• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Private Bill to allow 22000 selectees to get their status without using 50,000 DV visas

Why only 22000 must be given the go ahead? What of the other winners who didn't get the chance to check their status? Should their win just be evaporated because they didn't check the results like the 22000? Is your win more valid than theirs?
Amazing rationale being displayed here.
Why only 22000 must be given the go ahead? What of the other winners who didn't get the chance to check their status? Should their win just be evaporated because they didn't check the results like the 22000? Is your win more valid than theirs?
Amazing rationale being displayed here.
Exactly! Besides - I think 22K is very rough estimate and they don't really know the exact number and CNs of "winners".
Why only 22000 must be given the go ahead? What of the other winners who didn't get the chance to check their status? Should their win just be evaporated because they didn't check the results like the 22000? Is your win more valid than theirs?
Amazing rationale being displayed here.

Or the millions screwed over by an UNFAIR selection process? It a little surprising that the following peice of information is conistently getting ignored 'The results were not valid because they did not represent a fair, random selection of entrants, as required by U.S. law'.

I noticed that you're a DV2011 winner.
I heard that DV2011 was also found that there was the SAME GLITCH.
If so, you are the lucky one chosen by the UNFAIR selection.

Obviously they used the same program/algorithm from the previous year(s). They didn't say they had a problem with a "wrong" selection in last year's DV lottery, that means there is no reason they would have changed the program from last year. That means the program used is the same as last year.

And logically if there is a problem with this year's results and the same program was used last year they should void last year's and other years' results when the same program was used. They must have been unlawful so GCs should be revoked.
We'll see about that. I am already writing to major USA newspapers, I am sure the issue will hit the mainstream media in the weeks to come. I am not the only one, remember there are 22000 who were screwed up and treated as animals, and many of them have families. That is already a formidable number of upset people.
why dont you write directly to FBI?? i believe they would be interested in this forum and possible you can do it for the justice.
Why only 22000 must be given the go ahead? What of the other winners who didn't get the chance to check their status? Should their win just be evaporated because they didn't check the results like the 22000? Is your win more valid than theirs?
Amazing rationale being displayed here.

Well said.
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Obviously they used the same program/algorithm from the previous year(s). They didn't say they had a problem with a "wrong" selection in last year's DV lottery, that means there is no reason they would have changed the program from last year. That means the program used is the same as last year.

And logically if there is a problem with this year's results and the same program was used last year they should void last year's and other years' results when the same program was used. They must have been unlawful so GCs should be revoked.

That sounds like even more people have to give up their fresh dream and hand in their Greencards....the LAW is the LAW in America.....bladibla...they shouldn't have started this whole thing...It's damaging their reputation and nobody wins or loses anything with this whole chaos...only people's emotions get smashed....****ed up situation if you ask me...the 22K deserve to be further processed....even if it is just from a moral point of view....it's just cruel what the United States do to the initial winners...
I have read Diversity Visa hearings.

There was a guy testifying before Congress about losing his DV win because of State Department's fault.
You can read it on p. 38-45.

I am also very grateful to Senator Saxby Chambliss, the chair of
the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and
Citizenship, for introducing legislation No. S. 2089 that will address
my situation. This targeted legislation will provide welcome
relief to people like myself and my family and others who, during
fiscal years 1998 through 2003, were unable to obtain permanent
residence under the Diversity Visa Program because the fiscal year
ended before their cases were approved. The bill authorizes such
individuals to reopen their cases and continue processing as long
as the Diversity Visas for the fiscal year in which they filed remain

I am very excited to see the positive efforts of Senator Chambliss
and the other Members of the Senate who support those persons
such as myself who have been deprived of legal benefit of permanent
residence by the inaction of the former Immigration Service.
I hope the Senate will move quickly on this legislation. I also hope
that Members of the House of Representatives will quickly introduce
and pass this worthy legislation.

We have to make sure we write to this Senator. Someone please do.
Why only 22000 must be given the go ahead? What of the other winners who didn't get the chance to check their status? Should their win just be evaporated because they didn't check the results like the 22000? Is your win more valid than theirs?
Amazing rationale being displayed here.

I wrote the same thing they ignore it. They're like a dog with the bone.
@anfe80, well said. This 2 guyz are morons and bunch of nitwit. They are jus making noise nd disturbing d peace of this forum with their trash. Empty drums with block heads. Who invited them to dis forum.
I just sent letters to KCC and wrote to congressmen asking complete review and disclosure of what happened. Also I spoke with the representative in my district, and he said he would push for an investigation into the lottery and whether the same computer algorithms were used in previous years and what the statistical distributions were. Since there is a lot of data that DV-2011 was equally unfair and that winners were selected from specific days only, it is not fair to cancel DV-2012 and let DV-2011 or DV-2010 keep their greencards. Remember that the greencard can be revoked at any time if it is found that it was given in error.
Where are you getting at with all this? If that leaks out loads of people will be unhappy and disappointed even the ones who have already gotten their GC. This wouldn't give your winning ticket back to you. Will you be satisfied taking away GC from ppl who won in previous draws?...though I dont think its going to happen at all.
Where are you getting at with all this? If that leaks out loads of people will be unhappy and disappointed even the ones who have already gotten their GC. This wouldn't give your winning ticket back to you. Will you be satisfied taking away GC from ppl who won in previous draws?...though I dont think its going to happen at all.

No. Of course, nobody will take away the greencards of those from DV-2011 or DV-2010. It's just unpractical to revoke 100,000 greencards. What will happen is that they can't just ignore the 22,000 this year if it is found out that the lottery wasn't fair in previous years as well (because if they annul the results this year, then logic and fairness dictates they'd have to do the same for previous years when an erroneous selection algorithm was used.) It just makes a much stronger case to find a fair solution for the 22,000 affected by DV-2012.
What about the ones who didnt get to check their status but they were in the 22000? They will never know therefore they never send their forms to KCC.
it is not fair to cancel DV-2012 and let DV-2011 or DV-2010 keep their greencards. Remember that the greencard can be revoked at any time if it is found that it was given in error.
For sure nobody will ever revoke any of those greencards
We'll see about that. I am already writing to major USA newspapers, I am sure the issue will hit the mainstream media in the weeks to come. I am not the only one, remember there are 22000 who were screwed up and treated as animals, and many of them have families. That is already a formidable number of upset people.
I've been reading your posts in the past two weeks, and I can't believe the attitude and rudeness you have. You must be a Russian.

Thank you! I'm Russian. Thank you for generalizing all of us!!! Thank you!
The main point here is that: with or without a computer error, the selection is still RANDOM.

As this situation is an "error", nobody knew about it. As a result, nobody could gain from it. Nobody knew that applying on the earlier dates would increase your chance. As a result the whole process is still RANDOM.

The selection process is a blackbox. The internal coding is NOT known. As a result people applied at any random time within the given time limits. The code could have selected applicants from any application time period.

This "error" has just ADDED to the RANDOMNESS.

Think of it like this: Assume that each application is a 1 penny coin dropped in a big jar. Also, assume the coins are made of iron. The selection is to be done by opening a hole at the bottom of the jar and let some random coins fall out. The coins falling out are the selected ones.

By "error" there is also a magnet in the jar as well. When the small hole is opened at the bottom of the jar it opens just below the magnet; the few coins (selectees) start falling through the hole. The magnet with all the coins stuck to it also falls through. Nobody knew that there was a magnet ("error") in the jar. So nobody tried to throw their coin next to the magnet.


Noone has been favoured.

There is no reason for the voiding.
The main point here is that: with or without a computer error, the selection is still RANDOM.

As this situation is an "error", nobody knew about it. As a result, nobody could gain from it. Nobody knew that applying on the earlier dates would increase your chance. As a result the whole process is still RANDOM.

The selection process is a blackbox. The internal coding is NOT known. As a result people applied at any random time within the given time limits. The code could have selected applicants from any application time period.

This "error" has just ADDED to the RANDOMNESS.

Think of it like this: Assume that each application is a 1 penny coin dropped in a big jar. Also, assume the coins are made of iron. The selection is to be done by opening a hole at the bottom of the jar and let some random coins fall out. The coins falling out are the selected ones.

By "error" there is also a magnet in the jar as well. When the small hole is opened at the bottom of the jar it opens just below the magnet; the few coins (selectees) start falling through the hole. The magnet with all the coins stuck to it also falls through. Nobody knew that there was a magnet ("error") in the jar. So nobody tried to throw their coin next to the magnet.


Noone has been favoured.

There is no reason for the voiding.

True, there is different reason for voiding the procedure, this error is just an excuse.
True, there is different reason for voiding the procedure, this error is just an excuse.

The reason is that each applicant within the defined geographic location should have an EQUAL chance of winning...the date of application should never have been a factor. It was here and so the process was flawed.

It is pretty easy to understand.