• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Private Bill to allow 22000 selectees to get their status without using 50,000 DV visas

The reason is that each applicant within the defined geographic location should have an EQUAL chance of winning...the date of application should never have been a factor. It was here and so the process was flawed.

It is pretty easy to understand.

Should but it's not in the rules.
Princess Keona, we love you! And LENIN loves you!

It's high time that they banned you, eh? Don't you have anything else to do than keep trolling here? On the other hand, you do contribute a lot to keep these threads alive and at the top of the list....
As paulzorn has said in another thread,

This is what immigration lawyer Ron Gotcher said on another forum regarding this:

"My understanding is that the program took 90 percent of the entries from the first two days and the rest from the remaining pool. I agree that they need to be held accountable and I am most definitely not defending what they did. I just want to inject a bit of reality into the talk of litigation. As someone who has sued the government many, many times I know what is involved. Litigation over this issue is simply a non-starter. A better approach would be to persuade members of Congress to perform their oversight duties and hold hearings on this screw up. "

"The honorable thing to do would be for Congress to allow the people who were notified and who paid their fees to immigrate, and the do another full lottery drawing from the entire applicant pool. "

"This is a pretty high profile mistake. If enough people make noise about it, something will get done. "

This is the forum on immigration-information.com

so we need to write to members of Congress.
A good place to start is by contacting these officials (I already wrote to some of them but we need A LOT MORE people to write.. Come on, people, get organized and write!):

112th Congress Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement

B-353 Rayburn H.O.B.
Tel: 225-3926

The URL is judiciary.house.gov /about/subimmigration.html (sorry I'm not allowed to post it yet, somebody else please remove spaces and repost)

Please note that before you write, you need to make sure the person who you're writing to is not ANTI-IMMIGRANT (not that it really matters, but otherwise they won't really do anything).

From the people above, Rep. Zoe Lofgren has done a lot for immigrants in the past years (and in the 2007 visa bulleting fiasco, she managed to convince USCIS to accept applications for AOS based on a similar screw-up).

This is her URL lofgren.house.gov / index.php (please removes spaces and repost correctly)

Please note that to send her a message now you need a ZIP code from 16th the district of California (see census.gov /geo /www /cd108th/CA /zcta_c8_06.pdf for ZIP/postal codes by district if you're not sure.) This didn't use to be the case in past years, but now she gets a lot of email because of her strong influence on immigration questions. For example San Jose, CA 95111-2132 is in the 16th district. I am a constituent and I wrote her but we need a lot more people so we can be heard. If you're not from there, i.e San Jose, CA, just use a ZIP code from the 16th district, like 95111-2132. Otherwise your message probably won't be read. She is on the Immigration subcommittee and can do a lot!!! She's a long-time proponent for immigrants and has defended the DV lottery many times. As a representative, she can send a letter to DoS and subpoena all the explanations and data, and she can nudge them in the right direction. (That's what she did in 2007 for the visa bulletin scandal which she helped a lot in resolving beneficially for all immigrants.)
If I were DOS, I would immediately delete the information about the wins that were never accessed via website. Then nobody would ever be able to figure out who won the rest (other than those 22,000.
Also, it is very much obvious that the algorithm was very much different last year and before. Why they changed it - I still think my guess could still be correct. If that is the case, the same thing would happen in each reagion (even though those days in each region would be different)
If I were DOS, I would immediately delete the information about the wins that were never accessed via website. Then nobody would ever be able to figure out who won the rest (other than those 22,000.
Also, it is very much obvious that the algorithm was very much different last year and before. Why they changed it - I still think my guess could still be correct. If that is the case, the same thing would happen in each reagion (even though those days in each region would be different)

They are not going to delete them. It was discussed in another thread somewhere. In the event of a congressional inquiry it would be tantamount to destruction of evidence. They will most likely keep all evidence for years to come.
They are not going to delete them. It was discussed in another thread somewhere. In the event of a congressional inquiry it would be tantamount to destruction of evidence. They will most likely keep all evidence for years to come
I do not think so. If the results are invalidated, they could be destroyed. DOS has to conduct DV lottery program and in case if finally goes well, they do not need to keep intermediate results.
However, if it is a failure finally, they might need those intermediate results to show effort.
If someone is writing a letter right now, I came across some good quotes to put in the letter:

The procedures and the reliability of Diversity Visa notifications, from the time it is first posted through the start of the fiscal year when winners can start processing, are completely entrenched. It is reasonable for people to depend on their government not to play fast and loose with a procedure that has been in place for years. Believing in early May that they could file their immigration paperwork, many families changed their travel plans, scheduled appointments with civil surgeons to undertake expensive, mandatory medical tests, hired law firms to file the immigration papers, and otherwise expended substantial time, effort, and money to file for their immigration visas.

We believe that the government slamming the door on thousands of applicants deprives them of the life, liberty or property without due process of law. Hence, there is the talk of a potential class action lawsuit against the U.S. government for accountability, and to require consistency and transparency in their dealings with the public.

"the Departments of State and Homeland Security have seriously undermined the stability and predictability of U.S. immigration law."

Individuals and Employers Suffered Substantial Damages

The actions experienced by winners include: canceling foreign travel or abrupt arrangements to return to the U.S., expenses for medical exams and other supporting documentation, expenses for legal fees, travel for medical exams, time off from work, and the list goes on. We also know that winners relied on the Diversity Visa notification to make strategic decisions in connection with their immigration matters that are now to their detriment.

National Press

The matter has also been covered in the national press. Articles appeared in the Washington Post and the New York Times. The articles cover several key points, for example, they include the fact that the actions of the USCIS impacted individuals and families who were following the rules and were doing everything legally. The Washington Post article raises the question of xxxxxxxx.
They have to keep the previous result because they are going to face some count hearings and investigations.
I do not think so. If the results are invalidated, they could be destroyed. DOS has to conduct DV lottery program and in case if finally goes well, they do not need to keep intermediate results.
However, if it is a failure finally, they might need those intermediate results to show effort.
They have to keep the previous result because they are going to face some count hearings and investigations
Nope. Only the final results are official and subject to congressional review. Failed attempts to fulfill the job are not as long as they finally succeed within the time allowed.
I do not think so. If the results are invalidated, they could be destroyed. DOS has to conduct DV lottery program and in case if finally goes well, they do not need to keep intermediate results.
However, if it is a failure finally, they might need those intermediate results to show effort.
Unless there's a litigation hold on that data.
..you guys are watching too much legal drama on tv
this is US everything here runs on money ..collect about 20-30 million dollars and presto ..you will get your DV results reinstated
everything else ...keep dreaming on ....just like millions of educated kids who are here ilegaly dream about DREAM ACT ...ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN !!

piece of advice ..be cool and go on with your life in your country and forget about US
Hey why are you arguing about such things? It's just a LUCK to win or not to win. And secondly instead of complaining this people why don't you just say thanks to the State Department of US, the US government for organizing such a nice thing called DV Lottery for 50.000 people annually. Don't be ungrateful. Show some respect for those who weren't selected on May 1st, It is unfair for them as well.