Project Open Scan: Reports Generation Discussion

Hi ruxrux,

I preseume you want a consolidated report for every month.

Note: I can't the summary file from the anaconda scanner for 2 reasons. First we didn't split the scan files by month. So we need a program like yours to map it to a corresponding month. Second, people who scan generally send the scanned raw data.

All my previous posts in this thread are the outcome of your scanner. Infuture, I will copy the consolidated monthly total from that report and create another file as well.

ruxrux said:
max2k1 - choose "month", uncheck "details" option and you've got your input for charts.
The zip file has my summarizer (works with .NET, which most of Windoze users have) and a WAC->Date transform table.

Pinnacle_man - could you make sure you post the summary by month (see above) for max2k1's new chart - he's a java guy and can't breathe .net.

Anyone else interested in monthly charts, see pinnacle_man's post after this round of scans. parolee - is it of any help?
Sample Chart - Feedback requested


I've attached a sample chart using the latest posted summary (I've not used ruxrux's new summary option yet).

Thanks to Parolee for the initial chart idea :)

Feedback please ?

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max2k1 said:

I've attached a sample chart using the latest posted summary (I've not used ruxrux's new summary option yet).

Feedback please ?


Great looking chart. My only request is if you could increase the font size. Then again my laptop resolution is set to 1600x1200.

Thanks a lot.

BTW, if you program could parse through the ruxrux's output file then it is all set.

We have desi_bartender's scanner, ruxrux's reports generation tool and your graph generation tool.

A whole suite. Once the programs are streamlined, I will zip all these 3 programs and sample input and outputs. As this volunteer base will eventually be replaced by newer volunteers over the coming month(s)/year(s), we should be able to hand off with ease.

Pinnacle - thanks :)
I'll look into increasing the font size.... plus I've made a slight change to the colors used ...

Yeah it can parse thru one of the variations of ruxrux's input ...

Can you run his summarizer with the option he gave and then send me those files ?
I'd like to see exactly what his inputs look like ... we agreed on a format and I've coded to that specification ... I'd like to validate my program with real input files.

Send me those when you get some time to my email .... thanks :)

max2k1 said:
Pinnacle - thanks :)
I'll look into increasing the font size.... plus I've made a slight change to the colors used ...

Yeah it can parse thru one of the variations of ruxrux's input ...

Can you run his summarizer with the option he gave and then send me those files ?
I'd like to see exactly what his inputs look like ... we agreed on a format and I've coded to that specification ... I'd like to validate my program with real input files.

Send me those when you get some time to my email .... thanks :)
Just peeking in.

One discussion I noticed was about rescaning just transferred cases.
Yeah...I kind of screwed up on that one. My assumption was that
they don't change too much.

Why don't you guys make a list of small improvements you need
and send it to me? When I get time I can do those minor improvements.

I can take a look when I can and make small fixes. There won't be
major upgrades as testing the whole thing is kind of a problem.
But small fixes can be done.

Best of luck to you guys. You are doing a very good job. Keep it up.
max2k1 said:

New chart posted.... attachment link......

I've increased the font sizes for most items.

One suggestion max2k1,

If possible expand those acronyms. If some body wants to go through the chart without going through this thread, the acronyms will stop him/her.

Also how about Creating a New thread just for posting reports and charts. No "thank you"s, suggestions or any thing just clean reports and charts.

And they are wonderful charts.
rk4gc said:
One suggestion max2k1,

If possible expand those acronyms. If some body wants to go through the chart without going through this thread, the acronyms will stop him/her.

Also how about Creating a New thread just for posting reports and charts. No "thank you"s, suggestions or any thing just clean reports and charts.

And they are wonderful charts.
Thanks rk :)

Yeah - this thread was supposed to be the clean thread -- but somehow it got hijacked and became the place to discuss ideas :D

PM ==> maybe start another (really) clean reports only thread .... and maybe have a moderator change the title of this thread ?
I guess since we are re-scanning all of the data, nothing is really lost by not re-posting older scan results - what say ?
The new thread can start once you start getting results from the new round of scans ...

rk ==> Yeah/OK - I'll probably make the legends more "descriptive" ... also the first message in the new thread could be like some basic instructions on what these charts mean and how to read them !
max2k1 said:
Thanks rk :)

Yeah - this thread was supposed to be the clean thread -- but somehow it got hijacked and became the place to discuss ideas :D

PM ==> maybe start another (really) clean reports only thread .... and maybe have a moderator change the title of this thread ?
I guess since we are re-scanning all of the data, nothing is really lost by not re-posting older scan results - what say ?
The new thread can start once you start getting results from the new round of scans ...

rk ==> Yeah/OK - I'll probably make the legends more "descriptive" ... also the first message in the new thread could be like some basic instructions on what these charts mean and how to read them !
Done :)

Changed the Thread name to Reports Discussion. Max2k1 you can start a new thread with your latest chart and instructions.
Hey PM:
Easiest way is to just copy your message, delete that post ( which would delete the thread) and then re-create a new thread.

Nothing lost since it has no real messages yet :)
I am unable to delete the thread

max2k1 said:
Hey PM:
Easiest way is to just copy your message, delete that post ( which would delete the thread) and then re-create a new thread.

Nothing lost since it has no real messages yet :)
ruxrux said:
max2k1 - choose "month", uncheck "details" option and you've got your input for charts.
The zip file has my summarizer (works with .NET, which most of Windoze users have) and a WAC->Date transform table.

Pinnacle_man - could you make sure you post the summary by month (see above) for max2k1's new chart - he's a java guy and can't breathe .net.

Anyone else interested in monthly charts, see pinnacle_man's post after this round of scans. parolee - is it of any help?

Thanks ruxrux.

I don't know about max2k1's program, what format is needed. But, for Excel type of charts (which can be used by the chart program, too) it will help if output is just csv or tsv format. I understand that this should work, too.
Ignore my previous post

max2k1 said:

I've attached a sample chart using the latest posted summary (I've not used ruxrux's new summary option yet).

Thanks to Parolee for the initial chart idea :)

You are most welcome

Feedback please ?

This is great. Thanks.

Ignore my previous email about format. When we have this program, why would anybody use Excel, etc.
Another suggestion.

We may need to find out the way of generating progress report. What I mean is the generation of the diffs between previous and current reports. So that we can identify the progress in processing applications during that time.

This may be useful.
rk4gc said:
Another suggestion.

We may need to find out the way of generating progress report. What I mean is the generation of the diffs between previous and current reports. So that we can identify the progress in processing applications during that time.

This may be useful.
That is a good suggestion. However, I would assume it compare the month totals from one scan to the other and not compare day-to-day