Project Kashmir:WAC-02 all I485 case status

HI, This is great job by all my fellow " waiters" for GC especially Kashmir

. Can someone include wac - 02 - 126 in this list plzzzzzzzz.

Thanks in ADVANCE!! Waiting anxiously to see something about it

Very Anxious Dumbo!!
RD : FEB 25/2002
ND : MAR 04/2002
help out - run the scan yourself

First Off - Fantastic Job Kashmir.

For all those that keep asking "someone" to run this day or that day. Please go back and read his messages, he can't do it! He's got enough to do in what he's providing for us.


In stead of asking "someone" to run it - YOU RUN IT, then give the results to Kashmir.

For those that don't know how to run the script, Off-Patience has created it which runs in excel. (see attachment at the bottom of this post, it has the script)

If you need instructions on how to run the script go here:

For anyone who is on any of the affected days we don't have WAC numbers for, please run them and send Kashmir the results.


I am wondering if you can do this.

Modify your app so it scans the status on all 02 series like a time delay camera .. real real slow ..

and at any given time gives you the progress that has been over say the past 2 weeks .. snapshot right then.

Reason I say this, coz the site is taking a dump lately and I'd hate to loose the facility of being able to scan at all .. :rolleyes: .. plus, with your program we can create an app to give an overall 02 series status .. if we are careful enough to do a time delay scan (like one request every 30 seconds).
:( :( :( :( :confused: :confused:

OK i will try . I thought i had told i am a dumbo! anyway let me do it.
Thanks again anyway. Will not disturb anyone .
02-126 stats

activities in 2003:
3/26/2003 RFE sent
3/20/2003 RFE sent (4 cases)
3/6/2003 RFE sent
2/18/2003 RFE recvd

total 152
not yet approved 152
(4 cases rejected at once are not included)
Last edited by a moderator:
I had no time last night and this morning,
but yesterday, I got 044 list and scanned,
and also, completed 051.
Now, it's in the middle of 052.
I will update these this evening.

I have some idea, so I will post it later, too.
ND022202, thankssssssssssss friend. you are a good man / woman who ever you are. May god bless you!!
02-126 stats
activities in 2003:
3/26/2003 RFE sent
3/20/2003 RFE sent (4 cases)
3/6/2003 RFE sent
2/18/2003 RFE recvd

total 152
not yet approved 152
(4 cases rejected at once are not included)
I'm trying to do my own scan for my I485 but just could not do it,

getting too much errors. please help...

wac 02 1735 xxxx, RD is apr 2002...

thanks for everyone here..making my wait a little bearable..:(
WAC-02-044,051,052,126,137,143 status as of 4/9,10

WAC-02-044 status as of 04/09/2003
Approved/Completed ... 269 (45%)
Transferred ..........  51 ( 9%)
RFE Received .........  50 ( 8%)
RFE Sent .............   9 ( 2%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 169 (28%)
FP Sent ..............   8 ( 1%)
Received .............  37 ( 6%)
Denied/Withdrawn .....   4 ( 1%)
Misc .................   3 ( 1%)
Total ................ 600

WAC-02-051 status as of 04/09/2003
Approved/Completed ...  39 (25%)
Transferred ..........  16 (10%)
RFE Received .........  18 (12%)
RFE Sent .............   5 ( 3%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  52 (33%)
FP Sent ..............   4 ( 3%)
Received .............  16 (10%)
Misc .................   6 ( 4%)
Total ................ 156

WAC-02-052 status as of 04/10/2003
Approved/Completed ...   8 (15%)
Transferred ..........  10 (19%)
RFE Received .........   3 ( 6%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  17 (33%)
FP Sent ..............   2 ( 4%)
Received .............  11 (21%)
Misc .................   1 ( 2%)
Total ................  52

WAC-02-126 status as of 04/10/2003
RFE Received .........   1 ( 1%)
RFE Sent .............   6 ( 4%)
Resumed/FP Received .. 115 (76%)
FP Sent ..............   5 ( 3%)
Received .............  24 (16%)
Total ................ 151

WAC-02-137 status as of 04/10/2003
RFE Sent .............   4 (13%)
Resumed/FP Received ..  21 (66%)
FP Sent ..............   2 ( 6%)
Received .............   5 (16%)
Total ................  32

WAC-02-143 status as of 04/10/2003
Resumed/FP Received ..  29 (58%)
Received .............  18 (36%)
Misc .................   3 ( 6%)
Total ................  50
WAC-02 status table as of 4/11/2003

WAC02    Aprv         RFE   RFE    FP    FP  Appl  Dend             
 scanned Cmpl  Trns  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Sent  Rcvd  Wtdr  Misc Total
001       224    25    10     2    17     1    19     1     4   303
   04/08  (74%)  (8%)  (3%)  (1%)  (6%)  (0%)  (6%)  (0%)  (1%)
002        20    17     3     -     4     -     1     -     9    54
   04/08  (37%) (31%)  (6%)        (7%)        (2%)       (17%)
003        17     2     1     2     7     -     -     -     3    32
   04/08  (53%)  (6%)  (3%)  (6%) (22%)                    (9%)
008         2     -     -     -     -     -     -     1     -     3
   04/08  (67%)                                     (33%)      
009        76     6     -     2    10     -     4     -     -    98
   04/08  (78%)  (6%)        (2%) (10%)        (4%)            
010        90     2     3     -     5     -     3     1     -   104
   04/08  (87%)  (2%)  (3%)        (5%)        (3%)  (1%)      
014         2     -     -     -     -     1     -     -     -     3
   04/08  (67%)                         (33%)                  
015         -     -     -     -     -     -     2     -     -     2
   04/08                                     (100%)            
019         -     1     -     -     -     1     1     -     -     3
   04/08        (33%)                   (33%) (33%)            
020         6     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     6
   04/08 (100%)                                                
subtotal  437    53    17     6    43     3    30     3    16   608
          (72%)  (9%)  (3%)  (1%)  (7%)  (0%)  (5%)  (0%)  (3%)
031        16     9     5     1    10     -     4     -     -    45
   04/08  (36%) (20%) (11%)  (2%) (22%)        (9%)            
032        77    14    20     4    63     4    19     -     2   203
   04/08  (38%)  (7%) (10%)  (2%) (31%)  (2%)  (9%)        (1%)
035       129    38    33     3    59     2    34     -     1   299
   04/09  (43%) (13%) (11%)  (1%) (20%)  (1%) (11%)        (0%)
036        45     7    24     5    32     -    11     4     -   128
   04/09  (35%)  (5%) (19%)  (4%) (25%)        (9%)  (3%)      
037        66    11    16     8    34     2     7     -     7   151
   04/09  (44%)  (7%) (11%)  (5%) (23%)  (1%)  (5%)        (5%)
038        24     2     4     2    14     -     5     -     5    56
   04/09  (43%)  (4%)  (7%)  (4%) (25%)        (9%)        (9%)
039        40     6     -     -    10     3     2     1     -    62
   04/09  (65%) (10%)             (16%)  (5%)  (3%)  (2%)      
043        98    14    21     3    73     2    13     5     5   234
   04/09  (42%)  (6%)  (9%)  (1%) (31%)  (1%)  (6%)  (2%)  (2%)
044       269    51    50     9   169     8    37     4     3   600
   04/09  (45%)  (9%)  (8%)  (2%) (28%)  (1%)  (6%)  (1%)  (1%)
045       204    24    43    11   116     9    49     -     2   458
   04/09  (45%)  (5%)  (9%)  (2%) (25%)  (2%) (11%)        (0%)
046       225    39    30     9   138     8    53     4     7   513
   04/09  (44%)  (8%)  (6%)  (2%) (27%)  (2%) (10%)  (1%)  (1%)
047       124    33    30    15    87     5    25     3     1   323
   04/11  (38%) (10%)  (9%)  (5%) (27%)  (2%)  (8%)  (1%)  (0%)
048        18     1     4     1     6     -     -     -     -    30
   04/11  (60%)  (3%) (13%)  (3%) (20%)                        
049       124    18    27     3   121     9    30     3     2   337
   04/11  (37%)  (5%)  (8%)  (1%) (36%)  (3%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
050       148    11    12     3    84     2    34     2     3   299
   04/11  (49%)  (4%)  (4%)  (1%) (28%)  (1%) (11%)  (1%)  (1%)
subtotal 1607   278   319    77  1016    54   323    26    38  3738
          (43%)  (7%)  (9%)  (2%) (27%)  (1%)  (9%)  (1%)  (1%)
051        39    16    18     5    52     4    16     -     6   156
   04/09  (25%) (10%) (12%)  (3%) (33%)  (3%) (10%)        (4%)
052         8    10     3     -    17     2    11     -     1    52
   04/10  (15%) (19%)  (6%)       (33%)  (4%) (21%)        (2%)
053        29     2     2     1    25     1     2     -     -    62
   04/11  (47%)  (3%)  (3%)  (2%) (40%)  (2%)  (3%)            
054        21     6     9     1    52     5    16     1     2   113
   04/08  (19%)  (5%)  (8%)  (1%) (46%)  (4%) (14%)  (1%)  (2%)
055         8     4     -     -    63     3     5     -     3    86
   04/08   (9%)  (5%)             (73%)  (3%)  (6%)        (3%)
057         5     2     1     -   134     8    34     1     1   186
   04/11   (3%)  (1%)  (1%)       (72%)  (4%) (18%)  (1%)  (1%)
059         -     -     1     1    61     -     7     -     -    70
   04/11               (1%)  (1%) (87%)       (10%)            
063         2     5     1     -    77    10    19     -     -   114
   04/11   (2%)  (4%)  (1%)       (68%)  (9%) (17%)            
065         9     -     -     -    57     1    19     1     -    87
   04/11  (10%)                   (66%)  (1%) (22%)  (1%)      
066         2     1     -     -    83     4    13     -     1   104
   04/08   (2%)  (1%)             (80%)  (4%) (13%)        (1%)
067         4     2     -     1    64     3    20     -     1    95
   04/08   (4%)  (2%)        (1%) (67%)  (3%) (21%)        (1%)
070         9     3     -     -   107     6    26     1     -   152
   04/11   (6%)  (2%)             (70%)  (4%) (17%)  (1%)      
073         3     1     -     3    76     2    16     -     -   101
   04/11   (3%)  (1%)        (3%) (75%)  (2%) (16%)            
subtotal  139    52    35    12   868    49   204     4    15  1378
          (10%)  (4%)  (3%)  (1%) (63%)  (4%) (15%)  (0%)  (1%)
076         -     -     -     2    79     5    18     -     1   105
   04/08                     (2%) (75%)  (5%) (17%)        (1%)
083         -     -     -     -    79     1    15     -     3    98
   04/05                          (81%)  (1%) (15%)        (3%)
087         2     1     -     4   130    13    32     -     1   183
   04/06   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (71%)  (7%) (17%)        (1%)
089         2     2     -     4   149     5    43     2    12   219
   04/05   (1%)  (1%)        (2%) (68%)  (2%) (20%)  (1%)  (5%)
100         7     -     -     1   132     -    49     -     5   194
   04/05   (4%)              (1%) (68%)       (25%)        (3%)
subtotal   11     3     -    11   569    24   157     2    22   799
           (1%)  (0%)        (1%) (71%)  (3%) (20%)  (0%)  (3%)
103         5     -     -     -   136     -    36     -     -   177
   04/06   (3%)                   (77%)       (20%)            
105         5     -     1     -   131    27    35     -    11   210
   04/05   (2%)        (0%)       (62%) (13%) (17%)        (5%)
117         -     -     -     -   110    36    38     -     6   190
   04/06                          (58%) (19%) (20%)        (3%)
124         -    10     -     -   173     1    74     -     1   259
   04/05         (4%)             (67%)  (0%) (29%)        (0%)
subtotal   10    10     1     -   550    64   183     -    18   836
           (1%)  (1%)  (0%)       (66%)  (8%) (22%)        (2%)
126         -     -     1     6   115     5    24     -     -   151
   04/10               (1%)  (4%) (76%)  (3%) (16%)            
137         -     -     -     4    21     2     5     -     -    32
   04/10                    (13%) (66%)  (6%) (16%)            
143         -     -     -     -    29     -    18     -     3    50
   04/10                          (58%)       (36%)        (6%)
150         3     1     -     -   123    13    33     1     4   178
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (69%)  (7%) (19%)  (1%)  (2%)
subtotal    3     1     1    10   288    20    80     1     7   411
           (1%)  (0%)  (0%)  (2%) (70%)  (5%) (19%)  (0%)  (2%)
200        15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
   04/05  (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
subtotal   15     1     2     -    44     -    10     -     3    75
          (20%)  (1%)  (3%)       (59%)       (13%)        (4%)
271         -     2     1     1   124    43    34     2    21   228
   04/05         (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (54%) (19%) (15%)  (1%)  (9%)
273         4     2     -     -   113    70    42     4     4   239
   04/05   (2%)  (1%)             (47%) (29%) (18%)  (2%)  (2%)
275         4     1     -     -   108    39    42     4    15   213
   04/06   (2%)  (0%)             (51%) (18%) (20%)  (2%)  (7%)
subtotal    8     5     1     1   345   152   118    10    40   680
           (1%)  (1%)  (0%)  (0%) (51%) (22%) (17%)  (1%)  (6%)
total    2230   403   376   117  3723   366  1105    46   159  8525
          (26%)  (5%)  (4%)  (1%) (44%)  (4%) (13%)  (1%)  (2%)
Kashmir : A Job Well Done

But still I would say that u scan till WAC-02-075 only
Since these cases need to processed first. Also It will be easier for you to post the status on a daily basis for these cases.

the script you use

kashmir, could you post your script that you used? I can use it to scan some numbers that you don't. Thanks a lot.

Re: 02-126 list

Originally posted by ND022202
Kashmir, pls add it to the collection :)
Hi, ND022202,
Thanks for your posting WAC-02-126 I485 list.
It includes 151 I485 case numbers.
But you posted:
Originally posted by ND022202
activities in 2003:
3/26/2003 RFE sent
3/20/2003 RFE sent (4 cases)
3/6/2003 RFE sent
2/18/2003 RFE recvd

total 152
not yet approved 152
(4 cases rejected at once are not included)
There seem to be 152 I485 cases.
Can you let me know the missing number ?
Correct count is 151. In that post, I counted header row by mistake in my Excel worksheet, sorry about that.