Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

WAC-02 recent approvals

3,421 pending I485 cases of WAC-02-001 thru 054 were scanned last night.
case number*  scanned    status        approval date              previous scanned status
WAC02045$174$ 2003-05-04 completed    (2003-05-04..2003-05-02) <- 2001-11-20 received
                                         subtotal 1

WAC02041$514$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-05-02              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02041$518$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-05-02              <- 2003-04-10 RFE received
WAC02042$070$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-05-02              <- 2002-12-07 RFE received
WAC02045$344$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-05-02              <- 2002-02-06 resumed
                                         subtotal 4

WAC02001$136$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-16 trans. back
WAC02033$337$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-16 trans. back
WAC02033$341$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-16 trans. back
WAC02034$028$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2002-12-09 RFE received
WAC02034$029$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2002-12-09 RFE received
WAC02043$041$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-03-17 RFE received
WAC02043$047$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-03-17 RFE received
WAC02043$051$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-03-17 RFE received
WAC02044$283$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2002-11-15 RFE sent
WAC02044$346$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2002-12-11 RFE received
WAC02044$352$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2002-12-11 RFE received
WAC02047$259$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-18 RFE received
WAC02047$262$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02047$268$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2001-11-23 received
WAC02047$274$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2001-11-23 received
WAC02050$043$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-24 RFE received
WAC02057$138$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-28 RFE received
WAC02057$141$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-28 RFE received
WAC02057$152$ 2003-05-02 approved      2003-05-01              <- 2003-04-28 RFE received
                                         subtotal 19

WAC02001$146$ 2003-05-04 approved      2003-04-30              <- 2003-04-16 trans. back
WAC02033$060$ 2003-05-04 card ordered (2003-04-30..2003-05-02) <- 2002-11-27 RFE received
WAC02044$411$ 2003-05-04 card ordered (2003-04-30..2003-05-02) <- 2002-11-19 RFE received
WAC02044$424$ 2003-05-04 card ordered (2003-04-30..2003-05-02) <- 2002-12-02 RFE received
WAC02044$432$ 2003-05-04 card ordered (2003-04-30..2003-05-02) <- 2001-11-19 received
WAC02049$015$ 2003-05-04 card ordered (2003-04-30..2003-05-02) <- 2002-12-26 RFE received
                                         subtotal 6
WAC-02 recently touched cases

case number*  scanned    status        touched date    previous scanned status
WAC02031$002$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-05-02  <-  2002-01-17  resumed
WAC02031$003$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-05-02  <-  2002-01-18  resumed
WAC02031$007$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-05-02  <-  2001-11-05  received
WAC02034$007$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-01-23  resumed
WAC02035$016$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-05-02  <-  2003-04-24  RFE received
WAC02037$076$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02039$027$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02041$342$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02041$365$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02041$431$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-01-26  resumed
WAC02041$439$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2001-11-16  received
WAC02044$050$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-05-04  resumed
WAC02044$336$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02046$139$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-01-18  resumed
WAC02051$026$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-02-13  resumed
WAC02124$248$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-05-22  FP received
WAC02124$254$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-02  <-  2002-05-22  FP received
WAC02156$161$ 2003-05-03 FP sent       2003-05-02 
WAC02176$102$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-02 
WAC02176$104$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-02 
WAC02182$066$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-02 
                                         subtotal 21

WAC02032$062$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2001-11-06  received
WAC02032$067$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2002-04-23  resumed
WAC02037$025$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2002-01-26  resumed
WAC02037$032$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02037$038$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02062$020$ 2003-05-02 RFE sent      2003-05-01  <-  2002-12-31  trans. back
WAC02063$013$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2002-02-02  resumed
WAC02063$015$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2003-02-18  RFE received
WAC02063$023$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2002-02-13  resumed
WAC02064$035$ 2003-05-02 RFE sent      2003-05-01  <-  2002-11-15  RFE received
WAC02072$041$ 2003-05-02 transferred   2003-05-01  <-  2002-03-14  resumed
WAC02150$146$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-01  <-  2002-05-17  FP sent
WAC02176$005$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-01 
WAC02192$036$ 2003-05-03 RFE sent      2003-05-01 
                                         subtotal 14

WAC02032$117$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-01-16  resumed
WAC02041$002$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-04-30  <-  2002-04-03  resumed
WAC02041$013$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-04-30  <-  2002-04-03  resumed
WAC02041$020$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-04-30  <-  2001-11-16  received
WAC02041$087$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-02-13  resumed
WAC02041$092$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02041$098$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02041$102$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-02-02  resumed
WAC02041$108$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-02-06  resumed
WAC02046$126$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-04-30  <-  2003-03-12  trans. back
WAC02046$130$ 2003-05-04 transferred   2003-04-30  <-  2003-02-27  trans. back
WAC02049$094$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02049$097$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02050$050$ 2003-05-04 RFE sent      2003-04-30  <-  2002-01-18  resumed
                                         subtotal 14
WAC-02 status table as of 5/4/2003 part-1

WAC02    Aprv  Trns         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Back  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc  Total
001       231     2    22     8     3    15     1    16     1     4    303
   05/04  (76%)  (1%)  (7%)  (3%)  (1%)  (5%)  (0%)  (5%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        24     -    13     3     -     4     -     1     -     9     54
   05/04  (44%)       (24%)  (6%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     -     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3     32
   05/04  (53%)        (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     -      3
   05/04  (67%)                         (33%)                        
009        79     1     3     -     2    10     -     3     -     -     98
   05/04  (81%)  (1%)  (3%)        (2%) (10%)        (3%)            
010        90     -     2     3     2     5     -     2     -     -    104
   05/04  (87%)        (2%)  (3%)  (2%)  (5%)        (2%)            
014         2     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -      3
   05/04  (67%)                               (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -      2
   05/04                                           (100%)            
019         -     1     1     -     -     -     1     -     -     -      3
   05/04        (33%) (33%)                   (33%)                  
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      6
   04/27 (100%)                                                      
subtotal  451     4    43    15     9    42     3    24     1    16    608
 10/2001  (74%)  (1%)  (7%)  (2%)  (1%)  (7%)  (0%)  (4%)  (0%)  (3%)
031        17     -    12     4     2     7     -     3     -     -     45
   05/04  (38%)       (27%)  (9%)  (4%) (16%)        (7%)            
032        78     -    16    18     4    69     2    14     -     2    203
   05/04  (38%)        (8%)  (9%)  (2%) (34%)  (1%)  (7%)        (1%)
033       199     -    20    39     7    70     -    24     1     -    360
   05/04  (55%)        (6%) (11%)  (2%) (19%)        (7%)  (0%)      
034       151     3    32    22    13    68     1    22     -     2    314
   05/04  (48%)  (1%) (10%)  (7%)  (4%) (22%)  (0%)  (7%)        (1%)
035       143     3    36    25    11    54     2    24     -     1    299
   05/04  (48%)  (1%) (12%)  (8%)  (4%) (18%)  (1%)  (8%)        (0%)
036        50     3     8    21     8    27     -    11     -     -    128
   05/04  (39%)  (2%)  (6%) (16%)  (6%) (21%)        (9%)            
037        76     -    13    11     7    28     2     7     -     7    151
   05/04  (50%)        (9%)  (7%)  (5%) (19%)  (1%)  (5%)        (5%)
038        24     -     4     2     4    12     -     5     -     5     56
   05/04  (43%)        (7%)  (4%)  (7%) (21%)        (9%)        (9%)
039        40     -     6     1     1     9     3     2     -     -     62
   05/04  (65%)       (10%)  (2%)  (2%) (15%)  (5%)  (3%)            
040       141     2    18    18    14    66     4    24     5     -    292
   05/04  (48%)  (1%)  (6%)  (6%)  (5%) (23%)  (1%)  (8%)  (2%)      
041       206     3    50    28    22   160    11    52     1     2    535
   05/04  (39%)  (1%)  (9%)  (5%)  (4%) (30%)  (2%) (10%)  (0%)  (0%)
042       155     1    21    18     5    65     7    26     7     2    307
   05/04  (50%)  (0%)  (7%)  (6%)  (2%) (21%)  (2%)  (8%)  (2%)  (1%)
043       112     1    18    15     1    70     -    10     2     5    234
   05/04  (48%)  (0%)  (8%)  (6%)  (0%) (30%)        (4%)  (1%)  (2%)
044       284     2    51    40     9   166     7    34     4     3    600
   05/04  (47%)  (0%)  (9%)  (7%)  (2%) (28%)  (1%)  (6%)  (1%)  (1%)
045       217     2    25    38    12   112     7    41     1     3    458
   05/04  (47%)  (0%)  (5%)  (8%)  (3%) (24%)  (2%)  (9%)  (0%)  (1%)
046       239     9    36    29    10   130     8    45     -     7    513
   05/04  (47%)  (2%)  (7%)  (6%)  (2%) (25%)  (2%)  (9%)        (1%)
047       136     2    37    25    16    78     5    20     2     2    323
   05/04  (42%)  (1%) (11%)  (8%)  (5%) (24%)  (2%)  (6%)  (1%)  (1%)
048        18     -     1     4     1     6     -     -     -     -     30
   05/04  (60%)        (3%) (13%)  (3%) (20%)                        
049       133     -    17    21    10   115    10    27     1     3    337
   05/04  (39%)        (5%)  (6%)  (3%) (34%)  (3%)  (8%)  (0%)  (1%)
050       153     5    11    12     8    79     2    25     1     3    299
   05/04  (51%)  (2%)  (4%)  (4%)  (3%) (26%)  (1%)  (8%)  (0%)  (1%)
051        42     -    19    17     6    48     3    15     -     6    156
   05/04  (27%)       (12%) (11%)  (4%) (31%)  (2%) (10%)        (4%)
052        10     1    10     2     -    17     1    10     -     1     52
   05/04  (19%)  (2%) (19%)  (4%)       (33%)  (2%) (19%)        (2%)
053        30     -     2     2     -    25     1     2     -     -     62
   05/04  (48%)        (3%)  (3%)       (40%)  (2%)  (3%)            
054        25     2     6     8     2    49     5    14     -     2    113
   05/04  (22%)  (2%)  (5%)  (7%)  (2%) (43%)  (4%) (12%)        (2%)
subtotal 2679    39   469   420   173  1530    81   457    25    56   5929
 11/2001  (45%)  (1%)  (8%)  (7%)  (3%) (26%)  (1%)  (8%)  (0%)  (1%)
055         8     -     4     -     -    63     3     5     -     3     86
   05/02   (9%)        (5%)             (73%)  (3%)  (6%)        (3%)
056        18     -     -     -     1   116    10    21     -     1    167
   05/02  (11%)                    (1%) (69%)  (6%) (13%)        (1%)
057         8     -     5     1    11   123     6    30     1     1    186
   05/02   (4%)        (3%)  (1%)  (6%) (66%)  (3%) (16%)  (1%)  (1%)
058         5     -     -     -     1    34     1     4     -     2     47
   05/02  (11%)                    (2%) (72%)  (2%)  (9%)        (4%)
059         1     -     -     1     -    60     -     7     -     1     70
   05/02   (1%)              (1%)       (86%)       (10%)        (1%)
061         1     -     1     -     3    69     3     8     -     -     85
   05/02   (1%)        (1%)        (4%) (81%)  (4%)  (9%)            
062         3     -     -     -     5   122     5    39     -     6    180
   05/02   (2%)                    (3%) (68%)  (3%) (22%)        (3%)
063         2     -    10     -     -    75     9    18     -     -    114
   05/02   (2%)        (9%)             (66%)  (8%) (16%)            
064         1     -     1     1     1    36     4    14     -     -     58
   05/02   (2%)        (2%)  (2%)  (2%) (62%)  (7%) (24%)            
065         9     -     4     -     1    68     1    23     -     1    107
   05/02   (8%)        (4%)        (1%) (64%)  (1%) (21%)        (1%)
066         2     -     1     -     4    79     4    13     -     1    104
   05/02   (2%)        (1%)        (4%) (76%)  (4%) (13%)        (1%)
067         4     3     2     1     -    64     3    17     -     1     95
   05/02   (4%)  (3%)  (2%)  (1%)       (67%)  (3%) (18%)        (1%)
068         6     2     -     1     4    74    10    27     -     2    126
   05/02   (5%)  (2%)        (1%)  (3%) (59%)  (8%) (21%)        (2%)
069         3     -     4     -     -    55     8    14     -     1     85
   05/02   (4%)        (5%)             (65%)  (9%) (16%)        (1%)
070         9     -     5     -     5   103     5    25     -     -    152
   05/02   (6%)        (3%)        (3%) (68%)  (3%) (16%)            
071         1     -     2     1     7    82     9    11     -     -    113
   05/02   (1%)        (2%)  (1%)  (6%) (73%)  (8%) (10%)            
072         3     -     4     -     1    82     3    32     1     -    126
   05/02   (2%)        (3%)        (1%) (65%)  (2%) (25%)  (1%)      
073         3     -     1     1     3    77     -    16     -     -    101
   05/02   (3%)        (1%)  (1%)  (3%) (76%)       (16%)            
074         -     -     2     -     1    92     2    26     -     -    123
   05/02               (2%)        (1%) (75%)  (2%) (21%)            
075         1     -     6     -     -     7     -     -     -     -     14
   05/02   (7%)       (43%)             (50%)                        
subtotal   88     5    52     7    48  1481    86   350     2    20   2139
 12/2001   (4%)  (0%)  (2%)  (0%)  (2%) (69%)  (4%) (16%)  (0%)  (1%)
WAC-02 status table as of 5/4/2003 part-2

WAC02    Aprv  Trns         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Back  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc  Total
076         -     -     -     -     2    79     5    18     -     1    105
   05/01                           (2%) (75%)  (5%) (17%)        (1%)
077         -     -     5     1     -    67     -    15     -     -     88
   05/01               (6%)  (1%)       (76%)       (17%)            
078         3     -     -     1     2    53     7    14     -     6     86
   05/01   (3%)              (1%)  (2%) (62%)  (8%) (16%)        (7%)
079         1     -     1     -     -    34     1    16     -     3     56
   05/01   (2%)        (2%)             (61%)  (2%) (29%)        (5%)
080        12     -     3     1     -    72     4    14     1     5    112
   05/01  (11%)        (3%)  (1%)       (64%)  (4%) (13%)  (1%)  (4%)
081         5     -     -     -     3    44     9    16     -     1     78
   05/01   (6%)                    (4%) (56%) (12%) (21%)        (1%)
082         4     -     2     -     1    47     4     5     -    11     74
   05/01   (5%)        (3%)        (1%) (64%)  (5%)  (7%)       (15%)
083         -     -     2     -     -    78     -    15     -     3     98
   05/01               (2%)             (80%)       (15%)        (3%)
084         5     -     4     -     1    89     3    20     -     1    123
   05/01   (4%)        (3%)        (1%) (72%)  (2%) (16%)        (1%)
085         -     -     -     -     -    15     2     1     -     -     18
   05/01                                (83%) (11%)  (6%)            
086         6     -     5     1     1    83     3    20     1     7    127
   05/01   (5%)        (4%)  (1%)  (1%) (65%)  (2%) (16%)  (1%)  (6%)
087         2     -     1     -     6   128    13    32     -     1    183
   05/01   (1%)        (1%)        (3%) (70%)  (7%) (17%)        (1%)
088         4     -     1     -     1   101     5    33     -     -    145
   05/01   (3%)        (1%)        (1%) (70%)  (3%) (23%)            
089         2     -     2     -     9   147     4    43     -    12    219
   05/01   (1%)        (1%)        (4%) (67%)  (2%) (20%)        (5%)
090         3     -     -     1     1    29     2     4     -     2     42
   05/01   (7%)              (2%)  (2%) (69%)  (5%) (10%)        (5%)
091         -     -     5     -     1    40     -    11     -     -     57
   05/01               (9%)        (2%) (70%)       (19%)            
092         1     -     -     -     1    60     -    12     -     -     74
   04/30   (1%)                    (1%) (81%)       (16%)            
093        10     -     -     -     -    76     -    42     1     2    131
   04/30   (8%)                         (58%)       (32%)  (1%)  (2%)
094         5     -     4     1     -   135     5    55     -     1    206
   05/02   (2%)        (2%)  (0%)       (66%)  (2%) (27%)        (0%)
100         7     -     -     -     3   131     -    48     -     5    194
   05/01   (4%)                    (2%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
subtotal   70     -    35     6    32  1508    67   434     3    61   2216
 01/2002   (3%)        (2%)  (0%)  (1%) (68%)  (3%) (20%)  (0%)  (3%)
101         9     -     7     1     3    57     -     5     -     9     91
   05/01  (10%)        (8%)  (1%)  (3%) (63%)        (5%)       (10%)
102         -     -     1     -     1    37     1    11     -     -     51
   05/01               (2%)        (2%) (73%)  (2%) (22%)            
103         5     -     4     -     3   133     -    32     -     -    177
   05/01   (3%)        (2%)        (2%) (75%)       (18%)            
104         6     -     5     -     1    83    12    12     -    14    133
   05/01   (5%)        (4%)        (1%) (62%)  (9%)  (9%)       (11%)
105         6     -     2     -     2   138    16    35     -    11    210
   05/01   (3%)        (1%)        (1%) (66%)  (8%) (17%)        (5%)
117         -     4     3     -     -   126    15    34     -     5    187
   05/01         (2%)  (2%)             (67%)  (8%) (18%)        (3%)
118         -     -     -     4     -    51     -    21     -     -     76
   05/01                     (5%)       (67%)       (28%)            
121         9     1     -     -     -   141     8    42     -     4    205
   05/01   (4%)  (0%)                   (69%)  (4%) (20%)        (2%)
122         7     2     -     -     -    89     5    34     -     -    137
   05/01   (5%)  (1%)                   (65%)  (4%) (25%)            
subtotal   42     7    22     5    10   855    57   226     -    43   1267
 02/2002   (3%)  (1%)  (2%)  (0%)  (1%) (67%)  (4%) (18%)        (3%)
123         -     -     4     -     -   112    16    25     -    11    168
   05/03               (2%)             (67%) (10%) (15%)        (7%)
124         -     -    10     -     2   172     1    73     -     1    259
   05/03               (4%)        (1%) (66%)  (0%) (28%)        (0%)
125         -     -     2     -     -    88     -    33     -     -    123
   05/03               (2%)             (72%)       (27%)            
126         2     -     -     1     5   114     5    24     -     -    151
   05/03   (1%)              (1%)  (3%) (75%)  (3%) (16%)            
131         3     -     -     -     -    47     -     6     -     -     56
   05/03   (5%)                         (84%)       (11%)            
137         -     -     -     -     4    21     2     5     -     -     32
   05/03                          (13%) (66%)  (6%) (16%)            
143         -     -     -     -     -    29     -    18     -     3     50
   05/03                                (58%)       (36%)        (6%)
subtotal    5     -    16     1    11   583    24   184     -    15    839
 03/2002   (1%)        (2%)  (0%)  (1%) (69%)  (3%) (22%)        (2%)
150         3     -     6     -     6   122     8    28     1     4    178
   05/03   (2%)        (3%)        (3%) (69%)  (4%) (16%)  (1%)  (2%)
156         4     -     4     1    13   137     2    49     1     4    215
   05/03   (2%)        (2%)  (0%)  (6%) (64%)  (1%) (23%)  (0%)  (2%)
165         2     -    13     -     -    75     6    13     -     4    113
   05/03   (2%)       (12%)             (66%)  (5%) (12%)        (4%)
subtotal    9     -    23     1    19   334    16    90     2    12    506
 04/2002   (2%)        (5%)  (0%)  (4%) (66%)  (3%) (18%)  (0%)  (2%)
176         -     -     -     -     3    94     2    13     -     -    112
   05/03                           (3%) (84%)  (2%) (12%)            
182         1     1     6     -     1   142     -    23     -     8    182
   05/03   (1%)  (1%)  (3%)        (1%) (78%)       (13%)        (4%)
192         -     -     2     -     2    69     -    13     -     1     87
   05/03               (2%)        (2%) (79%)       (15%)        (1%)
subtotal    1     1     8     -     6   305     2    49     -     9    381
 05/2002   (0%)  (0%)  (2%)        (2%) (80%)  (1%) (13%)        (2%)
200        15     -     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3     75
   05/01  (20%)        (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
205         -     -     3     1     -   184     2    40     -     8    238
   05/01               (1%)  (0%)       (77%)  (1%) (17%)        (3%)
218         3     -     -     1     -    55     1    15     -     -     75
   05/04   (4%)              (1%)       (73%)  (1%) (20%)            
subtotal   18     -     4     4     -   283     3    65     -    11    388
 06/2002   (5%)        (1%)  (1%)       (73%)  (1%) (17%)        (3%)
WAC-02 status table as of 5/4/2003 part-3

WAC02    Aprv  Trns         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Back  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc  Total
225         -     -     -     -     -    90     1    15     -     4    110
   05/04                                (82%)  (1%) (14%)        (4%)
242         2     -     -     -     -    55     2     7     -     -     66
   05/04   (3%)                         (83%)  (3%) (11%)            
subtotal    2     -     -     -     -   145     3    22     -     4    176
 07/2002   (1%)                         (82%)  (2%) (13%)        (2%)
252         -     -     7     -     -    65     -    17     -     -     89
   05/04               (8%)             (73%)       (19%)            
267         -     -     3     -     -    41     4     5     -     -     53
   05/01               (6%)             (77%)  (8%)  (9%)            
subtotal    -     -    10     -     -   106     4    22     -     -    142
 08/2002               (7%)             (75%)  (3%) (15%)            
271         -     -     2     1     1   126    43    34     -    21    228
   05/01               (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (55%) (19%) (15%)        (9%)
273         5     -     2     -     -   121    66    41     -     4    239
   05/01   (2%)        (1%)             (51%) (28%) (17%)        (2%)
275         4     -     1     1     -   112    39    41     -    15    213
   05/01   (2%)        (0%)  (0%)       (53%) (18%) (19%)        (7%)
289         -     -     -     1     -   160     3    24     -     7    195
   05/01                     (1%)       (82%)  (2%) (12%)        (4%)
subtotal    9     -     5     3     1   519   151   140     -    47    875
 09/2002   (1%)        (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (59%) (17%) (16%)        (5%)
total    3374    56   687   462   309  7691   497  2063    33   294  15466
          (22%)  (0%)  (4%)  (3%)  (2%) (50%)  (3%) (13%)  (0%)  (2%)
If the case date which you are interested in is missing at this list,
please check at first.
WAC-02 status tableas of 5/4/2003 CSV

Hi Kashmir

Great work, Once again Prooving Real Strength of KASHMIR.
I am not a S.E. But my case date is WAC-02-134-XXXXX

But i could not see this date in ur list...

Can u please check for me. Thanks for ur help


why does complain this ..

" Unknown protocol: https"

What should be done to fix this .. that way I can run some statistics and get you all some data ..


KASHMIR Any way as to how to remove the

limit of queries to the INS web site can be removed in your script.

I mean I got a exception error of too many queries.

Also till what time are you locked out if this occurs.

I am trying for WAC02041 cases to take some workload off you!

Thanks for your great effort!

I got hold of a script and know how to do this now.
What is 'touched date'?

Do you have an updated script posted somewhere?

Originally posted by eventually

why does complain this ..

" Unknown protocol: https"

What should be done to fix this .. that way I can run some statistics and get you all some data ..


hi, eventually,
The old version of Java does not support HTTPS.
Which version of Java did you use ?
You can check your Java version as follows:
C:\kashmir> java -version
java version "1.4.0_03"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0_03-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_03-b04, mixed mode)

I recommend you to download the latest version of J2RE (or J2SDK), at least 1.4.
Re: KASHMIR Any way as to how to remove the

Originally posted by Ajay Ahlawat
limit of queries to the INS web site can be removed in your script.

I mean I got a exception error of too many queries.

Also till what time are you locked out if this occurs.

I am trying for WAC02041 cases to take some workload off you!

Thanks for your great effort!
Hi, Ajay,
The root cause of the limitation about the number of inquiries is not my program but the BCIS Case Status Online server configuration.
Once you saw the error message such as "Too Many Inquiries", your inquiry from the same IP address should be denied by the BCIS Case Status Online for a while (maybe 24 hours, but I'm not sure).
Originally posted by niladri30

I got hold of a script and know how to do this now.
What is 'touched date'?

Do you have an updated script posted somewhere?
Hi, niladri30,
"" only scans case status and saves the result to the file.
To create reports, you need another kind of applications or spreadsheet such as Excel.
I posted "" that was a simple one.
Some people used Excel and posted nice looking graphs.

To find new approvals or touched cases, we need another kind of technique such as "sort" etc.
I am using Unix command "sort" and "grep",
and some Java programs,
but this task has not been automated yet.
I will post this kind of my programs in future,
but I encourage you to write your own tools or scripts more sophisticated than mine.
WAC127 series

Hi Kashmir,

Can you also add WAC02127 series to your list. I am not a software engineer so I do not know anything about running scripts.

WAC-02-095,184,285 status as of 5/5/2003

WAC-02-095 status as of 05/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   3 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  65 (63%)
FP Sent ..............   4 ( 4%)
Received .............  29 (28%)
Misc .................   2 ( 2%)
Total ................ 103

WAC-02-184 status as of 05/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   4 ( 2%) ... 2 approved on 5/1/2003
Resumed/FP Received .. 156 (82%)
Received .............  21 (11%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   3 ( 2%)
Misc .................   6 ( 3%)
Total ................ 190

WAC-02-285 status as of 05/05/2003
Transferred ..........   3 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  46 (39%)
FP Sent ..............  47 (39%)
Received .............  19 (16%)
Misc .................   4 ( 3%)
Total ................ 119
Last edited by a moderator:
Re: WAC-02-095,184,285 status as of 5/5/2003

Originally posted by kashmir
WAC-02-095 status as of 05/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   3 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  65 (63%)
FP Sent ..............   4 ( 4%)
Received .............  29 (28%)
Misc .................   2 ( 2%)
Total ................ 103

WAC-02-184 status as of 05/05/2003
Approved/Completed ...   4 ( 2%) ... 2 approved on 5/1/2003
Resumed/FP Received .. 156 (82%)
Received .............  21 (11%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   3 ( 2%)
Misc .................   6 ( 3%)
Total ................ 190

WAC-02-285 status as of 05/05/2003
Transferred ..........   3 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  46 (39%)
FP Sent ..............  47 (39%)
Received .............  19 (16%)
Misc .................   4 ( 3%)
Total ................ 119
Kashmir, from the above stats, does that mean that in WAC-02-184, 4 cases are approved and in WAC-02-285, 3 cases are transfered?????
And another doubt is transfered means that it is transfered to local office or transfered to different service center?
WAC0226052*** Status

Hi Kashmir,
Can you please also include WAC0226052*** in your scans.

Re: Re: WAC-02-095,184,285 status as of 5/5/2003

Hi, kingno1,

> Kashmir, from the above stats,
> does that mean that in WAC-02-184, 4 cases are approved

Yes, it does.
Especially, two of them were approved on 5/1/2003.

> and in WAC-02-285, 3 cases are transfered?????

Yes, but not recently.

> And another doubt is transfered means that it is transfered to local office or transfered to different service center?

The status is:
On January 23, 2003, we transferred your I485 Application to Register Permanent Residence or to Adjust Status to another BCIS office for them to schedule and conduct your interview. ...

My list includes 691 transferred cases,
and 635 had been transferred to "another BCIS office",
and 35 to LOS ANGELES, 7 to SAN FRANCISCO, 4 to SAN DIEGO, ...
2 to LINCOLN, NE, ...
I don't know where exactly "another BCIS office" is.