Port of Entry made tight


New Member
My mom visited US, San Francisco in April 2010 and we are planning a trip for her in April 2011. When she came in April 2010, the officer at immigration took her to the office and asked about why she is visiting and gave her 3 months to stay. We had a medical reason at that time but he told her to not come to US again till 2012. He did not write that anywhere on the Passport or I-94. I am not sure if they note down in their computer.

I heard they sent back somebody right from the airport and gave another couple only 1 month to stay.

Do you think it will be a problem if she comes in April 2011 (for my delivery) ?
Probably. It might look like mom was coming to provide long term childcare. Has she got strong ties back home? That is the crucial point.
You should assume the IO noted his instructions inthe computer.

If she is just coming to meet a new grandchild, a short visit will not be a problem. If she is coming to provide care for child or mother -ie, work illegally for 6 months, she needs to stay home. If you need for her to care for you or the baby, make arrangements to go to her home while it is still safe for you to travel.
Unfortunately, I am not in a position to go to India.

My mom visited us here before this but she always told it was for sight-seeing. Just in this April she told the truth that grand daughter was having surgery. I am thinking it might be ok if she tells she is coming for just sight seeing, as long as its not noted in their system about 2012. She does have lot of property and relations back in India.
Unfortunately, I am not in a position to go to India.

My mom visited us here before this but she always told it was for sight-seeing. Just in this April she told the truth that grand daughter was having surgery. I am thinking it might be ok if she tells she is coming for just sight seeing, as long as its not noted in their system about 2012. She does have lot of property and relations back in India.

It appears that she has a history of coming for other than tourist reasons which is the reason for the comment. Expect it to be noted in her records. She should always tell the truth; who goes sightseeing with a newborn. Is her visit more important than her character? If so, I am so sorry for you all.
It appears that she has a history of coming for other than tourist reasons which is the reason for the comment. Expect it to be noted in her records. She should always tell the truth; who goes sightseeing with a newborn. Is her visit more important than her character. It is really amazing and outstanding.