Predicted Priority Dates for final quarter of FY2005

Count Me In

Guys, I have not been to this forum ever, but I am passive reader of this forum. I am all game with you guys to contact the senator or congress or any other person. so that the pain of 485 goes away, first it took 3 and a half year for the LC to get approved and after that waiting for another couple years, that sucks.

I agree to write a letter or hire a attorney to have our word out, ( You can include GCEEKER also for this as he is a good friend of mine)
I am in on this too. Guys since we all want to achieve the same. Pl. give a thought to the following:

a. Current situation can be only resolved through some bill in congress, either to increase the quota or capture all the old visa numbers or both.

b. This means through our requests to senators and congressmen we are asking them to create a bill simialr to what they did it for nurses to achieve the task

Here is my two cents, they already have a bill in congress which does just this. That is Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005" .

Of course this has many other things along with what we need. But guys think, The name is politically choosen and has a very good chance that they will pass that. There may be a very little or no chnace of introducing a bill other than this.

So why not we promote this and get what we need?
Big guns

This is not to undermine anyones efforts to tackle this problem but just my opinions. I think we should write emails to the CEO's (difficult to get their email ids) of big tech companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, IBM, Dell, HP, some in Financial industry like JP Morgan, Bear Stearns, Merrill and some other important industry look into this matter and determine if they are loosing anything by the limited numbers available right now.

Nurses got the numbers increased because of Hospitals proved how they are short handed without them. They infact had scared the shit of gov. saying that so many american patients will be without nurses attending them by so and so year. Tech companies should also come out with such numbers how US economy and US as a nation is going to loose the advantage.

I remember once Bill Gates saying that he does not mind shifting his HQ and research center to Canada if there is no free flow of talent (Human Talent) to US. Remember how Clinton administration had to bow to the pressure from business (tech) lobby to increase the H1b numbers to 195k for 3 years in the past. My friends, US is a capitalist country and there is no room for emotions. The country of emotions is India (from where most of us belong). US gov. will do anything her business wants and will go to any extent for her financial benefit. So whoever is lobbying should be able to give those facts and figures to gov. and explain how US is loosing financially as well as how she is loosing her charm of technological edge to other developing nations. This can only be done by business owners.

So what most of us can do??? Write an email to CEO's of our companies asking them to look into this matter and see if they can do anything about it. I think we should pull the right strings to score MUSIC (noise) and lobby. As part of my opinion I had already written an email to my CEO explaining what kind of pain we are experiencing. I do not know what he can do but if 100-200 people write to him within the company then I am sure atlease he will invest some time to check with HR whats going on right?

I am open for crticism coz that brings in more useful thoughts.

Just my opinions.
I Did My Job


LaborCleared said:
This is not to undermine anyones efforts to tackle this problem but just my opinions. I think we should write emails to the CEO's (difficult to get their email ids) of big tech companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, IBM, Dell, HP, some in Financial industry like JP Morgan, Bear Stearns, Merrill and some other important industry look into this matter and determine if they are loosing anything by the limited numbers available right now.

Nurses got the numbers increased because of Hospitals proved how they are short handed without them. They infact had scared the shit of gov. saying that so many american patients will be without nurses attending them by so and so year. Tech companies should also come out with such numbers how US economy and US as a nation is going to loose the advantage.

I remember once Bill Gates saying that he does not mind shifting his HQ and research center to Canada if there is no free flow of talent (Human Talent) to US. Remember how Clinton administration had to bow to the pressure from business (tech) lobby to increase the H1b numbers to 195k for 3 years in the past. My friends, US is a capitalist country and there is no room for emotions. The country of emotions is India (from where most of us belong). US gov. will do anything her business wants and will go to any extent for her financial benefit. So whoever is lobbying should be able to give those facts and figures to gov. and explain how US is loosing financially as well as how she is loosing her charm of technological edge to other developing nations. This can only be done by business owners.

So what most of us can do??? Write an email to CEO's of our companies asking them to look into this matter and see if they can do anything about it. I think we should pull the right strings to score MUSIC (noise) and lobby. As part of my opinion I had already written an email to my CEO explaining what kind of pain we are experiencing. I do not know what he can do but if 100-200 people write to him within the company then I am sure atlease he will invest some time to check with HR whats going on right?

I am open for crticism coz that brings in more useful thoughts.

Just my opinions.



LaborCleared said:
This is not to undermine anyones efforts to tackle this problem but just my opinions. I think we should write emails to the CEO's (difficult to get their email ids) of big tech companies like Microsoft, Cisco, Oracle, IBM, Dell, HP, some in Financial industry like JP Morgan, Bear Stearns, Merrill and some other important industry look into this matter and determine if they are loosing anything by the limited numbers available right now.

Nurses got the numbers increased because of Hospitals proved how they are short handed without them. They infact had scared the shit of gov. saying that so many american patients will be without nurses attending them by so and so year. Tech companies should also come out with such numbers how US economy and US as a nation is going to loose the advantage.

I remember once Bill Gates saying that he does not mind shifting his HQ and research center to Canada if there is no free flow of talent (Human Talent) to US. Remember how Clinton administration had to bow to the pressure from business (tech) lobby to increase the H1b numbers to 195k for 3 years in the past. My friends, US is a capitalist country and there is no room for emotions. The country of emotions is India (from where most of us belong). US gov. will do anything her business wants and will go to any extent for her financial benefit. So whoever is lobbying should be able to give those facts and figures to gov. and explain how US is loosing financially as well as how she is loosing her charm of technological edge to other developing nations. This can only be done by business owners.

So what most of us can do??? Write an email to CEO's of our companies asking them to look into this matter and see if they can do anything about it. I think we should pull the right strings to score MUSIC (noise) and lobby. As part of my opinion I had already written an email to my CEO explaining what kind of pain we are experiencing. I do not know what he can do but if 100-200 people write to him within the company then I am sure atlease he will invest some time to check with HR whats going on right?

I am open for crticism coz that brings in more useful thoughts.

Just my opinions.
So Lets Write Letter And Contact Congressman For That

I am in on this too. Guys since we all want to achieve the same. Pl. give a thought to the following:

a. Current situation can be only resolved through some bill in congress, either to increase the quota or capture all the old visa numbers or both.

b. This means through our requests to senators and congressmen we are asking them to create a bill simialr to what they did it for nurses to achieve the task

Here is my two cents, they already have a bill in congress which does just this. That is Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005" .

Of course this has many other things along with what we need. But guys think, The name is politically choosen and has a very good chance that they will pass that. There may be a very little or no chnace of introducing a bill other than this.

So why not we promote this and get what we need?
Involve Big Guns

What you say is true, nothing like a push from the big guns.
The problem is that most of the people who work in these big shot companies wont be able to convince them to do any kind of lobbying. You are giving a good example of how Bill Clinton was forced to expand the H1 quota. Unfortunately these are not the same times. Then every other tech firm (big or samll) were in hiring frenzy and the demand for tech people was huge. Now most of the big guns are happy if your 6 years are over and you have to leave the company. They will make arrangement for you work to be outsourced and hence save more.

There is really no incentive for the big companies to fight today. We are fighting a loosing battle here, but we have no other option but to fight. If we can get the big gus lobbying for us, nothing like it. Otherwise we have to explore other options.

People in these big companies should continue to try their best to convince their CEO's to fight. At the same time look for other options too.
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Lobby for this Bill

Like I suggested earlier, we could also ask our CEO's to speak to senators/congressmen and ask them to support this Bill to increase the IV numbers to 290k from present 140k (if possible more so that it will settle for little less than what is asked). My personal opinion is that if our employers speak to congressmen then that makes a HUGE difference because big business are the ones to donation funds generously for politicians motives and campaigns. What do you gusy say???

I will shoot another email to my company's CEO asking to support this bill. Lets see if I can keep my job or not after writting 2 emails directly asking for help.

What the heck cheer up guys. Remember the New Hampshire Vehicle tag slogan "Live free or die".

I am in on this too. Guys since we all want to achieve the same. Pl. give a thought to the following:

a. Current situation can be only resolved through some bill in congress, either to increase the quota or capture all the old visa numbers or both.

b. This means through our requests to senators and congressmen we are asking them to create a bill simialr to what they did it for nurses to achieve the task

Here is my two cents, they already have a bill in congress which does just this. That is Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act of 2005" .

Of course this has many other things along with what we need. But guys think, The name is politically choosen and has a very good chance that they will pass that. There may be a very little or no chnace of introducing a bill other than this.

So why not we promote this and get what we need?
I agree the times are not same but again that being said most of the layoffs @ big company's are most likely over. There might be some minor shocks here and there. Most of the companies now have retained the best available talent with them. Some companies successfully outsources their IT work offshore and are saving but some failed miseraly. My company is the one who burnt their fingers by outsourcing and stopped it all together. Anyway my assumption is if your employer need you, they will bear you as long as they need you. So make hey while sun shine. Make most of it. Atleast we will have a satisfaction that we tried though we know that we are fight a loosing battle. But to your surprise if you WWIINNNNN? Oh comeon, I can not tell how happy I will be. So let us try in best possible way in our given circumstances.

Good luck to every one. By the way sent 2nd email to my CEO. Not longing for his reply but hoping he should something and urged few of my colleagues who are in similar situations to send him an email to speak to congressmen and support the bill which requesting for increase in IV numbers to 290k. Even if I can generate 10 emails I guess my CEO should talk to HR director and that is what I want. I want to develop some kind of curiosity in my employer.

Guys, Please watch your own situation before emailing your CEO/bossess etc...Please do so at your own risk. If your job is in doubtful situation then I would suggest you to stay calm.

Just my opininos.
Great job, LaborCleared. Everyone needs the spirit like you!!

I know that we are fighting for loosing battle but if everyone unites, then who knows - we might get what we want! Our issues/demand is far more legitimate then making illegals to legals as govt talks. We have paid over $100k in taxes, contributed to economy and development of this country, followed the laws and still suffering severly due to outdated immigration system. So come on guys, we need to take action here!

LaborCleared said:
I agree the times are not same but again that being said most of the layoffs @ big company's are most likely over. There might be some minor shocks here and there. Most of the companies now have retained the best available talent with them. Some companies successfully outsources their IT work offshore and are saving but some failed miseraly. My company is the one who burnt their fingers by outsourcing and stopped it all together. Anyway my assumption is if your employer need you, they will bear you as long as they need you. So make hey while sun shine. Make most of it. Atleast we will have a satisfaction that we tried though we know that we are fight a loosing battle. But to your surprise if you WWIINNNNN? Oh comeon, I can not tell how happy I will be. So let us try in best possible way in our given circumstances.

Good luck to every one. By the way sent 2nd email to my CEO. Not longing for his reply but hoping he should something and urged few of my colleagues who are in similar situations to send him an email to speak to congressmen and support the bill which requesting for increase in IV numbers to 290k. Even if I can generate 10 emails I guess my CEO should talk to HR director and that is what I want. I want to develop some kind of curiosity in my employer.

Guys, Please watch your own situation before emailing your CEO/bossess etc...Please do so at your own risk. If your job is in doubtful situation then I would suggest you to stay calm.

Just my opininos.
Emails to My CEO...

Guys, I am happy to inform you that since last night 11 people in my company who are effected by retrogression confirmed that they too had written to our CEO explaining the painful experiences and trouble. None of us got any response from him but we are spreading this in our office by word of mouth and hopefully few more guys will follow us. Atleast this is small begining from my side. I believe the begining of every big thing is small. Shall keep this forum update with the developments from my side.

Good luck to you guys.
Only Big People Makes Difference




LaborCleared said:
Guys, I am happy to inform you that since last night 11 people in my company who are effected by retrogression confirmed that they too had written to our CEO explaining the painful experiences and trouble. None of us got any response from him but we are spreading this in our office by word of mouth and hopefully few more guys will follow us. Atleast this is small begining from my side. I believe the begining of every big thing is small. Shall keep this forum update with the developments from my side.

Good luck to you guys.
There is already a bill in the house

There is already a bill in the house which is proposing to increase the Immigration EB numbers 290,000 from present 140,000. In our company what we are doing is writting an email directly to our CEO asking his help to talk to senators (politicians) to support this Bill. He is friends with many big politicians and our company does lot of political donations. My aim is to get his attention on this matter and make him to speak to his senator friends to support this bill. How can I succeed in it??? I can succeed only if I can generate lot of interest and convince other GC seekers in my company and make them write an email to CEO urging him to help us out by speaking to senators. Hopefully this will take us some where if many companies CEO's can speak to senators about the kind of pressure they are getting from their employees and if they tell how these companies might loose in particular and the US in general.

I am not an attorney. Just my opinions.
Plan of action at our company

To track how many people had written emails to our CEO urging his help in supporting the bill which proposes to increase the IV EB numbers, I have created a share on my desktop and created a folder "Retrogression Effected People's list" and created a excel spreadsheet. Whoever sends an email to our CEO has to enter their data in this spreadsheet. This spreadsheet consists data like person's full name, work phone number, EB category, PD, Status of his/her GC is in, date email sent to CEO etc...and to my surprise few guys filled in this information and confirmed saying that they sent emails to CEO. Few of them had forwarded me the email too. Till now I have list 17 people in this excel spreadsheet. Looks like this may go a little far than I expected. Still no response from our CEO.

Shall keep you guys updated.

Just my opinions.
Very Good Job


LaborCleared said:
To track how many people had written emails to our CEO urging his help in supporting the bill which proposes to increase the IV EB numbers, I have created a share on my desktop and created a folder "Retrogression Effected People's list" and created a excel spreadsheet. Whoever sends an email to our CEO has to enter their data in this spreadsheet. This spreadsheet consists data like person's full name, work phone number, EB category, PD, Status of his/her GC is in, date email sent to CEO etc...and to my surprise few guys filled in this information and confirmed saying that they sent emails to CEO. Few of them had forwarded me the email too. Till now I have list 17 people in this excel spreadsheet. Looks like this may go a little far than I expected. Still no response from our CEO.

Shall keep you guys updated.

Just my opinions.
There is my little input.

We should never write emails to top executives directly. They or their secrataries do never have time to read all the mails they receive, it is not their fault. Instead email and discuss the matter with your top manager in your group, he should forward the matter to HR or higher authorities, this will give much more weightage and chances are that the problem will be discussed in CEO's presence.

2ndly, there should be a formal petition preferably a web-site, where all the voices can be collected and forwarded to the congress.

Tried this...

Well, like you said I tried to explain this to our group's (Distributed Technologies) SMD who is just few cubicals away from me. But he said he can not escalate this matter as this does not come under his supervision. He only wishsed me good luck and said this is HR or management's call. So, bottomline he was helpless but only was sympathetic and said he would not mind me writting an email requesting some help or attention to HR or management as long as I am within the purview of company email policies and time management meaning not to waste too much of working hours. If HR asks him about this entire issue he said he would endorse it and tell them that he is aware of these emails by few colleagues for help. Thats it.

IBCDesi said:
There is my little input.

We should never write emails to top executives directly. They or their secrataries do never have time to read all the mails they receive, it is not their fault. Instead email and discuss the matter with your top manager in your group, he should forward the matter to HR or higher authorities, this will give much more weightage and chances are that the problem will be discussed in CEO's presence.

2ndly, there should be a formal petition preferably a web-site, where all the voices can be collected and forwarded to the congress.

Conference Call tommorow with Rajiv

LaborCleared said:
To track how many people had written emails to our CEO urging his help in supporting the bill which proposes to increase the IV EB numbers, I have created a share on my desktop and created a folder "Retrogression Effected People's list" and created a excel spreadsheet. Whoever sends an email to our CEO has to enter their data in this spreadsheet. This spreadsheet consists data like person's full name, work phone number, EB category, PD, Status of his/her GC is in, date email sent to CEO etc...and to my surprise few guys filled in this information and confirmed saying that they sent emails to CEO. Few of them had forwarded me the email too. Till now I have list 17 people in this excel spreadsheet. Looks like this may go a little far than I expected. Still no response from our CEO.

Shall keep you guys updated.
Just my opinions.

Nice job LaborCleared in rallying all affected people into writing to your CEO. I hope there are more people here in big companies who can write to their CEO's. I am unfortunaltely working at a Desi Conulting company and they wont be of any help. So I am persuing the only way I can.

There is a conference call tommorow with Rajiv to discuss the issue. I am thinking Rajiv is going to be there on the call. I will be on the call to see what he thinks about this and what action he is proposing.

I am sure others who wrote to whould have been invited to this conference call.
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A good begining indeed

I have a very great news to share. Our CEO responded. He directed his secretary to advise HR SMD to look into this matter and how complicated this is for the company. Also wanted to find out how many employees (numbers) are effected (Retrogression). Secretary in her email said CEO had received total 43 emails with the same kind of problem since last night and this AM. The numbers match because in my excel spreadsheet I have details of 38 people. Secretary had cc'ed every one of us on the email which is sent to HR director. Email also said CEO is not too familiar with this process but asked the HR director to meet him with details next Friday 06/24 and elaborate. I can not blame him for lack of knowledge in this area. Secretary requested all of us not to email him directly for any further issue but can touch base with HR SMD going forward until next Friday. HR SMD will update whenever there is policy decision made but will be in touch with us. This is truly professional. Succeeded in gaining CEO's attention. So, now the ball is in our HR. Lets wait and see what will be outcome. Will keep this forum updated.

I am not an attoryney. Just my opinions.