Q1 (JAN-MAR) 2009 N400 Filers Tracker

FP Done today in Columbus, OH. very quick
came @ 8am done @ 8:15

D/O Cincinnati, OH
04/04/09 N400 Mailed to Phoenix, AZ LockBox
04/07/09 Received/Priority Date
04/10/09 NOA Date
04/13/09 Check Cashed
04/16/09 NOA received
04/22/09 FP notice date
04/27/09 FP notice received
05/19/09 FP Date/Done
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D/O : San Francisco
01/15/09 : N-400 Received (USPS tracking)
01/16/09 : Priority Date
01/20/09 : NOA received
02/01/09 : Fingerprint Notices (self and wife) received
02/12/09 : Fingerprint appointments and done
xx/xx/xx : Interview Letter received ???
xx/xx/xx : Interview Date ????

Has anyone else from SF has such a delay with name check and fingerprints?

Take a look my timeline :)
But this is very rare.
Got yellow letter before interview letter.

By the way, does spouse need attend interview under 3-year rule?

and, besides yellow letter list, anything else I need bring to interview? Will they give a list with the interview letter?

Interview is the Naturalization test plus document review, right?
I finally finished my citizenship journey yesterday. I am, as of yesteday at 11:30 am a US citizen :). After the ceremony I updated my Social Security status to that of a citizen and also added my married name, got a new dirver's license with the new name, regietred to vote and applied for my passport....yabadabadoooooooooo...
Now my husband's journey begins...

Good luck to you all!!
I finally finished my citizenship journey yesterday. I am, as of yesteday at 11:30 am a US citizen :). After the ceremony I updated my Social Security status to that of a citizen and also added my married name, got a new dirver's license with the new name, regietred to vote and applied for my passport....yabadabadoooooooooo...
Now my husband's journey begins...

Good luck to you all!!

Hi akmh123,

I have a question on married name.

I have my maiden name on passport, DL, GC. I got married recently (Spouse is H1-B) and applied for Citizenship with the new last name. But none of my legal documents (Except marriage certificate) has my new last name. Would it create any problems for me? Can you please share how you are able to change to your married name?

Hello JSlade,
when I applied for my citizenship I requested that they changed from my maiden name to my married name. When yo go to the citizenship interview they will confirm that you want to change your name. Then, after the oath ceremony they will give you your naturalization certificate with your married name (as you requested it on your application). Right outside of the UCCIS building there was a little stand from the social Secutiry Administration where you could fillo ut an application to chnage your status to a Citizen and also change your name so they could send you a new card. After that I went to the Driver's License palce and presented my Naturalization Certificate and got my DL with my new name. At the DL place they also asked me if I wanted to register to vote, which I replied YES to. My last stop after that was the passport office where I filled out the passport application and had to give them the original Naturalization Certificate(they will return it to you after issuiung your US Passport). I hope that helps you. Good luck to you :)
Thank you akmh123.

I have applied with my new Last Name, and clicked NO for whether I want court to change my name. Looks like that is the right thing to do.

I have a FP appointment on 6/6, it is issued with my new Last Name. I am planning on taking my marriage certificate with me, as that is the only document identifying me with new name.

Congrats on your citizenship and once again thanks for replying.
Here is my update. Thanks to Kc Chief's PM. I called USCIS to check on the oath date. Mine is scheduled on 5/29 in Wichita. USCIS mailed the notice on 5/20/09. Just received the letter.
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