Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

For those that ask, can you run scan for a specific WAC #, do you know that it takes several hours to run the first time? Sometimes as much as 8 hours! Also there appears to be a limit on how many times you can scan per day from one IP address (1000 scans) and you will need to scan from 5000 - 5999. So if you don't use a proxy IP address this could possibly take you 4 days to get the complete list.

Can you see how onerous your request is when you ask "someone" to scan a certain day? So instead of asking "someone" to run it, PLEASE help yourself out and the rest of us here and YOU DO IT. Then send the WAC numbers to Kashmir.

Now I assume that many who are asking "someone" to run the scan are doing so because you don't know how and you don't know where to get the script.

For those that don't know how to run the script, Off-Patience has created it which runs in excel. (see attachment at the bottom of this post, it has the script)

If you need instructions on how to run the script go here: It's very easy to run, even I managed it, you'll be able to do it just follow off-patience's instructions.

Kashmir is doing a great job, and I'm sure it takes a lot of his time, let's not distract him with requests to run scripts that you can run.


Any Idea how many cases might be there for Whole WAC-02?

Based on Kashmir's details given till now, and if I project in the same way it should be 33767 ( approx ).

Any thoughts?

BTW, can you also include a column in ur details which will show the delta approved from the previous run. This way it will be easier to read data.

it is about 8000 02-cases

According to Kashmir, my know there are less than 4000
cases in the first three months (02-001 to 02-057, in this range
we have eaxct numbers, except for 02-033 (I know it has 346 cases). For the whole year, it should be around 16000.
If every family has average two cases, we have only
8000 independent cases.
Something Strange

The format Kashmir is using to display the number is WAC02041$027$

Correct me if I am wrong but it is safe to replace the first $ sign with 5 since all the series starts with 5XXXX.

Under this assumption I tried manually scanning couple of cases by trying numbers from 0-9.

Unfortunately I was not able to find even a single case which mathces the description like card ordered.

Could someone let me know what am I doing wrong.
Re: Something Strange

Originally posted by h1Cycle
The format Kashmir is using to display the number is WAC02041$027$

Correct me if I am wrong but it is safe to replace the first $ sign with 5 since all the series starts with 5XXXX.

Under this assumption I tried manually scanning couple of cases by trying numbers from 0-9.

Unfortunately I was not able to find even a single case which mathces the description like card ordered.

Could someone let me know what am I doing wrong.
The following is my old message that is 11th one at page 10 of this thread.

about case number(s)

For tracking approvals, the case number is one of the most important keys.
However, it's a little bit risky posting the case number itself as I described before.

So, I modified the case number such as:
It means 25th I485 case of WAC-02-050 series.

For instance,
suppose WAC02030 has four I485 cases 50010, 50124, 50997, and 52365.
Then, there is 1:1 mapping
WAC02030$001$ <-> WAC0203050010
WAC02030$002$ <-> WAC0203050124
WAC02030$003$ <-> WAC0203050997
WAC02030$004$ <-> WAC0203052365

From now on,
I will post my data in ths format,
and I will not post the list of I485 case numbers.

But, I think I need to share the data especially with scanning contoributors
because they have been collected not only by me but also by many contributors to scan a huge numbers of cases.
WAC-02-033,079,085 status as of 4/18/2003

WAC-02-033 status as of 04/18/2003
Approved/Completed ... 190 (53%)
Transferred ..........  20 ( 6%)
RFE Received .........  42 (12%)
RFE Sent .............   4 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  70 (19%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 0%)
Received .............  30 ( 8%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   3 ( 1%)
Total ................ 360

WAC-02-079 status as of 04/18/2003
Approved/Completed ...   1 ( 2%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  33 (59%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 2%)
Received .............  17 (30%)
Misc .................   3 ( 5%)
Total ................  56

WAC-02-085 status as of 04/18/2003
Resumed/FP Received ..  15 (83%)
FP Sent ..............   2 (11%)
Received .............   1 ( 6%)
Total ................  18
WAC-02-091 as of 4/19/2003

WAC-02-091 status as of 04/19/2003
Transferred ..........   5 ( 9%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  40 (70%)
Received .............  11 (19%)
Total ................  57
WAC-02-065 status update as of 4/19/2003

20 new found I485 cases were added.
WAC-02-065 status as of 04/19/2003
Approved/Completed ...   9 ( 8%)
Transferred ..........   4 ( 4%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  67 (63%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 1%)
Received .............  23 (21%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   1 ( 1%)
Misc .................   1 ( 1%)
Total ................ 107
WAC-02 status table as of 4/19/2003

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc  Total
001       226    23    10     2    15     1    21     1     4    303
   04/19  (75%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (5%)  (0%)  (7%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        20    17     3     -     4     -     1     -     9     54
   04/19  (37%) (31%)  (6%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3     32
   04/19  (53%)  (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -      3
   04/19  (67%)                                     (33%)      
009        76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -     98
   04/19  (78%)  (6%)        (2%) (10%)        (4%)            
010        90     2     3     -     5     -     3     1     -    104
   04/19  (87%)  (2%)  (3%)        (5%)        (3%)  (1%)      
014         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -      3
   04/19  (67%)                         (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -      2
   04/19                                     (100%)            
019         -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -      3
   04/19        (33%)                   (33%) (33%)            
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      6
   04/14 (100%)                                                
subtotal  439    51    17     6    41     3    32     3    16    608
          (72%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (7%)  (0%)  (5%)  (0%)  (3%)
031        17     9     4     -    11     -     4     -     -     45
   04/19  (38%) (20%)  (9%)       (24%)        (9%)            
032        77    14    22     2    63     8    15     -     2    203
   04/19  (38%)  (7%) (11%)  (1%) (31%)  (4%)  (7%)        (1%)
033       190    20    42     4    70     1    30     3     -    360
   04/18  (53%)  (6%) (12%)  (1%) (19%)  (0%)  (8%)  (1%)      
034       144    36    29     9    69     1    23     1     2    314
   04/19  (46%) (11%)  (9%)  (3%) (22%)  (0%)  (7%)  (0%)  (1%)
035       138    36    30     7    55     2    30     -     1    299
   04/19  (46%) (12%) (10%)  (2%) (18%)  (1%) (10%)        (0%)
036        49     7    21     6    30     -    11     4     -    128
   04/19  (38%)  (5%) (16%)  (5%) (23%)        (9%)  (3%)      
037        74    10     9     8    33     2     8     -     7    151
   04/19  (49%)  (7%)  (6%)  (5%) (22%)  (1%)  (5%)        (5%)
038        24     2     4     3    13     -     5     -     5     56
   04/19  (43%)  (4%)  (7%)  (5%) (23%)        (9%)        (9%)
039        40     6     -     -    10     3     2     1     -     62
   04/19  (65%) (10%)             (16%)  (5%)  (3%)  (2%)      
040       140    20    20    13    66     3    24     6     -    292
   04/19  (48%)  (7%)  (7%)  (4%) (23%)  (1%)  (8%)  (2%)      
041       195    44    31    17   173    11    57     5     2    535
   04/19  (36%)  (8%)  (6%)  (3%) (32%)  (2%) (11%)  (1%)  (0%)
042       150    22    21     7    65     7    26     7     2    307
   04/19  (49%)  (7%)  (7%)  (2%) (21%)  (2%)  (8%)  (2%)  (1%)
043       103    18    19     3    69     1    11     5     5    234
   04/19  (44%)  (8%)  (8%)  (1%) (29%)  (0%)  (5%)  (2%)  (2%)
044       273    51    47    10   168     7    37     4     3    600
   04/19  (46%)  (9%)  (8%)  (2%) (28%)  (1%)  (6%)  (1%)  (1%)
045       212    22    39    12   112     9    49     -     3    458
   04/19  (46%)  (5%)  (9%)  (3%) (24%)  (2%) (11%)        (1%)
046       234    38    30     9   133     7    51     4     7    513
   04/19  (46%)  (7%)  (6%)  (2%) (26%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
047       129    36    27    14    83     5    25     3     1    323
   04/19  (40%) (11%)  (8%)  (4%) (26%)  (2%)  (8%)  (1%)  (0%)
048        18     1     4     1     6     -     -     -     -     30
   04/19  (60%)  (3%) (13%)  (3%) (20%)                        
049       127    18    23     7   118     9    29     3     3    337
   04/19  (38%)  (5%)  (7%)  (2%) (35%)  (3%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
050       152    11    12     5    82     2    30     2     3    299
   04/19  (51%)  (4%)  (4%)  (2%) (27%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
subtotal 2486   421   434   137  1429    78   467    48    46   5546
          (45%)  (8%)  (8%)  (2%) (26%)  (1%)  (8%)  (1%)  (1%)
051        42    19    17     5    49     3    15     -     6    156
   04/19  (27%) (12%) (11%)  (3%) (31%)  (2%) (10%)        (4%)
052        10    10     2     -    17     1    11     -     1     52
   04/19  (19%) (19%)  (4%)       (33%)  (2%) (21%)        (2%)
053        30     2     2     -    25     1     2     -     -     62
   04/19  (48%)  (3%)  (3%)       (40%)  (2%)  (3%)            
054        23     6     8     1    51     5    16     1     2    113
   04/19  (20%)  (5%)  (7%)  (1%) (45%)  (4%) (14%)  (1%)  (2%)
055         8     4     -     -    63     3     5     -     3     86
   04/16   (9%)  (5%)             (73%)  (3%)  (6%)        (3%)
056        18     -     -     1   116    10    21     -     1    167
   04/16  (11%)              (1%) (69%)  (6%) (13%)        (1%)
057         5     2     1     6   130     8    32     1     1    186
   04/16   (3%)  (1%)  (1%)  (3%) (70%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)  (1%)
058         5     -     -     1    34     1     4     -     2     47
   04/16  (11%)              (2%) (72%)  (2%)  (9%)        (4%)
059         1     -     1     1    60     -     7     -     -     70
   04/16   (1%)        (1%)  (1%) (86%)       (10%)            
061         1     1     -     3    69     3     8     -     -     85
   04/16   (1%)  (1%)        (4%) (81%)  (4%)  (9%)            
062         3     -     -     3   122     6    40     -     6    180
   04/16   (2%)              (2%) (68%)  (3%) (22%)        (3%)
063         2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -    114
   04/16   (2%)  (4%)  (1%)       (68%)  (9%) (17%)            
064         1     1     2     -    36     4    14     -     -     58
   04/16   (2%)  (2%)  (3%)       (62%)  (7%) (24%)            
065         9     4     -     1    67     1    23     1     1    107
   04/19   (8%)  (4%)        (1%) (63%)  (1%) (21%)  (1%)  (1%)
066         2     1     -     1    82     4    13     -     1    104
   04/16   (2%)  (1%)        (1%) (79%)  (4%) (13%)        (1%)
067         4     2     -     1    64     3    20     -     1     95
   04/16   (4%)  (2%)        (1%) (67%)  (3%) (21%)        (1%)
068         6     -     1     2    76    10    29     -     2    126
   04/16   (5%)        (1%)  (2%) (60%)  (8%) (23%)        (2%)
069         3     4     -     -    52    11    14     -     1     85
   04/17   (4%)  (5%)             (61%) (13%) (16%)        (1%)
070         9     5     -     -   105     6    26     1     -    152
   04/16   (6%)  (3%)             (69%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)      
071         -     3     1     7    82     9    11     -     -    113
   04/17         (3%)  (1%)  (6%) (73%)  (8%) (10%)            
072         3     3     -     1    82     3    32     2     -    126
   04/17   (2%)  (2%)        (1%) (65%)  (2%) (25%)  (2%)      
073         3     1     -     3    76     2    16     -     -    101
   04/16   (3%)  (1%)        (3%) (75%)  (2%) (16%)            
074         -     2     -     1    92     2    26     -     -    123
   04/17         (2%)        (1%) (75%)  (2%) (21%)            
075         1     6     -     -     7     -     -     -     -     14
   04/17   (7%) (43%)             (50%)                        
subtotal  189    81    36    38  1634   106   404     6    28   2522
           (7%)  (3%)  (1%)  (2%) (65%)  (4%) (16%)  (0%)  (1%)
WAC-02 status table as of 4/19/2003 part-2

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc  Total
076         -     -     -     2    79     5    18     -     1    105
   04/16                     (2%) (75%)  (5%) (17%)        (1%)
079         1     1     -     -    33     1    17     -     3     56
   04/18   (2%)  (2%)             (59%)  (2%) (30%)        (5%)
083         -     2     -     -    78     -    15     -     3     98
   04/16         (2%)             (80%)       (15%)        (3%)
085         -     -     -     -    15     2     1     -     -     18
   04/18                          (83%) (11%)  (6%)            
087         2     1     -     5   129    13    32     -     1    183
   04/16   (1%)  (1%)        (3%) (70%)  (7%) (17%)        (1%)
089         2     2     -     6   147     5    43     2    12    219
   04/16   (1%)  (1%)        (3%) (67%)  (2%) (20%)  (1%)  (5%)
091         -     5     -     1    40     -    11     -     -     57
   04/19         (9%)        (2%) (70%)       (19%)            
100         7     -     -     2   132     -    48     -     5    194
   04/16   (4%)              (1%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
subtotal   12    11     -    16   653    26   185     2    25    930
           (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (70%)  (3%) (20%)  (0%)  (3%)
103         5     4     -     3   133     -    32     -     -    177
   04/16   (3%)  (2%)        (2%) (75%)       (18%)            
105         5     -     1     -   140    18    35     -    11    210
   04/16   (2%)        (0%)       (67%)  (9%) (17%)        (5%)
117         -     -     -     -   125    19    38     -     6    188
   04/16                          (66%) (10%) (20%)        (3%)
124         -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1    259
   04/16         (4%)             (67%)  (0%) (29%)        (0%)
subtotal   10    14     1     3   571    38   179     -    18    834
           (1%)  (2%)  (0%)  (0%) (68%)  (5%) (21%)        (2%)
126         -     -     1     6   115     5    24     -     -    151
   04/16               (1%)  (4%) (76%)  (3%) (16%)            
137         -     -     -     4    21     2     5     -     -     32
   04/16                    (13%) (66%)  (6%) (16%)            
143         -     -     -     -    29     -    18     -     3     50
   04/16                          (58%)       (36%)        (6%)
150         3     1     -     2   123    11    33     1     4    178
   04/16   (2%)  (1%)        (1%) (69%)  (6%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
subtotal    3     1     1    12   288    18    80     1     7    411
           (1%)  (0%)  (0%)  (3%) (70%)  (4%) (19%)  (0%)  (2%)
200        15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3     75
   04/16  (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
subtotal   15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3     75
          (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
271         -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21    228
   04/16         (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (54%) (19%) (15%)  (1%)  (9%)
273         5     2     -     -   116    66    42     4     4    239
   04/16   (2%)  (1%)             (49%) (28%) (18%)  (2%)  (2%)
275         4     1     -     -   109    39    41     4    15    213
   04/16   (2%)  (0%)             (51%) (18%) (19%)  (2%)  (7%)
subtotal    9     5     1     1   349   148   117    10    40    680
           (1%)  (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (51%) (22%) (17%)  (1%)  (6%)
total    3163   585   492   213  5009   417  1474    70   183  11606
          (27%)  (5%)  (4%)  (2%) (43%)  (4%) (13%)  (1%)  (2%)
WAC02 approvals since 4/14/2003

case number*  scanned    status        approval date              previous scanned status
WAC02035$250$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-04-16 received
WAC02035$256$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-04-16 received
WAC02037$012$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02037$020$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-03-05 RFE received
WAC02040$049$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2002-12-11 RFE received
WAC02042$098$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2001-11-17 received
WAC02042$110$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-01-23 RFE received
WAC02044$229$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2002-02-01 resumed
WAC02045$161$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2002-11-22 RFE received
WAC02046$233$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-01-02 RFE received
WAC02046$244$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2002-02-06 resumed
WAC02047$064$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-03-03 RFE received
WAC02047$071$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2002-05-04 resumed
WAC02047$182$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-03-05 RFE received
WAC02049$170$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-04-07 RFE received
WAC02051$116$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2002-11-07 RFE received
WAC02053$062$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-18              <- 2003-04-04 RFE sent
WAC02033$301$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17
WAC02035$245$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-11-20 RFE received
WAC02035$247$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02035$252$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02037$081$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02037$086$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02037$088$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02037$091$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02037$095$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02037$100$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-12-12 RFE received
WAC02044$059$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2003-02-06 RFE received
WAC02046$459$ 2003-04-19 approved      2003-04-17              <- 2002-10-31 RFE received
WAC02046$396$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-15              <- 2003-04-11 received
WAC02046$408$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-15              <- 2003-04-11 received
WAC02043$118$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-09) <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02043$133$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-09) <- 2002-11-18 RFE received
WAC02046$426$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-09) <- 2002-09-23 transferred
WAC02046$435$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-09) <- 2002-09-23 transferred
WAC02050$247$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-11) <- 2003-04-09 received
WAC02050$255$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-11) <- 2003-04-09 received
WAC02050$259$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-11) <- 2003-04-09 received
WAC02050$284$ 2003-04-15 completed    (2003-04-15..2003-04-11) <- 2003-04-09 received
WAC02031$027$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-11-29 RFE received
WAC02033$280$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-14
WAC02033$283$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-14
WAC02033$288$ 2003-04-18 approved      2003-04-14
WAC02034$098$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-04-24 resumed
WAC02034$101$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-12-06 RFE received
WAC02036$014$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-12-20 RFE received
WAC02036$024$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02036$111$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02036$112$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-12-13 RFE received
WAC02041$157$ 2003-04-14 approved      2003-04-14
WAC02041$174$ 2003-04-14 approved      2003-04-14
WAC02041$202$ 2003-04-14 approved      2003-04-14
WAC02045$450$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2003-02-05 RFE received
WAC02047$008$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-02-06 resumed
WAC02049$008$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2003-03-17 RFE received
WAC02051$107$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-01-31 resumed
WAC02052$018$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-02-01 resumed
WAC02052$019$ 2003-04-15 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2003-01-14 RFE received
WAC02056$013$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2001-12-04 received
WAC02056$047$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2001-12-04 received
WAC02059$008$ 2003-04-16 approved      2003-04-14              <- 2002-04-23 resumed
WAC02043$167$ 2003-04-15 card ordered (2003-04-14..2003-04-09) <- 2002-12-19 RFE received
WAC02 touched cases since 4/14/2003

case number*  scanned    status        touched date    previous scanned status
WAC02035$183$ 2003-04-19 RFE sent      2003-04-18  <-  2002-03-27  resumed
WAC02035$188$ 2003-04-19 RFE sent      2003-04-18  <-  2002-08-07  resumed
WAC02044$581$ 2003-04-19 RFE sent      2003-04-18  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02041$166$ 2003-04-18 transferred   2003-04-17  <-  2003-03-03  RFE received
WAC02041$172$ 2003-04-18 transferred   2003-04-17  <-  2001-11-16  received
WAC02041$175$ 2003-04-18 FP sent       2003-04-17  <-  2003-04-16  transferred
WAC02049$330$ 2003-04-18 RFE sent      2003-04-17  <-  2002-11-22  RFE received
WAC02041$167$ 2003-04-17 transferred   2003-04-16  <-  2003-04-07  RFE received
WAC02041$169$ 2003-04-17 transferred   2003-04-16  <-  2003-04-08  RFE received
WAC02041$175$ 2003-04-17 transferred   2003-04-16  <-  2003-04-03  RFE received
WAC02041$184$ 2003-04-17 transferred   2003-04-16  <-  2003-04-03  RFE received
WAC02049$050$ 2003-04-17 RFE sent      2003-04-16  <-  2001-11-25  received
WAC02049$054$ 2003-04-17 RFE sent      2003-04-16  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02049$066$ 2003-04-17 RFE sent      2003-04-16  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02069$076$ 2003-04-17 transferred   2003-04-16 
WAC02069$081$ 2003-04-17 transferred   2003-04-16 
WAC02036$104$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-01-26  resumed
WAC02040$010$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-04-03  resumed
WAC02040$014$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-04-03  resumed
WAC02050$068$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-05-30  FP received
WAC02050$082$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02057$136$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02057$153$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02057$166$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02057$170$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02057$173$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2001-12-05  received
WAC02057$176$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2001-12-05  received
WAC02061$053$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15 
WAC02065$101$ 2003-04-19 RFE sent      2003-04-15 
WAC02068$115$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15 
WAC02074$054$ 2003-04-17 RFE sent      2003-04-15 
WAC02089$034$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-03-27  resumed
WAC02089$038$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-03-27  resumed
WAC02103$144$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-02-04  received
WAC02103$146$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-02-04  received
WAC02103$150$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-02-04  received
WAC02150$087$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-05-04  resumed
WAC02150$088$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-15  <-  2002-10-11  resumed
WAC02035$148$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-14  <-  2002-03-27  resumed
WAC02035$152$ 2003-04-16 RFE sent      2003-04-14  <-  2001-11-09  received
WAC02040$200$ 2003-04-15 RFE sent      2003-04-14  <-  2002-05-04  resumed
WAC02040$212$ 2003-04-15 RFE sent      2003-04-14  <-  2002-03-20  FP sent
WAC02045$193$ 2003-04-15 RFE sent      2003-04-14  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02047$279$ 2003-04-15 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-02-01  resumed
WAC02047$285$ 2003-04-15 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2003-02-11  RFE received
WAC02047$315$ 2003-04-15 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-05-22  resumed
WAC02051$054$ 2003-04-15 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2003-02-12  FP received
WAC02051$056$ 2003-04-15 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-02-02  resumed
WAC02051$057$ 2003-04-15 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2001-11-27  received
WAC02065$028$ 2003-04-16 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02065$032$ 2003-04-16 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-01-31  resumed
WAC02065$036$ 2003-04-16 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-01-31  FP received
WAC02065$038$ 2003-04-16 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2001-12-14  received
WAC02070$008$ 2003-04-16 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-02-15  resumed
WAC02070$009$ 2003-04-16 transferred   2003-04-14  <-  2002-02-26  FP received
WAC-02-102,118,131,267 status as of 4/19/2003

WAC-02-102 status as of 04/19/2003
Transferred ..........   1 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  37 (73%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 2%)
Received .............  12 (24%)
Total ................  51

WAC-02-118 status as of 04/19/2003
RFE Received .........   4 ( 5%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  50 (66%)
Received .............  22 (29%)
Total ................  76

WAC-02-131 status as of 04/19/2003
Approved/Completed ...   3 ( 5%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  47 (84%)
Received .............   6 (11%)
Total ................  56

WAC-02-267 status as of 04/19/2003
Transferred ..........   3 ( 6%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  40 (75%)
FP Sent ..............   5 ( 9%)
Received .............   5 ( 9%)
Total ................  53
WAC-02 dates without I485 cases

For the coverage of WAC-02 dates,
I have scanned the dates that has less than 2,000 cases per day.

Here is the list of dates that has no I485 case.
# no I485 cases - 28 dates (scanned as of 4/19/2003)
# 004-007 011-013 016-018 (10)
# 024 030 060 096
# 108 154 160 166 177 188
# 203 209 215 221 231 237 243 249
WAC-02 status table as of 4/20/2003

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc  Total
001       226    23    10     2    15     1    21     1     4    303
   04/20  (75%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (5%)  (0%)  (7%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        20    17     3     -     4     -     1     -     9     54
   04/20  (37%) (31%)  (6%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3     32
   04/20  (53%)  (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -      3
   04/20  (67%)                                     (33%)      
009        76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -     98
   04/20  (78%)  (6%)        (2%) (10%)        (4%)            
010        90     2     3     -     5     -     3     1     -    104
   04/20  (87%)  (2%)  (3%)        (5%)        (3%)  (1%)      
014         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -      3
   04/20  (67%)                         (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -      2
   04/20                                     (100%)            
019         -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -      3
   04/20        (33%)                   (33%) (33%)            
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -      6
   04/20 (100%)                                                
subtotal  439    51    17     6    41     3    32     3    16    608
          (72%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (7%)  (0%)  (5%)  (0%)  (3%)
031        17     9     4     -    11     -     4     -     -     45
   04/20  (38%) (20%)  (9%)       (24%)        (9%)            
032        77    14    22     2    63     8    15     -     2    203
   04/20  (38%)  (7%) (11%)  (1%) (31%)  (4%)  (7%)        (1%)
033       194    20    41     4    69     -    29     3     -    360
   04/20  (54%)  (6%) (11%)  (1%) (19%)        (8%)  (1%)      
034       144    36    29     9    69     1    23     1     2    314
   04/20  (46%) (11%)  (9%)  (3%) (22%)  (0%)  (7%)  (0%)  (1%)
035       138    36    30     7    55     2    30     -     1    299
   04/20  (46%) (12%) (10%)  (2%) (18%)  (1%) (10%)        (0%)
036        49     7    21     6    30     -    11     4     -    128
   04/20  (38%)  (5%) (16%)  (5%) (23%)        (9%)  (3%)      
037        74    10     9     8    33     2     8     -     7    151
   04/20  (49%)  (7%)  (6%)  (5%) (22%)  (1%)  (5%)        (5%)
038        24     2     4     3    13     -     5     -     5     56
   04/20  (43%)  (4%)  (7%)  (5%) (23%)        (9%)        (9%)
039        40     6     -     -    10     3     2     1     -     62
   04/20  (65%) (10%)             (16%)  (5%)  (3%)  (2%)      
040       140    20    20    13    66     3    24     6     -    292
   04/20  (48%)  (7%)  (7%)  (4%) (23%)  (1%)  (8%)  (2%)      
041       195    44    31    17   173    11    57     5     2    535
   04/20  (36%)  (8%)  (6%)  (3%) (32%)  (2%) (11%)  (1%)  (0%)
042       150    22    21     7    65     7    26     7     2    307
   04/20  (49%)  (7%)  (7%)  (2%) (21%)  (2%)  (8%)  (2%)  (1%)
043       103    18    19     3    69     1    11     5     5    234
   04/20  (44%)  (8%)  (8%)  (1%) (29%)  (0%)  (5%)  (2%)  (2%)
044       273    51    47    10   168     7    37     4     3    600
   04/20  (46%)  (9%)  (8%)  (2%) (28%)  (1%)  (6%)  (1%)  (1%)
045       212    22    39    12   112     9    49     -     3    458
   04/20  (46%)  (5%)  (9%)  (3%) (24%)  (2%) (11%)        (1%)
046       234    38    30     9   133     7    51     4     7    513
   04/20  (46%)  (7%)  (6%)  (2%) (26%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
047       129    36    27    14    83     5    25     3     1    323
   04/20  (40%) (11%)  (8%)  (4%) (26%)  (2%)  (8%)  (1%)  (0%)
048        18     1     4     1     6     -     -     -     -     30
   04/20  (60%)  (3%) (13%)  (3%) (20%)                        
049       127    18    23     7   118     9    29     3     3    337
   04/20  (38%)  (5%)  (7%)  (2%) (35%)  (3%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
050       152    11    12     5    82     2    30     2     3    299
   04/20  (51%)  (4%)  (4%)  (2%) (27%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
subtotal 2490   421   433   137  1428    77   466    48    46   5546
          (45%)  (8%)  (8%)  (2%) (26%)  (1%)  (8%)  (1%)  (1%)
051        42    19    17     5    49     3    15     -     6    156
   04/20  (27%) (12%) (11%)  (3%) (31%)  (2%) (10%)        (4%)
052        10    10     2     -    17     1    11     -     1     52
   04/20  (19%) (19%)  (4%)       (33%)  (2%) (21%)        (2%)
053        30     2     2     -    25     1     2     -     -     62
   04/20  (48%)  (3%)  (3%)       (40%)  (2%)  (3%)            
054        23     6     8     1    51     5    16     1     2    113
   04/20  (20%)  (5%)  (7%)  (1%) (45%)  (4%) (14%)  (1%)  (2%)
055         8     4     -     -    63     3     5     -     3     86
   04/20   (9%)  (5%)             (73%)  (3%)  (6%)        (3%)
056        18     -     -     1   116    10    21     -     1    167
   04/20  (11%)              (1%) (69%)  (6%) (13%)        (1%)
057         5     2     1     6   130     8    32     1     1    186
   04/20   (3%)  (1%)  (1%)  (3%) (70%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)  (1%)
058         5     -     -     1    34     1     4     -     2     47
   04/20  (11%)              (2%) (72%)  (2%)  (9%)        (4%)
059         1     -     1     1    60     -     7     -     -     70
   04/20   (1%)        (1%)  (1%) (86%)       (10%)            
061         1     1     -     3    69     3     8     -     -     85
   04/20   (1%)  (1%)        (4%) (81%)  (4%)  (9%)            
062         3     -     -     3   123     5    40     -     6    180
   04/20   (2%)              (2%) (68%)  (3%) (22%)        (3%)
063         2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -    114
   04/20   (2%)  (4%)  (1%)       (68%)  (9%) (17%)            
064         1     1     2     -    36     4    14     -     -     58
   04/20   (2%)  (2%)  (3%)       (62%)  (7%) (24%)            
065         9     4     -     1    67     1    23     1     1    107
   04/19   (8%)  (4%)        (1%) (63%)  (1%) (21%)  (1%)  (1%)
066         2     1     -     4    79     4    13     -     1    104
   04/20   (2%)  (1%)        (4%) (76%)  (4%) (13%)        (1%)
067         4     2     -     1    64     3    20     -     1     95
   04/20   (4%)  (2%)        (1%) (67%)  (3%) (21%)        (1%)
068         6     -     1     2    76    10    29     -     2    126
   04/20   (5%)        (1%)  (2%) (60%)  (8%) (23%)        (2%)
069         3     4     -     -    52    11    14     -     1     85
   04/20   (4%)  (5%)             (61%) (13%) (16%)        (1%)
070         9     5     -     2   105     5    25     1     -    152
   04/20   (6%)  (3%)        (1%) (69%)  (3%) (16%)  (1%)      
071         -     3     2     6    82     9    11     -     -    113
   04/20         (3%)  (2%)  (5%) (73%)  (8%) (10%)            
072         3     3     -     1    82     3    32     2     -    126
   04/20   (2%)  (2%)        (1%) (65%)  (2%) (25%)  (2%)      
073         3     1     -     3    76     2    16     -     -    101
   04/20   (3%)  (1%)        (3%) (75%)  (2%) (16%)            
074         -     2     -     1    92     2    26     -     -    123
   04/20         (2%)        (1%) (75%)  (2%) (21%)            
075         1     6     -     -     7     -     -     -     -     14
   04/20   (7%) (43%)             (50%)                        
subtotal  189    81    37    42  1632   104   403     6    28   2522
           (7%)  (3%)  (1%)  (2%) (65%)  (4%) (16%)  (0%)  (1%)
WAC-02 status table as of 4/20/2003 part-2

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc  Total
076         -     -     -     2    79     5    18     -     1    105
   04/20                     (2%) (75%)  (5%) (17%)        (1%)
079         1     1     -     -    33     1    17     -     3     56
   04/20   (2%)  (2%)             (59%)  (2%) (30%)        (5%)
083         -     2     -     -    78     -    15     -     3     98
   04/20         (2%)             (80%)       (15%)        (3%)
085         -     -     -     -    15     2     1     -     -     18
   04/20                          (83%) (11%)  (6%)            
087         2     1     -     5   129    13    32     -     1    183
   04/20   (1%)  (1%)        (3%) (70%)  (7%) (17%)        (1%)
089         2     2     -     6   148     4    43     2    12    219
   04/20   (1%)  (1%)        (3%) (68%)  (2%) (20%)  (1%)  (5%)
091         -     5     -     1    40     -    11     -     -     57
   04/19         (9%)        (2%) (70%)       (19%)            
100         7     -     -     3   131     -    48     -     5    194
   04/20   (4%)              (2%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
subtotal   12    11     -    17   653    25   185     2    25    930
           (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (70%)  (3%) (20%)  (0%)  (3%)
102         -     1     -     -    37     1    12     -     -     51
   04/19         (2%)             (73%)  (2%) (24%)            
103         5     4     -     3   133     -    32     -     -    177
   04/20   (3%)  (2%)        (2%) (75%)       (18%)            
105         5     -     1     -   141    17    35     -    11    210
   04/20   (2%)        (0%)       (67%)  (8%) (17%)        (5%)
117         -     -     -     -   128    16    38     -     5    187
   04/20                          (68%)  (9%) (20%)        (3%)
118         -     -     4     -    50     -    22     -     -     76
   04/19               (5%)       (66%)       (29%)            
124         -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1    259
   04/20         (4%)             (67%)  (0%) (29%)        (0%)
subtotal   10    15     5     3   662    35   213     -    17    960
           (1%)  (2%)  (1%)  (0%) (69%)  (4%) (22%)        (2%)
126         -     -     2     5   115     5    24     -     -    151
   04/20               (1%)  (3%) (76%)  (3%) (16%)            
131         3     -     -     -    47     -     6     -     -     56
   04/19   (5%)                   (84%)       (11%)            
137         -     -     -     4    21     2     5     -     -     32
   04/20                    (13%) (66%)  (6%) (16%)            
143         -     -     -     -    29     -    18     -     3     50
   04/20                          (58%)       (36%)        (6%)
150         3     1     -     2   124    10    33     1     4    178
   04/20   (2%)  (1%)        (1%) (70%)  (6%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
subtotal    6     1     2    11   336    17    86     1     7    467
           (1%)  (0%)  (0%)  (2%) (72%)  (4%) (18%)  (0%)  (1%)
200        15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3     75
   04/20  (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
subtotal   15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3     75
          (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
267         -     3     -     -    40     5     5     -     -     53
   04/19         (6%)             (75%)  (9%)  (9%)            
271         -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21    228
   04/20         (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (54%) (19%) (15%)  (1%)  (9%)
273         5     2     -     -   117    65    42     4     4    239
   04/20   (2%)  (1%)             (49%) (27%) (18%)  (2%)  (2%)
275         4     1     -     -   109    39    41     4    15    213
   04/20   (2%)  (0%)             (51%) (18%) (19%)  (2%)  (7%)
subtotal    9     8     1     1   390   152   122    10    40    733
           (1%)  (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (53%) (21%) (17%)  (1%)  (5%)
total    3170   589   497   217  5186   413  1517    70   182  11841
          (27%)  (5%)  (4%)  (2%) (44%)  (3%) (13%)  (1%)  (2%)