Project "Ocean" : Become a U.S. Citizen by 2008 Election !!

Visited Anna Eshoo's Palo Alto office 2/5/2004

(originally posted by kashmir 6th February 2004 09:42 PM)

Yesterday (on 2/5/2004), I visited Anna Eshoo's Palo Alto office,
and I had a meeting with Patty Kim and Anne Ream.
Honestly speaking, I was a little bit tired for Project Ocean related activities,
so I changed my mind to talk about my individual case because they are case workers.
At first, I asked them to follow up my letter to Don Neufeld.
As expected, they rejected all my requests related to my individual case because it didn't meet USCIS criteria to expedite.
After that, I asked about Don Neufeld's excuse and promise, then they told me almost the same things as ngadhia posted another thread.
I described appreciation for getting Don Neufeld's response anyway and left the office.

Patty told me that she had hundreds of cases on her desk.
Maybe, most of Immigration caseworkers at Congressperson's district offices must have a backlog, too due to USCIS' backlog.

For last nine months, I have not heard any positive thing from staffs at Palo Alto office.
I heard good news only at town hall meetings or from Washington DC office.

I think Anna Eshoo did a good job relatively,
however she is not a member of Subcommittee on Immgration.
It might be her limitation to handle Immigration issues.

(added on 2/16/2004)
I was also told that I was not a constituent but only a foreigner.
I think they meant I was not a U.S. Citizen so I could not vote.
I understand that they are also victims of USCIS' backlog as Immigration case workers at Congressional offce,
but I am just sad that they don't have any respect to my commitment to the United States.
It is the fact that I am neither a U.S. Citizen nor a permanent resident, but it is not my fault but U.S.Government's fault.

(my conclusion)
It is useless to contact Congressperson's district office because staffs there are case workers to handle individual cases.
They are working based on USCIS criteria.
They have also a huge backlog due to USCIS' backlog but they put the blame on us.

I believe we should contact to Washignton DC office or directly to Congressperson at the town hall meeting, etc.
Re: Visited Anna Eshoo's Palo Alto office 2/5/2004

Originally posted by kashmir
(my conclusion)
It is useless to contact Congressperson's district office because staffs there are case workers to handle individual cases.
They are working based on USCIS criteria.
They have also a huge backlog due to USCIS' backlog but they put the blame on us.

I believe we should contact to Washignton DC office or directly to Congressperson at the town hall meeting, etc.
It doesn't mean it is useless to contact a case worker to ask her support for your individual case.
I know a couple of cases that Congressional office supported.

However, for general or policy matters such as I-485 backlog or U.S. Citizenship, a case worker cannot do anything.
HowMuchLonger - Letter from Anna Eshoo - 2/21/2004

(Originally posted by HowMuchLonger 21st February 2004 11:00 PM)

Received today:

Dear Mx. XXX

Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the back-log at CSC as it relates to the Employment Based I-485 AOS Applications.

As you know, I wrote to Director Don Neufeld regarding this issue last year and received a response. I believe you've already read this response at Unfortunately, I have been notified that due to pending litigation, he cannot comment on any more inquiries regarding this issue.

I hope you find this information helpful to you and thank you again for the opportunity to be of assistance.


Anna G. Eshoo
I've faxed and mailed my letters to Linda Sanchez. I'm also faxing and mailing my letter to all the subcommittee members on Immigration, Citizenship, Border Control.

You can see a sample of my letter here.

Dianne Feinstein -
faxed and mailed 02/26/2004
# 70031010000126164624
Fax campaign

I guess we need to start sending fax etc to Senators,
congress person who are on immigration comitee
or who are willing to do something for our backlog problem.

Sen Dianne Feinstein is on immigration comitee.
Congress person Zoe Lofgren's office seems to be very coperative
as per kuldeepc.

I have already sent to Sen Dianne Feinstein.

Any comments guys.
Re: Fax campaign

Originally posted by askgc
I guess we need to start sending fax etc to Senators,
congress person who are on immigration comitee
or who are willing to do something for our backlog problem.
Sen Dianne Feinstein is on immigration comitee.
Congress person Zoe Lofgren's office seems to be very coperative
as per kuldeepc.
I have already sent to Sen Dianne Feinstein.
Any comments guys.
I agree with askgc.
Let's follow solarise and askgc to fax to Congressional offices !!
kashmir - I think you're doing a great job making connections with Congressional Leaders and Aides. It's great we all have different skills to contribute to Project Ocean. Let us hope that our efforts will not be futile.

I'm researching the U.S. Constitution, namely the 14th Amendment and how the Supreme Court Justices have interpreted it. The 14th Amendment was designed to protect former slaves freed by the Emancipation Proclamation (Abolishing Slavery). I think it applies to us since the U.S. Constitution covers rights of its citizens and people on the U.S. soil. Seriously, some days I can relate our situation with the USCIS to the slaves who were trapped without any freedom. The 14th Amendment will make an effective argument and I just need to understand a little more to use it effectively.

There is another point I want to make. It is not true that Congressmen, women, and their aides can't help us because we can't vote. In order to have a career in politics, these people need 1) votes, and 2) money. We might not be able to vote, but all of us have friends who vote. There is also no laws preventing legal immigrants to make political contributions to support candidates during a campaign. If we bond together and pool our financial resources, we then become a special interest group, namely an "immigrant lobby" that can back a politican and influence policies. Money speaks volumes and if a Congressional aide turns down a request by us based on the fact that none of us can vote, he or she is making a grave mistake and definitely shouldn't be in politics. I have personally considered attending political dinners and smooze with politicans until I find someone to take care of the nasty USCIS, but I've found this forum and figured that collectively, we might have a shot to win or settle in our class action suit with acceptable results.

Bottom line is, we can't stop now and we should not hang our heads low. If we can unite through this forum, we will have a bigger voice and the Senators and Representatives will have to listen to us.
I am happy to be a part of this effort

It is good to see we are thinking and working along the lines of uniting and acting together. There is so much talent here. We just need to focus it.

Kasmhir's energy towards this effort is truly commendable. Good job!

PS I am not following this thread. Just wanted to put in my two cents.
Completely agreed with you guys.

Kashmir, solarise and etc are doing excellent job.
We are lucky to have your support Rajiv.
Hi Kashmir,
For coming two events in mid March, I propose two new challenges:
1) Invite MEDIA to the events.

----> I guess atleast the easiest task would be is to contact Media that is local to the community. eg. India-Post, Namaste America TV station and maybe some chineese, Japanese,mexican etc.,

This way, people of that community can influence their media guys and get them to these meetings and get the coverage done.

2) Prepare PAMPHLET to give to attendees.

----> Definitely PAMPHLET is good idea. (Although i am sure, it will be tossed into a bin, it might still get people to read it once before tossing them off)

Kashmir,kadamtal, As far as India post is concerned let me know approach . I will do that . I think I may need one/few such type of pamplet to discuss with them and invite for this town hall meeting.