Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

sample application prototype output

Here is an example of application.
1) select "approved" cases
2) parse approved date
3) sort by approved date
4) print case number and approved date

Of course, it is not perfect
because some cases had already changed to "completed".

But still, we can get some information such as:
1) slow down after 11/16/2002
2) completely stop between 12/23/2002 and 2/10/2002
3) start approving from 2/10/2002, but at slow pace ..
case number	approved date
WAC02043*****	2003-04-03
WAC02003*****	2003-04-02
WAC02043*****	2003-04-01
WAC02001*****	2003-03-31
WAC02039*****	2003-03-28
WAC02003*****	2003-03-26
WAC02045*****	2003-03-21
WAC02037*****	2003-03-19
WAC02037*****	2003-03-18
WAC02032*****	2003-03-17
WAC02001*****	2003-03-14
WAC02045*****	2003-03-12
WAC02045*****	2003-03-11
WAC02046*****	2003-03-10
WAC02032*****	2003-03-06
WAC02001*****	2003-03-05
WAC02032*****	2003-03-04
WAC02037*****	2003-03-03
WAC02032*****	2003-02-28
WAC02001*****	2003-02-27
WAC02032*****	2003-02-25
WAC02037*****	2003-02-21
WAC02037*****	2003-02-19
WAC02039*****	2003-02-18
WAC02001*****	2003-02-14
WAC02046*****	2003-02-13
WAC02037*****	2003-02-10
WAC02001*****	2002-12-23
WAC02001*****	2002-12-19
WAC02001*****	2002-12-18
WAC02045*****	2002-12-16
WAC02037*****	2002-12-14
WAC02043*****	2002-11-27
WAC02003*****	2002-11-19
WAC02046*****	2002-11-16
WAC02045*****	2002-11-15
WAC02046*****	2002-11-14
WAC02032*****	2002-11-13
WAC02050*****	2002-11-09
WAC02001*****	2002-11-08
WAC02001*****	2002-11-07
WAC02001*****	2002-11-06
WAC02001*****	2002-11-05
WAC02001*****	2002-11-04
WAC02050*****	2002-11-02
WAC02050*****	2002-10-31
This is very early stage of prototype.
Maybe, somebody can write better applicatoins to provide accurate information.

The purpose of this post is
NOT to provide accurate information
but to encourage you to apply OUR scanned data.
Great work

Great Work, Kashmir!!!

You have missed I-485 for 02-044 cases. I am one of them.
Just to reiterate something said earlier by ND022202. While static statistics are interesting for the moment they are not terribly useful in the long run.

However, after we have the baseline status for all the cases, it would be useful to scan only the unapproved cases on regular basis to see how many cases have actually been updated. This hard data would be great ammunition for the current CSC petition and for individuals to call or write their state representatives in Congress. I.e. we are not a bunch of whiners, we have proof that BCIS has only updated X cases in the past week! We need to use the data to try to speed things up, otherwise we’re just watching the paint dry at a more detailed and painful level.

-Just shoot me
I strongly agree with "Just shoot me".

We are facing to a monster named BCIS CSC who does not care about processing delay of our I485 cases at all.
We should have a power and we must move a powerful person who can influence the CSC,
but this kind of person is also not interested in whiners of I485 applicants.
We need to know the fact and to provide the proof that we are currently working on.
We have a right to do so.

Frankly speaking, I was negative on scanning case status at first in 2002.
But, I had to decide to start this project because I thought it should be the only way
and I wanted to do the right thing for not only myself but also everyone suffering I485 processing delay at CSC.

I think that we must see 200 approvals per day in average just for keeping the current backlog.
We should see at least 100 approvals per day and more than 300 approvals per day for backlog reduction.
We may cancel this project if we see 500 approvals per day constantly.
Okie guys we hv data to prove they are not working but Lame ppl always hv some excuse and the best they will put up is the web site is not updated though we r approving cases. the only ppl to get the flake will be ppl maintaining and updateing this site. But for waiters like us we can only hope our approval comes in .
WAC-02-035 Series


You have not yet processed for 02-035 series. Find the attached txt of list of wac no is "35" series. Let me know if you need any info for processing 02-035 series.

~ CT
Hi Guys,

Can some one please run it for "WAC-02-093". Kashmir this is really a great effort.

Let me take the liberty of thanking U on behalf of all our friends for whom U have run the script.

Thanx once again

Hi Kashmir,

I have downloaded 1.4.1 Jre as shown below and generated a file with the WAC numbers WAC02066(00000 .. 99999) per line as an ascii file and fed into your script file. I am getting the following error messages.

Obviously I am missing something. I would appreciate if you can correct me.


C:\kashmir>java -version
java version "1.4.1_02"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_02-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_02-b06, mixed mode)

C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java -classpath . kashmir.Kashmir1 > Hello
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at kashmir.Kashmir1.<init>(
at kashmir.Kashmir1.main(

C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java -jar kashmir1.jar > Hello
Exception in thread "main" error in opening zip

at Method)
at<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)

C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java kashmir1.Kashmir1.class > Hello
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kashmir1/Kashmir1/class

C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java kashmir1\Kashmir1.class > Hello
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kashmir1\Kashmir1/class
Status of WAC-02-035-***** I485 run 04/07/2003

Thanks caltiger for the list and here is the status.

Approved on April 7th 2003 = 8

Received for processing = 31
Resumed processing after FP = 55
Approved your application = 77
Completed processing = 30
Finger print sent = 2
Case transfered for interview = 34

Approved in April = 21

Grand Total Number = 229

Looks like they are working on 485's now

Kashmir you have started a great job.
Last edited by a moderator:
Hi, samrat1,
Thanks for your trying my program.

> C:\kashmir>java -version
> java version "1.4.1_02"
> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.1_02-b06)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.1_02-b06, mixed mode)

It's the latest.

> C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java -classpath . kashmir.Kashmir1 > Hello
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
> at kashmir.Kashmir1.<init>(
> at kashmir.Kashmir1.main(

Did you extract at first ?
If you have after downloading,
C> rename kashmir1.jar
C> type WACfile | java -jar kashmir1.jar > Hello

If it doesn't work,
C> unzip
(or unzip kashmir1.jar if already renamed.)
C> type WACfile | java -classpath . kashmir.Kashmir1 > Hello

> C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java -jar kashmir1.jar > Hello
> Exception in thread "main" error in opening zip file
> at Method)
> at<init>(Unknown Source)
> at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)
> at java.util.jar.JarFile.<init>(Unknown Source)

As this was reported before, I will investigate it.

> C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java kashmir1.Kashmir1.class > Hello
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kashmir1/Kashmir1/class

You don't need ".class",
and the package name is "kashmir" not "kashmir1",
so try:
C> type WACfile | java kashmir.Kashmir1 > Hello

> C:\kashmir>type WACfile |java kashmir1\Kashmir1.class > Hello
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kashmir1\Kashmir1/class

The same as the previous one,
and package separator must be "." not "\".

WAC-02-035,-53,066,067,076 status as of 4/8/2003

Thanks to gettingclosernow, caltiger, and Tasse !!
WAC-02-035 status as of 04/08/2003
Approved/Completed ... 129 (43%)
Transferred ..........  38 (13%)
RFE Received .........  34 (11%)
RFE Sent .............   2 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  59 (20%)
FP Sent ..............   2 ( 1%)
Received .............  34 (11%)
Misc .................   1 ( 0%)
Total ................ 299

WAC-02-053 status as of 04/07/2003

Approved/Completed ...  29 (47%)
Transferred ..........   2 ( 3%)
RFE Received .........   2 ( 3%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  25 (40%)
FP Sent ..............   1 ( 2%)
Received .............   2 ( 3%)
Total ................  62

WAC-02-066 status as of 04/08/2003
Approved/Completed ...   2 ( 2%)
Transferred ..........   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  83 (80%)
FP Sent ..............   4 ( 4%)
Received .............  13 (13%)
Misc .................   1 ( 1%)
Total ................ 104

WAC-02-067 status as of 04/08/2003
Approved/Completed ...   4 ( 4%)
Transferred ..........   2 ( 2%)
RFE Sent .............   1 ( 1%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  64 (67%)
FP Sent ..............   3 ( 3%)
Received .............  20 (21%)
Misc .................   1 ( 1%)
Total ................  95

WAC-02-076 status as of 04/08/2003
RFE Sent .............   2 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  79 (75%)
FP Sent ..............   5 ( 5%)
Received .............  18 (17%)
Misc .................   1 ( 1%)
Total ................ 105
WAC-02 status table as of 4/8/2003

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc Total
001       224    25    10     2    17     1    19     1     4   303
   04/04  (74%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (6%)  (0%)  (6%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        16    17     7     -     4     -     1     -     9    54
   04/04  (30%) (31%) (13%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3    32
   04/04  (53%)  (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     3
   04/04  (67%)                                     (33%)      
009        76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -    98
   04/04  (78%)  (6%)        (2%) (10%)        (4%)            
010        90     -     3     -     7     -     3     1     -   104
   04/04  (87%)        (3%)        (7%)        (3%)  (1%)      
014         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     3
   04/04  (67%)                         (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -     2
   04/04                                     (100%)            
019         -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -     3
   04/04        (33%)                   (33%) (33%)            
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     6
   04/04 (100%)                                                
031        16     9     5     1    10     -     4     -     -    45
   04/04  (36%) (20%) (11%)  (2%) (22%)        (9%)            
032        75    14    21     4    64     4    19     -     2   203
   04/04  (37%)  (7%) (10%)  (2%) (32%)  (2%)  (9%)        (1%)
035       129    38    34     2    59     2    34     -     1   299
   04/08  (43%) (13%) (11%)  (1%) (20%)  (1%) (11%)        (0%)
036        42     7    25     5    33     -    12     4     -   128
   04/06  (33%)  (5%) (20%)  (4%) (26%)        (9%)  (3%)      
037        66    11    16     8    34     2     7     -     7   151
   04/06  (44%)  (7%) (11%)  (5%) (23%)  (1%)  (5%)        (5%)
038        24     2     4     2    14     -     5     -     5    56
   04/06  (43%)  (4%)  (7%)  (4%) (25%)        (9%)        (9%)
039        40     6     -     -    10     3     2     1     -    62
   04/06  (65%) (10%)             (16%)  (5%)  (3%)  (2%)      
043        95    14    22     2    74     2    15     5     5   234
   04/05  (41%)  (6%)  (9%)  (1%) (32%)  (1%)  (6%)  (2%)  (2%)
045       204    24    42    12   114     9    51     -     2   458
   04/05  (45%)  (5%)  (9%)  (3%) (25%)  (2%) (11%)        (0%)
046       224    36    32     9   140     8    53     4     7   513
   04/06  (44%)  (7%)  (6%)  (2%) (27%)  (2%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
047       124    35    28    16    88     5    23     3     1   323
   04/07  (38%) (11%)  (9%)  (5%) (27%)  (2%)  (7%)  (1%)  (0%)
048        18     1     4     1     6     -     -     -     -    30
   04/07  (60%)  (3%) (13%)  (3%) (20%)                        
049       125    14    28     4   120    10    31     3     2   337
   04/05  (37%)  (4%)  (8%)  (1%) (36%)  (3%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
050       144    15    15     2    86     2    30     2     3   299
   04/05  (48%)  (5%)  (5%)  (1%) (29%)  (1%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
053        29     2     2     1    25     1     2     -     -    62
   04/07  (47%)  (3%)  (3%)  (2%) (40%)  (2%)  (3%)            
057         5     -     1     -   136     8    34     1     1   186
   04/05   (3%)        (1%)       (73%)  (4%) (18%)  (1%)  (1%)
059         -     -     1     -    62     -     7     -     -    70
   04/06               (1%)       (89%)       (10%)            
063         2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -   114
   04/05   (2%)  (4%)  (1%)       (68%)  (9%) (17%)            
065         9     -     -     -    57     1    19     1     -    87
   04/06  (10%)                   (66%)  (1%) (22%)  (1%)      
066         2     1     -     -    83     4    13     -     1   104
   04/08   (2%)  (1%)             (80%)  (4%) (13%)        (1%)
067         4     2     -     1    64     3    20     -     1    95
   04/08   (4%)  (2%)        (1%) (67%)  (3%) (21%)        (1%)
070         9     3     -     -   107     6    26     1     -   152
   04/05   (6%)  (2%)             (70%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)      
073         3     1     -     3    76     2    16     -     -   101
   04/06   (3%)  (1%)        (3%) (75%)  (2%) (16%)            
076         -     -     -     2    79     5    18     -     1   105
   04/08                     (2%) (75%)  (5%) (17%)        (1%)
083         -     -     -     -    79     1    15     -     3    98
   04/05                          (81%)  (1%) (15%)        (3%)
087         2     1     -     4   130    13    32     -     1   183
   04/06   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (71%)  (7%) (17%)        (1%)
089         2     2     -     4   149     5    43     2    12   219
   04/05   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (68%)  (2%) (20%)  (1%)  (5%)
100         7     -     -     1   132     -    49     -     5   194
   04/05   (4%)              (1%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
103         5     -     -     -   136     -    36     -     -   177
   04/06   (3%)                   (77%)       (20%)            
105         5     -     1     -   131    27    35     -    11   210
   04/05   (2%)        (0%)       (62%) (13%) (17%)        (5%)
117         -     -     -     -   110    36    38     -     6   190
   04/06                          (58%) (19%) (20%)        (3%)
124         -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1   259
   04/05         (4%)             (67%)  (0%) (29%)        (0%)
150         3     1     -     -   123    13    33     1     4   178
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (69%)  (7%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
200        15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
   04/05  (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
271         -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21   228
   04/05         (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (54%) (19%) (15%)  (1%)  (9%)
273         4     2     -     -   113    70    42     4     4   239
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (47%) (29%) (18%)  (2%)  (2%)
275         4     1     -     -   108    39    42     4    15   213
   04/06   (2%)  (0%)             (51%) (18%) (20%)  (2%)  (7%)
total    1869   311   306    91  3215   338   973    41   141  7285
          (26%)  (4%)  (4%)  (1%) (44%)  (5%) (13%)  (1%)  (2%)
Could you add 276?

My wife's and my cases: WAC-02-276-5xxxx

RD/ND: 9/11/2002
I-140 Approved: 1/14/2003

kashmir, You did a great job. It's really helpful.

Would you please add wac-02-062-5xxx and wac-02-206-5xxxx


Originally posted by kashmir
Some people had requested me to scan case status for specific date.

I understand that everyone on this forum are suffering from the I485 processing delay at BCIS CSC
and that some cases are very critical.

However, BCIS Online seems to limit the number of inquiries up to 1,000 times per IP address.
I am using several proxy servers, but it has still limitation
because it takes a longer time due to overhead
and only a few proxy servers support HTTPS.

I'm very sorry but I cannot deal with each request
for the above reason.

Even if you cannot handle proxy servers,
you can still scan 1,000 cases per day.
Posting your result (or e-mail to me is OK) would help all I485 applicants having been waiting for a long time,
including yourself.

One inquiry through proxy server takes 3 seconds in average.
It means 10,000 inquiries take almost 8 hours.
A single date includes 4,514 cases in average,
so I can scan only one or two dates per day.

One inquiry without proxy takes only one second even if executing sleep() per inquiry,
so you can inquire 1000 cases for less than 30 minutes by yourself.

Some people had already scanned with his/her own risk, and posted the result at this thread.
If you would post or send me the output of kashmir1.jar,
I may give priority to that date.
Note that the table that Kashmir has posted has the following:

The range from WAC020-032 WAC0203-057 has more number of 485 applications .. even upto 300 .. Could contribute to the current delay of JIT as well ..

the number of applications decline for later numbers ..
