trini, do you have a crush on Praetorian?
No, but I think you do. You defend him so well. BTW, from the look of Pea picture behind his shinny new know what I won't go there.
trini, do you have a crush on Praetorian?
Are you 2. Who the hell cares and what does this have to do with you digging up some post and the average post per day at that. Go bug some else and leave me alone. Must have been droped on the head, O no wait, a ball hit you in the head on your tennis court. Now this between P if you want to get in my mix bring it on. BTW this is family based not eb
Pville, sorry I tried to the first time, but he wanted to taste some of this Trini pepper sauce, and I will let him know how hot it is if he want to go there.
The simple fact that you took the time to go and check that info,just for the sake of starting some stuff with someone who isn't even paying you any attention,shows how much you need to get a LIFE.Wow
Trini please do not respond to that post.
The attention seeker is once again creating confusion!
sorry trinigirl; I didn't now you were
1) an attention seeker and
2) a confusionist
HEY if that's what you think of me, then fine, what do you want me to do about it? As I see it, your in the same boat as me. Right now you have seeked my and attention (making you and attention seeker) and because you are confused to whom I was talking to in my post, (meaning you think I was talking to you) you're a confusionist.
LOL You weren't talking to me? how sad, did you forget you quoted me before you wrote? Hmm a case of amnesia.
Remember when people didn't fight in this forum? Like before trinigirl showed up?![]()
"Oh how I miss those days"
Remember when people didn't fight in this forum? Like before trinigirl showed up?![]()
I see once again that this have nothing to do with you. So go find DORA and leave me alone, I think you want some attention so here I'll give it to you. Have a cookie and leave.
Remember when people didn't fight in this forum? Like before trinigirl showed up?![]()
Yes, I do remember that time. Now, every thread you, me or the other people post their replies in, gets highjacked by Trini, and there goes the fighting completely unrelated to the original post. I am so tired of it. Eventually, she will make the environment so unpleasant, a few people who actually answer other people's questions to the best of their abilities, will leave. And guess, who will be answering the questions? Trini. Or will she?
I have an American accent, I'm building my business, I'm this, I'm that, I can do this and I can go here and I can roll on my belly and i can jump high.................who cares? just answers questions people post here and everybody else will be happy.