on 08/07/09 at Dallas office

Went to the location at 9:15 AM(interview scheduled at 10) and the officer asked me to wait till 9:30 and I went in sharp at 9:30 and submitted my IL at the counter and i was given buzzer for my turn. My turn came at 11:05 AM and i was out by 11:20 AM.

Officer walked me into his office and took Oath and then asked me to sit in the char and went through the N400 form verifying the name, address and other details that are in the form and then he printed out the test papers and asked me to read "Who elects Congress" and then the next question he asked me is to write "The people elects congress" on the paper that he printed.

Then he started asking me the following questions:
1) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
▪ (Thomas) Jefferson
2) Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?
▪ the President
3) Name one state that borders Mexico.
I answered TEXAS
4) There were 13 original states. Name three.
I answered NY, NJ, PA
5) What are the two major political parties in the United States?*
▪ Democratic and Republican
6) What is the political party of the President now?

He told me that i passed the exam and he printed a letter and asked me to sign on that and also took my signature on the back of the photos and gave me a printed sheet and asked me to wait for the Oath ceremony. I asked him about the same day ceremony and said that they have stopped doing same day Oath.

Now waiting for the Oath letter.

Congratulatins Raj.

Did the IO state that they stopped doing same day oaths for this particular week or the day of your interview. Or did he say they stopped doing same day oaths indefinitely? thanks.
Recevied IL....

Got the IL over the weekend...Guys...things are moving faster so hang in their tight...
Interview experience on 08/11/09 at Philadelphia office

My interview was for 8:20 AM (I arrived ~8:05 into a line that was about 20 min long). Reached the 2nd floor @ ~ 8:25 am. Handed my appt letter into the receptionist. I was asked to wait to be called. Only 3 people, including me, were waiting. People started to creep in slowly. afterwards. After about 20 - 25 minutes I was called by a nice officer at around 8:50 am. I was out of the building and back into my car by 9:00 am

I accompanied the officier into her office. Was asked to swear to tell the truth prior to sitting down. She went through the N400 form to verify the information. Asked me to sign (normal signature) the forms in 2 place as well as sign my pictures on the side. She made a comment to something like.... "this is our assurance".. we both giggled.

Printed out the test papers and asked me the civics questions:

1) When do we celebrate Independence Day?
2) War between the North and the South?
3) Responsibilty of the President's Cabinet.
4) If President and VP not able to govern who is next in line.
5) What does the constitution do
6) How long is the Senate elected for
7) name a branch of the government
8) What did the declaration of independence do.

Asked me to read something about Columbus Day.... the asked me to write: "Columbus Day is in October""

She told me that I passed exams with flying colours and for that I get a beautiful stamp. I asked if it was a "gold star".... she laugh and said unforunately not this time. She stamp some form and handed me form N-652 (with A) CONGRATULATIONS..... checked) . She then told me that I should expect a letter for the Oath Ceremony. I ask how long before receiving the letter, she noted that I should complete the actual Oath ceremony within the next 3 weeks at the same site (upstairs).

That was all.
Congrats medpharm13. Looks like everything went very well.. You should receive your oath letter very soon.
BTW, Why did she ask you 8 questions?

Interview experience on 08/11/09 at Philadelphia office

My interview was for 8:20 AM (I arrived ~8:05 into a line that was about 20 min long). Reached the 2nd floor @ ~ 8:25 am. Handed my appt letter into the receptionist. I was asked to wait to be called. Only 3 people, including me, were waiting. People started to creep in slowly. afterwards. After about 20 - 25 minutes I was called by a nice officer at around 8:50 am. I was out of the building and back into my car by 9:00 am

I accompanied the officier into her office. Was asked to swear to tell the truth prior to sitting down. She went through the N400 form to verify the information. Asked me to sign (normal signature) the forms in 2 place as well as sign my pictures on the side. She made a comment to something like.... "this is our assurance".. we both giggled.

Printed out the test papers and asked me the civics questions:

1) When do we celebrate Independence Day?
2) War between the North and the South?
3) Responsibilty of the President's Cabinet.
4) If President and VP not able to govern who is next in line.
5) What does the constitution do
6) How long is the Senate elected for
7) name a branch of the government
8) What did the declaration of independence do.

Asked me to read something about Columbus Day.... the asked me to write: "Columbus Day is in October""

She told me that I passed exams with flying colours and for that I get a beautiful stamp. I asked if it was a "gold star".... she laugh and said unforunately not this time. She stamp some form and handed me form N-652 (with A) CONGRATULATIONS..... checked) . She then told me that I should expect a letter for the Oath Ceremony. I ask how long before receiving the letter, she noted that I should complete the actual Oath ceremony within the next 3 weeks at the same site (upstairs).

That was all.